You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 272 There is no crazier scientist than him

Chapter 272 There is no crazier scientist than him

You can despise Mi, but you can't despise Rebus.

This is the most widely circulated sentence on the Internet, and Zhao Mo also believes in it.

Although Moumi and Rebus are actually inseparable and cannot be calculated this way, it has to be said that Rebus's personal image has always been maintained well. This is related to his identity as a person who relies on technology to get ahead.

Zhao Mo was short of money for a period of time, so he also used a Mi phone, but later switched back to Mi. It can only be said that Mi's calibration technology and quality control are really hard to describe, but it did not prevent him from respecting Rebus. The senses are pretty good.

He has been at the top of the business world, but he still returns as a young man in his prime. He is not greasy. This alone is enough to kill 99.99% of businessmen and technology tycoons in an instant.

"Professor Zhao, I am here mainly to ask for your advice..."

After a few words of greeting, Rebus took the initiative to explain the purpose of his visit.

Because Zhao Mo didn't give much time, only half an hour.

This amount of time must be very little, and he was surprised but also very regretful. However, Zhao Mo's assistant Cai Bin told him when he came in that Professor Zhao was very busy and time was very valuable. Giving him half an hour was already a very preferential treatment. Most people only have ten minutes, and no more than fifteen. minute.

Therefore, Rebus does not dare to neglect now and talk about something when he has something to say.

Zhao Mo understood after listening for a moment that he was here to ask for resources.

Rebus was very straightforward and there was nothing false. He said that Mi was facing many difficulties now, and then he said that he was begging his grandfather to tell his grandma that the supply chain has been unable to be solved. The reason is very simple, because Mi has never made a mobile phone, and now Mi suddenly wants to enter this industry, and the supply chain is generally unwilling to provide resource support. Especially the important components, PCB motherboard, screen, chip, communication technology, etc., were directly grasped by Mi.

"It turns out that when I was founded, there was still such a thing. I thought that with Rebus's charisma and the cold hundreds of millions in his account, it could be done at once~"

Zhao Mo thought secretly.

Rebus earned his first pot of gold by coding when he was in college. Later he joined Kingsoft and became CEO, achieving financial freedom and becoming a sure winner in life. After Jinshan, he founded Moami, which became an instant hit, and quickly became a billionaire and a domestic technology giant.

But after listening to Rebus's words, Zhao Mo had a feeling that it was not easy for Rebus. There were times when he begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother and felt depressed.

Zhao Mo thought for a while and didn't ask any more questions. He just smiled and said: "Mr. Lei, I can help you~"

Rebs stood up immediately and said with a happy face: "Thank you, Professor Zhao~"

To be honest, although he had a glimmer of hope this time, it was not much, because Zhao Mo was not an ordinary person. How could he have the time and motivation to match him?

He never expected that Zhao Mo agreed as soon as he said it. Although he was surprised, he was naturally overjoyed.

This time a certain rice is done!


The next moment, Zhao Mo changed the subject and said: "I think Mr. Lei, regarding the positioning of Mi and the fact that Mi has lacked technology accumulation, it is not suitable to refer to Wei's model in terms of chips. The cost is too high. You guys I can't afford it. Of course, if you insist on developing independent chips, I will still be very happy."

Rebus was stunned by these words.

He could tell that Zhao Mo was leaning toward his Mi to get its own chip, but he didn't think that Mi could do it. It was up to him to make his own choice.

After he came to his senses and wanted to ask again, Cai Bin walked in and reminded Zhao Mo: "Professor, it's time to go to the institute~"


Zhao Mo replied and then stood up.

Rebus knew it was time to go.

So he quickly said goodbye and left.

Downstairs, watching Zhao Mo leave, Rebus and Lin Wenwu looked at each other with emotion on their faces.

"Professor Zhao seems to be less than twenty years old this year, right?"

Rebus suddenly asked.

Lin Wenwu thought for a while and replied: "Exactly twenty. The media reported last year that Professor Zhao was exactly eighteen years old."

"Twenty years old?"

Rebus said "Hey" and said with admiration: "I became famous at the age of eighteen. Now I am twenty, and I am already a famous scientist in our country. What are we doing at the age of eighteen and twenty? He is still studying and is still a young boy. An ordinary person would have been complacent by becoming famous at such a young age, but Professor Zhao still maintains his original intention and is busy studying science for the country all day long. There is no comparison, no comparison~"

"Yes, I saw in the media that Professor Zhao has a will of steel. Since he regarded Mr. Qian as his idol, he has been studying hard and never had a day off. I thought it was the media exaggerating before, but now I see that the media is just I told the truth, and even said it was conservative.”

Lin Wenwu nodded.

Rebus: "Okay, let's talk about our certain rice. What does Professor Gangzhao mean? I didn't understand something."

Lin Wenwu did not answer his words, but suddenly said: "Mr. Lei, if I remember correctly, you have become famous at the age of twenty, and you have made your first pot of gold by coding, right?" Booth: "..."

Good guy, you're still thinking about what I just said. Wasn't this an analogy?

"Ahem, don't worry about these details, let's discuss the future positioning of a certain meter~"

Rebus coughed twice and changed the topic directly.

Twenty years old?

It seems that he was just a junior in college, and then he made his first million in life by typing code for others. That code is still a "god-level code" to this day, and very few people can achieve this level.

Lin Wenwu glanced at him and said with a smile: "I think Professor Gang Zhao is right. We have no technical foundation and cannot compare with Youwei, so we can only borrow other people's platforms to develop ourselves first. To truly develop core technologies, We have to wait until it develops in the future.”

Rebus nodded reluctantly: "This is the only way."

Who doesn’t want to master the core technology and dominate the world?

If you don’t have it, you don’t have it. If you have no other way, you will borrow other people’s technology to develop.

It can only be said that times have changed, and plans cannot keep up with changes. Rebus would never have imagined that he had taken a shortcut from the beginning and would never be able to make up for this shortcoming in the future.


"General Manager Li, this is the latest issue of "Nature" and the internal reference~"

Aerospace Group, rocket design team, when Academician Li Dong was busy, the clerk came in with a stack of information and threw two magazines on his desk as he passed by.

"Let it go~"

Li Dong said without raising his head, staring at the rocket plan on the computer and studying it.

As the chief designer of the original Changwu Rockets, Li Dong was both happy and painful during this period.

Happiness, naturally, is because Zhao Mo has built a rocket engine with greater thrust.

When the news broke out, it shocked the entire aerospace group. When he got the news, he was a little stupid. He could actually do it?

Then, he became happy, extremely happy.

It's very simple. A high-thrust engine means that he can be a little more generous when designing rockets. He no longer has to worry about the thrust being too small as before. When designing a rocket, he can't do this and that, so he has to be sparing. You can be generous, do whatever you want, or even splurge a little.

A single engine with a thrust of one thousand tons, what level of existence is this?

World number one!

Still missing that little push?

Put it on for me, put it on me with good techniques and good materials, put it on me hard with those good guys that were cumbersome but had miraculous effects in the past!

If three of these engines are connected in parallel, the thrust will reach nearly 3,000 tons. What is there to fear?

Pain, of course, is also painful. Who knows that the design of the Long March 5 rocket has been finalized, and many of them have been built? Now that the high-thrust engine is out, won’t it have to be rebuilt?

Then, the stereotyped long five immediately changed into the original long five.

After discussions between Chief Engineer Wang and all of them, the single-thrust rocket will have one specification, the three parallel Long Xiaowu rockets that Zhao Mo said will have one specification, and then the five parallel Long Five rockets will have one specification. , new rockets in three specifications. So now he needs to drastically change his plan and create three brand new ones at once!

The workload has tripled all of a sudden. How can it not be painful?

As for the previous rocket engines of hundreds of tons or dozens of tons, it is not that they cannot be used. Li Dong does not know how to use them anyway. He heard that the country intends to involve social capital and let the private sector do it to build China. The version of Space Exploration Technology Company can also be regarded as "waste" utilization.

It wasn't until he was about to get off work that Li Dong looked away from the computer screen, then stood up and walked to the window, looking into the distance and doing eye exercises.

"I don't know what Zhao Mo is anxious about. He is even more anxious than above. He has urged me several times, saying that he will launch a rocket in the first half of next year, and that he will test-fire all three rockets within the next year... …”

Li Dong, who was thinking about the design plan, looked outside for a while and suddenly thought of Zhao Mo.

After adjusting the rocket design plan, Zhao Mo called him several times, urging him to hurry up. This made him speechless, as if Zhao Mo was his client of Party A and it was so natural. Of?

After a while, he thought of a possibility: "By the way, this guy seems to have been selected into the second batch of astronauts. Could it be that he wants to fly to space on the rocket engine he designed?"

He believed that this possibility was very high.

Then, he couldn't help but said to himself with emotion: "Siting up to the sky with a rocket engine of his own design, there must be no crazier scientist than him in the world, right?"

Even Master Ma, who is known as the "Science Madman" on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, would not dare to take his own rocket to the sky. Once it explodes, there will really be no place to cry.

After moving his body to relax, Li Dong turned around and returned to his seat.

When he was about to continue working, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the new issue of "Nature" magazine at the corner of the table. He paused, reached out and picked up "Nature" and flipped through it.

“Let’s take a look at the latest technological frontiers first~”

Li Dong thought to himself.

Soon, a paper published on the back page made him shocked: "The existence and smoothness of the N-S equation may not exist? Zhao Mo?"

(End of this chapter)

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