You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 320 Maybe it’s because of the extraordinary talent

Chapter 320 Maybe it’s because of the extraordinary talent

Professor Zhang committed suicide!

Mr. Yang’s disciple, Professor Zhang, whom Mr. Yang said would win the Nobel Prize sooner or later, committed suicide.

Yes, committed suicide!

The reason is said to be depression.

After completing all the formalities, posting on WeChat and saying that I was very happy to return to my motherland, and buying my flight tickets, I committed suicide at home the next day!

When Cai Bin showed this news to Zhao Mo, Zhao Mo was silent for a while, and sighed secretly in his heart: "I thought it could change his destiny, but I didn't expect that he would follow in the same footsteps, even ahead of schedule~ "

He raised this issue with Mr. Yang many times and urged Professor Zhang to come back as soon as possible.

Originally, Professor Zhang had already taken action in advance and had reached an agreement with Wudaokou. He would come back to teach at Wudaokou and continue to study his quantum spin Hall effect. It was a sure thing to work with Academician Xue. After all, America was not that fast yet. For us, there is still some time.

Unexpectedly, America actually took action in advance!

The procedures have been completed, and everyone happily posted on WeChat Moments. Now you tell me that you committed suicide because of depression. Isn’t this nonsense?

The second thing is that America has introduced a new regulation for studying abroad for us, and has begun to tighten the standards for studying abroad, especially for engineering majors. They have begun strict investigations. Many publicly funded international students who were originally a sure shot were turned back for all kinds of strange reasons. , they are not allowed to go anyway.

Regarding this matter, Zhao Mo can't do anything at the moment except scolding America, "You can't afford it?"

"I know~"

After saying something to Cai Bin, Zhao Mo got up and went to find Mr. Yang first to comfort him for a while.

Yang Lao smiled bitterly and said with regret on his face: "Xiao Zhao, I regret that I didn't listen to you and didn't let him come back soon!"

Zhao Mo said helplessly: "Mr. Yang, this has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with you. It's because those people are very mean and they just don't want Professor Zhang to return to China. Now that he has passed away, all we can do is redouble our efforts to develop and strengthen ourselves." , there is no other way.”

In the end, Mr. Yang could only sigh helplessly.

Mr. Yang would report the situation to the higher-ups, so there was no need for Zhao Mo to talk about it, and then he went to the astronaut training center.

"Professor Zhao, are you back?"

"Professor Zhao, how do you feel about becoming a father now?"

"Hey, Professor Zhao is back? Come here quickly and let me see if your physical fitness has declined during this period?"

When Zhao Mo returned from vacation, he immediately received a warm welcome and jokes from the astronauts, coaches and trainers at the training center. Without saying a word, coach Wu Jie immediately grabbed him to test his physical fitness.

"Well, I'm back. I feel quite happy, first of all~ Don't worry, I'm still exercising at home~"

Zhao Mo replied with a smile and followed Wu Jie to the test without any fear.

An hour later, Wu Jie couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he saw that Zhao Mo's physical fitness data and the results of various training events were all excellent and continued to be ahead of other astronauts.

After a while, he looked at him like a monster and said: "Professor Zhao, tell me honestly, did you go to practice secretly? How come your grades haven't dropped at all even after more than two months of leave?" ? This is unscientific!”

Zhao Mo coughed and replied: "Maybe it's because of his extraordinary talent."

Wu Jie: "..."

Good guy, you are really not humble at all!

However, he was still shocked, and he was still very happy. He thought to himself: "It would be a waste if such a good body does not go to heaven, so next year's Shenzhou 9 will just let him go?"


At night, return home.

Zhao Mo talked to Yang Chan about Professor Zhang and told her: "...After you join a certain company, I hope you will not go abroad, because this is not only related to you, but also to me and ours. nation."

Yang Chan was stunned for a while, then thought about it and agreed, "I know."

What Zhao Mo said was "hope", not that she was required to do so, so the choice was still hers. If she had to go abroad, Zhao Mo probably wouldn't stop her.

But after thinking about it, she immediately decided not to go abroad again.

As Zhao Mo said, her going abroad is not only related to herself, but also related to Zhao Mo and this country.

No matter what Zhao Mo thinks about it or what she thinks, Zhao Mo is actually closely related to the future of the country, which is much more important than her personally.

And what about her?

It's Zhao Mo's weakness!

Talents like Professor Zhang will be gone if they are gone. You can imagine how cruel the enemy is. They will definitely not be merciful because she is a woman, but will only be cruel because she is Zhao Mo's weakness.

Therefore, for Zhao Mo and the country, she thought she had to suffer some injustice.

“Can’t our country do something?”

Yang Chan sighed and suddenly asked: "Just like they did to Professor Zhang?"

Zhao Mo said: "I don't know the specifics. My opinion is that this is the biggest difference between us and them. We are a late-developing country. In order to integrate into the world and for our lofty ideals, we must be the leaders of this era and the new era in the future. A benchmark country. If we are so brutal and brutal, how can we win the trust of those oppressed countries and oppressed people? I think, after this time, all the country can do is to deploy as much power as possible to protect scientific researchers~ "

Yang Chan was silent for a moment. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Zhao Mo immediately changed the topic and said with a smile: "The International Mathematical Union has invited me to give a report via remote video, and they may even award me a grand prize~"

Yang Chan pursed her lips and smiled and said: "Grand prize? As the outside world said, will they really give you the Fields Medal?"

Zhao Mo replied: "Maybe~ but with their urine properties, it is not impossible to award me another award, so I am mentally prepared."

Yang Chan curled her lips: "What's the point of awarding another award? Isn't this making fun of you?"

"They can do the first grade, and of course I can do the fifteenth grade."

Zhao Mo didn't take it to heart at all and said with a smile: "As long as they do it, they will not have an easy time in this academic report, and don't blame me for being rude later."

Yang Chan said "yo" and said amusedly: "I didn't realize that our Professor Zhao has such a bad temper~"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Should it be said or not, after giving birth to a child, Yang Chan became more "eloquent" than before.

"By the way, there will be a video conference that day. You and Xuan Bao should go together~"

Zhao Mo changed the subject and said.

Yang Chan asked casually while reading the book: "Why?"

Zhao Mo replied: "Share it with you~"

Yang Chan said "Oh" and then asked hesitantly: "Is this okay? It's such a formal occasion, it's not good for you to be so casual, right? Besides, the outside world doesn't know about your childbirth, you are not even old enough." ~”

Zhao Mo said with a smile: "What's the point? I'm 22 years old, 23 years old, and already 24 years old. Why haven't I reached the age yet? Besides, I can't not bring Xuan Bao for an academic report, right?"

Yang Chan smiled and said: "...Okay, as long as you like it."

"Zhao Mo, I have something to ask you~"

While the two were talking, their mother Hu Ying walked to the door of their room with her cell phone in hand, shouting something.

Zhao Mo was stunned and said, "What's the matter, Mom?"

Hu Ying said with a tangled face: "Your eldest cousin Hu Renzhi is divorced. I don't know how to repay the 200,000 yuan that my family lent him. Now he called me again to borrow money and said Your second cousin Hu Renming, who works in Pengcheng, is speculating on some currency recently. He can make a lot of money. As long as he lends him 100,000 yuan, he guarantees that he can return this 100,000 yuan and the 200,000 yuan from last time to us in six months~"

Zhao Mo: "..."

What Hu Ying said was not very clear, but Zhao Mo understood it. Speculation in virtual currency?

Looking back, in my previous life, it was also at this time that speculation in virtual currencies began. Mining companies had already appeared abroad and were also penetrating into our side.

Yang Chan probably understood it, because Zhao Mo had mentioned the issue of virtual currency when explaining math problems to her before, so she looked at Zhao Mo.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning was very clear, let him make up his mind.

Zhao Mo did not answer immediately, but asked: "Mom, what do you think about this? We rescued him once, but he didn't pay back the money. He has already been sorry for us, and now he comes to us to rescue him again." , does he want to rely on our family?"

Hu Ying sighed and said: "Who makes you so capable, son! He must be thinking that he can borrow a little bit, but it has no effect on us anyway. I don't want to help him, but after all, I am his aunt and you are his cousin , if you don’t help, it will have a bad impact on you.”

Zhao Mo shook his head and said: "It's not bad if it doesn't affect you. Mom, you are thinking too much."

After saying that, he thought for a while and expressed his thoughts: "In this case, Mom, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will arrange for two people to go home and have a look, and conduct an on-the-spot investigation to see what is going on with my older cousin. In addition, , From now on, I will take care of everything from borrowing money at home to asking for help. You can just blame it all on me and I will make arrangements."

After hearing this, Hu Ying felt that this was the best, so she agreed.

From the college entrance examination to now, Zhao Mo has done everything so that she and Zhao Weiguo can rest assured, so there is no doubt about this statement.

After Hu Ying left, Yang Chan couldn't help but ask Zhao Mo: "Do you think speculation in virtual currency is a scam?"

"It's a scam!"

Zhao Mo gave an affirmative answer, but then also said: "This scam is still clever, knowing how to use blockchain, decentralization and other fashionable things to play the game, so many people know that it is a scam and still enjoy it. "

Yang Chan understood that although it was a scam, the benefits would still be given. She couldn't help but sigh: "Everyone thinks that they are the smart ones, and others are the leeks that are harvested. It all depends on who can run faster in the end."

Zhao Mo said with a smile: "That's right, so as long as you get off the bus quickly in the early stage, you can still make money. If my eldest cousin didn't lie, my second cousin should have made a lot of money speculating in virtual currencies. He has already made a lot of money." Addicted."

"It's very harmful!"

Yang Chan said coldly, without any emotion.


On August 8th, the International Mathematics Congress was officially held.

After breakfast, Zhao Mo and Yang Chan took the little boy Zhao Zixuan to Wudaokou for a video conference. He arranged for someone to go to his hometown in Pingfu County to investigate the current situation of his relatives, especially the situation of speculating in virtual currencies~

(End of this chapter)

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