You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 313 What a Zhao Mo! Good 1 bounded distance

Chapter 313 What a Zhao Mo! What a bounded distance

Jingdong University, in the office.

Although he was in his office, and although summer had not yet arrived, Watanabe Shinichi immediately felt a strong feeling of heat rising from his heart, as if he was in a furnace.

Baghya Road!

Zhao Mo, you must be sick, seriously ill!

I submitted an article to "Chronicle of Mathematics" and you said there was something wrong with my paper.

Okay, then I won’t vote for it, I will publish it directly on Arxiv.

What now?

You guy actually posted your paper on the Arxiv website. Are you sure you didn't mean to target me?

Watanabe Shinichi gritted his teeth and uttered a sentence about the quintessence of Chinese culture in a small book. His face turned blue. The shock and disbelief just now were gone. There was only one thought left in his mind: "Zhao Mo, you are my enemy! I must do it." You look good!”

He felt that Zhao Mo must be here to target him.

From the moment the ABC conjecture was proved, Zhao Mo has always had trouble with him!

ABC guessed that he had been studying this issue, and Zhao Mo figured it out first.

Now, he finally came up with his alien theater theory. Zhao Mo criticized his theory for having problems, which caused the "Chronicle of Mathematics" to reject his manuscript.

He was done with the "Chronicle of Mathematics", and Zhao Mo went to Arxiv again to deliberately disrupt the situation. Isn't this aimed at him?

As soon as Zhao Mo's paper was released, everyone went to watch it. Who still read his alien theater theory?

At the same time, Tao Zexuan was also hated by him: "A Fields Medal winner who doesn't do his own mathematical research, but pops up to comment on other people's papers when nothing happens, and licks Zhao Mo at every turn, is just like the same breed! Yes!" Come on, you are all Chinese, protect each other!"


Watanabe Shinichi slammed the table and stood up angrily.


At this moment, the office door was pushed open, and his friend Sakamoto Ryuji walked in anxiously.

Watanabe Shinichi looked up, looking angry as if he wanted to eat someone.

It wasn't until he saw clearly that the person coming was Ryuji Sakamoto that his expression relaxed a little, but he was still angry.

Sakamoto Ryuji was startled by his appearance. He choked on what he originally wanted to say and became hesitant: "Shin~ Shinichi, did you read the paper by Zhao Mo from China on Arxiv? ?”

Apart from this reason, he couldn't think of anything else that could make a person like Watanabe Shinichi, who was always around, so rude.


Watanabe Shinichi almost said it through gritted teeth.

Sakamoto Ryuji sighed: "I didn't expect this Zhao Mo..."

He originally wanted to say that Zhao Mo was great, but as he spoke, he suddenly realized that his friend Watanabe Shinichi was angry, so he quickly changed his words: "...You are so shameless, isn't this directly aimed at you, Shinichi? ?”

After hearing what his friend said, Watanabe Shinichi became even more angry, but on the surface he calmed down and said slowly: "Anyone can publish papers on Arxiv, so although we know that he is targeting us, we There’s nothing we can do against him.”

Sakamoto Ryuji sneered: "Who said there is nothing we can do against him? This time the International Mathematics Conference will invite him to give a report. It is said that there will be a grand prize awarded to him, which is almost confirmed. Then we will make sure that he cannot win the prize!"

Watanabe Shinichi's eyes lit up, yes, there is still this matter.

In terms of voting rights, their little book also has five votes. He can lobby their people not to vote for Zhao Mo.

Despite this, Watanabe Shinichi still hesitated and asked: "Didn't I hear that he refused to participate in the meeting? Can we affect him by doing this?"

Sakamoto Ryuji continued to sneer: "They have always been good-looking. How could he not be willing to go if there is a chance to win the Fields Medal? He is just pretending to be reserved and exaggerating. Just like that Just like Zhuge Liang, he had to be invited by Liu Bei before he came out. I think he must be waiting for the International Mathematical Union to invite him."

"Is that right?"

Watanabe Shinichi also thought this was the case, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

It seems that Ryuji Sakamoto said the same thing before?

"Is such that!"

Sakamoto Ryuji nodded without hesitation and continued: "Shinichi, you have to know that is the Fields Medal, the highest honor in mathematics. Which mathematician doesn't want it? What's more, there is no Fields Medal. It fell into the hands of the Chinese. The former Tao Zexuan and Professor Qiu were Chinese, not Chinese, so this honor is extraordinary for China. Even if Zhao Mo doesn’t want it, don’t the people in their country want it?”

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Watanabe Shinichi's face, and he said: "Yoshi, Ryuuji, you are indeed a China expert."

So it's settled.

Needless to say, the East Asian cultural circle, whether it is a small book, a stick, or a monkey, understands and has a deep grasp of the shame culture and face-saving culture of the former suzerain country.

With the entry into the WTO, trade has deepened. Not to mention the East Asian cultural circles, even European and American Westerners have gradually learned about this thing about the great Eastern countries and often make use of it.


Beijing, Yanda.

"What a bounded distance of 7000 million! What a Zhao Mo!"

In the office, Huang Cheng looked at the paper that Zhao Mo posted on the Arxiv website. He couldn't help but slapped the paper and said repeatedly with excitement: "You can complete such a proof with only a very basic screening method. I made a lot of it." The ruler directly reduced the prime numbers in the infinite area to 7000 million... What a genius application, genius idea, and genius results!"

He said "genius-like" three times in a row, which shows how excited he was at this time.

Vice-principal Xiao Ming told him yesterday that Zhao Mo had published a new paper, so he went online to read it.

He has been reading the paper for a day. Although he has no final conclusion, he has already seen the central idea of ​​​​the paper and some mathematical techniques used. In his opinion, to put it bluntly, the central idea is strange, correct, and unimaginable;

Mathematics skills, perfect!

Yes, he thought that Zhao Mo's mathematical skills had reached the level of proficiency, as if they were made by a master who had been immersed in this field for decades.

Looking at the whole paper, there are no flaws, it is self-consistent and harmonious, with one added point added to the paper and one point missing from the separation of flesh and blood.

"Bang bang bang~"

Just when we were excited, the people in the office were suddenly knocked.

"Come in~"

Huang Cheng said.

Then, Han Lin walked in from the door and asked with a curious smile: "Who was the genius you were talking about just now?"

Huang Cheng sighed: "Who else could it be? Zhao Mo from Wudaokou!"

"Is it him again? I thought it was the freshman Wei Tiancai who was recommended this year~"

Han Lin raised his brows, then nodded and said, "Only he can be praised like this by you. It seems that he has achieved great results recently."

Wei Tiancai is the gold medal winner of the 50th Olympic Mathematics Competition last year. He is a well-known mathematical genius. During this period, he has been covered by the media in a series of reports. From head to toe, he would like to pick out his ancestors for eighteen generations. . Then this year, I was recommended to study at Yanda University, where I studied jointly with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree.

Huang Cheng also knew it, but now he was in no mood to talk about Wei Tiancai.

He waved to Han Lin, motioning for him to come over and look at the computer screen, and then pointed at the computer screen and said: "Zhao Mo's new paper is related to the Riemann Hypothesis, and it has made a big step forward in twin prime numbers. I dare say that this It is the most important mathematical achievement this year, bar none."

"Riemann Hypothesis?"

Han Lin was taken aback and quickly looked carefully, putting aside the business of coming here.

He does not study mathematics, but mathematics is indispensable in the study of all science subjects, so he also knows the Riemann Hypothesis, a world-famous mathematical problem.

Anyone who can make even a small amount of progress in researching this mathematical problem would be an extremely significant achievement, enough to shock the entire world.

And those who can make progress will immediately become a generation of mathematics masters!


Of course, for Zhao Mo, who is already famous all over the world, it is enough to further his fame and influence.

After watching for a while, Han Lin gradually frowned.

Some of them he could understand, but most of them he had trouble seeing or couldn't understand.

Huang Cheng saw his reaction from the side, so he smiled and asked: "How do you feel? Are you shocked?"

Han Lin came back to his senses, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's really powerful. I can probably tell a little bit. It seems that a basic sieving method was used?"

"Not bad, Lao Han~"

Huang Cheng's eyes lit up, and he explained enthusiastically: "Look here~here~and here..., you can see that Zhao Mo has a deep enough understanding of mathematical techniques, so he can modify Goldstone The work of others has crossed a previously insurmountable threshold and expanded the sieving theory since the 18th century by a big step..."

After talking for a little while, but before his interest was fully developed, Han Lin suddenly interrupted him and said: "Yeah, okay, I understand. Let's study this later. Let's talk about my affairs first."

Huang Cheng's expression froze, and after rolling his eyes at him, he smacked his lips and said, "...Well, it's such a pity that you can't experience this kind of fun!"

He really wanted to share his happiness with Han Lin, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable holding it back.

Han Lin: "..."

Good guy, do you think I am a mathematician like you?

"Ahem~ It's like this. The team from the University of Tokyo published a paper on high-temperature superconductivity. I think the ideas about topology are quite interesting. I thought I'd come and have a chat with you..."

Han Lin didn't hesitate. He coughed and told the purpose of his visit.

Huang Cheng asked curiously: "Topological high-temperature superconductor? Who is the University of Tokyo?"

Han Lin said: "Yes, Tokura Yoshihide of Tokyo University, a disciple of Masukawa Toshihide."

"It turned out to be the disciple of a Nobel Prize winner."

Huang Cheng smiled and then asked again: "Can high-temperature superconductivity be feasible? We have been working on it for many years and there is no progress."

Han Lin glanced at him sideways and said angrily: "Are you talking about room-temperature superconductivity? There has been progress in high-temperature superconductivity, but you are just ignorant."

Huang Cheng smiled and said, "Okay, if you have any questions, just ask them. I'll be happy to answer them."

Han Lin: "..."

Although this answer is very good, it still feels very awkward and I can't explain it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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