The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 192 Issuing Lottery Tickets

Chapter 192 Issuing Lottery Tickets
"Don't be afraid, there are some things that I need to find out from you, and I hope you can cooperate!" Lin Hai said.

"The adults want to ask you something. I will definitely cooperate with you. Please come and sit at home."

We went to the rich man's house together and sat down in the living room.

"May I ask what you call me?" Lin Hai asked.

"Chen Tianhe is from Yuzhou! He lives close to the Tibetan border and often does business with the Tibetan people."

"I see. I heard people said that you came to the capital to escape. Did you realize that Tibet wanted to go to war?"

Chen Tianhe smiled sheepishly after hearing this.

"To be honest with you, I don't dare to confirm this kind of thing, but it's just that it's relatively close to the border.

Generally, we are more sensitive to any changes in the Tibetan garrison.

After so many wars, troops and generals were mobilized every time they fought.

Once they realize something is wrong, everyone packs up their belongings and flees to the interior. "

"Did they also start deploying troops this time?" Lin Hai asked.

"This time is different from the past, it just feels a little weird. After changing their defenses, they mobilized part of the army and headed east and north.

Moreover, the cavalry army deployed was not particularly large.

When it comes to our wealth and life, we don’t dare to be too careless.

No matter what they want to do, whether they will attack us, it is better to be cautious. "

Lin Hai breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Tubo did not attack with all its strength.

But several other enemy countries have also made similar moves, which makes people suspicious.

Could there be friction among these enemy countries?Are we going to start a war with each other?
"Since we know that the border is not safe, how many people are fleeing to the mainland?"Lin Hai asked.

Chen Tianhe shook his head: "Probably not many, ordinary people will not run away until it is critical.

They didn't have much food to begin with, so they would have to beg all the way if they fled.

So most of the people who came this time were wealthy households. "

"Okay, I understand! If there is anything else in the future, I will come back and ask.

Just don’t get bored! "

“Wherever, when you want to ask something, just send someone over to pass it on.

Let the younger one go to the Yamen to meet the adults.

I don’t dare to let the adults come again in person! "

Lin Hai smiled slightly: "As long as you say this, then I won't bother you!"

Chen Tianhe quickly stood up to see him off.

Lin Hai then found several other people who had come to flee and asked them carefully.

I found that most of their answers were similar.

Lin Hai felt relieved now. It turned out to be just a group of frightened birds.

In fact, the enemy country did not send troops against Daxia.

"Sir, we can rest assured now! These are just rumors."

"Don't be careless and mention it to me tomorrow. You must send more people to monitor the enemy's movements at any time.

Now most of our main forces are dealing with the Turks. If these enemy countries stab us in the back.

The prince’s side is in danger! "

Lin Hai's expression was still solemn.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense. As the saying goes, be prepared. It is better for the court to be more prepared."

Lin Hai investigated for most of the day, and it was time for dinner.

Farewell to Wang Chenggang and Zhao Wenfeng.

I plan to go to the newspaper office.

I always feel that something is going to happen at the border. Once a war breaks out, the first thing to prepare is military pay, money and food.

Although tea and those wines can also relieve urgent needs.

But this is just a one-time business transaction and cannot satisfy such a large consumption.

Lin Hai plans to speed up his efforts to make money and publish lottery tickets in newspapers.You must prepare everything in advance to deal with everything that may happen.

When I came to the newspaper office, I saw Lin Ruoxue and Princess Chenxi still busy.

The sales of newspapers are getting better and better, and they have been publishing one edition every two days.

Some bookstores were jealous when they saw the money being made, and they all wanted to publish newspapers.

But they found that not many people bought the newspapers they published.

The common people recognize the headlines in Beijing.

Because there are so many talented people who contribute to Jingcheng Toutiao, poetry evaluation is more authoritative.

Coupled with the appeal of Princess Chenxi, all the famous talents came to Beijing Toutiao.

In addition, the section on Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio written by Lin Hai is also very attractive.

Quite a few people are looking forward to reading the little story above.

Other bookstore owners soon discovered that they were losing money printing newspapers.

After all, there is no letterpress printing, and engraving is required every time, which costs a lot of money.
It would take several days until all the plans were released, and all the information would be out of date.

The efficiency alone has been greatly reduced.

Any bookstore that wanted to make a newspaper lost everything.

No one dares to try it easily anymore.

Lin Ruoxue was very happy when she saw Lin Hai coming to the newspaper office.

She has been busy with the newspaper office these days, and Lin Hai wants to investigate the case.

The two rarely get to talk together.

He quickly put down his work and came to Lin Hai, his face full of joy: "Why do you come to the newspaper office at this time? We are about to get off work!"

"Put everything aside for a moment. I want to discuss making money with you."

As soon as Princess Chenxi heard that she could make money, she immediately cheered up.

"Is there any good way to make money again?"

"I can't explain this in a sentence or two, so let's find a restaurant to eat and chat!"


Lin Ruoxue and Princess Chenxi, Xianer tidied up.

A few people found a good restaurant and ordered some side dishes.

"Tell me what the method of making money is!" Princess Chenxi couldn't wait to know.

"This thing is called a lottery. There are seven numbers in total, so people who buy lottery tickets can combine them at will.

The lottery numbers are registered in the newspaper. If the numbers purchased are the same as the lottery numbers, you can win the jackpot..."

Lin Hai explained the principles of lottery in detail.

Several people had never heard of such a novel thing.

He asked very puzzledly: "Does anyone really buy this kind of thing?"

“Have you ever heard that a small thing can lead to a big thing? This is the truth.

I have completely calculated that a lottery ticket costs two cents.

If all the numbers are correct, you can win up to 5000 taels of silver in one lottery ticket. "

Lin Hai said with a smile.

"What? Two cents can actually earn 5000 taels of silver, wouldn't we lose a lot?"

Princess Chenxi's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on her face.

"I think this is too risky! If someone wins the first prize, then we are at a huge loss.

It is better to make a good newspaper, the income from advertising alone is not low. "Xian'er said.

"How can it be so easy to win the first prize? If you use my method to buy lottery tickets, if you want to buy all the numbers, you will need more than 5000 taels of silver.

No matter how we calculate it, we are guaranteed to make a profit! "

(End of this chapter)

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