You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Is Chapter 304 "Chronicles of Mathematics" blind?

Is Chapter 304 "Chronicles of Mathematics" blind?

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Sakamoto Ryuuji pushed the other person hard, his voice was fierce, as if he wanted to eat someone: "How long has this been?"

He recognized the other person as Watanabe Shinichi's assistant.

There is no doubt that the other party is talking nonsense!

How could this be possible if the manuscript was rejected?

Their paper was hundreds of pages long and was rejected less than three days after it was sent. How could it be rejected?

They had been studying the paper for several years, and the editor of "Chronicles of Mathematics" read it in three days, and then picked out the flaws?

This is absolutely impossible!

Even Ryuji Sakamoto couldn't figure it out even if he tried hard. What's more, the editors of "Chronicles of Mathematics" are not senior mathematics experts. When they face the "alien theater theory", they must invite other mathematicians to review it. Yes, how can three days be enough? How could it be possible without a month or two?

"What happened?"

Watanabe Shinichi came to his senses at this time, suppressed the anger that was about to burst out, and asked slowly.

Sakamoto Ryuji's words made him wake up, yes, how is that possible?

According to normal logic, this is impossible!

Faced with the questioning from the two bosses, the assistant said aggrievedly: "Professor, I can't believe it either, but you will know after you read the email you just received~"

Before he finished speaking, Watanabe Shinichi pushed him away, walked quickly to his desk, and turned on the computer to check.

The assistant was caught off guard and staggered before he could stand still. When he almost hit Sakamoto Ryuji, Sakamoto Ryuji also reached out and pushed him.


The assistant slammed the door with his whole body.

Sakamoto Ryuji ignored him, but glared at him fiercely, then quickly walked behind Watanabe Shinichi and looked at him together.

"The manuscript was rejected! Is there a fatal problem on the third page?"

Watanabe Shinichi had an expression of disbelief on his face. While muttering to himself, he found the third page of the paper and looked at it according to the email reply.

"Baga! How dare they reject the manuscript?"

Ryuji Sakamoto cursed loudly, reached out and grabbed Watanabe Shinichi's shoulders and said: "Shinichi, they are blind and cannot see the subtleties of our paper. We don't need to pay attention to them!"

Watanabe Shinichi didn't say a word, but stared at the problem pointed out in the reply, his mind spinning crazily.

Watanabe Shinichi was completely shocked at this time.

He did not expect that the "Chronicle of Mathematics" really completed the review of the paper in less than three days and even pointed out the problems.

Although he did not believe that the problems pointed out really existed, it was true that the other party actually reviewed it.

His paper was more than 500 pages long, and including the quotations, it was nearly a thousand pages long. They had been studying it for several years.

After reading it in less than three days, such an impossible thing appeared in front of him. How could this not shock him?

When Sakamoto Ryuuji saw that his friend was silent, he couldn't help but feel anxious, but he couldn't be impatient and began to read the reply.

I don't know how long it took, but Sakamoto Ryuji came back to his senses and said with a sneer: "Sure enough, they did not realize the subtlety of our alien theater theory, they are just very superficial and self-righteous."

Watanabe Shinichi came back to his senses after hearing the voice, with a contemptuous smile on his face, and said lightly: "You are right, they did not realize the subtlety of our paper."

Seeing that the two reached an agreement, Sakamoto Ryuji suddenly smiled happily and said: "Shinichi, since "Chronicles of Mathematics" is blind, there is no need for us to continue submitting, and there is no need to submit to other journals. Let's send it directly to Arxiv. "

Watanabe Shinichi nodded decisively this time and agreed: "That's exactly what I meant."

Sakamoto Ryuji was even more happy.

Previously, Watanabe Shinichi said that the paper should be published in the "Chronicle of Mathematics". He was opposed to it. However, Shinichi Watanabe said that Zhao Mo's mathematical papers that proved the ABC conjecture were often published in the "Chronicle of Mathematics", so he wanted to publish it in the "Chronicle of Mathematics". This is a tribute to Zhao Mo.

Just do it.

Watanabe Shinichi directly posted his paper to the Arxiv website, then took a look at the rejection email from "Chronicles of Mathematics" and asked Sakamoto Ryuji: "Do you think I should reply to their email?"

Sakamoto Ryuji said coldly: "It's completely unnecessary, but I think we need to find out which colleague is targeting us!"

"You're right!"

Watanabe nodded, and then dialed the number of James, the editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics", and asked him directly about this in front of Ryuji Sakamoto.

James: "Professor Zhao Mo of China, he is the prover of the ABC conjecture."

"It turned out to be him. No wonder my paper was returned!"

Watanabe Shinichi's expression changed, and while thinking in his mind, he replied: "James, I think the rejection of the manuscript will be the biggest stain since the establishment of "Chronicle of Mathematics"!"

Then, without waiting for James to reply, he hung up the phone and made up his mind not to accept explanations from the "Chronicle of Mathematics" or interviews from other media.

"These people have bad intentions!"

He had a judgment in his mind.

"BaGeYaLu! This Zhao Mo is so abominable, he is just a bastard..." Sakamoto Ryuji heard it from the side and started to curse immediately after he ended the call.

"Okay, no need to scold him."

Watanabe Shinichi stopped the scolding behind him and said calmly: "He is no longer a pure mathematician. I don't mind his opinion at all. It is enough that our theory is correct."

Sakamoto Ryuji praised: "Shinichi, you are as big-hearted as a prime minister."

Watanabe Shinichi smiled slightly and did not answer the question.

Sakamoto Ryuji then said bitterly: "However, I am not as broad-minded as you. He is targeting you like this, and I must make him look good. I heard that this time at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Asan Kingdom, this bastard Zhao Mo will not I will go to the scene to participate, and everyone has a lot of opinions about him. I must complain to him with the seniors in our country, so that he can not give a report even if he goes to the scene this time, he is not worthy!"

Watanabe Shinichi still just smiled lightly, as if he didn't hear the words at all.

"Hey, who doesn't deserve it?"

Tokura Yoshihide happened to pass by their office. Hearing the sound, he couldn't help but look inside curiously, and then asked with a smile.

Sakamoto Ryuji's expression changed, and then he forced a smile and said, "Tokura-kun, it's nothing."


Watanabe Shinichi stood up, bowed slightly and said hello, and then said with a faint smile: "It's some mathematical problems, we have solved them."

Tokura Yoshihide nodded, not paying attention to this matter, and asked casually: "Mathematical matters, I heard everyone said that your new theoretical paper has been completed, has it been submitted for publication?"

Sakamoto Ryuji coughed, suddenly feeling a little less confident.

Watanabe Shinichi did not hesitate, continued to smile lightly, and then replied: "It has been sent out, on Arxiv. Thank you Tokura-kun for your concern!"

"It's natural for seniors to care about their juniors."

Tokura Yoshihide smiled and said: "It seems that our empire has been prospering recently. Your research work has been completed. I have also made significant progress in the research on superconducting materials. I believe there will be results soon." come out."

When Watanabe Shinichi and Sakamoto Ryuji heard this, their eyes lit up.

Watanabe Shinichi nodded in agreement: "Yes, I feel that way too!"

Sakamoto Ryuji laughed loudly and said: "Tokura-kun, you must inform us when you have results. We must go to the scene to observe, please!"

After saying that, he even bowed deeply towards Tokura Yoshihide.

This kind of behavior made Tokura Yoshii's heart double, and he laughed and said: "This is for sure!"



James listened to the blind beep sound coming from the phone with a question mark on his face, and wanted to curse.

What the hell?

Watanabe Shinichi, what are you doing?

Professor Zhao Mo pointed out the problem with your paper, but you also said that "Chronicle of Mathematics" did not publish your paper, which is a loss for "Chronicle of Mathematics"?

What kind of brain circuit is this!

With a "pop" sound, James hung up the landline phone and muttered "FUCK" a few times. The good mood of reading the paper and seeing the highlights was gone.

"What a wonderful paper, worth reading again and again~"

It wasn't until he returned to the paper that James's ruined good mood recovered a little, and then he admired it for a while.

He read this paper, which was over a hundred pages long, for the first time. He read it carefully for the second and third times. Now it is the third time, but there are still many things that he is not clear about. If he wanted to figure it all out, he estimated that it would take several years of continuous research and discussions with colleagues.

But based on what he already understood, James had a hunch that this paper would be correct and would bring an unprecedented shock to the long-dormant mathematics community, even more shocking than the proof of the ABC conjecture.

He reluctantly turned his attention away from the paper, thought about it, and sent the paper to Enrico Bombieri, an analytic mathematician who is a senior fellow at Princeton University; and to Professor Daniel Goldstone of San Jose State University. ;Sent to Rutgers University mathematician Henrik Ivanets.

These three mathematicians are all big-name figures in the world of mathematics. They are of the same generation as old guys like Deligne and Faltings. Their abilities are not much different, but their reputations are not as great as theirs.

Enrico Bombieri is an authority in the field of prime number research. He won the Fields Medal in 1974 for his research on prime numbers.

Daniel Goldstone is the person closest to proving the twin prime conjecture. He was one step away from completing the proof in 2003.

Of course, this one step away is a huge leap in mathematics and is an almost impossible task. Even so, it cannot be denied that Goldstone's profound knowledge in the field of twin prime numbers is unparalleled by few people.

As for Ivanets, he is a great master in the field of analytic number theory. Many of his achievements occupy a core position in modern analytic number theory.

James could see that this "Bounded Distance between Prime Numbers" must be checked by these three big guys in the field of prime numbers and analytic number theory.

(End of this chapter)

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