You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 314 Professor Zhao is a famous scientist in my country

Chapter 314 Professor Zhao is a famous scientist in my country

After talking about the matter, Han Lin left.

Huang Chengze returned to his position, opened Zhao Mo's paper on the Arxiv website, and continued to study.

It's like finding something you like, taking a bite, and impatiently wanting to finish the rest. If you don't finish it, let alone not being able to sleep for the whole day, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep for several days in a row.

It was not until almost nine o'clock in the evening that his wife at home called to urge him. Huang Chengcai reluctantly ended the research and prepared to come back the next day.

When he got up, he saw a news pop-up window popping up on his computer. There were many news items on it, two of which attracted his attention.

"President of the Mathematical Union Ragutanna told reporters that if Zhao Mo is willing to participate in this conference, they will invite Zhao Mo to give a 45-minute academic report..."

"The review process for the new academicians of the two academies has begun..."

Huang Cheng frowned and murmured to himself: "What happened to this year's mathematics conference?"

He hasn't paid much attention to this aspect recently, but the news he has seen in the past few days and the speeches of Ivan Nates, Tao Zexuan and others on Arxiv still made him notice something strange.

There is no doubt that between the International Mathematical Union and Zhao Mo, Huang Cheng voted for Zhao Mo without any thought.

Even though the International Mathematical Union has the word "international" on it, which is very coquettish, for a person of his stature, this so-called International Mathematical Union has nothing but a "hat". No, it is purely an existence with a shiny surface and straw inside.

On the other hand, Zhao Mo was different. He was one of his own, a junior whom he knew and valued very much, and he was also a pillar of the country. He was actually more powerful and influential than the International Mathematical Union.

Zhao Mo can influence the development of science and technology in China and the formulation of certain policies to a certain extent, but what influence can the International Mathematical Union have?

Very limited!

"We can't just let outsiders like Ivan Nietz and Tao Zexuan support this matter, we Chinese ourselves must also support it~"

Huang Cheng suddenly thought of this, so he quickly sat down, logged into the Arxiv website again, and used his own account to post a supportive comment: "Professor Zhao has successfully refined the selectivity of the screening method. His work is unique. ! On the issue of participating in this year’s International Mathematics Congress, Professor Zhao and I stand on the same side.”

After sending it, Huang Cheng nodded with satisfaction and finally stood up.

On the way back, Huang Cheng was thinking about another question: "Wudaokou has applied for Zhao Mo to be selected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences. Previously, although it was possible to rely on the proof of an ABC conjecture to select academicians, he was too young after all. Small, many old comrades have opinions, and I guess they won't be selected. But now that the paper on bounded distances between prime numbers comes out, the problem should not be big, and those who have opinions have to hold it in. However, no matter what, this time I I have to vote for Zhao Mo."

"Wait a minute, the selection of academicians of the Academy of Sciences is on. I heard that the space agency has applied for Zhao Mo as an academician of the Academy of Engineering. Doesn't this mean that he is an academician of both academies? He has surpassed me?"

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a "horrifying" future and shuddered immediately.

However, there was an interested smile on his face.

Girls who like to watch Korean dramas should know what this kind of smile looks like, um, an aunt-like smile.


I'm angry!

Totally popular!

Zhao Mo's new paper "Bounded Distances Between Prime Numbers" is a hit!

The entire mathematical community was a sensation because of Zhao Mo's paper. They rushed to tell each other and praised it.

Soon, this enthusiasm overflowed to other scientific fields, and then spread to society. First, it was spontaneously forwarded by the majority of netizens, and then reported by various self-media. Finally, two days later, the world's most influential newspapers and periodicals One after another joined in the reporting.

Especially in China, the "people's" official media all stood up and reported the matter with front-page headlines, and made a five-minute special report on "Xinwen Lianbo" at the beginning of the night, which was full of details: "... …Professor Zhao Mo of Wudaokou published an important mathematical paper "Bounded Distance between Prime Numbers" which caused a sensation in the entire mathematics community. Mathematicians Professor Ivan Nietz, Professor Goldstone, Professor Bombieri, and Fields Medal winner Tao Zexuan "

Suddenly, Zhao Mo once again became popular all over China!

Yes, it was Zhao Mo who became popular!

It wasn't his paper "Bounded Distances Between Prime Numbers" that became popular!

Everyone knows the reason.

The vast majority of the people do not understand mathematics papers. They neither understand nor know the impact of such a paper on mathematics. They only know one thing: Zhao Mo cheated!

Take a look at the media reports and the math gurus who praise him, all of them explain the incident of "Zhao Mo's cheating".

At the same time, the conflict between Zhao Mo and the International Mathematical Union also broke out at this moment.

Everyone who knew about it was surprised. They didn’t understand why Zhao Mo refused to accept the invitation to this year’s International Mathematics Conference. He just said he wouldn’t go.

However, they are even more surprised why the International Mathematical Union is so tough this time.

There must be Zhao Mo's reasons for not attending the conference. There is no doubt about this and it makes sense. Basically, it doesn't make much sense to everyone. First, it can be said that there is a precedent for some people not attending in the past.

Everyone knows that Zhao Mo is not a simple mathematician. He is also a materials scientist, information scientist, computer expert, aerospace expert, etc. He is also a Wudaokou professor, an astronaut, and the leader of many research projects. Responsibilities can be said to include wearing many hats and being very busy.

It would be too much to ask such a very busy expert to go abroad to attend a mathematics conference.

Therefore, there is no problem for Zhao Mo to refuse.

On the other hand, the Mathematics Union was tough and Zhao Mogang refused to give the opportunity to the academic report until Zhao Mo participated on the spot, which was really unjustifiable. It’s not like you’ve never had someone accept an award on your behalf before, why can’t you do it now with Zhao Mo? Nowadays, communication technology is so advanced, wouldn’t it be enough to give a video speech?

Suddenly, the Internet was filled with a lot of voices criticizing the Mathematical Union.

Especially on Weibo, in just two or three days, more than a million netizens complained about Zhao Mo’s injustice on Weibo, saying, “If you don’t go, I won’t go,” and “Don’t be afraid, Professor Zhao, we support you.” , "What bullshit math conference? We don't care about it" and other words.

Of course, there is also criticism and ridicule.

For example, "You don't know how to respect me", "This is the International Mathematical Union, a conference of all mathematicians in the world. If you just say you won't go, you won't go. Isn't it too disrespectful to take others seriously?", "Deligne, "Grothendieck is not as crazy as you", "No Witten boss is as arrogant as you"... These remarks are also full of the Internet.

For a moment, it was quite a mess!

It is also because of the regulations that "no comments are allowed to be published that are not related to one's own research field", so these criticisms and ridiculing voices are either anonymous or ordinary netizens, but no scholars jump out to criticize. Otherwise, we might as well be in chaos on the Internet now.

As for the private forums and various groups that secretly ridicule regulations and criticize the country, they are just stinking rats in the gutter and not worth mentioning.

Because this matter is so big, our spokesperson was asked about it by foreign reporters during a regular press conference. They said that the public opinion in our country was boiling, and they said they would not participate if they did not participate. Then they asked us why we are a country. Looking at the conflict between Zhao Mo and the International Mathematical Union.

This question was too sudden, and the speaker was obviously unprepared.

However, this did not stump the spokesperson. While taking a sip of water from the water cup, he organized his words and said: "Chinese netizens have the right to express their feelings. This is freedom of speech and simple patriotism. As for what you said There is a conflict between Professor Zhao Mo and the International Mathematical Union. Sorry, I did not get this information. However, what I can tell you is that Professor Zhao Mo is a famous scientist in our country, and his achievements in mathematics are obvious to all... …”

Balabala, the spokesperson praised Zhao Mo very much.

As for what the subtext is, this is in the eye of the beholder and the wise.


"Shit! Shit!"

America, CIA headquarters.

Director McKinsey looked at our spokesperson's speech and his face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears. He immediately pressed the switch, turned off the TV, and then cursed fiercely.

"It's really bullshit!"

Standing in front of him was Fili, who was feeling like needles all over his body, restless and wanted to escape from this place. Listening to his immediate boss's scolding, Feili quickly followed suit.

He couldn't help but be restless, because his plan was about to go awry, and Zhao Mo was about to not go to Asan Country to participate in this year's International Mathematics Conference.

Doesn't this ruin his plan?

After scolding him, he immediately started thinking about whether there was any way to remedy the situation.

However, just as he echoed, McKinsey stared at him with eyes as big as bull's eyes, and asked coldly: "Feili, didn't you tell me that this Fields Medal is the best opportunity? ?What’s the result? Tell me, what’s the result?”

Feili was mute and couldn't express his pain, so he had to use his brain teasers and said quickly: "It's Ivan Nietz, it's Tao Zexuan, it's them who caused the trouble, especially Ivan Nietz, if it hadn't been for him If you jump out and talk to Zhao Mo, things won't turn out like this. Yes, it's him..."

The more he spoke, the more fluent he became, and he even believed what he said, and the blame was directly placed on Ivan Nietz.


However, McKinsey obviously no longer believed him. He interrupted him before he finished speaking, and then said viciously: "You're fired! Philly, there will be a prison waiting for you. Believe me, you can be in it." Sit down and meet God!”

After saying that, he pointed at the door of the office, indicating that he could get out.

"No, Director, do you remember that I did something for you? We also went to that island together..."

Feili was shocked and shouted quickly.


One day later, when he came to Wudaokou, Zhao Mo received a call from Wang Yun, implying that as long as he went to this mathematics conference, the award he would be awarded was the Fields Medal...

(End of this chapter)

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