You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 212 Is he really the professor from Wu Daokou?

Chapter 212 Is he really a professor from Wudaokou?

As the electric rotating chair rotated rapidly, a low-frequency noise was immediately heard, and a tense atmosphere soon filled the air. Everyone was staring at the chair and the person sitting on it without blinking. Zhao Mo.

They wanted to see Zhao Mo's reaction.

The director, head coach, and astronaut trainers of the training center all looked at it with smiles on their faces. They were the most relaxed, because they had no idea whether Zhao Mo could withstand this training, and he would fail anyway.

They thought that this time was just to give the teachers and students who came to the scene an opportunity to experience it, to let them know the difficulty of being an astronaut and to understand some general conditions of the motherland's aerospace industry.

The teachers and students who came to visit were a little nervous, because Zhao Mo was with them and belonged to "one of their own."

What's more, they want to try it too.

If Zhao Mo passes, that would be great, they will have more ideas to try.

If Zhao Mo fails, fine, they have to think about it again and not embarrass themselves in front of everyone.

"Hey, it's okay~"

At this moment, Zhao Mo, who was sitting on the electric rotating chair, was still in the mood to reflect on the current feeling.

The moment I first started spinning, I did feel a strong sense of discomfort. One was because it was too sudden, and the other was that I was wearing a blindfold and lost my field of vision.

Anyone who has tried it knows that if a normal person closes his eyes and loses his field of vision, he actually loses his sense of direction and seems to be in chaos.

Once you start spinning, you will immediately feel dizzy and dizzy, which is very uncomfortable.

But soon, Zhao Mo found that he had overcome the sudden discomfort and became as normal as usual, with a solid feeling in his heart.

However, his good mood quickly faded.

As the rotation continued, the electric rotating chair under his butt began to shake, swinging up and down and back and forth. It was as if the whole person was thrown into a vacuum environment, and an even stronger discomfort surged up, making him feel... Feeling queasy, eyes have the urge to cry.

Zhao Mo knew that this was simulating the situation of losing one's orientation in outer space.

He took a deep breath to stabilize his mind, and gradually the strong discomfort weakened.

After a while, he regained his composure.

1 minutes~
2 minutes~
5 minutes~
10 minutes~
As time went by, Zhao Mo still felt very good about himself and there was nothing unbearable, so he did not ask to stop, but wanted to see how long he could hold on.

However, he didn't know that his persistence directly frightened the people in the training center.

Of course, all the teachers and students who came to visit were overjoyed and cheered one after another. Some people were counting the time. One moment, they said, "I'll go, it's been 3 minutes", and the other, "Oh my God! It's been 10 minutes." That’s awesome! Isn’t this awesome?” Some people even started to shout “Come on, Professor” while playing the beat.

The people in the training center were not happy, they were surprised and worried.

For swivel chair training, pilot selection only wants to sit on the chair for 2 minutes!It can be said that based on this alone, after 10 minutes, Zhao Mo's physical fitness is enough to become an excellent pilot.

The director of the training center looked at the head coach He Yang: "He Gong, he didn't faint, right?"

He Yang, who was surprised, was startled when he heard this.

Yes, could it be that Zhao Mo had already fainted and that's why he didn't shout stop?

Not without this possibility!
As soon as He Yang's body moved, he immediately pressed the pause button.

Wu Jie, the astronaut trainer on the side, grabbed him and said in a deep voice: "Don't press pause yet. He didn't faint. I think he is still very conscious."

Although she was talking to him, Wu Jie kept looking at Zhao Mo.

Hearing this, He Yang immediately observed Zhao Mo's condition carefully.He looked at the frequency of bullying on Zhao Mo's chest, looked at Zhao Mo's face, listened carefully to Zhao Mo's breathing, and found that Zhao Mo was indeed still in a very awake state, and did not seem to have fainted. state.

"Old Wu, you are still the best~"

He Yang couldn't help but admire, and he didn't feel unhappy because Wu Jie's observation was better than his, the head coach's, because Wu Jie was the real talent here.

Wu Jie is an astronaut trainer and one of the first batch of Chinese astronauts. He is from the same batch as No. 1 Yang Liwei in space.Unlike Yang Liwei, Wu Jie also went to the Soviet Union to study abroad, specializing in learning astronaut knowledge. Together with another astronaut, he completed the study mission that should have been completed in five years in one year, and obtained the Soviet Cosmonautics Award. Special commendation from the bureau!
It can be said that Wu Jie made a major contribution to the establishment of the aerospace training center and the establishment and improvement of all training subjects. He brought back a lot of precious knowledge, technology and experience from the Soviet Union.

Wu Jie said nothing, just looked at Zhao Mo, and raised his hand to check the time from time to time.

He is recording time.

Pilots need to sit for 2 minutes, but the selection standard for astronauts is 15 minutes, an increase of [-] times, which is not at all of the same order of magnitude.

But now, Zhao Mo has survived 10 minutes. If it takes another 5 minutes, it means that Zhao Mo has reached the standard of an astronaut, which is of great significance.

I think back then, the pilots who participated in the selection with them were all top-notch pilots, but very few of them could pass. Most of them persisted until they were pale and sweating profusely after five or six minutes.

People like Zhao Mo, who had persisted for 10 minutes, still looked the same as usual. Wu Jie thought about it and realized that there seemed to be only a few people.

Twelve minutes!

13 minutes~
Zhao Mo, who was sitting on the revolving chair, finally felt strong discomfort again, and it seemed that he could no longer control it. Severe discomfort in his stomach, nausea, and burning pain came to him.

He began to sweat on his forehead, and big beads of sweat began to roll down his face.

He doesn't know how much time has passed~
Finally, when the severe vomiting feeling surged in his stomach and the acid water began to move up his esophagus and into his throat, he finally shouted the word "stop".Snapped!
He Yang had quick eyes and quick hands and pressed the pause button.

The rotating chair immediately stopped. Zhao Mo couldn't wait to put the vomit bag to his mouth, then "vomited" and spat out the acidic water.

"Ten 6 minutes!"

Wu Jie looked at his watch and calculated how long Zhao Mo would last. Then he walked towards the director and asked in a low voice: "Director, is he really a professor at Wudaokou?"

The director was shocked by Zhao Mo's performance. After hearing this, he couldn't help but spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "I guess so~"

He knew Zhao Mo's identity and had seen relevant reports about Zhao Mo, but he was a little unsure now.

It’s so outrageous. A mathematics professor’s physical fitness can actually match that of an astronaut?
"how do you feel?"

He Yang subconsciously wanted to help Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo pushed him away, stood up directly, and then said with a forced smile: "I feel very bad, my stomach is churning, and I almost want to vomit out the overnight meal."

"Professor Zhao, you are so awesome!"


At this moment, Zhao Mo heard the cheerful cheers of the teachers and students present.

Zhao Mo turned back to look at them, smiled at them, and then asked He Yang: "He Gong, I was talking big words just now, and I thought too simply. This astronaut training is really amazing. I Did you pass the result just now?"

He Yang: "..."

Good guy, what are you doing?

Even though I have such great results, you still come to ask me if I passed the exam?Are you sure you're not kidding me?

Wu Jie came over, looked at Zhao Mo with admiration and said: "Professor Zhao, your results are very good. You persisted for 6 minutes, which is far beyond the standards of ordinary astronauts. The most important thing is that your Your mental state is very good. Many astronauts would have turned pale and vomited if they persisted until this time, but you only vomited for a while~"

"Sixteen minutes?"

Zhao Mo was startled for a moment, then became happy and said with a smile: "It seems that I am really suitable to be an astronaut."

This took longer than he expected.

It was only then that Zhao Mo realized that the LV8 level body was stronger than most astronauts.

Of course, no one would think that his physical fitness surpasses the vast majority of astronauts based on the results of "vestibular function training", because one does not mean comprehensive.Only Zhao Mo has a clear mind. The physical fitness of LV8 level is all-round. He believes that other training subjects will not be a problem for him.

"Yes, I think so too~"

The more Wu Jie looked at Zhao Mo, the more he admired him. If Zhao Mo was not a professor at Wudaokou, he would have already thought about how to recruit Zhao Mo.

Director of the training center: "..."

It’s true that one dares to speak and the other dares to answer.

He coughed and said loudly: "Okay, now that Professor Zhao has finished the experience, who else wants to experience it?"

He was afraid that if he didn't stand up and speak, Wu Jie would really talk to Zhao Mo about becoming an astronaut. How could this be possible?

Certainly not!
Zhao Mo is a powerful scientist. He wants to make scientific contributions to the country. How can he become an astronaut?
"I'm coming~"

"Choose me, choose me~"

As soon as his words came out, many teachers and students present raised their right hands.

Soon, the director selected a few people and asked them to line up one by one to experience it.

The experience process of these people is different from Zhao Mo.

The director, He Yang, and Wu Jie were all disappointed to find that Zhao Mo turned out to be a special case. After that, the teachers and students who experienced it one by one, regardless of gender, only lasted for 5 minutes at most, and then they were sweating profusely and looked gloomy. Bai stopped shouting, and after he came down, he vomited so hard that the veins on his face and neck bulged.

5 minutes, before Zhao Mo, they must think he is very good and has the potential of a pilot.

But with Zhao Mozhuyu in front, they subconsciously looked down on the results of these five minutes.

"Ahem, Director, Instructor Wu, I also want to try other trainings, can you arrange it~"

Zhao Mo, who was watching from the side, smiled and made his request to the director of the training center and Wu Jie with an embarrassed look on his face.

Wu Jie smiled heartily and said: "I have no problem~"


No, you are a professor and a scientist. Do you want to compete for the astronauts’ jobs?

(End of this chapter)
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