You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 246 Professor Zhao’s operation?

Chapter 246 Professor Zhao’s operation?

Institute [-].

"Hey, where are they?"

Tan Kaihua had just finished his work and was going to the canteen to eat.

As soon as he went there, none of the members of the high-thrust rocket engine project team who were supposed to be taking a walk to eat after eating were missing, which made him startled.

"Director Tan, Professor Zhao just came over and has a meeting with them."

A researcher next to him said with a smile.

Tan Kaihua was relieved and walked towards the cafeteria while saying: "Professor Zhao has been under a lot of pressure recently. I heard that the plan has not been finalized yet. I guess there is something wrong with the ns equation."

The researcher echoed: "Probably, Professor Zhao may have underestimated the difficulty of the NS equation. This time Professor Zhao came here to announce something."

Tan Kaihua nodded and said nothing more.

He had previously opposed the hasty launch of the one-thousand-ton thrust engine proposed by Zhao Mo. The reason was that it was difficult to implement it in a short time here.

China's aerospace industry has a weak foundation and is subject to various restrictions. It has only now completed the development of a 120-ton thrust liquid oxygen kerosene engine under his leadership.

The difference between 120 tons and [-] tons is nine times. How can it be overcome in a short time?

China's aerospace industry still needs to proceed step by step and improve slowly, but it cannot be like making progress by leaps and bounds, which is so easy to mess up.

The researcher continued with a smile: "But to be honest, Professor Zhao is still very thoughtful and capable. The application of large AI models has been very successful. Recently, the higher-ups have also made up their minds to comprehensively promote it in military industry and key fields. AI large model. Director, do you think we should also build a large model in this regard to help us design the engine?"

Tan Kaihua hesitated for a moment and replied: "You can try it."

Learning from each other's strengths is an essential skill for researchers.

While talking, the two walked into the cafeteria and ordered food.

A researcher who was eating in the cafeteria saw the two of them and immediately waved to them.

The two of them carried the food and walked to sit opposite the man.

The man said casually: "Director Tan, do you know? Professor Zhao is here and has just notified the members of their project team to attend a meeting, saying that the next step can be carried out..."

After Tan Kaihua was startled, he immediately reacted and was surprised: "Are you saying that Professor Zhao has finalized the plan and is going to really start working on it?"

The man nodded and said: "It should be~"

Tan Kaihua: "..."

No way, have you really solved the NS equation?
  At this time, everyone in the high-thrust rocket engine project team meeting in the conference room was also in shock, and of course a little confused.

Zhao Mo turned on the projector and projected the detailed design plan in front of them. From the whole to the details, he drew it all. The drawing was very detailed and all marked, even every corner and corner that needed to be achieved. The requirements, production precautions and process requirements, material requirements, and testing requirements are also marked.

After listening to Zhao Mo's introduction and looking at the design draft above, everyone had only one thought in their minds: "Inhuman!"

Simply inhuman!
  There has never been a chief designer who has designed the design draft of the entire engine in such detail. Generally speaking, he is divided into multiple groups to design, and then he coordinates the design and discusses the modifications with a few capable people, and finally discusses it with the entire engine. The project team discussed together, and even invited the heads and experts of the supporting factories that manufacture each component to hold a meeting to discuss.

It is simply unheard of for someone like Zhao Mo to finish the work by himself, then organize a meeting for them, assign tasks directly, and tell them to do this and this!


"Is it too strong?"

"This composition, these details..."

"I even understand craftsmanship. Where did Professor Zhao come from? How high is his IQ?"

The former members of the Eleventh Research Institute all groaned inwardly. They no longer had the impatience they had before, only admiration and even fear remained.

Doesn’t this mean that they are just being asked to do things step by step and that they are just tool people?
  After talking for more than two hours and nearly three hours, it was around ten o'clock in the evening that Zhao Mo finally finished explaining his design plan and assigned tasks.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

Some of them laughed subconsciously.

Some people didn't smile, but looked at Zhao Mo with a look like a monster. At the same time, they asked Lu Cheng and others who looked excited, "Are you not surprised at all?"

Lu Cheng said in surprise: "Surprised? Why are you surprised? Our mentor has always been so strong. Since I met him, I have never encountered a problem that can stump him."

Yes, Lu Cheng and others were not surprised, because Zhao Mo was famous in Wudaokou.

Even if there are very difficult problems, Zhao Mo can still solve them perfectly as long as he retreats for a period of time.


It’s just a recurrence of previous experiences!

other side:"……"

Good guy, no wonder he spoke so carelessly while eating in the cafeteria just now, that's why.

After thinking about it, Zhao Mo's achievements seemed worthy of Lu Cheng and others, because at this moment, the concepts in their minds were also sliding towards the concepts of Lu Cheng and others.

"... If you don't understand the specific details, please go down to each group and discuss them in separate groups, then summarize the issues and give them to me. Now, are you clear about your respective tasks?"

Zhao Mo asked Cai Bin to distribute the information he had just printed one by one, and asked at the same time.     “Clear~”

"It's all clear~"

Everyone replied one after another.

"Okay, now that everyone knows it, let's work next time. Summarize the problem points before tomorrow, and start working officially the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Mo said finally, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

"Teacher, there are a few things I don't understand here..."

As he was leaving the house, Li Guoguo chased after him. He took the materials he had just obtained and wanted to ask some math questions on them.

Zhao Mo answered her without looking back: "Didn't I tell you to collect them all and give them together tomorrow?"

Then go.

Li Guoguo: "..."

Okay, something bad happened.

Seeing that Li Guoguo was in trouble, Lu Cheng and others, who were relying on their status as students and wanted to ask questions, stopped one after another.

Everyone in the former [-]th Research Institute looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became a little weird.

"I know, you should call your job at work~"

Li Guoguo muttered, then walked to Lu Cheng and others, and asked them in a low voice: "Do you understand this equation? It seems to be related to the NS equation..."

Lu Cheng and Liu Zhirong looked at each other and saw a snicker in each other's eyes.

Only the two of them have been in contact with Zhao Mo for the longest time, and they know the basics best. They know that Zhao Mo is fair and just in everything he does, and he has never been interested in beauty.

On the other side, Zhao Mo went back after coming out and wanted to have a good rest tonight.


The next day, Zhao Mo did not go to Wudaokou, but went to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to find Minister Liu.

"Liu Bu~"

As soon as he entered, Zhao Mo greeted him warmly.

Minister Liu was made a little uncomfortable by his sudden enthusiasm. He couldn't help shaking, his heart felt weak for no reason, and then he raised his voice.

He coughed and asked with a smile: "Professor Zhao, what kind of wind blew today to bring you here?"

As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.

He always took the initiative to find Zhao Mo for scientific research, and it was rare for Zhao Mo to find him. The last time I went to see him, I still asked him a difficult problem, which was to build a high-thrust rocket engine.

Now that this is happening, is there something big that requires him to come forward?

However, after thinking about it for a while, he didn't expect anything major to happen recently. All he could think of was the Wolf Clause and Zhao Mo's ongoing high-thrust rocket engine.

"Are you here to ask for resources?"

he thought to himself.

Zhao Mo also coughed, then smiled sheepishly and asked: "Bu Liu, I heard that the space agency is recruiting the second batch of astronauts?"


Hearing this, Minister Liu was startled. He didn't care.

Wait a minute, the space agency is a unit below them. Is Zhao Mo looking for someone to find him through the back door?

Suddenly, the look on Minister Liu's face became serious and he replied: "It does happen, but it's all based on standards. This is going to outer space and is full of dangers. You must be 100% qualified. "

"That's for sure!"

Zhao Mo echoed, and then said the purpose of this time very seriously: "Bu Liu, I came to see you this time. I want to discuss something with you. I want to sign up for the recruitment assessment."

"No, I can't leave here..."

Minister Liu immediately expressed his objection. He couldn't go through the back door for such an important matter. Halfway through the words, he suddenly got stuck. Did Zhao Mo mean that he wanted to sign up?
  After reacting, he looked at Zhao Mo in disbelief and asked, "Wait a minute, who do you want to sign up?"

Zhao Mo pointed at himself: "Me."

Minister Liu now confirmed that Zhao Mo was really talking about himself!
  So he immediately shook his head like a rattle and said, "No, no, absolutely not! Aren't you kidding? This is no joke! Anyone can go to heaven, but you can't."

Zhao Mo had known that he would refuse, so he was not discouraged. Instead, he smiled and said, "Bu Liu, I have excellent physical fitness, excellent professional skills, and meet all the recruitment standards for astronauts. Why can't I do it?"

Minister Liu didn't listen to his explanation at all. He just shook his head and said, "Professor Zhao, you can't even say something outrageous in front of me."

Seeing his indifferent expression, Zhao Mo couldn't help but laugh and said: "Bu Liu, aren't you just concerned about my identity? Do you treat me differently just because I am a scientific researcher? Let me tell you, you guys This is discrimination against our scientific researchers! Also, your behavior of only recruiting pilots and not scientific researchers also shows that you do not pay attention to our country's aerospace industry and are on the wrong path!"

As soon as these words came out, Minister Liu, who had been shaking his head, stopped shaking his head, but he became numb: "..."

Good guy, you are a young man who has no martial ethics, but you blame an old man like me?

Is it really okay for you to slap one hat after another like this?
  (End of this chapter)

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