You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 247 It’s not that I don’t believe you, I want to confirm again

Chapter 247 It’s not that I don’t believe you, I want to confirm again~
  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology!
  Seeing Zhao Mo's "messing around", Minister Liu did not fall into Zhao Mo's routine.

"Professor Zhao, if you want to go to heaven, you must have a reason, right? What reason?"

Minister Liu jumped out of Zhao Mo's routine very simply, and he understood the essence of our army's "you hit yours, and I'll hit mine", and he said jokingly: "Don't tell me that this is your dream."

He knew about Zhao Mo going to the Astronaut Training Center, and he also knew that Zhao Mo was in very good physical condition, and he also knew some of what Zhao Mo said.

After hearing this, Zhao Mo suddenly felt happy, knowing that there was something wrong, so he quickly replied: "It's a little bit of this reason, but more importantly, I want to verify some of my ideas, whether it is limited by the earth's environment. Or rather, it misled our observation and analysis of some phenomena..."


Minister Liu didn't understand what his specific research was, but he understood what he meant.

Are you being misled by the earth’s environment while doing scientific research on earth?

So many current scientific theories are wrong?

So there hasn’t been a lot of progress in scientific theory over the years?

Therefore, Zhao Mo wanted to confirm it from heaven and himself.

It had to be said that this reason was very powerful and very necessary. He accepted it immediately after hearing it, and even had the urgent idea of ​​sending Zhao Mo to heaven.

"It's a big deal~"

But after thinking about it, Minister Liu suppressed that thought. Zhao Mo is not an ordinary person, and he is not an ordinary scientist. He is a future star. What if something goes wrong?
  Even a minister like him cannot afford this responsibility!
  Even though he is a minister, he belongs to a high-level leader, but there are many people who can be this minister. As soon as his position becomes vacant, someone can fill it immediately, and there will be no delay for a second.

Are officials still afraid of no one?
  But scientists are different. One person is missing and I don’t know how long it will take to make up for it, and they may not necessarily be as capable as before.

Scientists like Zhao Mo, who are extremely capable and have repeatedly produced achievements, are even more scarce resources. One less will always be one less, which will seriously slow down the development of the entire country and even the development of the entire human world.

For example, this is especially true for giants such as Einstein, Newton, and Qian Lao. Without them, the scientific and technological development of mankind and China would be delayed for who knows how many years, or even forever.

Times create heroes, and heroes create times.

Don't say that as long as humans exist, there will be other Stans, Duns, and Laos.

Look at China. Thousands of years of ancient history have not appeared!

Look at the West, thousands of years of dark history...

Giant scientists are often very accidental and have great irreproducibility.

"I think your suggestion is very good. We didn't consider this aspect before. In this case, Professor Zhao, you go back first, and we will inform you after careful evaluation."

Minister Liu then said to Zhao Mo, first to reassure him, and then gave his own advice: "For me personally, my advice is that you should not be in such a hurry. It doesn't matter if you go later. The development of high-thrust rocket engines is more important now." .”

Zhao Mo: "..."

Isn't this just about going back and waiting for notification?
  The day lilies are cold!

"Bu Liu, I have completed the design of the high-thrust rocket engine, and it will not affect the recruitment and training of astronauts this time."

Zhao Mo answered him simply.


Minister Liu was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Have you solved the NS equation?"

Zhao Mo coughed and said with some embarrassment: "Only the combustion problem of the high-thrust rocket engine has been solved. The NS equation has not been solved yet."

A trace of disappointment flashed across Minister Liu's face at first, but he quickly reacted and looked at him in astonishment and said, "You mean to say that the high-thrust rocket engine has been completed? Has the one with a thousand-ton thrust been really developed?"

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "The plan is finalized. There is no problem in theory. We just have to wait for the actual test run to verify it."


Minister Liu's face showed a look of shock, and then he looked at Zhao Mo with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "Professor Zhao, it's not that I don't believe you, I want to confirm again, it's really done, right? ? How sure are you of success? [-]%, no, [-]%?"

If you haven’t solved the NS equation, then you haven’t solved it. It doesn’t matter.

Once the theory is solved, there is still a long way to go before practical application, and the results are slow.

On the contrary, the high-thrust rocket engine project currently being promoted can be seen with the naked eye. If it is really solved, it will be more practical than solving the NS equation, at least for now.

He, the minister, knows best what a rocket engine with a thrust of one thousand tons means.

Not to mention other impacts, China's space exploration strategy and various projects will undergo major adjustments at this stage and in the future, and many projects will be cut off or brought forward. More importantly, China's space exploration will achieve many strategic goals ahead of schedule and usher in a real explosion and progress!

How could he not be excited?
  Zhao Mo was speechless: "..."

Good guy, really good guy. So from the beginning, he had no hope that he could build a rocket engine with a thrust of one thousand tons?
  He didn't know whether to say he was happy or unhappy?
  What's frustrating is that the higher-ups don't have any hope. I am happy that the superiors still agreed to him to carry out this project even though they had no hope. You can imagine how much the superiors attach great importance to him now, and my heart suddenly feels heavy.

"I dare not say [-]%, but I am still [-]% or [-]% sure."

Zhao Mo didn't hesitate for too long and quickly answered his question.


Minister Liu clapped his hands happily, then held Zhao Mo's hand with both hands and said warmly: "Notify me when you test drive, I must go to the scene to see it!"

Zhao Mo coughed, took his hand back, and said with a smile: "Bu Liu, let's talk about my heavenly affairs first. This is very important to me!"

Minister Liu: "..."

What is the focus of this?
  Okay, I get it, you have eaten the weight and are determined to go to heaven!
  "I will organize a meeting to discuss this afternoon and tell you the results tomorrow. Is that okay?"

He gritted his teeth and made a decision that went against the "organization".

Only then did Zhao Mo laugh happily, and then took the initiative to shake hands with him warmly and said, "Thank you, Bu Liu, then I will go back and wait for your good news."


Liu Bu forced a smile and calmly pulled his hand out of Zhao Mo's grasp.

Afterwards, Zhao Mo left and went to the Eleventh Research Institute to deal with the questions of the team members.

Looking at Zhao Mo's leaving figure, Minister Liu first sighed, then smiled silently, and then made a phone call to inform the space agency to hold an impromptu meeting in the afternoon, which he would chair.

Zhao Mo has made a contribution, and he thinks that such a "small" request can still be satisfied.

As for whether we agree or not, that is another matter and cannot be confused.

The facts were just as he expected. When he mentioned the theme of the meeting in the afternoon, "Discussing the feasibility of scientists becoming astronauts to conduct research in space," the vast majority of people expressed their opposition.

The reason was exactly the same as when he first heard Zhao Mo's request. Isn't this nonsense?
  Scientists become astronauts?
  What should I do if something goes wrong? Scientists are not professional aerospace talents!
  Pilots become astronauts because pilots have been flying in the sky for many years and have experience in flying. What do scientists have? Basically, wisdom comes first, and practical ability lags behind!
  Of course, some people agreed and believed that this proposal was very creative and highly feasible.

When a scientist goes to space as an astronaut, regardless of whether the scientist's physical fitness is sufficient or not, just for the purpose of "research", it is indeed worth doing.

Research on the ground and research in outer space are indeed different.

"If it were anyone else, the minority would definitely obey the majority, but the result would be no good. But if I want to inform Professor Zhao of this result, I'm afraid he will write a letter immediately..."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Minister Liu secretly thought, knowing that this matter still had to be reported, he couldn't decide.

One conclusion drawn from this meeting is that the proposal of "scientists going to heaven" is feasible, but there is controversy over who should go up and when.

Therefore, after the meeting, Minister Liu reported the matter immediately and asked the elders in the cabinet to make the final decision. At the same time, he also reported Zhao Mo's personal situation.

"Professor Zhao has made breakthrough progress in high-thrust rocket engines?"

Looking at the happy news in the report, the old man thought about it and remembered the decision to approve Zhao Mo's project last year. His face suddenly showed a happy look and said with a smile: "It seems that we still underestimated this magical Professor Zhao." Yeah, I have to put more burdens on him in the future~"

Minister Liu was startled, then nodded and smiled: "Yes, he can always create miracles."

The old man glanced at him, then pointed to the personal information about Zhao Mo that he handed over and said, "Since you have the standards for recruiting astronauts, do you still treat people differently?"

Minister Liu looked over and saw that the old man was pointing to Zhao Mo's performance data during his experience at the astronaut training center.

Obviously, the old man meant that they could just go about their official business and agreed to the proposal of "scientists going to heaven".

"Professor Zhao has a special status after all~"

Minister Liu smiled apologetically.

The old man smiled and shook his head and said: "You guys, you are not as good as Professor Zhao in doing things before and after. Professor Zhao sees the problem much deeper and more purely than you. After he noticed the problem, he immediately thought about it. Go to God to verify your ideas, this is the attitude of doing scientific research!"

After speaking, he wrote his opinion "agree" on the report and handed it to Minister Liu.

Minister Liu subconsciously reached out to take it and replied: "Okay, I know what to do."

Then he walked out of the old man's office.

"Are you a truly pure scientist who has escaped from vulgar taste?"

When he got outside, he took a few deep breaths and left quickly while calling Zhao Mo: "Professor Zhao, the proposal to let scientists go to heaven will be passed soon. You should be prepared to take the recruitment assessment~ "

(End of this chapter)

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