You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 318 Is the International Mathematical Union giving in?

Chapter 318 Is the International Mathematical Union giving in?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for staying up late reading and raising a baby~"

"The reward attribute value is 100 points, host, please keep up the good work!"

After handing the little guy to his mother-in-law Wu Ting, Zhao Mo shook his slightly stiff right hand. When he was about to check on Yang Chan, he suddenly heard the sound of the system being triggered in his head.

"100 points? What can these mosquito legs do~"

Zhao Mo had no worries in his heart and immediately saved the 100 attribute points for later discussion.

The attribute values ​​​​are too few, and he will not even do the "reading a book while raising a baby" operation now.

He knew that if he persisted in "reading a book while raising a baby" for a few more days, the Iron Will system would probably be triggered, and the attribute value would be more than 100. However, compared with the operation of "reading a book while raising a baby", such a small attribute value is really not cost-effective. He has now completed staying up late once. If he wants to trigger the system again, he must stay up late for at least three to seven days!

Therefore, it is better to study and rest during this time, so that there will be more opportunities later.

That morning, Zhao Mo went to apply for a birth certificate and newborn medical insurance.

The name was given by Yang Chan and was called Zhao Zixuan.

Zhao Mo had nothing to say about this name, as long as Yang Chan was happy.

Each era has its own characteristics, and the little guy in his family is not immune to it. As for the fact that seven or eight or even a dozen little ones will be called "Zixuan" in the kindergarten in the future, it will be a headache for teachers.

Zhao Mo stayed with him in the hospital for the next three days.

Mother-in-law Wu Tingze and mother Hu Ying took turns taking care of each other in the hospital.

As for the father-in-law Yang Xinghua and the father Zhao Weiguo, they only come to stay during the day. At other times, they either go back or wander around the capital.

In the next two days, compared to the sadness on the first day, Yang Chan's condition got better and better, and she was able to move around on her own without any problems.

By the third day, Yang Chan had already begun to clamor to go home.

As for the little guy, the crying situation is much better than the first day. At least he sleeps longer and has fewer night terrors.

Do you want to drink milk? You will be able to drink breast milk on the second day. In addition to being in a hurry at the beginning, Yang Chan didn't know how to feed. She specially called the doctor to come over and give guidance once, and she became more and more proficient in the future.

"Good grandson~"

Mother Hu Ying loves this little guy so much that she can't help but put her face against the little guy's face when she holds him.

The doctor saw it and said that it would be bad for the little guy if he didn't do it like this. Hu Yingcai gave up. Only then did Zhao Mo and Yang Chan wake up to the fact that the little guy is too fragile, and many things that adults take for granted may have a bad impact on him.

However, when this "good grandson" was preparing to be discharged from the hospital on the fourth day, something happened and he developed jaundice!

This problem was discovered by Zhao Mo. He saw that the little guy's skin was obviously a little yellower, so he muttered "Why is it yellow?" Then the nurse heard it and checked it specifically, and took an instrument to measure jaundice. I came over and took a test, and wow, the value was really over the standard, reaching 18.

Normal, full-term neonatal jaundice is less than 15% within two to three days. Basically, it can be observed and it will generally subside on its own.

This is over 18, so there is obviously something wrong.

"Physiological jaundice, please observe for another day or two~"

The doctor came over and looked at it and said.

Therefore, the family who was originally going to be discharged continued to stay in the hospital.

Zhao Mo didn't know what to say, but after hearing the doctor say that most newborns have jaundice, his nervousness eased a lot, and he waited and observed patiently.

On the fifth day, the little guy disappointed everyone. The jaundice value increased again, reaching 21.

I have no choice but to send it for blue light treatment.

Then Zhao Mo took Yang Chan back home, leaving the little guy alone in the hospital. Every day, his father, Zhao Weiguo, sent his mother, Hu Ying, to the hospital to visit.

It wasn't until five days later that the little guy finally returned to normal and no longer needed the blue light. Then he was taken home and the family was finally reunited.


With a click of the shutter, the Zhao Mo family took a family photo on the day the little one returned home, leaving behind bright smiles and a happy atmosphere.

At this time, the time has come to June, and half of 2010 has passed.

Zhao Mo started a life of taking care of his children, spending time with his wife, studying and working at home every day.

I have to say that this kind of life is more tiring than before, because raising a little one really consumes energy, energy and strength.

Staying up late at night is the norm.

There are two main problems for the little guy. One is that he can't eat too much, and the other is that he can't sleep for too long. So after sleeping, he usually wakes up every one or two hours and starts crying, either because he is hungry and wants to eat, or Either he needs to poop or pee, or he feels uncomfortable somewhere, or he just wants to make a fuss.

Therefore, Zhao Mo had to sleep for a while and then get up, then go back to sleep after finishing his work.

He got up at one or two o'clock in the morning, and after half an hour of work, the little guy fell asleep, and he fell down and continued to sleep; then at three or four o'clock, the little guy made a fuss again, and he had to get up again to comfort him... and so on. He didn't feel anything for a day or two, but after three or four days, he began to feel exhausted both mentally and physically.

His mother, Hu Ying, and his mother-in-law, Wu Ting, offered to take turns taking care of him at night, but he refused. His physical fitness was much better than the two old men.

If the two elders are allowed to stay up late, Zhao Mo believes that it won't take long, just a day or two, and the two elders will be several years older than they are now.

This situation does not need to be verified. Whether it is the past life or this life, Zhao Mo has seen too many, including his aunts and aunts. After helping those cousins ​​take care of their children, they quickly aged and their hair turned gray. There are more wrinkles, and the eyes are cloudy. He is no longer the prime man of forty or fifty years old, but the old man of sixty or seventy years old.

Fortunately, Zhao Mo could catch up on his sleep during the day, which felt okay.

One month later, the little guy started crying louder and became more energetic when he was struggling. Zhao Mo had to use more strength to comfort him.

Of course, there was also an improvement that made Zhao Mo relieved, that is, the little guy slept longer each time, so he didn't have to worry so much at night.

Here, there is also the scientific "breeding" of Zhao Mo and Yang Chan, who try to make the little guy cry once in the early morning, so that the time when the little guy starts crying again will be directly after three or four o'clock.

In this way, Zhao Mo only needs to get up once after falling asleep, and then he can sleep until dawn with his energy greatly restored.

By the second week of August, Zhao Mo looked at his arrangements and knew it was time to leave the little guy to his mother, Hu Ying, and start busying with his own affairs.

Yang Chan has also resumed her previous study and work status, but she has to feed the little one breast milk, so she does it all at home.


On August 8, Zhao Mo ended his "vacation" at home and returned to Wudaokou.

"You came so early, don't you want to rest for a while?"

When Zhou Zuojian saw Zhao Mo, he couldn't help but ask with concern.

After asking, he looked Zhao Mo up and down, and said with a smile: "He is more mature than before! But, how come he has become older after raising a baby at home for two months?"

Zhao Mo waved his hand and said: "Hey, don't mention it. After I brought it with me, I realized that the doll is super difficult to carry. It's much harder than doing research. It takes a lot of effort and effort, but it doesn't change even if it's old."

Zhou Zuojian heard a burst of laughter, and it took him a while to regain his breath, and joked: "Haha, it seems you are here to hide from the Qing Dynasty~"

Zhao Mo coughed and said: "Director, you can't tear down people even if they are in trouble~"

Zhou Zuojian laughed again.

After chatting and laughing, Zhou Zuojian told him some things that had happened in the past two months, most of which were small things.

Now that the key points have been discussed, Zhou Zuojian talked about the selection of academicians: " soon as your paper "Bounded Distance between Prime Numbers" came out, those academicians who opposed you before no longer opposed it. By the way. , when you have time, go to Yanda to thank Academician Huang Cheng. He has made great efforts and firmly supported you, saying that if you can't even be rated as a mathematics academician, then all the mathematics academicians in our country will have to be laid off, and our country's mathematics will no longer need to develop. ~"

Zhao Mo was very moved and quickly said: "Okay~"

He did not expect that Academician Huang Cheng would support him so much and strongly recommend him to become a mathematics academician regardless of his Wudaokou label.

"Have you been contacted by the International Mathematical Union recently?"

Zhou Zuojian then asked.

Zhao Mo was startled, shook his head and said, "No, what's wrong?"

Zhou Zuojian said with a strange face: "The current president of the federation, Ragutana, spoke twice at the end of last month and the beginning of this month, saying that in view of your outstanding contributions in the field of mathematics, he wanted to invite You give an academic report, the length of time is determined by you, and you can participate via remote video."

"Um, why did their attitude suddenly change?"

Zhao Mo was speechless.

Zhou Zuojian guessed: "It should be the influence of your paper on the bounded distance between prime numbers. Many mathematicians including Tao Zexuan, Ivan Nates, Bombieri, Goldstone, Huang Cheng, Professor Qiu, etc. Everyone stood up to support you, and we also protested, making them unable to withstand the pressure."

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "Maybe~"

Zhou Zuojian then smiled and asked: "Is it okay for you to participate via video?"

Zhao Mo replied: "This must be no problem."

Zhou Zuojian nodded and said: "Since there is no problem, let's make a statement and give them a step down. Otherwise, if you don't say anything, they won't be able to get off the stage and give up inviting you, then it will be a mistake."

Zhao Mo said unequivocally: "Just give up, it's okay."

Zhou Zuojian shook his head and explained with a smile: "It's okay to give up! But no matter what, if you can participate in this mathematics conference through remote video, it will be great for both the mathematics conference and you. It is a rare opportunity. If I predict correctly, you will definitely win this year’s Fields Medal. In this way, the influence of the Mathematics Conference will be greater, and you will gain recognition, fame and status from mathematicians around the world. He went up in no time and overtook us old guys."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but sigh: "Sometimes, if you want to go to higher places, you still need a hat."

Zhao Mo smiled slightly and said: "The foreign hats do look much more glittering than the domestic ones~"

Zhou Zuojian couldn't help but laugh and said: "There is no other way, just take your time~"

(End of this chapter)

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