Chapter 319 Behind the reaction

The International Mathematical Union relents!

This has been a hot topic in China recently. After all, Ragutanna stood up twice in a row and said that Zhao Mo can participate via remote video. Isn't this a sign of submission?

Comparing the previous attitude, it can be said that there is a huge contrast.

The real-life media was okay, they just reported it and didn’t say anything off-topic.

It was not polite on the Internet. The majority of netizens were very happy to hear it, and they were very angry. Many people laughed at it.

On Weibo, a netizen posted an animated picture to ridicule. It was Li Yunlong who called the brigade commander, with the words next to it: "Brigade Commander, I kneel down for you!"

Then, a netizen immediately replied with a picture below. He was also the leader, but this was a scolding, with the words "Why don't you dare to fight with the brigade commander?"

Everyone had a great time.

For the International Mathematical Union, especially the current president Ragutanna, his change of attitude is not a problem. Anyway, he did not say that Zhao Mo would not be allowed to participate in the meeting when he spoke outside. More importantly, he is just the president, and what really makes the decision is the collective vote of the members, or rather the vote of America's mathematicians.

There is no way, America has too many mathematicians, and they are all powerful, far more than other countries in the world.

Princeton is just a university, and it is vaguely known as the "Mathematics Center."

This time, more than 20 mathematicians were invited to give presentations at the mathematics conference, and more than half of them were American mathematicians. Other countries had only one, and most countries did not. On the Chinese side, including Zhao Mo, there are only two. A comparison shows the gap.

To put it bluntly, the American mathematics community occupies half of the global mathematics community.

After they hinted that Zhao Mo could win the Fields Medal by attending the event, and Zhao Mo refused without hesitation, Lagutana noticed a significant change in the attitude of the voting members.

In particular, America's mathematicians, including Wiles, the guy who had been extremely resolute and fierce in the previous meeting, also changed their attitude this time and said that Zhao Mo could be given a special case.

In addition, Chinese mathematicians have been protesting this matter and have threatened not to attend the meeting.

Only mathematicians with small books still had strong opinions and expressed their opposition.

But it was useless. After the attitude of America Wiles and others changed, the federation held another vote, and the result was to make an exception for Zhao Mo.

Lagu Tanner was very conscious of being the president. Seeing that the meeting was about to be held, it was his fault that Zhao Mo hadn't finished it yet, so he jumped out to the steps twice without feeling any embarrassment.

The reason why this is a hot news in China, but not the hottest news, is because the announcement work of Tiangong-1 has begun, and it will be transferred to the launch site in preparation for the launch next month!

Faced with my country's grand strategy of building the Tiangong Space Station, the convening of a mathematics conference is not a big deal.

The Chinese space station, which all the people have been waiting for for a long time, and people all over the world have been looking forward to for a long time, is about to officially start construction and will soon enter the stage of history.

To put it bluntly, this is a groundbreaking event!

"Chinese Space Station!"

"Space station, China is coming!"

"Mighty and domineering!"

"International Space Station? Sorry, we are not going, we will build it ourselves!"

"China wants to build their own space station!"

"China is full of ambitions, which will definitely threaten the security of the world!"

"I wish the Chinese space station can be built. This is good news for all mankind~"


On Weibo and Twitter, news about the upcoming launch of Tiangong-1 has become the hottest news.

The International Space Station is called "international", but in fact it is not international at all. It was built by America and Da Maozi in conjunction with major Western developed countries. Not to mention other underdeveloped and backward countries in the third world, even big countries like China are excluded. You can imagine how much water there is in this.

Some people will definitely point out that China's aerospace technology was poor when the International Space Station was built, but now that China has caught up, it is also excluded. How can this be said?

Simply, let’s make it ourselves!

As soon as the announcement was released, the domestic people once again learned about the sad history behind this, and while they were angry, they were also very happy and proud.

Okay, if we are not allowed to participate, then we will do it ourselves.

Be independent and rely solely on your own work!

And just when domestic good news continues, development is in full swing, and the fire is cooking.

Some places are going crazy.

Notebook, University of Tokyo.



In the office, the porcelain cup was thrown to the ground and shattered into a large number of pieces. The tea inside was scattered all over the floor.

Sakamoto Ryuji felt nothing. His chest was filled with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said: "These white-skinned pigs! They have no sense of etiquette, justice and integrity. How dare they? How could they change their minds? And Asan Kuni, they are all soft!" You're a fool! Whichever way the wind blows, you'll fall over there~" His seniors told him that his arms couldn't twist his thighs. America's Wiles and others had changed their attitudes. Coupled with the resistance of Chinese mathematicians, and A large number of mathematicians support Zhao Mo, but their opposition is powerless, so I'm sorry.

This made it difficult for him, who was looking forward to doing something bad for Zhao Mo, to accept it, and he became angry.


While his head was spinning with various thoughts, his friend Watanabe Shinichi opened the door and walked into his office. He said calmly: "Don't be so angry. A temporary defeat is nothing. We have a long future." .”

Sakamoto Ryuji: "..."

As angry as he was, he was stunned at this time.

No, is it because of myself that I am angry? Isn't it because of you?

My good colleague, how do you stay so calm?

"Shinichi, you~"

Sakamoto Ryuji looked at him in disbelief.

Watanabe Shinichi shook his head and continued: "I have thought clearly that these actions cannot really affect him. What we should really do is continue our own research. I plan to accept the invitation of senior Yoshihide Tokura to assist He solved the problem of room-temperature superconductivity. I believe that this is what we really want to do."

"Normal temperature superconductivity? Isn't this nonsense?"

A thought flashed through Sakamoto Ryuji's mind, but he quickly put it behind him and said unwillingly: "Are we just going to let him be arrogant and domineering?"

Watanabe Shinichi smiled slightly and said: "I believe that what will really change the world is the room-temperature superconductivity we develop in the future! By then, not to mention a Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize will also be in our pocket."

Sakamoto Ryuji took a deep look at him, and finally sighed: "I hope so~"

He felt a little tired.

Watanabe Shinichi, the real owner, has given up and thinks it doesn't matter. He is going to do new research. What can he, a colleague and "good friend" do?

What an anticlimax!

However, there was always a vague feeling of something wrong lingering in his heart, for no reason~

America, CIA Intelligence Division.

Director McKinsey was also throwing things, and he kept cursing "FUCK" the quintessence of China. In front of him, there was information about Zhao Mo and news reports that China was about to launch Tiangong-1.

While cursing, Director McKinsey suddenly said "Damn Philly", and then scolded "Phily" for hurting him: "Damn bastard, he actually took action on his own initiative in Geneva. No wonder he was so cautious and always He didn’t agree to go abroad, and stayed in his country and refused to come out~ What a bullshit trick to lure with the Fields Medal, this bullshit strategy, do you think others are as stupid as him? Damn bastard..."

Standing in front of him was another subordinate named "Chels". The newly appointed guy couldn't help but tremble when he heard the boss's roar, and the muscles on his face were cramped.

Good guy, you were the one who made the final decision on the plan. If it doesn’t work now, the person who came up with the plan will take the blame. What does that mean?

So, after Director McKinsey scolded him for a long time and asked him if he had any good strategies, Chelsea shook his head calmly and replied: "If the other party doesn't go abroad, I don't think we have any effective methods."

McKinsey snorted and asked, "How about the people over there take advantage of it and arrange an accidental car accident?"

Chelsea hesitated for a moment and shook his head again: "It's difficult. Besides riding a bicycle to work, the other party also rides in a car with other people under the escort of security personnel."

McKinsey was irritated and said angrily: "This won't work, and that won't work either. Are we just going to watch this man push their country's technology forward?"

Chelsea remained silent.

Director McKenzie glared at Chelsea, thinking of muddling through?

There are no doors!

He immediately issued an order: "Now, immediately, give me a plan!"

Chelsea couldn't hide and said hesitantly: "Without sufficient talents, he alone can't accomplish anything. Many of us here came from their countries to study abroad. I think we should take some measures in this regard." measure……"

As soon as these words came out, McKinsey immediately understood.

Since I can’t do it to you, why can’t I also do it to your compatriots?

Still can't block you?

"This plan is great!"

Director McKinsey thought of the Wolfe Clause, but unlike the Wolfe Clause, America and their allies are basically the most technologically advanced in other fields. Zhao Mo cannot always be as good as the aerospace field in every field. Complete the breakthrough on your own, right?

McKinsey thought to himself: "There was only one money that was released before, but he is already dead!"

Mr. Qian is the kind of person he thinks can single-handedly promote great progress in various fields of science and technology in China. They, America, have long regretted letting him go. But to their delight, there was only one such person, and he died last year and would never be seen again.

Zhao Mo is indeed an extraordinary young man, but he doesn't think he can be on par with Qian Lao, nor will he grow into that kind of person in the future.


In mid-August, three days before the International Mathematics Congress was about to start, Zhao Mo spoke out through his assistant and accepted the invitation of the International Mathematics Congress to give an academic report via remote video.

Just after the news was sent, when people were about to go to the astronaut training center to resume training, two bad news broke out, one of which should be said to be bad news...

(End of this chapter)

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