The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 458: Smooth Escape

Chapter 458 Escape smoothly
"It must be Princess Liu Yi who can come up with such a method. It actually makes it impossible for us to choose which path to take."

"What should we do? How about we pursue in three directions!" someone asked.

“It’s just nonsense, our army doesn’t have much advantage.

Once the troops are divided to pursue them, wouldn't they be surrounded and suppressed by the Khan and his men? "

Mo Han scolded him loudly.

"Let's think of a way, we must not let them escape smoothly.

Once enough supplies are obtained, it will be extremely difficult to defeat them. "

"Of course I know about this! Judging from what I know about them, it is absolutely impossible to take the nearest road.

Definitely choose one of the other two paths.

As for which one to take, we can only rely on luck! "Mo Han said.

“If we go wrong, it only means we are unlucky!
Return as soon as possible and conquer all other tribes.

Even if they can return to Tufeng City, as long as most of the Turks' territory falls into my hands.

They still have no chance of comeback! "

Mo Han said coldly.

Determined a direction and led the people to quickly catch up.

Shaoyao was leading people forward, and also specially assigned people to check the news at the back.

It is to prevent the enemy from catching up and to be prepared to resist in advance.

A cavalryman quickly caught up with the team and was already panting from exhaustion.

"Lord Khan, Your Highness the Princess, the rebels are catching up again!"

"Damn it, they're still chasing me after this!"

"Father, don't worry!" Shaoyao reassured him first.

Then he asked the scout: "How far away are they?"

"It's only fifty miles away. We'll catch up soon!"

Shaoyao nodded without any panic.

"If we part ways again, their luck can't always be so good!"


Sure enough, after the rebels caught up, they saw three roads appearing in front of them again.

Mo Han's face became even more gloomy.

"It's really disgusting. I didn't expect them to be so careful. They discovered our traces in advance and divided their forces again!"

Three roads were carefully checked and re-covered with snow after leaving.

It's impossible to tell which road it is.

In desperation, I could only rely on luck and randomly choose a road to catch up again.

But this time their luck was not so good. After chasing for a long time, there was no road ahead.

With no choice but to return to the royal city first, what they need to do now is to conquer all other tribes as soon as possible.

Then add some more troops.

Control most of the Turkic territories and wait until the spring of next year to deal with the Turkic Khan.

Both sides are working hard to accumulate their own strength, hoping to defeat the other side in one fell swoop.

Mo Han has taken control of the Turkic coal mines and sent many people to mine.

Sell ​​these coal mines to several surrounding small countries.

Income increased rapidly and a large amount of wealth was accumulated.

As long as you have enough money, you can recruit more people.

Most of the Turkic tribes, although some were sincerely loyal to the Turkic Khan.

But the Turkic Khan was completely defeated, and many tribes were just helpless.

Because their strength is too weak, they can only follow the strong.

For those tribes that were unwilling to surrender, Mo Han directly used military force to suppress them ruthlessly.

Those who are willing to surrender are treated well.

In one winter, Mo Han led these large tribes to conquer most of the tribes.

Several tribes who followed him in rebellion also reaped huge benefits.After a lot of hardships, Shaoyao finally returned to Tufeng City.

When their clansmen saw the clan leader and princess in such a state of embarrassment.

Quickly asked what happened.

The Turkic Khan did not hide anything and told his people what happened.

Of course, the people living here must fully support the Turkic Khan in regaining power.

He immediately packed up the house for the soldiers to live in, and then used the stored grain, cattle and sheep to reward the army.

Life is temporarily guaranteed.

But they cannot relax yet and must strengthen the city wall as soon as possible to wait for the next rebel attack.

At the same time, more young people from the tribe will be recruited into the army to expand the army as soon as possible.

Although the Turkic Khan tried his best to take care of his people, the land here was too desolate.

There is simply no way to feed too many people.

As a result, the population in their tribe has been unable to grow rapidly.

The only advantage is that in this harsh environment, people have very fierce personalities.

This is also the confidence that the Turkic Khan can rely on the support of his tribe to regain the Turks.

Now he plans to start all over again and defeat the rebels again when he's ready.

What's more, now that they have mastered the technology of making gunpowder, as long as they can buy enough materials, they have enough confidence to defeat the rebels.


Lin Hai and his party finally returned to the capital.

Let Qiaoer and the others go home to clean up first, and then he and Lin Tiangui came to the palace.

Report what happened during this time face to face.

Gong Yanwu heard that the steam engine had really been made, and its performance was very good.

She was very surprised.

“It’s incredible that there are ships in the world that can’t use human power.

I want to ride it and have a good experience! "

“It’s too cold right now, and what’s been produced is just a prototype that can only be mounted on a small boat.

Wait until next year to build a big ship and install a larger steam engine.

The Queen Mother can go to Haidong to inspect and experience our Daxia warships personally.

This kind of boat is several times faster than human rowing. Although it is not as fast as a horse, it can sail continuously without stopping.

You can run at least several hundred miles in a day! Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Okay, I will definitely go and check it out personally when the time comes!"

Lin Tiangui said with a smile: "The Queen Mother should indeed go to Haidong to have a look.

Although Lin Hai only stayed there for more than two months.

But the entire Haidong has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Previously, due to oppression by corrupt officials and salt gangs, the local people did not have enough to eat or wear warm clothes.

Now every family has meat to eat, and in addition to supplying the local people, the fish caught can also be sold in other places.

The people have enough to eat and are cultivating fertile fields. They will definitely have a good harvest next year.

There are inexhaustible fish in the sea, and we should indeed develop more fisheries. "

Gong Yanwu nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Looking at Lin Hai's eyes, he was full of tenderness and sweetness.

I feel very proud.

This is her man, no matter what he does, he will never let her down.

“Although there is indeed an endless supply of fish in the sea, the court must promulgate laws as soon as possible.

Strict restrictions must be placed on fishing nets caught in the sea.

Only large fish can be caught, and small fry must be released.

A fishing ban policy must also be implemented during the breeding period of fish to give fish a chance to thrive!
Only by doing this can the people have inexhaustible resources. "

(End of this chapter)

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