The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 191 Frontier Changes

Chapter 191 Frontier Changes
Gong Yanwu agreed very much with this method.

"What you said is absolutely correct, based on the information I have received now.

The prime minister, the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Hubu went to discuss matters together after they retired from the court.

Although it is impossible to find out what was being discussed, it is conceivable that the three people must be very angry at this moment.

It would be great if he could anger the five great families! "

"It's not that easy, they are not fools, and they will never dare to offend the Chen family easily.

I guessed that they might do something against me in the future, just to find some handle on me.

Use every possible means to impeach me.

As long as I lose my official position, it will be much easier for them to deal with me! Lin Hai said with a smile.

"They think so well, even if they find any excuse, they can't dismiss you.

I’m not stupid…”

"That's right, so I don't have to worry anymore. Don't stop them from doing anything they want to do now.

Just collect their criminal evidence, and when one day you can take control of everything, you can deal with these people one by one. "

"Yes, I have taken note of it!"

"Since I have nothing else to do, I will go back first! There are a lot of things going on these days, and there are many cases piled up in the Yamen.

I have to deal with it! "

"Don't worry about the Yamen matters. We've already arrived here. We can't let you go back so easily."

Lin Hai hasn't reacted yet.

Gong Yanwu suddenly stood up and pressed Lin Hai underneath.

Then he lowered his head and kissed her.

After a long time...

Lin Hai staggered out of the secret room with Gong Yanwu.

Lin Hai never expected that he would be pushed back.

Moreover, the seemingly weak Gong Yanwu turned out to be so powerful that she almost fell apart from the torment.

Walking on the road to the palace, you can feel your legs getting weak.

“It must be that I have lacked exercise recently, so my body is a little weak.

Hum, how dare you ride on me.

Next time I will definitely let you know how awesome I am! "

Lin Hai walked and thought about it.

Take a carriage to the Yamen.

Wang Chenggang and Zhao Wenfeng were already admiring Lin Hai.

After offending so many people, his official position is still secure.

Especially when they heard that Lin Hai had offended many officials in the court at the same time.

Including the prime minister, the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Household Affairs.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to keep his official position.

But now, no one can shake him.

This made the two of them look at Lin Hai completely with admiration.

"I've met Mr. Jing Zhaoyin!"

Wang Chenggang saluted respectfully.

"Has anything happened in the capital recently? Are there any cases that are difficult to handle?"

Zhao Wenfeng put the case file recording the case on the table.

"Are there any big cases recently that you can't handle?"

"That's not true. Although some disciples from aristocratic families had disputes, they were quickly resolved.

Since the Lord came, he has dealt with all the disciples of those aristocratic families.

Everything has been much more stable since then!

These are all recent cases, all trivial matters! "

Lin Hai listened to the explanations of the two people while looking at the scroll.

"Sir, there is one more thing I would like to report!"

Wang Chenggang said. "If you have anything to say, just tell me!"

"It's like this. When I was doing household registration statistics recently, I discovered something very strange.

Some people living on the Khitan, Jin and Tubo borders came to the capital.

After questioning, these people seemed to have escaped. "

Lin Hai felt something was wrong. Why did the people from so far away escape to the capital?

"Did you ask what's going on? There won't be a famine at the border at this time, right?"

"After the official found out about this, he felt very strange.

I asked the yamen servant to go over and inquire about it.

I heard these people say that these small countries mobilize their troops more frequently.

The people were worried about a war, so they all fled here.

This kind of thing has happened before, but it was a large-scale escape.

This time it was really strange, there were only a relatively small number of people.

The subordinates did not dare to confirm, so the matter was never reported! "

"We must investigate closely, this matter is not trivial!"

Lin Hai suddenly felt something bad. The people at the border knew the activities of the enemy's army best.

If these enemy countries really make any moves, Lin Tiangui's side will be in danger.

"Could it be that these people are too timid? After all, there are very few people coming this time.

So far, there are only a few dozen in total! " Zhao Wenfeng said.

“Since we are not sure, then quickly send someone to ride to the north to investigate.

If a large number of victims escape, something big will happen. "

Lin Hai felt his scalp numb, and blood rushed to the top of his head.

Could it be that these enemy countries are planning to start an undeclared war and attack Daxia?
"Have you checked where these people live now?"

Seeing Lin Hai extremely anxious, Wang Chenggang was also shocked.

He nodded quickly: "I know, some of them are from wealthy families and have rented houses in the city."

"Take me there immediately to check it out! I want to ask about the situation there face to face."

"It's an adult!"

If all the enemy countries attack Daxia at this time, it will be in big trouble.

Just to raise food and salary for Lin Tiangui last time, he had sold all the refined iron.

If another war breaks out, Daxia may be caught off guard.

The key is that it is simply impossible to raise that much money in a short period of time.
We came to a large house together, and Wang Chenggang knocked on the door.

After a while, a man who looked like a butler opened the door and poked his head out.

The housekeeper was shocked when he saw so many official servants and officials.

"What's wrong, gentlemen?"

"This is our Lord Jing Zhaoyin. I heard that you are coming from the border and I want to ask about the situation there.

I wonder if your boss is here? "

"The master is here, please allow me to go and report it!"

"What a big show. Mr. Jing Zhaoyin came in person and dared to wait outside?" Wang Chenggang suddenly became angry.

Although you have a good attitude at the beginning, it does not mean you will be blocked.

As Jing Zhaoyin, an official of the Yamen, it is easy to deal with a wealthy family from out of town.

"There is no need to embarrass a servant, we will just wait." Lin Hai said.

"Okay, the adults have said so, why don't you hurry up and report it!" Wang Chenggang said angrily.

He is usually cautious in front of Lin Hai, but he is still a sixth-rank official of the imperial court.
You don't have to be polite to a servant.

The housekeeper was so frightened that he ran back to report it.

After a while, a rush of footsteps was heard.

A man who looked like a member of the Communist Party of China came over, hurriedly walked forward, put his hands in his hands and said, "I didn't know that all the adults are here. Please don't blame me if you miss me from afar!"

(End of this chapter)

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