The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 194 Daxia Assassin

Chapter 194 Daxia Assassin
The arrows were tied with cloth strips and soaked in kerosene, and they ignited immediately when they were shot on the carriage.

The fire on the carriage was getting bigger and bigger.

Wang Dayong became anxious at this moment, and Lin Hai would be in danger if he continued like this.

"My lord, I will rush out first to attract the assassin's attention, and my lord will look for opportunities to escape."

At this moment, Wang Dayong was determined to die and tried his best to give Lin Hai a chance to escape.

Lin Hai grabbed him.

"Wait a moment! The competition now is to see who is more patient.

As long as we don't go out, the assassin may think he has already escaped.

The more traces of us are lost, the more anxious they are. "

The carriages are made of good wood and can last for a long time.

Lin Hai was not in a hurry to escape immediately.

Instead, he held the gunpowder gun tightly, ready to take action at any time.

Wang Dayong swallowed and stared straight ahead.

It was getting hotter and hotter outside, and the entire carriage was almost completely surrounded by fire.

After waiting for a while, the assassin finally lost his patience.

Holding the knife and rushing towards this side.

When the other party approached, Lin Hai yelled: "Kill me!"

Wang Dayong was waiting for these words, and rushed out of the carriage like a tiger emerging from the mountain.

Lin Hai followed closely behind him.

Use the flames on the carriage to ignite the fuse of the gunpowder gun.

Aim at an assassin rushing over.

Only a loud bang was heard.

An assassin fell to the ground.

But he was not completely dead, and kept rolling on the ground.

All the agents had already rushed forward, shooting arrows at the assassin with their crossbows.

The assassin held a knife in his hand and was no match for the crossbow.

What's more, they didn't even wear armor, they were just like cutting straw.

The assassins who rushed over were all shot dead on the spot in the blink of an eye.

"Ergou, you lead people to hunt down other assassins, I will protect you!"

Ergou agreed and led the people forward.

"Don't chase too far, come back as soon as you're almost done!" Lin Hai greeted.

These are all our own people, there is no need to let them take risks for a few assassins.

The carriage was completely on fire, and Lin Hai felt very distressed when he saw the shot horse.

“Let’s all work together to move the horses over so they don’t get burned.

Let’s stew another pot of horse meat later for everyone to enjoy! "

Lin Hai gave instructions to everyone.

Wang Dayong said hello, cut the rope with a knife, and pulled the dead horse out with all hands and feet.

The government officials patrolling outside finally noticed the movement and rushed over quickly.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the situation in front of them.

The assassin fell to the ground, and the ground was covered in blood.

Seeing that Lin Hai was also present, he quickly came over to salute.

"I've seen Master Lin!"

"Why are you people patrolling and fighting for so long before you get here?" Wang was extremely brave and cursed at them.

More than a dozen government officials were scolded so much that they did not dare to raise their heads.

Jing Zhaoyin was assassinated in the street, and they must be responsible.

You might not even be able to keep your job.

"Okay, since there is an assassin to assassinate you, you must be fully prepared.

Just stop blaming them.

But patrolling the streets will need to be re-planned in the future, no matter where this happens.

The patrolling government officials must arrive as soon as possible. "

Lin Hai said seriously.

The fight lasted for such a long time, but the government officials came too slowly.This shows that the patrolled roads are very unreasonable.

"Yes, sir! My men must re-plan the patrol route as soon as possible." Wang Dayong agreed quickly.

Now Wang Dayong is Lin Hai's confidant and the most trustworthy person around him.

Therefore, in the yamen, almost all yamen officials obeyed Wang Dayong's command.

“Catch all these people and see if there are any left alive.

We must strictly interrogate them and find out their identities! "

Lin Hai had no intention of going home at the moment and asked someone to send a message to Qiaoer.

He led everyone to the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion.

Let Wu Zuo conduct an autopsy as soon as possible to see if he can find any clues.

At this time, the people led by Liu Ergou returned.

They also carried the bodies of several assassins.

"It's really unlucky that we didn't catch anyone alive!"

"Ergou, I asked you to arrest people, but all I brought were corpses. Tell the adults what happened, quickly!"

Wang Dayong urged.

"Lord Qi, we will catch up and shoot these assassins with crossbows.

At the same time try to catch as many people alive as possible.

But each of these assassins is more fierce than the last, and once discovered, there is no way to escape.

He immediately wiped his neck and committed suicide.

Not a single one of my subordinates was caught alive! "

"Okay, I understand. Since they dare to assassinate me on the street, they must be fully prepared.

Even if I can’t catch him alive, I won’t blame you! "

Although he didn't blame him, Liu Ergou still stood aside dejectedly.

At this time, Wu Zuo finally finished examining the body and came over to report.

"Sir, the corpses of these assassins have been examined. They don't look like assassins sent by the enemy.

These people are all from Daxia. "

"The assassins of Daxia came to assassinate me? This is a bit interesting!"

Lin Hai tapped the table gently with his fingers.

"By the way, let me ask you! How many years have you been working as a widower?"

"To tell you the truth, I have been working as a widower for more than 23 years!"

"Then have you ever encountered a situation where an enemy country used our Daxia people as assassins?"

"That's not true! Training assassins requires a large space and takes a long time.

Even if they capture my Daxia people and train them on their territory.

But the climate there is completely different from that of Daxia. After being exposed to wind and sun, it will leave indelible traces.

The subordinates checked carefully and found that these people had never lived on the grassland.

He is indeed from Daxia! "

"Okay, I already know! No one is allowed to reveal this matter.

Even for this assassination, don't reveal any information.

Anyone who dares to reveal even a word about this matter will be immediately removed from his official position and thrown into prison! "

Everyone shuddered after hearing this.

This was the first time I saw Lin Hai issuing such a strict order.

He quickly agreed in unison,
"Well, if there is nothing else to prove your identity.

Just cremate them and bury them as soon as possible. "

After Lin Hai settled the matter, he changed into a government carriage and returned.

My carriage has been burned down, and I have to make a new one when I turn around.

Wang Dayong felt very confused on the way back.

Such a big thing happened, but Lin Hai didn't order the government officials to go out and investigate the case.

Instead, the news should be completely blocked.

Is it really possible to let the person behind it go unpunished?
"Sir, shouldn't we continue to investigate this case?" Wang Dayong finally couldn't help but ask.

"Well, I've already guessed the person who did it. There's absolutely no need to continue investigating the case!"

(End of this chapter)

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