You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 306 The quarrel caused by the paper

Chapter 306 The quarrel caused by the paper

"Transparent as a diamond!"

"Genius idea!"

After receiving preliminary replies from professors Bombieri and Goldstone, James, editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics", was very happy. He was not only happy for the accuracy of this paper, but also happy for his own vision. He was even more pleased with "Chronicle of Mathematics" , happy for world mathematics.

What James didn't expect even more was that Professor Ivanez actually sent him two emails in a row within one day.

A "I think this paper has a really good idea" letter.

Immediately afterwards, the second letter "I think this paper may be correct."

When James received the first email, it felt good.

When he received the second email, he couldn't help laughing while being happy, and laughed loudly: "It seems that Professor Ivanets was shocked~"

Only if he was shocked would Ivanets send two emails in a row, each one going further than the last.

That night, James had a good sleep.

The next day, when James went to work in the afternoon, he started other paper review work. He originally thought that the three professors Bombieri, Goldstone and Ivanez would not respond.

"Ding dong! You have a new email~"

The sound suddenly popped up, and James was stunned for a moment.

Looking over, it turned out that Professor Ivanets had sent him an email again.

I quickly clicked to view it, and the content of the email was "I think this paper may be correct."

The expression in this sentence lacks the word "has" compared to the second email yesterday, and the meaning is further. This is basically equivalent to recognizing the correctness of this paper.

"Professor Ivanez can't wait~"

James was a little dumbfounded, and was also moved by Ivanets' spirit in studying mathematics. Ivanets really likes mathematics!

Only those who really like it will read and study a good mathematics paper as quickly as possible.

If you like it a little less, it won't be so fast.

James then thought to himself: "I should tell Zhao Mo the good news first~"

He did whatever he wanted and immediately edited the email to reply.


Meanwhile, the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University!

"Ivanez, are you crazy?"

Looking at the email sent by Henrik Ivanets, Mathematics Professor Wiles was stunned for a while, and then cursed angrily.

In the phone call between Ivan Nieci and him yesterday, he had made his position clear. He originally thought that Ivan Nieci would give up. After all, Zhao Mo and Ivan Nieci had nothing to do with each other. Ivan Nieci couldn't do anything for the sake of Zhao Mo and him. Fall out.

Unexpectedly, one night later, Ivanets threatened him with not participating in this International Congress of Mathematicians!

This is tantamount to falling out with him!

Ivanez is a senior figure in the field of mathematics. He is not comparable to a young man like Zhao Mo who has only been in his career for two or three years. His influence is very great.

If Ivanets announces that he will not participate in this conference because of Zhao Mo's affairs, the conference will be damaged and its influence will be greatly weakened. It may even affect the International Congress of Mathematicians itself, making people question its fairness and necessity. sex.

Wiles knew that if Ivanets "protested" this time, it would be different in nature from Grothendieck's boycott of the International Congress of Mathematicians held in the capital of Mao Zedong in 1966.

Grothendieck's boycott was due to Mao's dispatch of troops to Eastern Europe and was due to political factors.

This time, Ivanets was unfairly treated because of Zhao Mo, a genius mathematician. Although Wiles did not think that this was unfair treatment, it was just a countermeasure against Zhao Mo's rudeness.

"Let me see what kind of paper can make such a big change in you, Ivanez!"

With a cold face, Wiles clicked on the paper that Ivanets sent in the email. The title of the paper was "Bounded Spacing Between Prime Numbers" and then started reading.

Just after reading the beginning, Wiles's expression changed.

After reading for half an hour and a dozen pages, Wiles took a deep breath subconsciously, with a solemn look on his face.

He understood why Ivanez was so dissatisfied!

This paper is an important paper that will go down in history and create the history of mathematics!

Wiles's research in number theory was not as deep as that of Ivanets, Bombieri, and Goldstone, but he was not weak either. Naturally, he could see the value of this paper.

The thinking is fresh and the logic is rigorous, applying the ancient screening method to a new realm...

"This is going to be tricky~"

Wiles sighed secretly.

He didn't finish reading the paper, nor did he think he needed to finish it. He immediately dialed a secret phone number and said, "He has a new paper in the "Chronicle of Mathematics," a very important paper! Henrik I Professor Wanzhi is one of the reviewers. They all agree that this paper is correct. I think it will be published soon. By then, they will definitely give him the green light and agree to have someone give a report on his behalf. The unreasonable request to accept the award on your behalf..." "No, this paper will not be published, at least before the conference is held."

A cold voice came from the other end of the phone, with a decisive tone.

Wiles said nothing. He hung up the phone, a look of loneliness flashed across his face.


Beijing, Wudaokou.

When Zhao Mo received a reply from "Chronicle of Mathematics", it was already three days after submitting the paper.

Looking at the comments from Bombieri and Goldstone, he expressed his pleasure.

But when he saw the three comments from Professor Ivanets, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. He felt a burst of happiness from the bottom of his heart. He felt that Professor Ivanets was really kind and had some Chinese characteristics.

Zhao Mo has seen a cold joke, saying that when visiting someone else's house, the host said "sit", "please sit", "please have a seat", and his attitude changed three times in a short period of time.

Of course, Ivanets is not this kind of person. He has a real temperament, and most people would not send messages continuously like this.

After being happy, Zhao Mo stopped paying attention. James replied that it would take about two weeks to give him a reply on whether to publish it, so there was no rush.

The next day, he did not go to the Astronaut Training Center for training, but went to Chengdu Loma. The military invited him to watch the ceremony.

The successful launch of the Long March 5B carrier rocket and the popularity of BYD new energy vehicles being launched into space have become a hot topic on the Internet. I heard that many people have changed their original concept that "foreign moons are always rounder than domestic ones". Of course, more of them are diverted to BYD's new energy vehicles and other brands of new energy vehicles.

With the opportunity of this space launch, the popularity of new energy vehicles has really exploded.

From a state that was never tepid, or even indifferent, it suddenly became popular and became top-notch, and was suddenly accepted by many Chinese people.

If nothing else, it has created a relationship between new energy vehicles and aerospace.

People don’t think carefully that the fact that new energy vehicles are in the sky has nothing to do with aerospace. They only think that the new energy vehicles are in the sky and they are all linked to the country’s aerospace. Is that okay?

So, no matter what, the interest came and the concept changed.

BYD Boatman called Zhao Mo more than once. He thanked him and invited him to BYD as a guest, but Zhao Mo rejected all these and he could only laugh it off.

He is not only a little pleased with the popularity, but also looking forward to the accelerated implementation of space exploration strategies and plans.

On May 2010, 5, the first day of work for people across the country after Labor Day, Zhao Mo and the military chief Su Yaohua came to Chengluoma together.

When we arrived at the scene, many people had been waiting for a long time.

There are Chief Engineer Yang, the chief engineer of the J-20, Academician Jiang and Academician Li, the designers of the Emei engine, and Chief Engineer Song, who designed the J-10 fighter...

There are also some strangers, and some who are unfamiliar but often seen on TV and in the media, such as the Zhang Bureau that everyone loves.

Zhao Mo also likes it.

This Zhang Juzuo can be described as a god. His predictions have not been correct in China and have not been missed abroad. However, no matter where his predictions are based on the facts, they are full of drama and are talked about.

This time, so many people came here for one thing and nothing else, and that was to watch the first flight of the J-20's first technology verification aircraft!

That's right, it's the fifth-generation fighter jets that were supposed to make their first flight on January 2011, 1!

When he got the invitation, Zhao Mo was shocked. Was it even in advance?

Later, after getting to know Chief Su Yaohua, I found out that the reason why this fighter was able to advance was thanks to his large AI model, UAV technical solutions, internal parameters related to NS equations, etc., which all provided input for the development of fighter jets. It was a big help, so I accelerated it.

In this regard, Su Yaohua thanked him again when he explained the situation to him.

Zhao Mo was naturally very happy, but he did not accept Su Yaohua's thanks. He only did a small job. Even without him, the J-7 would still soar into the sky and travel in the sky in months. How could he have the nerve to take credit?

After greeting everyone one by one, Zhao Mo specially chatted with our seater Zhang for a few words.

As a military expert and researcher in military science and technology and equipment, Director Zhang's professional knowledge is naturally not limited. This time he came here to serve as a technical consultant.

"Secretary, I watched your new defense observation program and I liked it very much. I keep watching it~"

Zhao Mo shook hands with Director Zhang and said with a smile.

"I'm flattered that Professor Zhao likes my program~"

Director Zhang said with a smile, and then said with admiration: "My programs are just a sideshow. What the country really needs is strategic-level scientists like you, Professor Zhao."

Zhao Mo couldn't help but laugh and said: "This hat is too high. My little arms and legs can't wear it! Everyone is working for the country and contributing to the country. It doesn't matter whether they are petty or not. Besides, the bureau's sentence is to destroy ten reforms. , America is planning to shut down their F-22 production line, and this contribution cannot be matched by anyone."

"Oh, those are all made fun of by netizens, Professor Zhao, you can't take it seriously~"

Director Zhang smiled bitterly and said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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