You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 315 Frankly speaking, I am more important than the Fields Medal

Chapter 315 Frankly speaking, I am more important than the Fields Medal

America, CIA headquarters.

"What? He still refuses?"

Feili was shocked when he heard the information coming from the phone.

The next moment, before he could say anything else, Director McKinsey roared angrily: "Guard~"


"Oh? You must give me the Fields Medal? It turns out that this award can be manipulated in secret~"

Listening to Wang Yun's words on the phone, Zhao Mo was neither surprised nor surprised, and then sighed: "It's okay if you don't want such an award!"

Surprised, it was clearly stated that as long as he went, the Fields Medal would be awarded to him.

Not surprised, it was the previous trouble that made him mentally prepared.

Of course, the more important thing is that it was confirmed, and all the previous thoughts and imaginations were shattered. It turns out that the Fields Medal can be something that is exploited, and it can also be manipulated by power. It cannot be an entirely objective, fair and just award.

"Professor Zhao, you~"

Wang Yun was shocked when he heard this. It took him a while to react, and then he quickly persuaded: "Professor Zhao, I suggest you think again. Our country has not yet won a Fields Medal for mathematicians. If you can this time If you win the award, you will be the first person in our country and create history..."

Zhao Mo didn't wait for her to finish, and interrupted her directly: "No, Professor Wang, just refuse it for me, thank you!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Zhao Mo thought about it and explained the news to Zhou Zuojian, Principal Gu, Mr. Yang and others.

In this regard, Zhou Zuojian, Principal Gu, Mr. Yang and others naturally expressed regret and support for him. They were afraid of the last Geneva incident.

After Professor Qiu found out, he came over to ask him why.

"Professor Zhao, your paper on the bounded distance between prime numbers is really good~"

Professor Qiu first praised him, and then talked about the origin and significance of the Fields Medal, saying: "The Fields Medal is of great significance to China. If Professor Zhao can win it, it will greatly enhance the Boosting national confidence is very beneficial to the development of national mathematics."

Of course Zhao Mo knows this, so winning the Fields Medal is actually not only his own personal matter, but also related to the country's plans.

There is nothing we can do about it. Today's citizens are completely unconfident, and the overall public opinion and atmosphere are lower than those in the West. There is an urgent need to win some top international awards to boost confidence.

However, this is not based on personal will, and Zhao Mo cannot risk his life for this matter. This is not only disrespectful to himself and his family, but also harmful to the country's plans.

Therefore, after listening to Professor Qiu’s suggestion, as if he was lobbying, Zhao Mo said with a smile: “Professor Qiu, frankly speaking, I think my personal importance to the country is more important to the country than a Fields Medal falling in the country. important!"

Professor Qiu suddenly fell into deep thought: "..."

Good guy, these words are really frank, not subtle at all.

However, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this. Zhao Mo is indeed more important to the country than a Fields Medal. After all, Zhao Mo is not only a mathematician, but also an aerospace expert, materials scientist, etc.

Afterwards, Professor Qiu stopped trying to persuade him.

Zhao Mo also reported to the superiors.

In mid-May, the 5th General Coordination Meeting of the Manned Space Project was held in Beijing to discuss and determine the rendezvous and docking mission planning, the Tiangong- target aircraft and the Shenzhou- and subsequent Shenzhou- spacecraft missions. , Coordinate major technical issues between various systems.

At the conference, Zhao Mo and Minister Liu of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology communicated this matter face to face.

“It’s a pity that netizens are so enthusiastic, haha~”

Minister Liu also knew that there might have been an undercurrent behind the matter, so he just said he wouldn't go and then made a little joke.

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "The enthusiasm will not disappear, it will only transfer. When I go to heaven, their enthusiasm will probably be even hotter than now."

Minister Liu suddenly coughed: "Cough cough cough..."

At this conference, Zhao Mo attended the conference as a guest, astronaut, and one of the launch vehicle designers. However, he did not speak during the entire conference, and there was no need for him to speak.

The theme of the conference is very clear, which is to discuss the next missions and launches of Tiangong-1, Shenzhou-8 and Shenzhou-9.

As the beginning of the Tiangong Space Station, the launch of Tiangong-9 is of vital importance, related to subsequent success or failure and progress. The original plan was to launch next year, because technology has made great progress in the past few years, and a lot of research has been completed ahead of schedule. Therefore, after discussion at the conference, it was unanimously decided to launch before the end of September in the second half of this year, which can be regarded as a gift for this year's National Day.

Shenzhou 11 is an unmanned spacecraft. It is decided to launch in early November, one month after Tiangong , and will complete the rendezvous and docking mission and subsequent return and landing mission.

Whether Tiangong-1 or Shenzhou-8, they are all experimental, to verify technology.

Tiangong-1 is to lay the foundation for the subsequent Tiangong Space Station. If Tiangong-1 is successful, the construction of the subsequent Tiangong Space Station will proceed smoothly.

Shenzhou 8 is to lay the foundation for Shenzhou 9 and a series of subsequent Shenzhou spacecraft missions. Therefore, it is an unmanned spacecraft. Its main purpose is to verify the rendezvous and docking technology. Shenzhou 8 is successful, and the next step is for Shenzhou 9 to carry astronauts up for rendezvous and docking, and for the astronauts to station in Tiangong 1. It will be a matter of course for the subsequent astronauts to stay in space. "If the rendezvous and docking is completed this year, then next year will be the manned rendezvous and docking of Shenzhou 9?"

Zhao Mo listened to the whole process and was extremely happy when he heard the progress.

"Professor Zhao, the reason why our aerospace development is so fast and the progress is so much ahead of schedule is all thanks to you. The large AI model you created is really easy to use. I have heard people below praise it more than once. The big models are amazing, especially the ones we collaborated with a certain company..."

During the break in the meeting, Minister Liu couldn't help but sigh with Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo said helplessly: "Mr. Liu, don't stare at me. This has nothing to do with me! I just talked about an idea and then wrote a mathematical algorithm. Professor Yao did the real work. With his team. As for the aerospace side, it has nothing to do with me, I’m not even involved.”

Minister Liu couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, don't be humble in front of me. You have to acknowledge your merits, otherwise it will look very hypocritical."

Zhao Mo: "..."

Okay, boss, whatever you say is what you say. Just follow your words. I won’t say anything, okay?

In the second half of the meeting, the launch mission of Shenzhou-9 was determined.

As Zhao Mo expected, this conference decided to set the launch plan for the end of September next year, that is, September 9, 2011.

"September next year? This is a good time. I can finally complete my mission!"

Zhao Mo said secretly.

In addition to the main mission, the "go to heaven" mission in the side mission is the longest mission he has ever done. It will take another year and a half to complete, which is really long enough.

Of course, the original plan was to complete it within five years. If he can officially go to heaven tomorrow, September 9, it means that he has completed the task one year ahead of schedule, which means that the completion is still very good.

At the end of the meeting, Minister Liu on the rostrum looked around and saw that Zhao Mo, who was sitting in the front row, was silent during the normal meeting and kept staring at his book. He couldn't help but smile at him and said: " Professor Zhao, you are also an expert in aerospace. Don’t just study your mathematics. Can you also tell me your opinion?”

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of kind laughter in the conference room.

Everyone turned to look at Zhao Mo.

Regardless of whether they were familiar with each other or not, they all looked at him curiously, thinking about what he had to say.

Zhao Mo didn't expect that the meeting was almost over, and Minister Liu actually ordered his general, and he was stunned for a moment.

After thinking about it, Zhao Mo still said the truth: "I think what everyone said is good, but there is one thing that was not mentioned~"


Minister Liu was surprised and asked quickly: "What didn't you say?"

Others were also a little surprised. Many people's expressions changed slightly. They tried hard to recall the meeting just now, wondering if they had left something unsaid?

Zhao Mo coughed and continued: "I didn't say whether there was me as an astronaut on Shenzhou 9!"

Minister Liu: "..."

Everyone present, especially those who are trying to remember: "..."

Boss, are you here for a meeting or to cause trouble?

In such a serious occasion, how awkward would you say the atmosphere was when you asked me such a question?




With an awkward laugh, the conference room burst into laughter.

"The meeting is dismissed!"

Minister Liu did not comment on Zhao Mo's words and ended the meeting with a wave of his hand.

According to external reports, the conference was a complete success, and then the resolutions discussed at the conference were released, including the launch mission times of Tiangong-1, Shenzhou-8 and Shenzhou-9.

As soon as the news was released, it became a hot search topic that day, completely suppressing the news about the successful launch of Chang 5B and the incident between the mathematics conference and Zhao Mo. Everyone went to chase the news. Not only in China, but also in other countries abroad, they are also rushing to follow up and report.

Everyone knows one thing, that is, China’s Tiangong Space Station is coming!

The Tiangong Space Station, which has been rumored for a long time but has never landed, is finally coming. This news is not unimportant.

Only the news of the J-20's first flight has not been suppressed and can still compete with this news.

There is no way, the popularity of the J-20 is too high. With the leakage of photos taken by netizens in Huangtianba, the official acquiescence has basically confirmed the news that our country has successfully developed the fifth-generation fighter jet. This is for a second-generation fighter like us. For a big country with third-generation aircraft as its core force, just imagine the level of improvement~

"Codename Veyron?"

At home, Yang Chan, who was approaching her due date, murmured something while listening to Zhao Mo's introduction, and a happy smile appeared on her smooth face.

But in Zhao Mo's view, this smile is full of maternal brilliance, as if it is shining~

(End of this chapter)

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