The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 456 Rebels capture the city

Chapter 456 Rebels capture the city
"Hurry up and prepare your horse for me. I want to see my father right away!" Shaoyao was very anxious at the moment, and she felt more and more uneasy in her heart.

Regardless of her pregnancy, she ran quickly.

"Your Highness, please slow down a little, and be sure to take care of yourself!" The waiter quickly followed up.

At this moment, the Turkic Khan was still hesitating.

Of course he knew that these more than 1 injured people were a hot potato.

Whether he receives it or not, it is not a good thing for him.

Unexpectedly, he was given such a big problem that could not be solved for a while.

Shaoyao rushed forward quickly on horseback.


"Why are you here? It's such a cold day and you're pregnant. What are you doing outside?"

The Turkic Khan scolded.

Mo Han suddenly looked up when he heard that Shaoyao was pregnant.

At this moment, Shaoyao's abdomen has bulged slightly, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it at a glance.

Mo Han's eyes burst out with strong murderous intent, but he hid it very well and quickly lowered his head.

At this moment, he was extremely angry.

The main reason for this rebellion was because Shaoyao did not agree to his proposal.

But he never thought that Shaoyao was pregnant with another man's child.

Anger nearly destroyed his sanity.

He clenched his fists tightly and vowed to defeat Khan completely.

Catch Shaoyao and make her pay the price for betraying him.

She rejected his proposal and ended up with another man.

Mo Han absolutely couldn't stand it.

But he must continue to endure it now. As long as he agrees to let these wounded soldiers enter the city for treatment, he can easily seize the royal city.

Without the protection of the royal city, the soldiers of the Turkic Khan were not worth mentioning.

"Father, we absolutely cannot allow so many people to enter the city together. The city simply cannot bear so many injured people.

If there are too many casualties, it will cause more serious consequences, and there may even be a plague! Shaoyao said quickly.

"That makes sense. The royal city really can't accommodate so many people. It's better to take these injured back and treat them yourself!"

“Sir Khan, these people are too injured and will surely die if they are taken back.

Please also ask Lord Khan to do your best and save these injured people.

As long as they can save their lives, the general will definitely retaliate with death the next time he deals with Daxia. "

"Lord Khan, these are all your people, please save them!"

"Lord Khan cannot watch his own people die!"

All the clan leaders asked together, and there was a cry of mourning everywhere.

If the Turks don't agree to treat these injured, they will just watch them die in front of them.

Any more publicity will definitely cause a huge blow to the reputation of the Turkic Khan.

The Turkic Khan also found this matter very difficult to handle.

"Liu Yi, what do you think we should do in this situation? Is there any good way to save these injured people without causing trouble to the royal city?" Turkic Khan asked.

“We don’t have medicine to treat burns in the city, so even if we allow them to enter the city, it won’t save their lives.

On the contrary, once a large number of people die, it will cause even more serious consequences! "Shaoyao was determined not to let them enter the city for treatment.

I don't know why, but I always have a frightening feeling.

"Your Highness, if it's because of me, you can punish me.

But you must not ignore death.

These are the Turkic people. "Mo Han shouted loudly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? These seriously injured people cannot be cured at all.

It’s not that this princess refuses to save her. "

"How do you know whether your Royal Highness can save them without trying?
What's more, Her Royal Highness the Princess has always loved the people very much, which is why she turned away the injured.

I don’t understand. Isn’t this revenge on the villains of the soldiers? "

Mo Han roared loudly.

He suddenly stood up and tore his clothes apart.

"If you hate me for leading people to rebel, just kill me. As long as I can save these wounded soldiers, I am willing to pay any price for them."

All the soldiers knelt down and begged for peony.

Shao Yaoming knew that this was Mo Han's plan, but in this situation there was no way to refuse.

Shaoyao is really suffering at the moment and cannot tell.

Mo Han put her on the fire to roast her.

“How about this, the more seriously injured people stay in the city first.

Anyone who could ride away followed the army back to the tribe. "The Turkic Khan thought of a compromise.

It can win people's hearts without having to take in so many wounded people.

Shaoyao sighed helplessly.

It seems that this is the only way to go.

"Thank you, Lord Khan. I will repay you to the death!"

"Don't be too anxious to be happy, there are some things I have to say upfront.

No one is sure whether these seriously injured people can be cured.

We can only let the doctors in the city do their best.

If seriously injured, the person dies.Just give them a sky burial, and no one is allowed to object! "Turkic Khan said.

He said this to solve the problem of what to do after death.

Once the seriously injured person dies, he is pulled out and eaten by wolves or eagles.

This disposal method is the cheapest and most convenient.

"Of course, I'll just follow Lord Khan's orders." Mo Han quickly agreed.

The two sides reached an agreement, and Mo Han quickly asked people to carry stretchers to send the wounded over.

Shaoyao had one more thought and returned to the city.

Let your men keep a close watch and drive these rebels out immediately if something is wrong.

The wounded were carried into the city on stretchers.

Mo Han slowly raised his head, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Yelled: "Do it!"

The people who carried the wounded into the city quickly rushed under the unit price and pulled out the knife.

He slashed at the defender next to him.

Suddenly there was panic all around.

Mo Han also pulled out a scimitar and rushed forward with his men to fight for the city gate.

The soldiers guarding the city were killed before they could react at all.

The rebels quickly picked up their weapons, put on their armors and rushed inside.

Many soldiers did not take off their armor, but covered it with their clothes.

Because the defenders were not prepared at all, they were killed by surprise.

The city gate was quickly seized by the rebels.

The Turkic Khan was startled, and he did not dare to stay outside at this time.

He quickly led his men into the city.

But more and more rebels are coming, and my brother will not die yet.

More and more people rushed into the city.

Shaoyao was pregnant, so she could only command the army to stop the enemy as much as possible.

But these rebels are not afraid of death.

They knew that if they couldn't rush in, there would be no way to survive in the future.

It's a completely desperate way of playing.

The defenders in the city were completely unable to resist.

Shaoyao and his men rescued the Turkic Khan.

Knowing that the situation was over, it was impossible to resist the enemy.

"Father, we have been fooled. We must lead our people to retreat quickly. We cannot resist the rebels at all!" Shaoyao said in great pain.

(End of this chapter)

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