Chapter 312 Milestone!

Zhao Mo’s reputation is still very big!

After the ABC conjecture was proved, especially in recent years, more and more mathematicians have recognized Zhao Mo's achievements and his status as a "well-known mathematician".

When Zhao Mo published the paper on the Arxiv website so that everyone could read it for free, the name "Zhao Mo" quickly caused widespread response to the paper.

On Arxiv, many mathematicians, and even other scientists who are not mathematicians, came here to watch the paper "Bounded Spacing Between Prime Numbers".

Before Professor Ivanets saw it, many mathematicians were reading and calculating.

The time was a bit short, so no one commented, but everyone liked it and watched it again.

When Professor Ivanets published his views, it immediately caused a sensation. All mathematicians and mathematics researchers rushed to tell each other and happily talked about this paper.

The influence of Professor Henrik Ivanets cannot be overemphasized. His authority in analytic number theory also makes his judgments full of authority and very convincing.

Hans Cat, University of Bonn.

Schultz had completed all of his studies.

Yes, although Schulz only started studying mathematics at a very old age, he is a genius. He completed his bachelor's degree in three years and is about to receive his master's degree. This means that he completed his undergraduate and master's degree in three years. Even after studying, I got the highest level certificate.

This kind of learning speed is beyond the reach of 99% of math geniuses.

Schultz's mentor told Schultz himself, his colleagues and old friends in the industry more than once that it was only a matter of time before Schultz won the Fields Medal.

Schultz is considering whether to accept the invitation to join the Clay Mathematics Institute as a researcher.

Very few people know the name Clay Mathematics Institute, but I believe many people know about another initiative of this institute, which is the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium!

The seven major mathematical problems of the millennium were proposed by the Clay Mathematics Institute. Each problem will be rewarded with a million US dollars, and whoever solves it will be given immediately.

One of the difficult problems, the Poincaré Conjecture, has been solved by the mathematician Perelman. Yes, that's the guy who turned down the Fields Medal in 2006.

Da Maozi's mathematical prowess is really incredible. He suddenly fell into a mess. From Gauss to Perelman, everyone is a top tycoon.

Perelman was very arrogant. When faced with the Fields Medal, he said directly: "A mathematics prize should be awarded by a king? What qualifications does he have?" and then decisively refused.

He is very disdainful!

There is no doubt that being able to join the Clay Mathematics Institute is a strong testament to Schultz’s mathematical prowess.

But Schultz hasn't thought about it yet. He is considering whether to study for a doctorate first and then go there?

"Hey Schultz, what are you doing here?"

While walking around the campus, a friend from the dormitory ran over. He was also from the mathematics department. Although he was not as talented as him, he was still a good mathematician. When he saw him, he immediately took his hand and ran back: "Hurry up, you The Chinese Professor Zhao who admired it published a new paper on Arxiv. It was very well written, and Professor Ivanets said that the paper was correct~"

Schultz was startled at first, and then his face was startled. His pace suddenly quickened, and he ran in front of his friend in a few strides.

As he ran, Schultz asked, "What paper is it?"

"The bounded distance between prime numbers~"

The friend replied, and then shouted: "Hey, you guy, can you stop running so fast?"

Schultz ignored him, shouted "Hurry up" and then disappeared.

By the time his friend caught up with him, Schultz had already turned on his computer in his dormitory and was seriously looking at the paper he just mentioned on the Arxiv website.

"This guy~"

My friend laughed and cursed breathlessly.

Schulz didn't hear it. His ears automatically filtered out any sounds from the outside world. He focused all his attention on the paper, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

After a long time, Schulz murmured to himself: "It's so beautiful, as beautiful as a Swiss clock!"


My friend was stunned for a moment and didn't hear what he said clearly.

Until the evening, his friend did not wait for Schulz's answer.

At dinner time, he went to eat, but Schulz ignored him, and he didn't call him. He went to eat alone, because he knew that Schulz was like this, he didn't care about anything when he was in the mood.

Have a meal?

Is math important for eating?


After seven o'clock in the evening, Schultz, who had been reading the paper for more than ten hours, finally came to his senses and stood up from his seat.

"I think this paper is correct, and Professor Ivanets' judgment is correct."

Schultz said slowly, with an expression of excitement and emotion on his face, mixed with a little reluctance and resignation.

My friend asked in disbelief: "Have you read all the papers? Have you finished the calculations?"

Schultz shook his head and said, "No, I've probably finished reading it and haven't finished the calculations, but I trust my intuition."

"Okay~" The friend shrugged.


This thing is a universal answer!

Then, he heard Schultz sigh: "China's Zhao is indeed much better than me!"

The friend was startled for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "Schulz, this is not like your style. Didn't you always say that Zhao from China came into contact with mathematics earlier than you? If you also came into contact with mathematics at an early age like Zhao from China, Aren’t your achievements worse than his?”

Schultz smiled bitterly and said: "That was before, not now. The appearance of this paper changed my mind and made me realize that even if I came into contact with mathematics very early like Zhao from China, I think my ability in mathematics His achievements will not exceed his. This paper will not be the end for China Zhao, but just a new beginning."

Yes, a new beginning.

If the proof of the ABC conjecture was the beginning of Zhao Mo's shock to the world, then this article "Bounded Distance between Prime Numbers" was Zhao Mo's new beginning in the field of mathematics.

After three years of silence, it was not that Zhao Mo became mediocre, but that he was dormant and accumulating strength. Zhao Mo was still the same Zhao Mo, with such terrifying talent.

Therefore, everyone should stop thinking about ridiculous ideas such as Zhao Mo becoming mediocre. If you have these thoughts, why not think about whether you are too mediocre?

His friend coughed and comforted him: "Schulz, in my heart, you have always been the best."

"Thank you!"

Schultz thanked him, looked at the paper on the computer screen, and sighed: "This is a paper with the beauty of the Renaissance! This time, if the Mathematical Union does not invite Zhao, I believe that this year's paper will The International Mathematical Congress will surely be overshadowed.”

His intuition told him that in the field of mathematics, he would probably be under the shadow of China's Zhao for the rest of his life!


Notebook, University of Tokyo.

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, Watanabe Shinichi was not back in the office. He was still working overtime.

It's not that Watanabe Shinichi likes to work overtime, but that he is used to this kind of life, or rather, men in the entire small country have this kind of life. After get off work, they don't go home as soon as possible, but work overtime.

As for whether they really work overtime, do not want to go back to see the yellow-faced woman, or whether they get off work too early and are laughed at by the neighbors next door for not socializing, then only they themselves know.

When it was eight o'clock, Watanabe Shinichi looked at the time. It was one o'clock and it was time to go home.

He packed his things and was about to get up and go back when he suddenly remembered that his paper on the alien theater theory had been posted on the Arxiv website for a while. He hadn't seen the reaction for two or three days, so he didn't get up, but opened the I got on the computer and logged into the Arxiv website.

After logging into his account and looking at his paper, Watanabe Shinichi's expression changed slightly.

His extraterrestrial theater theory paper had only a few comments, and most of them were praised by colleagues at the University of Tokyo, including his good friend Ryuji Sakamoto.

Looking at it today, I found a comment added, but the content was questioning his paper, saying it was unrealistic.


Watanabe Shinichi cursed in his heart and immediately looked at the comment account. He wanted to see who was so bold and without vision.

The next moment, his eyes narrowed and the expression on his face froze.

Account name "Tao Zexuan"!

Watanabe Shinichi was speechless, and the cursing in his heart stopped.

Tao Zexuan is someone he can't afford to quarrel with. Others are young and not as old as him, but he is last year's Fields Medal winner and a master of mathematics!

"I don't know how to appreciate it!"

Watanabe Shinichi murmured bitterly, then closed his post and followed Tao Zexuan's account to the other party's homepage.

He thought, since you said my paper is not good, then I want to see what the papers you think are good are.

Tao Zexuan is a very active person. Whether on the Internet or in the media, Watanabe Shinichi often sees each other bubbling up. He didn't think it was anything before, but now he just feels disgusted.

"This research is first-rate, and the authors successfully proved a landmark theorem about the distribution of prime numbers...I have an interesting idea to build a project on the Polymath 8 problem, which may require a lot of computers resources. In addition, we need to make a little innovation in theory and find smaller numbers according to the answers in this paper. I don't strongly think that we can reduce the value to 2 to prove the twin prime conjecture, but there is no doubt that we can reduce the number to . It’s going to be an interesting journey.”

On the homepage of Tao Zexuan's account, the top page is a paragraph and a quote from a paper, followed by the sentence "I heard that there was a conflict with Professor Zhao at this International Mathematics Conference? Let me first state that there is no participation of Professor Zhao. Congress is meaningless."

The cited paper is titled "Bounded distances between prime numbers" and comes with an address.

"Riemann Hypothesis?"

Watanabe Shinichi was shocked, and an incredible look appeared on his face.

He quickly clicked on the address of the cited paper, and then the page jumped. A paper appeared in front of him, a paper proving that as numbers tend to infinity, there are infinite pairs of prime numbers whose difference is less than 7000 million. .

Watanabe Shinichi swallowed, and his heartbeat accelerated a lot.

Why did a mathematician come up with such an explosive paper after not being online for a few days?

Simply incredible!

This is a weak form proof of the twin prime conjecture!

At this moment, his mind was spinning wildly, and he clearly knew that although the result of 7000 million was far different from 2, it was still a great achievement, worthy of being considered a "milestone" by Tao Zexuan.

But the next moment, when his eyes saw the name of the author of this paper, "Zhao Mo".

The expression on his face froze instantly: "???"

 Successfully reached the million word mark! From August to now, there have been five months in total, 20 words per month. This amount of updates is a big challenge for me personally. I am gratified that I have completed it. Looking back, it was not easy~



(End of this chapter)

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