The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 457 Peony Escapes

Chapter 457 Peony Escapes
Unexpectedly, despite being cautious, I ended up being fooled.

From the beginning, the rebels never thought about surrendering sincerely, but wanted to take away the royal city.

Having lost their last support, they are no longer a match for the rebels.

We can only run away quickly and think of ways to accumulate strength.

"Everyone rush forward and capture Princess Liu Yi and Khan first. We must not let them escape!"

Mo Han knew the importance of the two of them.

As long as these two people are captured, the rest of the army will not dare to continue to resist.

It's just that their desperate efforts to snatch weapons and horses just now allowed the Turkic Khan to take the opportunity to escape back to the city.

After getting the weapons and occupying the city gate, the first thing to do is to quickly capture the Turkic Khan alive.

In addition, when sending troops to occupy important places, you must take advantage of the terrain and expand the results.

Shaoyao knew that even if he fought with them in the city, he would definitely lose.

The opponent's army is too numerous and very fierce.

Gunpowder cannot fully exert its power in the city.

In particular, the quantity of gunpowder was so small that almost all of it was used up during the last war.

The raw materials have not been shipped back yet.

It's really a leaky house and it rains continuously.

The rebels' timing was so coincidental that they had no precautions at all.

Shaoyao could only send troops to resist while sending people to inform them of the news.

Let all the troops gather and retreat through the back door.

Mo Han was worthy of being a great general of the Turks, with a scimitar in his hand that was so airtight that no one could be his equal.

And he rode at the front to boost morale.

After the Turkic Khan returned to the army, he was very unwilling and led his army to start a fierce battle with the rebels in the city.

Shaoyao was unable to lead the battle in person because she was pregnant.

We can only follow behind to defend and direct.

But even so, they were still beaten and retreated, and finally they couldn't bear it anymore and had to abandon the city and retreat.

They only had time to take away some food and craftsmen who made gunpowder.

After leaving the city, we faced the grassland covered with heavy snow.

If a place to live cannot be found in time, it will be difficult for the army to sustain itself.

"I'm so angry that I have the guts to set up traps for taking in these people with good intentions."

The Turkic Khan took a knife and chopped on the ground to vent his anger.

"Father, don't be angry now that things have come to this. What we should think about is heading to Tufeng City as quickly as possible. We can only station the army there first.

Although the area near Tufeng City is relatively desolate, it is our foundation after all.

We can expand our army.

After all, with the method of making gunpowder, as long as we can buy more sulfur and saltpeter from Daxia.

We still have a chance to defeat Mo Han! "

Shaoyao calmly analyzed the current situation and persuaded the Turkic Khan to calm down as much as possible.

The more times like this, the less likely you are to be impulsive.

You must use your own advantages to avoid the opponent's edge.

"What you said makes sense, let's go to Tufeng City first. Since I was able to lead five hundred soldiers to defeat the entire Turks back then, I can still do it now." The Turkic Khan made up his mind and rekindled his fighting spirit.

No one dared to stop and rode quickly forward.

After the rebels took control of the royal city, they immediately sent troops to pursue them.

They knew very well that as long as the Turkic Khan and the princess were still alive.

They can never take it lightly.

The Turkic Khan and the princess must be killed to avoid future troubles.

When the rebels caught up, Shaoyao immediately used artillery and remaining explosive packets to stop the enemy.

The rebels were unprepared and suffered heavy losses in an instant.

Then the Turkic Khan personally led his troops and launched a counterattack against them.

Kill the rebels and flee in defeat.But the Turkic Khan did not dare to continue the pursuit, because all their last bits of gunpowder had been consumed.

Must leave quickly.

The retreating rebels encountered Mo Han coming from behind.

I was very surprised to see them defeated and extremely embarrassed.

"What did you do? You were given an army of [-] and still got beaten back."

Mo Han really wanted to kill the leading general with a knife.

The defeated generals no longer had much fighting power, but their momentum was so high.

It is unbearable that the battle would still be lost in such a situation.

"What you don't know is that Khan's side used explosives and artillery.

They actually also have weapons from Daxia.

We were unprepared and were bombed indiscriminately, causing heavy losses.

Moreover, they took the opportunity to counterattack, and we simply couldn’t hold it back! "

"You bastard, they didn't use gunpowder when they were defending the city. This already shows that he didn't have much gunpowder in his hand.

Maybe all the last gunpowder has been consumed in this single use.

You actually run away in fear at the slightest setback.

I must kill you out of respect for you. "

After saying that, he pulled out the knife and slashed at his neck.

The tribe leader next to him quickly grabbed Mo Han.

"Sir, please calm down. Killing a general in front of the battle is not a good thing. It will easily shake the morale of the army.

It's better to spare his life and let him prove his merits! "

Mo Han didn't want to really kill him, after all, he didn't have many generals who could fight him.

Especially when it comes to employing people.

He put away the knife and said coldly: "If you don't send troops to chase me quickly, if you can't make up for your crime with meritorious service, I will kill you when you come back."

"I obey!" The general quickly got up and mounted his horse, leading his men to pursue him.
Mo Han looked at the vast expanse of white ahead.

“I think they must be fleeing back to Earth Wind City, where their roots are.

After returning, not only will the city wall be defended, but you can also recruit new troops. "Mo Han said in a deep voice.

It is too easy to pursue at this time.

With heavy snow, the army cannot move very fast, and it will leave obvious traces.

As long as you keep following the traces, you will never go the wrong way.

Shaoyao's whole body was wrapped tightly, and she had been thinking about how to escape smoothly.

He said to the Turkic Khan: "Father, if we retreat like this, sooner or later we will be overtaken by the pursuers.

We must find a way to get rid of the pursuers behind us. "

"What else can we do in this situation? There is snow everywhere, and we have nowhere to hide!"

The Turkic Khan was very helpless.

"Er Chen thought of a way! We can tie some sheepskins to the horse's tail.

As you walk over, cover the horse's hoof prints with snow.

Then split into two teams and retreat from other directions.

This will make it impossible for the rebels to tell which way we are going! "Shaoyao explained.

"This is a good idea. As long as there are three roads, they don't know which road to pursue." The Turkic Khan's eyes lit up and he immediately agreed to this method.

“We must not take the shortest route, as we may be overtaken.

The only option is to take the path that the rebels would never think of.Although the journey is longer, at least you can protect your own safety! "

"Okay, just follow your method!" Turkic Khan nodded in agreement.

When Mo Han led the army to catch up, he saw that there were three roads ahead.

His face immediately darkened!

(End of this chapter)

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