You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 305 I think this paper may be right!

Chapter 305 I think this paper may be right!

"Professor Bombieri, we have received a paper on the bounded distance of twin primes. We think it is very important, so we would like to ask you to participate in the review..."

Listening to the request from James, editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics" on the phone, Enrico Bombieri's mouth twitched slightly.

What the hell?

Another proof of twin primes!

Another proof of bounded distance!

Over the years, he has read many such papers and received a mountain of emails. At the beginning, he was still interested in watching it, but soon he lost interest in watching it, and now he doesn't even want to listen to it.

Quite simply, this thing is a trap!

It’s really hard to describe the level of civil science experts. Just glancing at it makes your eyes irritated, let alone reviewing it carefully. It is torture to his spirit and a waste of his life.

"Don't send me papers, I won't read them!"

Enrico Bombieri interrupted James directly without waiting for him to finish.

With that said, he was ready to hang up the phone.

James said quickly on the phone: "Oh, no, Professor Bombieri, you must read this paper. This is the latest paper by the talented Chinese mathematician Zhao Mo!"

Enrico Bombieri was startled and subconsciously asked: "Who?"

James said: "Zhao Mo from China!"

The second time he heard the name, Enrico Bombieri's mind immediately pictured the appearance of an ordinary young man with a smile and the proof paper of the ABC conjecture. Then he changed his mind and said: "Okay, I will Yes, did you send the paper to my email?"

James: "Yes, Professor Bombieri, I have sent it to your email. I am waiting for your good news."


Enrico Bombieri didn't listen to his nonsense and hung up the phone directly. Then he opened his mailbox and checked the paper that proved the bounded distance sent by "Chronicle of Mathematics".

Zhao Mo, a rising star, is still influential.

Although Zhao Mo has not made any major achievements in mathematics in the past two years and has become silent, Enrico Bombieri does not think that Zhao Mo is out of control. Looking at the big moves Zhao Mo has made in the aerospace industry in the past two years, as well as the NS paper, it is enough to know that Zhao Mo has not fallen behind in mathematics research.

Now, Zhao Mo is submitting a paper on bounded distances between prime numbers to "Chronicle of Mathematics". He is still very interested and looks forward to Zhao Mo's development.


The key point is to prove, with an appropriate choice of λ, that

(2.3) S/2-(log3x)S/1>0

This implies…


After just reading the first few pages, Enrico Bombieri's eyes suddenly shone, and he stood up and said, "What an artistic proof, as transparent as a diamond!"

He was shocked. Zhao Mo's paper was so beautifully written!


"What? Are you crazy?"

At San Jose State University, Professor Daniel Goldstone had just returned to his office after class and sat down to take a sip of water. James, the editor-in-chief of "Chronicles of Mathematics" came to ask him to review some bullshit paper on bounded distances between prime numbers. ?

Goldstone squirted out a mouthful of water, and then cursed: "Oh, God, James, I still want to live for a few more years, why do you have to use some garbage to insult my eyes and torture my life?"

James: "Professor Goldstone, don't worry, this time..."

Before he finished speaking, Goldstone cursed again: "James, don't tell me this, you just need to know that I am an expert in rejection of manuscripts. I have also met many people who claim to have proved the twin prime conjecture, but What they write is rubbish! I swear, what you give me this time will definitely be rubbish too..."

James couldn't bear it anymore and said quickly: "Hey, Professor Goldstone, this time it's a paper written by the talented Chinese mathematician Zhao Mo. Professor Bombieri has already read it."

This time, his voice was several pitches higher.

Daniel Goldstone's scolding stopped abruptly, and the next moment he asked: "Wait, who are you talking about? Zhao Mo? Bombieri?"

James confirmed: "Yes, Professor Goldstone, you heard that right."

"Well, if that's the case, then please send me the paper. I will not reject Zhao Mo's paper."

Daniel Goldstone said.

James: "..."

Good guy, he saw that there was too much rubbish, so he couldn’t talk to them about the review first. Instead, he should first tell them that the genius professor had a paper.

"Already sent to your email~"

James said immediately.


Goldstone said something, then opened the email and looked at the attached paper.



Which is henceforth……



(2.9) D1=X^B……”

Soon, Goldstone was immersed in the content of the paper. His brows sometimes relaxed and sometimes wrinkled. He didn't know when, but his face gradually showed a look of surprise.


On the other side, after James ended the phone call with Goldstone, he dialed the number of the third person, Henrik Ivanets.

As soon as the call was connected, James said: "Hi, Professor Ivanez, the genius mathematician Zhao Mo from China has a paper that he would like you to review~"

"Zhao Mo?"

When Henrik Ivanez, who was reviewing documents, heard the call, he immediately put down his work and said calmly: "Is it a paper related to number theory? If so, then send it to me for a look." "It really worked~"

James was happy and immediately replied: "Yes, it is relevant. The title of this paper is Bounded Distance between Prime Numbers. I have already sent it to your email, please check it."

Henrik Ivanets: "...Okay, I will take a look."

He felt that he had agreed a little hastily.

Essay on prime numbers?

As soon as you hear the title of this paper, you will know that it is a weak form proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. This has not been done in the mathematics world for a long time. Is that Chinese genius mathematician really making achievements?

However, I agreed to it, and I definitely can’t go back on it.

So after hanging up the phone, Professor Ivanets finished the work at hand, opened the email, opened the paper and began to review it.

At first, Ivanets didn't take it seriously, because the problem of twin prime numbers is indeed very difficult. Every step requires years of thinking and research by talented mathematicians, and every step forward requires very hard work and persistence by talented mathematicians. , my hair has turned white and fallen out, and sometimes I can’t make any progress at all.

There are many first-class scientists in the world, but there are only so many first-class mathematicians.

There are only a few first-class mathematicians out of billions of people, just a few dozen, right?

First-class scientists have solved many problems and advanced society to the current developed era; but first-class mathematicians are still troubled by problems from decades or hundreds of years ago and cannot solve them.

From this we can see how difficult the math problems are!

But soon, as the paper continued to be reviewed, Ivanets gradually changed his attitude. He was no longer reviewing, but reading and researching normally, and the expression on his face gradually changed, turning serious.

An hour later, Ivanets wrote an email back to Chronicle editor James: "I think this paper has a very good idea."

Four hours later, Ivanets finished reading the more than 100 pages of the paper, with a look of surprise on his face. He remembered the email he had just sent, and quickly edited another email and sent it back: "Hi, James, I think there's a chance this paper is right."

At this point, Ivanets ended his research for the day. His mind was full of symbols and a little confused. He decided to take a moment and then study again.

As he walked out of the office and prepared to go home, two voices caught his attention.

"Professor Wiles was furious, saying that Zhao Mo despised the International Congress of Mathematicians and decided to vote him out of the conference."

"Hey, what a pity~"

"Who says it isn't? I also want to meet that genius mathematician."

"Me too. He is the man who built a thousand-ton thrust rocket engine. He is my idol and I admire him!"


The speakers were a Chinese lecturer and an American lecturer.

"How could Wiles do this?"

Professor Ivanets frowned immediately.

Zhao Mo is a genius mathematician. Excluding Zhao Mo from the International Congress of Mathematicians will undoubtedly greatly damage the reputation and influence of the Congress of Mathematicians.

Without the participation of young blood, what future does the Congress of Mathematicians have?

To be serious, what future does mathematics have?

What future does human development have?

If it were said that excluding Zhao Mo would not have such serious consequences before, but now, after Ivanets read the paper, he thought it was just that serious!

With this in mind, Ivanets turned back to his office and made a phone call to Wiles at Princeton.

No, he couldn't sit back and watch this happen.

As an old acquaintance of Wiles, the two had some friendship, and he wanted to persuade him.

"Wiles, I heard that you are planning to exclude China's Professor Zhao Mo from the International Congress of Mathematicians?"

he asked first.


Wiles' decisive answer made Ivanets immediately say: "Wiles, I firmly oppose your approach. He is a genius mathematician and the future of mathematics. What you do will not only affect the future of mathematics." , and it is also giving yourself a historical infamy, do you really want to do this?"

Wiles smiled and said: "Old friend, the matter is not as serious as you think. Since he despises the conference, the conference cannot let him mess around."

Professor Ivanets: "Wiles, he wrote a paper recently. I think you haven't seen it yet. I'll send it to you and you'll know."

Unexpectedly, Wiles directly refused: "No, Ivanets, there is no need to send it to me. No paper is a reason for him to despise the conference."

"Proof of bounded spacing for prime numbers!"

Ivanets directly reported the name of the paper, and then said: "He is a genius mathematician, a pure mathematician. It is understandable that he does not like socializing, and this is not a reason why the conference can exclude him."

"Okay, I admit he is a genius, but I still stick to my decision!"

However, it was Wiles' determination that responded to him.

Professor Ivanets was furious. He didn't expect his old friend to be so unkind.

When he wanted to continue persuading him, all he heard was a "pop" sound, and Wiles hung up the phone directly.


Professor Ivanets had no choice but to give up.

The next day, Professor Ivanets finished busy with the urgent matters at hand and looked at Zhao Mo's paper again.

This time, he spent another four hours, but only looked at it once, because he looked at it more carefully and seriously, and even took out a pen and paper and started to calculate.

Four hours later, Professor Ivanets stopped moving, recovered from the paper, took a long breath, and sent another email to James, editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics": "I think this paper It may be right! I plan to spend a week in retreat and deduce the central idea of ​​the paper on my own, and then I will tell you the final result."

At the same time, Ivanets made a decision and sent it to Wiles: "Wiles, if Zhao Mo is excluded from the conference this time, I will refuse to participate!"

(End of this chapter)

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