Chapter 311 Rejected?

Life science is a very complex subject.

But after reading the information for a few days, Zhao Mo traced back to the source and quite recognized the fact that chemistry is the basis of life sciences. This is indeed the case.

Human beings are advanced intelligent beings, but they are also composed of various chemical elements.

Of course, the birth of life is full of magic, and life itself is also very magical. The core point is "wisdom" and "consciousness".

They are obviously just a bunch of chemical elements, so why do they produce consciousness and intelligence when combined together?

This is very miraculous, and it is a big question that humans have been thinking about for a long time.

Why they don't fall apart or separate after being put together can be explained by several physical forces, but "consciousness" and "wisdom" are really difficult to explain.

Consciousness, also called soul, is an autonomous and mysterious existence with independent cognition. Only what has consciousness is called life. This "life" is very vivid.

Wisdom is the level of the soul that can think about why, how to do it, etc.

"After a lot of accumulation and analogy, I should be able to solve these mysteries~"

Zhao Mo has an optimistic estimate.

Just like the previous view, life science comes down to chemistry, chemistry comes down to physics, and many places are related. Just like everything in the world, they all influence each other and cannot exist independently.

At this point, Zhao Mo believes that the Nobel Prize has done better, and the Chemistry Prize has become the Science and Technology Prize.

Study, teach, train~

Zhao Mo remained calm as always, not paying any attention to the commotion in the outside world.

The success of the rocket launch, the statement of the Mathematical Union, the first flight of the J-20... and so on, etc., caused huge or big waves in the outside world, and the sky was filled with anger, but they were all isolated from Wudaokou and isolated from the outside world. Outside the Astronaut Training Center, there was no way to get in, let alone Zhao Mo's mind.

It wasn't until mid-May that Zhao Mo's peaceful mood was broken.

"Chronicle of Mathematics" actually sent him a rejection email, saying that he was sorry that his paper did not meet the publication standards and asked him to continue to improve it.

The moment he saw the email, Zhao Mo had a question mark on his face: "???"

What the hell?

Are the publishing standards of "Chronicles of Mathematics" so high?

His weak form proof of the Riemann Hypothesis could not be published?

Immediately, he became even more confused, wondering if the person at "Chronicle of Mathematics" was schizophrenic. Didn't he write back to him some time ago saying that he was very good?

Within half a month, the attitude was completely opposite and the manuscript was rejected?

This was the first time his paper had been rejected, and it was such a weird operation. After being confused, he couldn't help but send an email to ask about the problem.

As a result, "Chronicle of Mathematics" responded quickly this time. Although the words were changed, the meaning was the same as rejecting the manuscript. It only said that the standards were not met.

As for the standard, I didn’t say.

Zhao Mo couldn't help but laugh angrily: "Okay, you are noble and awesome~"

After changing hands, he put the paper on Arxiv for mathematicians around the world to take a look.

After posting, Zhao Mo began to think about something he had thought about for a long time but had never done, the issue of changing the academic discourse.

"Chronicle of Mathematics" rejected the manuscript arbitrarily without giving any reason. Although it did not cause any harm to him, it was extremely insulting.

In the final analysis, the "Chronicle of Mathematics" is not China's mathematics journal, but America's mathematics journal. Journals including the "Annals of Mathematics" are basically owned by America and its allies. The advantages accumulated over hundreds of years have formed a huge advantage in the right to speak.

Are those journals fair and impartial?

Maybe, but it's definitely not 100% true. Wherever your butt sits, it will naturally point to that direction. This is not based on human will.

In China, who would dare to reject his paper at will, especially if the paper is correct?

But "Chronicles of Mathematics" dares!

"The general trend of rising in the east and falling in the west is not enough to be reflected in the industrial and economic aspects. It must also be supported by the right to speak. I can't influence other things. How can I influence academics?"

Zhao Mo sneered, then got up and went to find Director Zhou of their mathematics department to discuss the matter with him face to face.

After hearing his thoughts, Zhou Zuojian immediately expressed his support.

Although not so optimistic, this matter still needs to be done, but Zhou Zuojian still said with some regret: "It is a pity that the overall strength of Wudaokou is not as good as that of Yan University next to it. There are already many resources in the country in terms of mathematics journals."

Zhao Mo agreed, but still decided to do it, saying: "The best way is to reform the Journal of Mathematics, but I don't think it would be faster to create a new journal. I suggest that we at Wudaokou start one ourselves, focusing on basic research. , theoretical research direction, I can recommend myself, and I will be the editor-in-chief."

Zhou Zuojian said thoughtfully: "This matter cannot be rushed, I will arrange it~"


On the other side, America.

Inside the office.

"Sure enough, this paper is right!"

Professor Ivanets looked at the large amount of manuscript paper on his desk, which was a paper he "reproduced" in a week of retreat. He was so excited that he couldn't help but mutter to himself, and then He laughed again, his expression seemed to be out of control.

Yes, I will rewrite it after a week of retreat!

After reading the paper that day and telling James, the editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics", that the conclusion "may be correct", he decided to put Zhao Mo's paper aside and prove it himself according to the central idea of ​​Zhao Mo's paper.

Professor Ivanets thinks so too.

This week, he did nothing else but this one thing. The desk full of manuscript paper in front of him was his result. He successfully proved the bounded distance between prime numbers again according to the central idea of ​​Zhao Mo's paper, and the complete complex I discovered Zhao Mo’s paper.

Ivanets is still excited, because this means that Zhao Mo's proof is correct, and it means that mathematics has made a small step forward!

This small step is nothing less than a giant step and has huge significance. After putting away the manuscript paper, Ivanets sat in front of the computer and wrote back to James, the editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics", telling him the final conclusion that "the paper is correct".

Just after the email was sent, Ivanets clicked on the Arxiv website, just passing by to take a look, not intending to do anything.

As soon as he clicked in, the most popular paper on the Arxiv website today appeared in front of him, and the name was "Bounded distances between prime numbers".


Professor Ivanets suddenly had a question mark on his face. He didn't realize what was going on. He thought he had seen it wrong and couldn't help but rub his eyes.

After looking at it again, Ivanets was stunned when he realized that he had not read it wrong. It was really the "A Big Step Forward in Mathematics" paper that he had just verified, and the author was Zhao Mo.

Wait a minute, is Zhao Mo messing around?

Ivanets thought to himself: "Could it be that Professor Zhao's hand was shaking and he pronounced it wrong?"

He carefully read the paper on Arxiv. The content was the same. He immediately thought about calling Wudaokou to remind Professor Zhao?

ding dong~

An email popped up, a reply from "The Chronicle of Mathematics."

"Dear Professor Ivanets, we believe that this paper does not meet the publication requirements and have rejected it for revision. Thank you for your letter."

Ivanets understood everything immediately.

Well, it turns out it's you, "The Chronicle of Mathematics", who is causing trouble!

Ivanets immediately became angry and immediately responded to an email asking why.

This time, "Chronicles of Mathematics" did not reply to him.

Ivanets then called James directly and asked for an explanation.

As a result, James didn't answer.

Ivanets, who had nowhere to vent his anger, stormed out of the office angrily and was about to drive to the headquarters of "The Chronicle of Mathematics" to ask for the reason face to face.

"Professor, this is an invitation letter from the International Mathematical Union, inviting you to attend this year's International Mathematics Congress in Asan." His student and his teaching assistant happened to come over to him. When he saw him coming out, he immediately handed over a An invitation was in front of him.

"Put it on my table~"

Ivanets answered casually, without stopping.


His teaching assistant responded and prepared to walk into the office.

Ivanets suddenly paused, turned around and asked: "Andrew, is there any news at the Mathematical Union recently?"

His teaching assistant, Andrew, thought for a while and replied: "A few days ago, the chairman of the Mathematics Union, Ragutanna, said that if Professor Zhao Mo from Wudaokou, China, goes to participate, he will be given a chance to give a report~"

"I know~"

Ivanets took a deep breath, turned around and left.

Andrew: "..."

Professor, what do you know?

He knew that Professor Ivanets had recently admired Professor Zhao Mo from Wudaokou, China, so he mentioned it just now. I thought there would be some kind of reaction, but this is the result?

Ivanets wanted to ask clearly, and soon arrived at the "Chronicle of Mathematics" and rushed directly into James' office.

"James, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I swear, I will beat you today..."

Ivanets said angrily.

"Professor, please calm down~"

James looked at him like this, as if he wanted to eat him. He was frightened. He quickly stood up and made a gesture of surrender with his hands, and then persuaded him nicely: "I swear, professor, this is not mine." That's my original intention. But you should know that "Chronicles of Mathematics" is a journal, it wants to make a profit, and it must accept federal supervision, so..."

The angry voice of the angry Ivanets suddenly stopped.

"Shit! What a piece of shit!"

After staring at James for a long time, Ivanets finally spoke up again, kept swearing, and then reluctantly left the "Chronicle of Mathematics."

When the truth came out, he was angry and sad.

But there was nothing he could do.

He alone cannot resist the will of the country!

"He shouldn't be scolding me, right? Is he scolding the Federation? Yes, that should be the case."

After James watched him leave, he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

That night, after returning to the office, Ivanets found his assistant teacher Andrew and asked him to throw away the invitation from the Mathematical Union. Then he used his own account to publish a statement on the Arxiv website, and added Zhao Mo's account. With the newly published paper, he said: "This paper is impeccable! Zhao has advanced mathematics a big step forward. We are one step closer to the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. This is the most important mathematical result in the past ten years." In addition, I hereby declare that if there is no report from Zhao at this year’s International Mathematics Congress, I will refuse to attend!”

(End of this chapter)

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