You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 309: Are 5th generation fighters powerful? We have that too!

Chapter 309 Are fifth-generation fighters powerful? We have that too!

Sichuan Province, near Chengluoma, Huangtianba Community.

Chen Liangbiao is from here.

As an electronic engineer in the mobile phone screen industry, Chen Liangbiao, like most men in science and engineering, is patriotic and passionate. He is what those who hate the country call him "Zi Gan Wu".

In addition to going to work, his biggest hobby is the military, especially watching "Defense Observation", "New Defense Observation", "Military Intelligence Decoding" and other programs on the Agricultural Channel.

Well, in China, agriculture and military are together, referred to as the agricultural channel.

We Chinese don't like to fight, we just like to farm, farm quietly, and be beautiful men quietly. Whether it's developing weapons or training soldiers, it's just for good farming. If other countries put all their weapons into storage and released their horses in Nanshan, we can immediately teach everyone to farm together and live in harmony and friendship as a family.

As a resident of Huangtianba Community, Chen Liangbiao is happy because Chengluoma is right next to him.

Military information, what could be more exciting to him than Cheng Loma's information?


So when he has nothing to do, he likes to take pictures of Lockheed Martin with his mobile phone, and take pictures of the installed fighter jets. Every time he takes a picture, he will be happy for several days. His bedroom is full of various poses and models. , photos of fighter jets from various angles.

Of course he hopes that he can take some special things, but he also knows that if he takes pictures like this, it will easily be classified, and he might be arrested as a spy by the national security.

Therefore, Chen Liangbiao will basically not shoot Loma at close range, but only from a distance.

This naturally limits his probability of obtaining special things, so that for four or five years, he has not taken any special things. They are just photos of old models of J-10, J-7, and Snapdragon. These are everywhere on the Internet. All of them are not confidential and can be filmed openly.

On May 5th, Youth Day, he was supposed to go to work, but he had not returned from work after working overtime some time ago, so he simply took this day off and gave himself four consecutive days off to have a more pleasant rest.

Then, he had a sudden idea and instead of filming Loma, he took pictures of Huangtianba. He wanted to take pictures of Huangtianba where he had lived for decades and keep it as a beautiful memory in the future.

What he didn't expect was that not long after the shooting, the roar of fighter jets sounded in the sky, and the sound was particularly distinctive.

As a senior military enthusiast who has followed and photographed J-10 and Snapdragon models many times, he can hear the roar of the engines of these aircraft.

The roar of today's engines is absolutely different from the roar of those old fighter jets.

He immediately realized that this was a test flight of a new aircraft model.

Here comes the big fish!

This time, there may be something exciting!

So, he immediately ran to the place where he often shoots, and began to wait and prepare to take pictures of the new model.

Then, I really patted him.

When the J-20 returned and swooped down from the sky, Chen Liangbiao frantically clicked on the screen of his mobile phone and took many photos.

After taking the photo, he hurried back and didn't stop until he was near the community. Then he picked up his mobile phone and played the photos again to watch.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. Once you look at it, you will be startled and soon become silly and happy.

What did he see?

He actually saw a fighter jet with a front canard aerodynamic layout!

Excited heart, trembling hands.

"Breaking news, big breaking news, huge breaking news!"

Chen Liangbiao was so excited that his heart was about to jump out, his blood was boiling, his hands were shaking unnaturally, and he could hardly control himself.

It wasn't until he entered the house and returned to his room that he calmed down a little.

Just by looking at a canard layout, he can basically tell that this is the fifth-generation fighter that our country has been rumored to be secretly developing, the most advanced fighter in the world.

After calming down, Chen Liangbiao said to himself: "I didn't expect that we secretly developed so many good things, and these things are now released? If this news comes out, those five cents and those who hate the Kuomintang will be angry to death? Haha. , my country is amazing! Our scientists are amazing!"

As he said this, he couldn't help laughing.

This is a fifth-generation fighter jet. Only America and Da Maozi have it in the world.

But it is recognized that only America can fight, especially the F-22, which is named "Raptor". Just by listening to the name, you know that the combat capability is astonishing!

Of course, that is in front of cents, beautiful blows and brainless blows.

In front of Chen Liangbiao, the title of the strongest F-22 in the world is actually a joke. Can someone who has never fought at all and only has some paper data be considered the strongest? And there are all kinds of problems with you, can’t you see them?

"I don't know who designed it? It should be Chief Master Song, right? No, Chief Master Song is too old, it should be his students or other junior scientists~ The engine should be ours, right? The rocket engine is done, there is no reason for fighter jets Still can’t fix the engine?”

The only thing Chen Liangbiao regrets is the "heart disease" that has always existed in our country. The core engine is always controlled by others.

Since the National Day last year, Professor Zhao had solved the problem of a rocket engine that was one of the "heart disease problems". He was so excited all night that he shouted "Professor Zhao is awesome" many times.

In his opinion, the rocket engine has been completed, but is there still a long way to complete the fighter engine?

Although he knew that the differences were huge, and that fighter jet engines were much more complex and high-end than rocket engines, there was finally hope, wasn't there?

After a long time, Chen Liangbiao finally calmed down, then uploaded the photos to his computer, then printed them all out, and posted one of them in the most conspicuous place on the bedside, lying on the bed to admire it quietly.

Chen Liangbiao had no intention of uploading these to the Internet. After all, it was confidential, so he still had some brains.

It would be no joke if the relevant departments came to invite you to have tea.

It's just that keeping such a big secret in my heart is really a torture.

At night, Chen Liangbiao was terribly sad. Tossing and turning at home and walking around outside could not eliminate the torment in his heart. He even lost his appetite for dinner, and then he began to regret why he had taken these photos during the day.

"What are you doing?"

His mother asked him.


Chen Liangbiao replied perfunctorily, then swallowed a few mouthfuls of rice, put down the bowl and chopsticks, turned around, entered the room and started surfing the Internet.

"This kid is so mysterious~"

His mother muttered something and started to clear away the dishes.

After entering the room, Chen Liangbiao began to browse the "Iron Blood Forum", "Tianya Forum" and other popular gathering places for netizens in recent years to see if there were any new events, and then geared up to fight against those cent-cent and Kuomintang-haters. After a while, spray them to death.

This time, he is confident!

Much like the situation this year, the Internet is full of discussions about aerospace activities, especially my country’s lunar base construction plan and the Tiangong Space Station mission.

The only thing that Chen Liangbiao regrets is that in these discussions, there are very few comments from cents and public intellectuals. They are basically the domain of patriots.

This made him feel a lot less fun. Why was he so unbeatable?

If you have the ability, come up with hard steel. Where are the posture and eloquence that used to criticize the sky and the ground for criticizing our Rockets for not being good? Is the main character silent?

Chen Liangbiao checked Weibo again, and it was the same on Weibo. There were very few topics in the aerospace field, and there was basically no discussion. The only discussion was about America going to manned spacecraft, but there has been no movement in our country. , it’s bullshit that America’s technology is still far ahead.

"What a shame! It's hard to even return to the moon, but it also has manned missions to the moon. Why doesn't it say manned missions to the sun? Does it have a high-thrust rocket? If it wants to say manned missions to the moon, we have to do it in China! We just didn't say that That’s all!”

Chen Liangbiao immediately commented under these remarks.

The Ares rocket died, and the SLS rocket is coming again. Now that the SLS rocket has no trace, it is said that it will carry people to the spacecraft. In his opinion, isn't this nonsense?

After commenting, Chen Liangbiao refreshed the page.

Then, he saw a Weibo update that made him angry. It was a news report that was posted on Weibo.

The 12 F-22s were said to be to deal with the Jin Dynasty, but in fact they were just a deterrent.

Chen Liangbiao suddenly thought of the rapid development of our country's science and technology during this period. America was Xiang Zhuang's sword dance with Pei Gong in mind.

In the final analysis, this is bullying our fighters into falling behind.

"Wait until our fifth-generation fighter jets are commissioned. Let's see how arrogant you guys are?"

Chen Liangbiao sneered and prepared to refresh the page to see other things.

But the next moment, an unknown fire rose from his heart. Under this Weibo, there are a lot of comments bragging about how powerful the F-22 is, saying that we should face up to the gap, saying that within fifteen years we will not have a fighter that can compete with the F-22, and then someone said, we need to Don't do anything to provoke America, but know how to be submissive~

"Submit? Fuck you!"

Chen Liangbiao cursed loudly.

With his mind burning, Chen Liangbiao uploaded a picture he took in the afternoon to this Weibo post, and commented: "Are fifth-generation fighter jets very powerful? We have one too! See clearly, you guys are so mean. !”

After he finished speaking, most of the anger in his heart immediately dissipated.


So cool!

It’s as refreshing as drinking a bottle of iced drink on a hot summer day!

However, after the pleasure was over, Chen Liangbiao suddenly woke up: "Oops, did I leak the secret?"

He immediately wanted to delete the comments and pictures, but it was already too late. The moment his pictures and comments were posted, they were immediately retweeted and ridiculed by a large number of people, asking, "What are the photos he took?" A picture of P is also shown off?

Chen Liangbiao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still so uneasy that he didn't sleep well that night.

When he woke up the next day, he also had dark circles under his eyes, so he quickly went online to check the news~

(End of this chapter)

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