Chapter 270 "Nature"

John Bull, London, Nature headquarters.

"Nature" is a scientific magazine under the Nature Publishing Group. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific magazines in the world. It was founded in 1869.

Nature Publishing Group is affiliated to Macmillan Publishing Co., Ltd., and there is also the Hotzbrink Publishing Group above it. Anyway, it is like a matryoshka doll, but in this context, these are controlled by warmongers and colonial invaders. . For example, Macmillan is a war maniac and a radical colonialist.

It can be said that "Nature" is a magazine founded with the blood of people around the world.

Of course, it is undeniable that "Nature" has played a huge role in the history of scientific development and popularizing science to people around the world, and this is one of the reasons why it has become one of the most prestigious scientific magazines.

Dr. Deborah is the deputy editor-in-chief of Nature. Her name is the same as the name of the luxury cosmetics brand. This is the name given by her mother, who likes this cosmetics brand very much.

Early in the morning, I came to the company from home. Before I even got to my seat, I was still chewing the bread I had eaten on the way. I had already started working. I started discussing with my assistants and editors what results should be published in the next issue of Nature. , papers, analyses, and reviews.

Everyone spoke very calmly, because as civilian editors, their personalities were subtly affected by their positions and they would not be so impatient.

During the discussion, an editor said with a pity on his face: "It's a pity that the China Space Administration did not submit the paper on the results of their latest one-thousand-ton thrust rocket engine, otherwise the next issue of "Nature" will definitely be a big hit~ "

As soon as she said this, no one agreed with her.

Everyone else looked at each other.

Dr. Deborah was also speechless: "..."

Sister, do you know what you are talking about?

A thousand-ton-thrust rocket engine is an important weapon of the country. How can it be possible to write a paper on the manufacturing technology and publish it? Even if you think about it with your brain, you know it’s impossible!

Just like the atomic bomb projects in various countries, who can write down the construction process of the atomic bomb project?

If I were to write, I would only write about the theory of the atomic bomb.

The fundamental theory of the atomic bomb was actually written by Einstein a long time ago and is also taught in textbooks. It is E=mc, which is mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light.

Therefore, there is nothing to write about high-thrust engines, because its basic theory is combustion. It is taught in chemistry classes. The combustion of chemical fuels releases energy~

"Okay, let's get to work~"

Deborah clapped her hands and ordered.

The editors immediately dispersed and went about their work.

Deborah returned to her office, planning to ask the great minds in the academic circle whether the paper passed their peer review, and then filter the important articles to be sent for peer review today and find the right people to review them.

After working for half an hour and just after making two phone calls to urge the two experts, a female editor came in with an excited look on her face and said: "Deputy Editor, I received a special paper. I miss you." Must be very interested.”

Dr. Deborah looked up and saw that it was the female editor just now. She couldn't help but put her hand on her forehead and sighed: "Okay, Lilian, send me the paper to see what kind of special method it is."

"I have already sent it to your email, please open it and take a look~"

The female editor Lillian smiled and pointed to the computer in front of her.


Dr. Deborah said this and immediately operated the computer to open the email Lillian sent her in the mailbox.

"The N-S equation may not have a smooth solution"!

China, Zhao Mo!

"How come the N-S equation paper was published in Nature?"

Dr. Deborah was surprised at first, but then she reacted and said in surprise: "Zhao Mo from China? Is that the magical professor who led the Chinese team to create a thousand-ton thrust rocket engine?"

The female editor Lilian said with a smile: "Yes, it is Zhao Mo who was praised by his colleagues in the Chinese media as a magical professor and the youngest university professor in history."

"Well, he will actually submit articles to us~"

Dr. Deborah shrugged, a look of interest gradually appeared on his face, and said to himself: "There is no smooth solution to the N-S equation? This is a big news, whether in mathematics or physics. I think everyone in the world will go crazy because of this paper!”

Deborah is the same as the editors of "Nature". Although they may look like they are doing clerical work, in fact they are basically high-end talents in science and engineering. They come from various majors and are basically aware of some issues in all walks of life. We are especially concerned about unsolved mysteries, cutting-edge theories and results.

The N-S equation is a big problem in physics and also a big problem in mathematics.

The existence and smoothness of the solution to the N-S equation have always troubled the physics and mathematics circles, and have stumped countless physics and mathematics masters. It is one of the seven major problems of the millennium, and it ranks high among the seven major problems. one.

Whoever solves the N-S equation is a well-deserved god in the two fields of physics and mathematics, worthy of being named like Einstein, Bohr, Gauss, and Riemann. It is not difficult to win the Fields Medal or the Nobel Prize.

Deborah immediately started reading it, word by word, very seriously.

At first, she could understand it, it was relatively simple, but within two minutes of reading it, she had difficulty reading it, because the entire paper was written in mathematical symbols, and Zhao Mo solved it from a mathematical perspective. Equations rather than from a physical perspective, which gave her a headache as a physics major. Soon, Deborah gave up her decision to carefully read and understand the paper, and made the decision to only read it and roughly understand it.

Then, her reading speed became faster and her head no longer hurt.

Ten minutes later, I finished reading the paper.

Deborah probably saw that Zhao Mo did not fully analyze the existence and smoothness of the solution to the N-S equation. Instead, he demonstrated that in the three-dimensional case of n≥3, the N-S equation would explode, and then roughly concluded that N-S The conclusion that the existence and smoothness of the equation may not exist.

"If I remember correctly, the case where n≥4 was demonstrated before, right?"

After Deborah came back to her senses, she murmured to herself, and then thought of another thing: "How could Professor Zhao write this paper at this time? Is he developing a high-thrust rocket engine?" Did you discover it during the process?”

After thinking for a while, she probably figured out that this was probably the reason.

Only this reason can explain why Zhao Mo suddenly studied the N-S equation.

As a scientist who has become famous in recent years, Deborah has known Zhao Mo. She has also read some of Zhao Mo’s previously published papers. Whether it is mathematics, materials, communications, etc., they are all related to mathematics, but with Fluid motion has nothing to do with the N-S equation.

Only rocket engines have a strong correlation with the N-S equation.

“It’s just that this paper is not suitable for publication in Nature~”

Deborah thought for a long time, finally raised her head, looked at Lillian slowly, and asked her with a smile: "Lillian, do you think it can be published in our "Nature"?"

"Nature" is positioned in the natural sciences and focuses on cutting-edge research results in various fields of natural sciences.

As deputy editor-in-chief, Deborah has to weigh interests even more. After all, Nature wants to make profits. Therefore, it is also an Internet celebrity journal and needs traffic, and Zhao Mo’s paper is more mathematical.

What is mathematics?

Mathematics is almost insulated from traffic. No one will pay real money for math problems!

Therefore, in "Nature", it is more about biology and chemistry, medicine, artificial intelligence, etc.

Lilian was stunned for a moment, and then realized this. After thinking about it, she replied: "If the argument is okay, of course. This paper focuses on mathematics, but it is actually a physics problem, and it is also a very hot N-S The equation problem was written by a magical professor from China who had just developed a one-thousand-ton high-thrust rocket engine."

"Yes, if the argument is okay~"

Deborah had a smile on her face, then nodded and said: "You are right, I will send it to my colleagues for a look now~"

She understood what Lilian meant. The flow professor and the flow N-S equation were combined together. If "Nature" published this paper, there would definitely be no worries about sales. Whether in Europe, America or Asia, countless people will pay for it.

Especially China, Little Book, White Elephant Kingdom, and America. She has no doubt that after this paper is published, the people in these countries will donate generously.

On the same day, Deborah sent the paper to some great minds in mathematics and physics for review, including American Academician Sreenivasan, a famous fluid mechanics expert and physicist; John Bull Academician and Cambridge Professor Kerswell Wait, and Tao Zexuan even boldly sent it to Professor Witten.

Well, it’s the physics guru Witten who won the Fields Medal and slapped countless mathematicians in the face.

Deborah didn't have any hope for this. After all, the boss of Witten was busy with many things and was very arrogant. It was difficult for him to pay attention to her review request. She just had a thought, what if the boss of Witten responded?

The day passed quickly~

The next day, Deborah occasionally checked to see if these big guys had responded to her, and asked Lillian about the progress of her follow-up from time to time.

On the third day, Deborah checked the replies from the big bosses as soon as she got to work. She thought it would be another fruitless day, but as soon as she entered, she saw Tao Zexuan's reply.

Tao Zexuan: "It's a genius argument, I seem to have seen it in a dream."

Deborah immediately breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of joy on her face: "That's great, the draft is over!"

But the next moment, she was stunned, and then her face turned red.

She didn't write this paper, so why are you so happy?

On the same day and the fourth day, Deborah received review responses from other peers one after another, which was mathematically correct.

Deborah then included Zhao Mo’s paper among the articles to be published in the upcoming issue of Nature.

On the fifth day, the day before "Nature" was about to be published, Deborah did not see the reply from the Witten boss. When she was disappointed, a message suddenly popped up in the email, and the name was none other than the Witten boss. .

"Very interesting argument, I think the conclusion is correct~"

Seeing the reply from the Witten boss, Deborah was immediately overjoyed. She slapped the table and shouted loudly: "Lillian, quickly, add this sentence and the previous ones. I want to see them at the front of the paper." ~”


On the seventh day, a new issue of "Nature" was released~

(End of this chapter)

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