You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 271 Don’t worry, I won’t report to the cabinet this time

Chapter 271 Don’t worry, I won’t report to the cabinet this time

In mid-October, the space agency convened a group of people for a closed-door meeting.

This time, they invited Zhao Mo.

When making adjustments to the plan before, considering that Zhao Mo was not within their system, they did not invite him, so Zhao Mo came up with a plan and directly called back the plan they discussed.

There is no choice but to invite Zhao Mo this time, and then collectively discuss the feasibility of Zhao Mo's plan.

Zhao Mo went happily, and was then asked by Minister Liu to make the first speech.

Zhao Mo was not polite and gave a speech on the spot, describing his thoughts and some assumptions about the future of aerospace, focusing on the lunar base and manned missions.

He has seen the space agency's plan and seen the actual process in his previous life.

The manned lunar landing is basically completed, one step at a time, and the progress is very steady. First, the space station will be orbited and probed around the moon, then the Queqiao relay will be used, and then unmanned sampling will be returned. Finally, the space station will be completed and manned lunar landing will be carried out. It can be said that the strategy of the previous life is only one step away from being successfully completed.

As for the Mars exploration part, Zhao Mo didn't see much. He only saw that Zhu Rong's car landed successfully, and the subsequent Mars sample retrieval was still on paper.

After all, Mars exploration is too far away, and its urgency and importance are far less urgent and important than lunar exploration.

Even America's exploration of Mars was only to the same extent as ours. It sent a Mars rover up, and then nothing happened. Zhao Mo never mentioned the return of samples from Mars before 2024, which he had been talking about before his rebirth, and disappeared before he knew it...

As for Leader Ma’s loud shouts about manned missions, just listen to his bragging and laugh. Whoever takes it seriously is a fool~

If you follow the steps of your previous life, there will be no problem, and you will be in a stable position.

However, now that we have a rocket engine with a single thrust of one thousand tons, why not do it faster and faster?

The key to development speed is to race against time, and to prevent the enemy from reacting.

Fighting, rushing and chasing!

Before America can react, throw it away to gain an advantage for the subsequent battle and let it take advantage of it. This will give us much more space and time to move.

In the past, there were no conditions, the power problem has not been solved, and the speed of aerospace development has to be slow. Now that it has been solved, of course we have to get on the horse quickly.

"...Everyone is saying that our journey is to the stars and the sea. Now that the power problem has been solved, I think it is time to put the construction of the lunar base on the agenda. Once the moon is solved, Mars exploration will no longer be too difficult."

Zhao Mo finally said.

The expression on his face was calm and composed, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked ordinary, but the tone of his words and the content of his words were extremely calm and confident.

Everyone present at the meeting had a strong feeling after listening to his words.

"But he has always been confident!"

Minister Liu nodded secretly.

"This young man is very strong~"

Director Ruan Min of the Space Administration had no expression on his face and sighed inwardly.

This was not the first time he had a meeting with Zhao Mo. He had met him once before when he was working on a high-thrust engine. At that time, he felt that Zhao Mo's behavior was very tough and he would not give up until he achieved his goal. Now it was the second time. He didn't know if it was because of the impact of the success of the high-thrust engine. He felt that Zhao Mo was not tough, but had become strong.

He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but he knew that the old saying goes: Too strong will break easily.

A young man who has never been hit by failure openly proposes a "radical" plan for the aerospace development of a major country. If adopted, it will undoubtedly be full of huge risks.

But unfortunately, this matter could not be changed by his will.

He turned around and looked around. Except for the gray-haired academicians and aerospace experts who all frowned, the young experts and academicians present all showed expressions of shock, surprise and thoughtfulness.

Even Minister Liu, he saw a look of expectation on his face.

There is no doubt that Minister Liu prefers Zhao Mo's plan.

"I still prefer the original adjustment plan~"

"Professor Zhao's plan is not unreasonable. I have calculated it and it is very feasible~"

"I said before that our plan is too conservative, so I support Professor Zhao's plan~"

"I firmly oppose such a radical plan!"


Afterwards, a heated discussion began with everyone in the congregation.

Zhao Mo refused to accept anyone who came, and almost replicated the scene where he pushed for the establishment of a high-thrust engine project.

Of course, this time Zhao Mo has obviously more supporters, he has received a lot more help, and he faces a lot less pressure.

On that day, the plan was not finalized.

Zhao Mo predicts that the heated discussions will continue several times.

There are still many opponents, including famous academicians.

Zhao Mo didn't take it to heart at all. It was just work, so he could speak freely.

Even Mr. Qian, with his great ability and prestige, always has opponents for every decision he makes, so this meeting is not surprising.

He took a look, and to his surprise, Academician Li Dong, who was familiar with him, was also one of the opponents.

After a whole morning, the closed-door meeting was announced to be temporarily over.

When the meeting ended, Minister Liu grabbed Zhao Mo who was about to leave and spoke to him: "Professor Zhao, this matter is of great importance and requires multiple rounds of consultations. There is no rush."

Zhao Mo was stunned for a moment before realizing what he really wanted to say. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't worry, I won't report to the cabinet this time."

Minister Liu coughed suddenly, nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

Although he was a little surprised at why Zhao Mo was so "easy to talk" this time, he was relieved now that Zhao Mo had agreed not to report to the cabinet. "But Mr. Liu, I still have to say that our material conditions and productivity development in recent years have actually exceeded the imagination of many of us. You can also investigate. We really don't need to be so conservative."

Zhao Mo smiled and said this to him temporarily.

Minister Liu: "???"

His face was immediately filled with questions, what do you mean?

Could it be that there are too many achievements in domestic industrial development that he, the great steward, does not know about? Treasure covered in dust?

When he wanted to ask again, Zhao Mo was already on the bus back to Wudaokou.

Turning around, Minister Liu looked at his assistant and asked, "Inform me, we will hold an impromptu meeting in the evening. The theme of the meeting is to survey the national industrial technology."


Boss, are you being too casual?

Zhao Mo just said casually that you are going to hold a meeting to conduct a nationwide industrial technology survey. Is it really a good idea to mobilize people like this?

However, even though I had different opinions in my heart, I still had to abide by the boss's words unconditionally, so I quickly said "Okay" and went down to inform.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, inside the newly established company.

"Old Lin, is it okay for me to dress like this today?"

After waiting for more than ten days, Rebus finally got a reply agreeing to meet. Rebus was very happy and asked his entrepreneurial partner to take a look at his outfit before setting off.

Looking at Rebus's suit, which is the upper body, and the lower body, jeans and sneakers, which remain unchanged for thousands of years, Lin Wenwu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: "That's enough, he's very young and handsome!"

"I think so too~"

Rebus smiled confidently, then waved his right hand: "Let's go, let's go to Wudaokou."

Lin Wenwu couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'll drive~"

With that said, he walked ahead and drove Rebus to Wudaokou.

Two hours later, the two arrived at Wudaokou campus.

Seeing that they were surrounded by students who were in their prime, full of youth and high spirits, the two of them were filled with emotion.

"How does it compare to your Wuhan University?"

Lin Wenwu couldn't help but ask Rebus this question.

Rebus thought for a while and replied: "They are all the same, full of hope and future."

Lin Wenwu was startled at first, and then burst into laughter.

This answer was quite good, and it immediately raised Wuhan University to the same level as Wudaokou. This was Rebus's last act of arrogance.

But he could understand. After all, Rebus had always been proud of his alma mater, Wuhan University. He was full of praise in his words and made many donations in his actions.

"... In this regard, You and Professor Zhao are still very similar. Professor Zhao has also donated to Wudaokou many times, and many academic achievements have been published with Wudaokou as the communication unit."

Lin Wenwu then commented on him with a smile.

After hearing this, Rebus waved his hands repeatedly: "I dare not compare myself with Professor Zhao. The difference is too far. It would make people laugh if I even said it."

Lin Wenwu said disapprovingly: "No matter how big or small your contribution is, sincerity is the same."

"Hey, the new issue of Nature actually published a paper by Professor Zhao?"

"It's a bit strange. Professor Zhao's previous papers were all focused on mathematics, and this time too. Nature has never liked this type of paper. I don't know how it passed the review this time."

"Maybe the impact of this paper is too great. Does the existence and smoothness of the N-S equation exist? This is an explosive result!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Professor Zhao didn't say it doesn't exist. He just proved that it doesn't exist under the premise of n≥3."


As they passed by, several students' comments caught their attention.

"Was Professor Zhao proven that the N-S equation does not exist?"

After hearing what the other party said, the two looked at each other in confusion.

"My dick is so hot, is it possible~"

After coming back to his senses, Rebus said something in great admiration.

Lin Wenwu nodded slowly and said, "It's indeed a big dick!"

This time, he didn't say that Rebus paid attention to his image when he spoke, because he was also shocked and had only one thought in his mind: "How can he be so awesome?"

The two of them have never studied the N-S equation, but they have also heard about the awesomeness of this equation, which is said to be a headache even for God.

Although what I just heard means that Zhao Mo has not really solved it, he has pushed the problem to a new level, so that "Nature" has published a paper, which is also a huge achievement that countless people cannot match.

Then, when the two of them met with Zhao Mo, they both acted a little awkward and completely lost the openness they had when they first arrived.

"Hello, Professor Zhao~"

The two of them smiled and greeted each other one after another.

Zhao Mo received them in the office and asked them to sit down with a smile: "Mr. Lei, Mr. Lin, please sit down and have tea~"

(End of this chapter)

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