You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 248 Is the selection of astronauts also this complicated?

Chapter 248 Is the selection of astronauts also this complicated?

"...This dρ/dt+ρ/3*→/V/3=0 is based on the continuity equation in fluid mechanics..."

"... Its essence is that the mass of matter is conserved during motion!"



In the Eleventh Research Institute, Zhao Mozheng and the research team were explaining some of the problems they encountered when looking at the design plan. Most people were concerned about why this plan was arrived at.

If you know it but don't know why, you can't do anything well.

Only when you know how to do something and why to do it can you really do something well!

Regarding everyone's questions, even some that he thought were very simple, Zhao Mo did not get angry and patiently answered them all.

Zhao Mo didn't learn this just now, nor did Zhao Mo learn it after he gained wisdom after his rebirth. This was something he learned in his previous life, or was his habit.

As a R&D personnel, sometimes you cannot treat the production line employees or even your customers as knowing as much as you do about the profession you are engaged in. You should treat these people as novices who don’t understand anything, so that they can understand in detail Only by carefully developing products can you achieve the greatest possible success.

This is actually the case now, and the truth is clear.

For every member of the research team, this is a normal operation and a rare opportunity to increase their knowledge, so they are naturally eager to ask questions.

When I received the call, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and Zhao Mo had just finished speaking.

From morning to seven o'clock in the evening, he spoke for nearly ten hours. Zhao Mo was drooling. It was the first time in his life that he had spoken for such a long time, and it was also a rare "exercise".

The system was even triggered.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing nine and a half hours of non-stop Q&A work. The reward is 1000 attribute points. Please keep up the good work!"

"Okay, Minister Liu, thank you~"

Zhao Mo responded to Minister Liu's advance notice, secretly shouting "YES" with joy in his heart, and looked at the properties panel.

It had been a long time since he had triggered the system. If he hadn't still remembered the mission, he would have almost forgotten the existence of the system.

The reward is 1000 points of attribute value, which feels very good and is one step closer to LV9.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV8(90999/100000)
  Strength: LV8(170/100000)
  Agility: LV8(0/100000)
  Endurance: LV8 (0/100000)

Attribute Points: 0
  There are still 9001 attribute points left.

When he returned, seeing the happy smile on Zhao Mo's face, Li Guoguo couldn't help but asked curiously: "Teacher, is there anything you are happy about?"

Zhao Mo came back to his senses, glanced at her, and asked with a smile: "Have you noticed all this?"

Li Guoguo, who had a ponytail and the face of a royal sister, said with a smile: "We have all seen the smile on your face, instructor~"

Zhao Mo said "Oh", but did not answer her question, but said: "You will know after a while, don't be too surprised then."

Li Guoguo's eyes widened: "..."

Good guy, the instructor is so secretive, which is rare.

Since she and other students have been following Zhao Mo, Zhao Mo reacts very seriously in front of them. For example, when she asked a question yesterday, Zhao Mo didn't give her any face as a student and asked her to ask questions today without discrimination.

"It seems like this is really unusual~"

Li Guoguo thought to himself, so he fell a few steps behind and started talking quietly with other classmates.

"You should be happy because our research has yielded results, right?"

"How is that possible? I should have been happy yesterday when the engine made progress, instead of waiting until today. The instructor wouldn't have said that specifically."

"Maybe there are some good policies from above?"

"I just answered the phone and went out. It should be a call from above or the school."


In the voice, a voice suddenly said hesitantly: "Could it be that the master's wife is pregnant?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent: "..."

Needless to say, this is indeed possible.

Zhao Mo would never have thought that just because he let it slip, everyone would start talking about whether he had a child.

So the next night, when he returned home from work and had a private chat with Yang Chan before going to bed, Yang Chan suddenly mentioned this to him and asked, "Do you know about this? "


Zhao Mo was completely confused. What happened?
  How did this rumor spread?

They say three people make a tiger, but at least he has to say something first, right? He didn't say anything.

Seeing his appearance, Yang Chan knew immediately, and he was only a belated observer.

However, Yang Chan did not pursue this question. After hesitating for a while, she said, "Brother Mo, shall we have a child?"

Zhao Mo was confused again: "Huh? Didn't we agree to wait until we get the birth certificate before we have a child? And now that the country has not relaxed its policies, we can't get the birth certificate, and the child can't register as a household registration?"

Yang Yan said quietly: "You all said that you want to go to the outer space to do experiments. You can't take our child to do experiments? I have not discussed this matter, I don't agree!" "Uh ..."

Zhao Mo suddenly got stuck.

Yes, he actually forgot about it.

Outer space is a high-radiation environment. The impact on the human body has not yet been clearly studied, but it will definitely have an impact, but it will take a long time to be reflected.

If he goes to heaven, his body will definitely be affected to a certain extent, and this effect is most likely at the genetic level.

It's okay if you don't have children anymore. It's just that you're affected, so don't worry too much. After all, there are so many examples of astronauts in previous lives that prove that the impact on adult individuals is still very small. But if you want to have a child, the impact is hard to say. What if there is a genetic mutation?

By then, it will be too late to talk about it.

Therefore, Yang Chan's concerns were very reasonable and he had to consider them carefully.

He is not the kind of crazy scientist who would give up everything for the sake of scientific research, even himself and his own descendants. He would never be able to do this.

"So, I'm going to start making babies now?"

Zhao Mo's thoughts were spinning, and he felt confused for no reason. Is he really ready?
  At the age of twenty, the development is already mature, and it is definitely possible to give birth to a child. But children are not finished when they are born, they must be raised well.

To give birth without nurturing is to have no conscience.

But how to raise it?
  The material conditions were there, but the mental conditions were not ready for him. It was an unknown field, more complex and difficult than scientific research, and he was a little worried.

"Then~ let's have one?"

He hesitated and asked Yang Chan.

Yang Chan murmured: "One?"

These words seemed to be spoken to oneself, but also seemed to be asking him.

For a moment, Zhao Mo couldn't speak.

His mission goal was to complete it within five years, but now almost a year has passed, which means there are still nearly four years left. During this period of time, if we only talk about having children, if everything goes well, they can actually have three children. However, in the past four years, Yang Chan has been like a fertility machine, and it is difficult to do anything else.

Moreover, every time a child is born, the damage to the body is huge.

Let alone three children in a row, even if it is just one child, the child will be completely different immediately after the child is born, and the physical condition will be at least three to four years older.

If three children are born in a row, Yang Chan, who was originally twenty-two years old, will immediately look like a thirty-year-old person. I don’t know how long it will take to recover. It may never recover.

"I want to have two children. One child is fine."

After a moment of silence, Zhao Mo said: "As for the two children, they had playmates when they were young. When they grow up, they have relatives who they can discuss with each other, so they will not be alone. Of course, this is a smooth situation, and it is not a smooth situation. If so, it doesn’t matter if you have one, each has its own benefits. This is my opinion, what about you?"

"Yeah~ I think so too."

Yang Chan responded immediately, and the next moment she raised her head and kissed his ear, then bit it gently.

"Honey, I'm here~"

Zhao Mo took a deep breath and turned over.


On the third day, Minister Liu completed the process, and Zhao Mo reported his name immediately.

Then on the fourth day, Zhao Mo asked for leave from Wudaokou and did not go to the Eleventh Research Institute. After getting up early in the morning, he went straight to the Astronaut Training Center.

When he arrived, he stood at the door for a while, sighed, and then walked in with his head held high.

This is his second time here!
  At this time, in the training center, the recruitment and assessment of another batch of astronauts was being carried out in an intense and orderly manner.

After entering, he checked his ID, and then entered the assessment site. Zhao Mo saw everyone who was conducting the assessment and the relevant personnel responsible for the assessment.

There are not so many acquaintances.

Commander Wang, director of the training center, astronaut trainer Wu Jie, vestibular function training chief instructor He Yang, General Yang, the first man in space, as well as female astronaut Wang Yaping who will go to space twice in the future and other astronauts who will go to space in the future.

Zhao Mo had only seen the other astronauts and General Yang on TV and in news reports. This was his first time meeting them in person.

This was the second time I met Wang Yaping.

The first time we met was during the Wenchuan earthquake rescue. Zhao Mo met her by chance and got to know her. At that time, Wang Yaping was flying a plane to deliver supplies to the disaster area.

Looking back now, Zhao Mo was moved by Wang Yaping's bravery, perseverance and dedication, and sighed at the tragedy of the earthquake. You must know that before Wang Yaping participated in the rescue, the previous batch of pilots had died heroically in the disaster area because the plane lost control due to weather changes.

"Hey, Professor Zhao? Why are you here?"

Wang Yaping, who was waiting for the assessment in the crowd, was stunned when she saw Zhao Mo coming here, and then said hello quickly.

"Comrade Wang, we meet again~"

Zhao Mo shook her hand with a smile and replied casually: "Me? I'm here to take part in the astronaut recruitment assessment~"

Wang Yaping: "..."

No, is being an astronaut so complicated now?

Have the standards been raised to scientists?

(End of this chapter)

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