Chapter 193
This is a method of buying lottery tickets carefully calculated by later generations, and it is absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money.

Lin Hai is still confident about this.

"You actually want so much money?" The three women were immediately shocked.

Even if someone buys all the numbers, he can still earn nearly 3 taels of silver.

This is simply profiteering.

"Don't worry, buying lottery tickets is much more fun than going to a gambling house.

Two pennies is nothing to many people. If you can win the first prize, ordinary people will have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

I'm sure many people are willing to buy it.

Even if you spend two pennies in a gambling room, you are not qualified to play at the table, but you can win big with a small amount when buying lottery tickets.

Of course I'm happy if I win, but I don't feel bad if I don't. "

Lin Hai explained with a smile.

"If you follow what you say, this business can be done.

As long as it is advertised in the newspaper, many people will come to buy it, right? "

“The most important thing about selling lottery tickets is to prevent others from cheating!

You probably won't be able to think of fraud at the beginning, so don't worry too much.

A special seal is used on each lottery ticket to prevent counterfeiting.

But as long as someone knows that the profit is large enough, they will find a master of counterfeiting to forge it.

This is a great test for me and us.

I plan to build a paper-making workshop and use my own paper to print lottery tickets.

This way no one can fake it! "

Lin Hai knows many methods of anti-counterfeiting technology.

It wasn’t that easy for the ancients to imitate their own lottery tickets!

“Now that you’ve thought about it all, start selling as soon as possible.”

Princess Chenxi said.

"Issuing lottery tickets is a huge profit, and I plan to hand over most of the profits to the court.

Our newspaper office can only leave two achievements!
Making too much money like this can easily arouse the jealousy of others. This situation can be solved by using the court as a backer. "

Lin Hai said.

Princess Chenxi nodded after hearing this: "This is a good idea, but you really can't be too greedy.

A business that makes such huge profits will definitely cause huge trouble in the future.

If most of the profits are handed over to the court, no matter how courageous someone is, they will not dare to go against the court. "

"When are you going to start selling lottery tickets?"

"I estimate that it will take at least four or five days to prepare. First, I will write a special promotion section about the lottery in the newspaper.

And it must be published in every issue so that as many people as possible can know about it.

Once I'm ready, I'll start publishing it immediately.

In addition, it is unrealistic for everyone to come to the newspaper office to buy newspapers, and several smaller stores must be rented.

We still need to call in some guys for training! "

"Leave this matter to me, don't worry about people's problems!" Princess Chenxi said, patting her chest.

"I estimate that this business can earn 200 to [-] million taels of silver a year at a minimum.

If we were given 10% of the money, there would be several million [-] taels.

So if everyone works harder, you will get dividends when the time comes! Lin Hai said with a smile.

“You are so amazing, you can think of a way to make a lot of money so easily.

In a few years, wouldn't we all become rich people in the capital?

The princess here proposes a toast to you and wishes us success! "Princess Chenxi excitedly raised her wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Lin Hai also picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Several people found the lottery business very novel. After all, this was the first time they heard about it.

Lin Hai carefully explained the various ways of playing the lottery to the three of them, so that they could explain it clearly in the newspaper.

There are also some methods on how to sell, pay on time, and prevent counterfeiting.
They all discuss it together.

Lin Hai adopted many people's suggestions to see if there was a more suitable method.As long as the cost is not too high, adopt them all at once.

After finishing the meal, it was already dark.

Princess Chenxi sent Lin Ruoxue and Miss Xian'er back in a carriage.

Lin Hai took his own carriage home.

When we reached the road, the carriage suddenly jolted violently, and someone dug a ditch on the otherwise smooth road.

Just got the wheel stuck in,

"What's going on?" Lin Hai fell head over heels, feeling very unhappy.

"Sir, I don't know who dug a ditch on the road. I will have someone investigate it carefully when I get back."

Lin Hai felt vaguely uneasy. This thing was too unusual.

Although this road is not the main road, there are many people walking on it.

It was dug up, but it was not reported to Jingzhao Yin Yamen.

Lin Hai became even more keen after having the experience of being assassinated last time.

"Let all brothers take cover quickly and be careful of being ambushed."

Lin Hai suddenly grabbed Wang Dayong's hand and pulled him into the carriage.

Only the whizzing of arrows in the distance was heard, and the sound of piercing the sky pierced the dark night.

Then there was a crackle, and countless bows and arrows were nailed to the carriage.

The poor horse whined and fell to the ground.

"What the hell, one of my good horses was harmed by them again!" Lin Hai couldn't help but cursed.

The other people hurriedly found a place to hide. Some people leaned directly on the corner, and some people simply got under the carriage.

Wang Dayong was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Just now, he had lowered his head to check the situation of the wheel being trapped, and did not consider that someone had set up an ambush.

If Lin Hai hadn't reminded him in time and pulled him into the carriage in time.

I'm afraid he's been shot through the sieve by now.

Lin Hai picked up a crossbow and pressed it into his hand.

"Be careful, wait until the assassin rushes over and then kill him!"

Wang Dayong took the crossbow, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Open the window a little and look outside.

It was completely dark at this moment, and the specific situation in the distance could not be seen at all.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement.

"Has the assassin escaped? Do you want to send someone to the front to check?"

"No, we can't let our brothers die. If the assassin escapes immediately after missing a hit, there is no need to pursue him.

It would be dangerous if they were lying in wait for us to go over and check. "

Lin Hai didn't know if there were any other traps ahead.

Don't dare to send someone there easily.

The only way now is to go back the way we came, at least there are no traps on the way here.

But the enemy may also have thought of this situation, and may have already prepared an ambush behind them.

Lin Hai felt in the dark, opened the secret compartment in the carriage, and took out the gunpowder gun.

Skillfully pour gunpowder and iron sand inside.

I have become very skilled at doing this kind of thing, and can do it quickly with my eyes closed.

Then suddenly a bright light appeared in the distance.

Then more light quickly approached.

"These bastards actually want to attack us with fire attacks." Wang bravely cursed.

It turned out that the assassin did not dare to rush forward directly, fearing that he could not see his opponent clearly in the dark and would not be able to launch an attack.

So they use rockets to shoot at the carriage, which can illuminate the target for attack.

(End of this chapter)

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