You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 307 J-20 makes its first flight!

Chapter 307 J- makes its first flight!


Zhao Mo laughed again.

What he said is true. What he said is false and is just a joke made by netizens.

Of course he knew this.

At the end of November last year, Director Zhang participated in a defense observation program, and the host was Aqiu. Aqiu was later banned because of his unobtrusive speech and distorted views.

On the show, the director said one of his famous sayings, and Zhao Mo still remembers it.

"This fourth-generation aircraft is not that fourth-generation aircraft. What we are building is not a fourth-generation fighter in the American sense, nor a fifth-generation fighter in the Russian sense. We are an improvement on the J-22. If we talk about the J- If ten is the generation, it is the third and a half generation, , , something like this, it is an improved version. It took a long time to upload on the Internet, and it became the fourth generation machine in China. How can it be so easy to make it? Huh? America has been working on the F- for more than years, and our fourth-generation aircraft has not yet been planned to be built, so just blowing air? Impossible!"

Later, in 2012, America shut down the F-22 production line, so this rumor spread, saying that it was caused by the director's remarks about the Jian Shi Gai.

In fact, there are three main reasons why America's F-22 production line was closed down and the fifth-generation fully stealthy fighter jet as advanced as the F-22 was abandoned. One was that the cost was too expensive, and the second was that the F-22 was eight The design plan was made in the s, and the third one is the current weapon configuration. America is twenty years ahead of other countries in the world, and has no rivals, so it was simply shut down.

Of course, just shutting down the production line does not mean that there is no technology.

Once the power is turned on, America can still build the F-22 production line, just to see if there is a need.

Therefore, even if we have the J-20, we have only almost equalized the gap, and have not truly reached the point of completely defeating America.

To achieve a complete victory, you still need to work harder!

As they joked and joked, the relationship between the two became more familiar, no longer strange at the beginning.

It turned out that Zhao Mo was joking.

While he was a little dumbfounded, he was actually relieved and said to himself: "I have always heard that Professor Zhao is very serious. He only has study and work in his life. He usually has no entertainment hobbies and doesn't know how to joke. It doesn't look like this now." Ridiculous?"

When Zhao Mo arrived at the scene just now, Chief Master Yang, Academician Jiang, Academician Li and others came forward to greet him. Even Chief Master Song, an older generation, specially stepped forward to say hello to Zhao Mo. He noticed this. I was deeply shocked, knowing Zhao Mo's true power, and also seeing the hard work Zhao Mo put in behind his true power.

Look now, Professor Zhao is quite lively~

Just as he was thinking about it, Chief Su Yaohua on the side suddenly asked Zhao Mo with a puzzled look on his face: "Professor Zhao, it turns out that you like to watch defense observation. Why have I never seen you watch it before?"

He was startled and looked at Zhao Mo subconsciously.

Zhao Mo didn't expect that Su Yaohua would expose him in public, and he felt a little embarrassed.

However, at least he has a thicker skin now, so he remained calm on the surface. He just coughed and said, "I watched it at home."


Su Yaohua nodded, that's it.

He didn't think much after hearing this answer, and then said with a smile: "Professor Zhao, come with me to do a show when you have time, and also introduce the progress of aerospace~"

Zhao Mo immediately smiled and said: "You can have this~"

While a few people were joking, the first technically verified J-20 prototype slowly drove out of the hangar.

The huge fuselage, slender and beautiful appearance, has a strong and powerful industrial aesthetic, and the gray paint adds a fierce momentum to it.

At a glance, Zhao Mo was shocked!

This is the ultimate romance for men~

Machine guns, rifles, and tank shells are just child's play in front of it.

Space rockets and spaceships are not aggressive or violent at all in front of it.

This is the first fifth-generation fighter jet independently developed by our country. It is a super combat power catching up with the world's first-class level, with full stealth, full perception, and super performance...

Just thinking about driving this stealth fighter, soaring in the sky, destroying all invading enemies, and guarding the blue sky and earth of the motherland is enough to make a man's blood boil and his whole body tremble.

Before this, Zhao Mo had only seen the J-20's figure and flight videos on the Internet.

As everyone knows, our royal photographer has always been very good at shooting. A 10,000-ton boat can be photographed as a small fishing boat as tall as a person. So whether it is pictures or videos, it is difficult for Zhao Mo to understand what a real J-2 is. zero.

Now, seeing it with his own eyes and observing it up close, he knew what the real J-20 was.

That figure~

It’s really as big as a giant!

Before flying, the first impression in my mind is that this will be our "eagle" that controls the sky!

“…with one member, the empty weight is 1 tons, the air combat weight is 17 tons, and the take-off weight can reach 25 tons;

The flight altitude is 18000 meters, the combat radius is 2000 kilometers, and it can be equipped with long-range, medium-range and short-range air-to-air missiles;

There is a 165 mm cannon;

The maximum flight speed is 3000 kilometers per hour, and the maximum range is more than kilometers...

Its radar reflection area is very small, 0.01~0.05 square meters..."

Commander Yang looked at the J-20 as it drove out, and introduced it to everyone present with excitement on his face. This is his work, his proud work, and a strategic weapon he contributed to the motherland. It is worthy of his pride and pride.

Everyone was amazed when they heard this.

"This is the J-20, a fantastic fighter plane. When it came out, I don't know how many people shed tears..."

Zhao Mo was also filled with emotion.

When he thought of the situation in his previous life, he could still vividly remember it, and he just felt like it was a dream.

It has always been supported by the gritted teeth of second- and third-generation aircraft. The eternal number "81192", the heroism and frustration of "I can no longer return" are the eternal pain in the hearts of every true Chinese!

Then, the J-20 was born!

It is conceivable that this huge change and success has shocked and moved the Chinese people. "Wow~ Okay, great! It's really great~"

Chief Su Yaohua's voice was choked with sobs.

"With it, we no longer have to suffer from that kind of cowardice~ How much cowardice have we suffered over the years..."

There was a sob in his voice as he spoke.

Zhao Mo looked back, tears streaming down his face unconsciously~

Chief Master Yang, Chief Master Song, two academicians Jiang Li and others all had tears in their eyes.

Among the people present, except for him, everyone else was the age of his father's generation, or even his grandfather's generation. They all grew up in a difficult and extremely backward environment, and all suffered from the threat of imperialism. and hazing. Now seeing that his fighter jets have finally been upgraded to fifth-generation fighters, the most advanced fighter jets in the world, the anger that had been pent up in his heart for a long time suddenly burst out, and he had to restrain himself not to burst into tears on the spot.


The first flight has begun!

With the roar of the engine, the tail of the J-20 ejected two violent tail flames. It was dark blue at first, and gradually changed in color to blue with red. The closer the tail flame is to the end, the more red it becomes.

A stream of blazing high-temperature air was sprayed out, and the air was burned and distorted, creating ripples like sea water.

Even though Zhao Mo and others were standing far apart, they still felt the intense heat.

Like everyone else, Zhao Mo held his breath and watched the J-20's movements closely.

Although he knew about the success of the J-20, the butterfly effect he had brought about had made the J-20's first flight ahead of schedule. He didn't know whether this time it would be as smooth as in the previous life.

God only knows!

The next moment, the J-20 trembled, and its huge body began to move forward.

It was gliding at first, then the speed increased, and it rushed forward.

In the blink of an eye, the J-20's speed became very fast, and it was a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye~


With a violent scream, at a certain moment, the J-20 suddenly rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky!


Zhao Mo screamed in his heart, clenched his fists with both hands, and did not dare to say a word.

Looking sideways, almost in the blink of an eye, the J-20 rushed to an altitude of hundreds or thousands of meters and turned into a small dot.


Chief Yang took the lead in cheering loudly, jumped up, raised his right hand high and then slashed it down.

"it is good!"




Following General Master Yang, there were applause, cheers, and laughter from General Master Song, Academician Jiang, Academician Li, Su Yaohua, and others. Everyone's face showed excitement.

Bang bang bang~

Zhao Mo took the lead in applauding, congratulating that the test flight was more than half successful.

Yes, as long as you fly into the sky, that's more than half of the success.

clap clap clap...

The scene soon burst into warm applause, and everyone started to applaud, which was deafening.

Only a small speck of J-20 was left, soaring wantonly in the sky, as graceful as a dragon.

Occasionally it swoops down and when it passes over everyone's heads, it bursts out with a roar that resounds throughout the sky, seeming to tell the world of its arrival and the rise of China!

This sound is extremely pleasant, the most beautiful sound in the world.

Zhao Mo never tires of hearing this.

In the middle of the flight, the pilot who saw the test flight going smoothly started some show-off flying with the cooperation and command of the team.

Zhao Mo couldn't understand it, but he was still shocked because these techniques all required the pilot's strong psychological quality, excellent flying skills, and the J-20's super strong body structure.

The only thing he could understand was supersonic flight.

After exceeding the speed of sound, the air was pierced, and a sonic boom cloud surrounded the J-20, which was extremely beautiful.

But everyone knows that this sonic boom cloud is extremely dangerous, and only a very strong intensity can withstand it. Anyone with less strength will be torn into pieces by this sonic boom cloud.

While admiring it, at a certain moment, the J-20 returned.

The J-20 slowed down and swooped down like an eagle landing, accompanied by a sharp whistling sound.

bang bang bang...

Continuous strange noises sounded like explosions. A huge parachute erupted from the tail of the J-20, fluttering in the wind. The reaction force gradually slowed down the J-20's huge body.

Not long after, the J-20 stopped on the runway.

Perfect landing!

(End of this chapter)

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