You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 308 Then I’ll just say a few words.

Chapter 308 Then let me just say a few words.

"Now, you are the sparkling light in the southwest corner! In the future, you will be the strong defender of the motherland, sea and sky!"

The successful first flight of the J-20 made everyone present feel excited.

Cheering and jumping~

Zhao Mo looked at a group of "old men" who looked like children, and the moisture in his eyes could not help but condense into tears and flow down.

He stretched out his hand to wipe it and whispered: "Hey, there is dust in my eyes~"

After getting excited, Chief Yang waved his hand and chanted a sentence.

Zhao Mo listened and knew that Commander Yang was imagining the heroic appearance of the J-20 troops after they were deployed.

The test pilot came down. He was a man with a round face and a strong build.

"Li Gang, how do you feel?"

Everyone gathered around, and General Su Yaohua from the Equipment Department asked the first question.

The pilot's name is Li Gang, the same Li Gang whose father is Li Gang. This is just a very common name. It is only because that Li Gang did not teach his son well that the name "Li Gang" is quite infamous in the hearts of the Chinese people.

"It seems like that hasn't happened yet? By the way, where is it?"

Zhao Mo couldn't remember it for a moment, and could only hope that this kind of thing would be changed by the butterfly effect he brought.

Facing a group of big bosses watching, test pilot Li Gang did not hesitate at all, and replied loudly with excitement and unfinished content: "Reporting to the chief, I am very proud. It was so fun to drive, but the time was too short and it was not satisfying at all. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst out laughing.

Su Yaohua laughed and said: "You kid, when you have some fun in the future, I will definitely give you a lot of fun."

Li Gang chuckled and said, "Chief, it's settled, don't go back on it."


Su Yaohua's mouth twitched and he said angrily: "Can I still lie to you? Your test flight was a complete success this time. Everyone saw it, and I will definitely let you fly in the future. If you don't believe it, you can ask Commander Yang, ask Academician Jiang, Academician Li, and Professor Zhao are watching?"

As he spoke, he motioned to the people present.

Commander Yang smiled and said: "Let me guarantee that what General Su said is true! Speaking of which, Li Gang, I have to thank you. You are a super pilot. You have a lot of credit for the successful first flight of the J-20."

Both big guys spoke, and Li Gang was naturally very happy.

For a test pilot, the happiest thing is to test fly a new aircraft, especially an advanced and super-performance aircraft, which is both new and challenging.

A fifth-generation fighter like the J-20, which is fully stealthy and fully aware, will make you happy no matter how long you fly.

"Hey, Commander Yang, I feel relieved with your words. There's nothing I can't thank you for. Being a test pilot is a gift. I can't help it. Who made me small and have a short neck? I was born to eat this bowl. It’s food.”

Li Gang waved his hand and said modestly.

Zhao Mo was startled when he heard this. Just when he was thinking about what he meant, Director Zhang next to him asked curiously: "Is being small and having a short neck a gift?"

Li Gang smiled and said: "Of course, with a short neck and a small stature, the distance between the heart and the brain is short, so the ability to withstand overload will naturally be good!"


Director Zhang was dumbfounded.

Su Yaohua, Chief Master Yang and others all twitched their lips: "..."

Good guy, this is really good guy!

The circuitry of his brain is really amazing, and when you think about it, he is really a gift.

Zhao Mo reacted and couldn't help laughing: "I just discovered now that you guys in the military industry are all very eloquent. I will have to learn more from you in the future."

Director Zhang: "..."

Boss, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Li Gang was not embarrassed at all, he just laughed.

The success of the first flight does not mean that it can be mass-produced and installed in the troops. It is still early, and test flights must continue and problems must be continuously investigated until it is truly mature.

This process will take at least four to five years.

In the previous life, there was a gap of six years from the successful test flight in 2011 to the official deployment into the army in 2017!

How many six years can a person's life last?

It took six years for the J-20 to fly from test flight to fielding, which is a long process.

Of course, this has something to do with the international environment.

At this stage, peace is the main theme, so it often takes ten or twenty years for a fighter jet to be officially delivered for use. If it were a war period, it would be impossible for researchers to have such a long time to slowly improve it, and they would only equip it as quickly as possible.

This was the case when America launched an aircraft carrier in thirty-three days during World War II. It was purely a waste of money.

Afterwards, everyone sat down and held several meetings. Different meetings are held by different people.

Some will be purely technical meetings and review meetings; others will be a group effort to provide opinions, such as what functions to add, what functions to change, how to deal with certain enemy capabilities, etc.

As an expert on engines, Zhao Mo attended all meetings.

Although he does not think that he is an expert in engines, General Su Yaohua, Chief Engineer Yang, and two academicians Jiang Li and others think that he is, so he just doesn't want to be "lazy" at all.

"Is it designed for two-seaters?"

Zhao Mo didn't have much to say at this stage, he just asked a question.

Chief Yang smiled and said: "It's in the plan, but not so soon. The key work in the next stage is to try to install the improved Emei engine and truly complete the localization of the engine."

Zhao Mo nodded, indicating that he understood.

However, he didn't want to say more, but Su Yaohua didn't let him go. During the opinion meeting, Su Yaohua made sure to ask him to give his opinions and talk about some development ideas for future fighters. Multiple people and multiple ideas do not have to be used. It's also good to provide everyone with some new ideas.

"Okay, let me just say a few words."

Zhao Mo first gave them a vaccination, and then expressed some of his thoughts: "UAVs will be the focus of development in the next 2 to years. Low-cost, large-scale UAVs, coupled with artificial intelligence control centers, will It is a nightmare for all enemies. A missile costs tens of millions of dollars, but a drone only costs tens or even thousands of dollars, which is impossible to fight. Therefore, in the next to years, we will have annihilation weapons. The is basically enough. Like America's B bomber, my personal opinion is that there is no need to develop it. It is better to develop hypersonic weapons, develop aerospace platforms, and carry drone swarm models..."

He spoke eloquently and for about ten minutes.

When he finished speaking, Su Yaohua's eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: "Professor Zhao, these opinions are very good, why are you always hiding them?"

Looking around, whether it was academicians Jiang and Li, Chief Engineer Yang, Director Zhang and others, they all listened thoughtfully, obviously thinking about the feasibility of his words.

"It's just a personal opinion, and the details need to be carefully evaluated."

Zhao Mo smiled and said, what he was thinking in his heart was the same as what he was saying. This was not because he was being modest. He was even thinking: "Mr. Qian's height cannot be reached in a short time. You still need to study more." ~"

In the face of a chaotic and unclear future, it is not something ordinary people can do to point out the correct direction of future development on their own.

Even among the world's top scientists, few can do this.

Qian Lao is one of the only people who can do this. He has almost single-handedly planned the development direction of China's science and technology in recent years, especially in the aerospace field.

Zhao Mo currently does not have this ability in any field of science and technology.

There is a lithium battery industry, but it is only based on products rewarded by the system and does not count his own abilities.

And to reach this height, it is unimaginable without huge knowledge.

This can only be achieved if one has vast knowledge, is familiar with the historical development context of various fields of science and technology, and has wisdom and pioneering thinking.

Naturally, no one here knew that he was thinking such "unbelievable" things. They only thought that what Zhao Mo just said was very forward-looking.

Indeed, the cost-effectiveness of the development of unmanned aircraft has directly reduced the practicality of various high-tech weapons and equipment.

They also know about drones. Since Zhao Mo used them for rescue in the Wenchuan earthquake and performed at the Olympics, the development of drones has been in full swing.

Let’s not talk about other things, let’s just talk about China. The military has developed multiple types of unmanned aircraft. The technology has gone through countless generations, including suicide, anti-tank, high-altitude penetration, early warning, and electronic warfare. , and even bombings were carried out. Among the people, unmanned aircraft are even more sophisticated. All kinds of small drones have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, ranging from high-end ones worth tens of thousands to low-priced ones worth hundreds of dollars to outrageous ones.

Those who engage in drone performances, they watch the news from time to time and see hundreds of them flying together, arranging various POSS in the sky.

There are three most famous drone companies. One is Fuyao in Beijing, which is the world's largest drone company; the second is DJ in Pengcheng. It is said that it only does export business, and even the American military has one. Buying it makes your scalp numb and gives you goose bumps; the third one is said to be a drone company that clearly claims to be a high-tech company, but in fact its core business is drone performances, which is typical Not doing business properly.

So far, there have been no cases of actual combat between drones and the armed forces of major powers, but this does not prevent experts who are doing it from imagining that scenario.

There are tens of thousands of cheap drones on the one hand, and weapons and equipment costing millions or tens of millions of dollars on the other. How can we fight this?

It doesn't take long to fight, it only takes a month or two, and one side with weapons and equipment worth millions or tens of millions of dollars will lose the war due to bankruptcy.

It’s too expensive, I can’t afford it!

"Professor Zhao, I agree with what you said. The emergence of drones is a major change in modern warfare. No, it should be said to be a subversion. It has subverted the mode of modern warfare!"

Director Zhang then spoke out in agreement with his statement.

Commander Yang sighed: "Therefore, our J-20 must speed up, otherwise the technology will be updated too quickly, and our J-20 may fall behind as soon as it is commissioned."

Zhao Mo: "..."

No, didn't I say that this is just my personal opinion?


And while everyone was having a meeting, they didn't know that in a village near Chengluoma, a spirited young man who was taking pictures with his mobile phone was looking at the photos on his mobile phone and giggling...

(End of this chapter)

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