You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 213 You are a great scientist!

Chapter 213 You are a great scientist!

Centrifuge overweight endurance training~
Underwater weight-bearing simulated space training~
Mental training~

After visiting a series of activities, it was an eye-opener for all the teachers and students who came to the scene, and the same was true for Zhao Mo.He had only seen it in the news before, but this was the first time he had actually seen it or even experienced it in person. It felt great.

However, after "Crazy Spin", Zhao Mo's request to experience other events was ruthlessly rejected by the director of the training center.

"Absolutely not!"

The director said with a serious face.

Wu Jie, the astronaut trainer, agreed very much, and even interceded with the director to let Zhao Mo experience it, but the director still refused ruthlessly.


Zhao Mo knew it in his heart, but he still looked confused.

The director of the training center was speechless, but he patiently explained: "You are a great scientist, not a professional astronaut. You have had adverse reactions to the vestibular function training just now. If you participate in other training, it is very likely to cause harm to your body." Injury. You want to make greater scientific research contributions to the country, so you have to protect your body."


Zhao Mo suddenly became speechless.

Sure enough, I was worried that he would be injured, so he was not allowed to participate.

He couldn't help but said: "Director, I know my physical condition very well. I am a good athlete in Wudaokou, and I broke the record in the 1500-meter race."

"is it?"

The director was surprised, then shook his head and said, "That won't work either."

"Director, really, if you don't believe me, you can arrange for someone to give me a physical examination~"

Zhao Mo continued without giving up.


Good guy, how big of an astronaut dream does this have to come to him again and again?

And, is he really a professor?Why can't you explain? He has already made it very clear. All he needs to do is say directly that we can't bear the responsibility. You should just go back and forth from where you came~
Therefore, he decisively changed the topic, took Zhao Mo's hand and walked outside: "Professor Zhao, let's continue the visit, and I will explain it to you personally."

Zhao Mo: "..."

If you don’t let me experience it, can you still have fun?

Happy time is always short.

Soon, the day passed.

During the subsequent visit, Zhao Mo and others also met members of the first batch of astronauts, including Yang Liwei, as well as Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming, and Jing Haipeng who were about to fly to space on Shenzhou 25 on the [-]th. The three of them at this time I am still training and sweating profusely.

Because Yang Liwei was the first to launch into space, various conditions and preparations were not perfect at the time, so his body was seriously injured and he never went to space again.

The other three went to space one after another after Shenzhou [-]. Zhao Mo remembered that Liu Boming went to space three times, and the other two went to space two. It can be seen that after Yang Liwei, he gained experience and did a lot to protect the astronauts' bodies. Once it's in place, it won't get worse just because it's in space.

In the evening, looking at the teachers and students leaving, the director of the training center breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Jie smacked his lips at this time and said with regret: "It's a pity that Professor Zhao is a scientist. If not, he will definitely become a very good astronaut."

He Yang smiled and said: "Professor Zhao is indeed talented. We checked his body and after a 6-minute vestibular function test, there was nothing wrong with it, just like usual. I heard that he even broke the record in running 1500 meters at Wudaokou ? Folks are really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but many people are not aware of their talents."


The director was speechless for a moment, and then said: "Don't think too much about what happened today. It is impossible for the country to let Professor Zhao become an astronaut. Professor Zhao's scientific research work is more important than aerospace work."

After hearing this, Wu Jie and He Yang both nodded in agreement.

Wu Jie said with a smile: "This is a scientist who has made significant contributions to many disciplines such as mathematics, physics, materials, computers, communications, etc. He will definitely be a national treasure-level scientist in the future. It is definitely impossible to become an astronaut. We are just saying Just sayin’.”

He Yang also said: "Yes, Director, we can still distinguish the importance of this."

The director breathed a sigh of relief and responded with a smile: "That's good~"

Not to mention the shock of the other teachers and students who returned to their respective schools at Zhao Mo's amazing performance during today's training experience. After Zhao Mo returned to Wudaokou, he was immediately summoned to the office by Chief Master Wang to question him.

"Xiao Zhao, you are too courageous. How can you take such a risk to experience it?" General Master Wang looked unhappy, and then said: "If Principal Gu and Professor Yang find out about this, I won't be able to do it." Eat the fruit.”

Zhao Mo smiled sheepishly, quickly asked him to sit down, and poured him tea, and then slowly explained: "Chief Master, calm down, who am I? Are you still worried about me? I am the most cautious in everything I do. , I will never do anything I’m not sure about. So, please believe me, it’s no problem.”

General Master Wang said angrily: "You are cautious in doing things? You are cautious in doing things, but did you forget to consider your own influence before doing things? Do you know that you are no longer an ordinary person? You are a Wudaokou up and down Dear scientist, everyone expects you to make more and greater contributions to science. Instead of not doing science and becoming an astronaut! What if something unexpected happens during training? "

"Yes, I didn't think carefully~"

Zhao Mo was startled at first, and then realized that he had not paid attention to the vestibular function training he just experienced in public, so he quickly admitted his mistake and said: "This time I shouldn't have trained in front of so many people. Don't worry, I will do it in the future." If you want to go to training, I will apply separately.”

Chief Master Wang: "..."

Good guy, is that what I just said?

"And the future?"

he asked, raising his voice.

Zhao Mo coughed and said: "Chief Commander, in fact, the reason why I want to go to heaven is mainly because after thinking about it during this period, I think that the future scientific prospects in outer space, the earth's environment, is a bit restrictive to us, and it is not good for us to study this world. It’s very misleading. Of course, this is just my personal opinion and may not be correct, so I wanted to go up and try it and observe and compare it myself.”

General Master Wang was greatly surprised: "This..."

I have to say that Zhao Mo's explanation surprised and touched him.

He has studied aeronautics and astronautics all his life. In terms of research, it belongs to applied science, a field of "skills". His basic scientific research in the field of "Tao" is not that in-depth, but his knowledge of basic sciences is far beyond ordinary scientists.

However, he has not thought about this issue. Will science on earth be different from that in outer space?
Now that Zhao Mo said this, he had to think deeply and consider this possibility.Because Zhao Mo is doing basic scientific research and has repeatedly achieved results, Zhao Mo's words have to be taken seriously.

In fact, the environment in outer space is indeed very different from that on earth.

The earth has gravity and an atmosphere, and outer space is a vacuum environment, which basically does not exist.

Of course, in cognition, science is universally applicable, and science on Earth should also be applicable to outer space.

But is this perception correct?

No one knows, I can only say that it is basically applicable and applicable under certain conditions.

Compared with the universe, which often uses tens of billions of years as a time unit and countless billions of light-years as a distance unit, current science is still too small, as small as dust.

Using current human science to explain everything in this universe is like looking at the sky from a well.

So, when Zhao Mo thinks about heaven, is it because of this aspect?

Thinking of this, his expression suddenly softened and he said slowly: "Even so, you don't have to worry. In five or ten years, when the conditions are mature and our space station is built, the country will definitely let go."

"Don't worry, I will pay attention~"

Zhao Mo didn't force it anymore and said with a smile, but he still said in his heart: "Five or ten years? The day lilies are already cold~"

There are only four and a half years left in five years!
He needs to hurry up!
In the evening, when Zhao Mo returned home, he reviewed what he had learned today, and then continued his rocket engine research mission.

The current engines are all chemical fuel engines, which are the most mature technology and the most widely used. However, it is obviously unrealistic to rely on chemical fuel engines to reach the stars and the sea.

As a result, other types of engines emerged, such as nuclear-powered engines, photon engines, electric motors, etc.

An electric motor is an engine that uses electric energy to accelerate a working fluid to form a high-speed jet and generate thrust. The more famous one is the plasma engine, which is currently in use.Later, our country also began to use it, but the thrust of this thing was too small, so it was only used for thrust on spacecraft that had been launched into outer space. It is currently impossible to use it to launch rockets, it is just a dream.

Photon engines are also unrealistic. The annihilation of matter and antimatter produces a large amount of photon flow, which reacts on the rocket. Although this theoretically has the highest efficiency and specific impulse, it can even make the rocket speed infinitely close to the speed of light.However, when you see the words "antimatter", you know how unreliable this thing is.

"In 2006, an antimatter satellite was launched into space to detect antimatter in outer space. It also had the ability to capture antimatter, but the captured antimatter was extremely rare, almost nonexistent. The LHC originally had the purpose of creating antimatter and studying antimatter. But I stopped after just one experiment, and the rest will probably be like useless~"

Zhao Mo thought about this and felt that Professor Yang's opinion against building a large collider was indeed correct.

The major discovery of the LHC was just the discovery of the Higgs particle that Higgs had pre-researched, and the rest of the discoveries were better than nothing.

As for the nuclear power engine, Zhao Mo believes that it will be an important tool for mankind to explore the stars and the sea for a long time to come.

Humans have been using nuclear energy for a long time, and currently nuclear fission is basically used.Nuclear-powered engines have been developed since the 60s and [-]s, but problems such as ultra-high temperature, ultra-strong radiation, and ultra-large weight are difficult to solve, so there has been little progress.

Zhao Mo thought to himself: "Controllable nuclear fusion is the only way, but controllable nuclear fusion will last for 50 years, so now we have to choose and choose, and we can only rely on chemical fuels for the time being?"

(End of this chapter)
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