You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 211 Actually, I have always wanted to be an astronaut

Chapter 211 Actually, I have always wanted to be an astronaut

September 2008, 9, is the annual Double Ninth Festival.

Climb high and look far, planting dogwood everywhere.

The three events that happened at home and abroad were all closely related to Zhao Mo, and they all brought considerable shock and change to this chaotic and tense world.But no one knows how much change these two things will bring to the world in the future.Only Zhao Mo can deeply understand that these will be three major events that will change the entire world.

The first thing is that a certain company held their autumn launch conference grandly at Hans Cat.

At this time, because of the success of communication technology and 3G, Mouwei had gained quite a reputation in the world, so this press conference attracted a lot of media.Then, at a press conference, a certain company released 4G technology and finished base stations that shocked everyone!

4G has suddenly arrived in front of the world. Before 3G technology has been experienced for a few days, it will suddenly enter the 4G era. The speed of technology iteration is jaw-dropping.

On the contrary, the launch of a new mobile phone by a certain company suddenly became less popular, but the fingerprint unlocking function made the world's eyes brighter.

The second thing is that in conjunction with this press conference, or in coordination, multiple parts of the country jointly held a press conference to announce the comprehensive promotion of the implementation of 4G technology nationwide.As for the previous 3G promotion, no one mentioned it. The reporters who asked questions at the scene were told that 4G technology was mature and could be promoted, and they did not get an explanation for the sudden replacement of 3G with 4G.

As soon as these two incidents came out, not only domestic discussions abounded, but also foreign friends were surprised and confused: "What are they doing? Why are they so radical?"

Yes, that’s radical!
Most people can't figure out why everything changed overnight.

But no matter what, everyone can see that the government is obviously determined to do this this time, and the trend is unstoppable.

Ordinary people don't feel much, except to be surprised for a while, and then do whatever they want to do, but the relevant practitioners are all excited, this is their spring!

As for foreign countries, I was surprised and hesitant, should I follow or not?
The third thing is that America Tesla was allowed to enter mainland China to build a factory, build a super factory in Shanghai, and focus on new energy vehicles.

There are few reports on this matter abroad, and only America-related media reported it, saying that China acted as a white knight this time and saved Tesla, which was on the verge of bankruptcy.Some media also said sourly that Tesla has no future and that China’s introduction must be a failure this time.

There were many domestic reports, and they were quite vigorous. Even CCTV News Broadcast came out and reported for more than a minute.Relevant media reports are endless. It seems that Tesla is the world's top new energy vehicle company and will drive the domestic market after its introduction.

Chinese people have mixed opinions about this. The most popular argument on the Internet is to introduce Tesla as a catfish to activate the domestic new energy vehicle market and introduce new technologies.Because Tesla’s entry this time is a 100% localized supply chain, and Tesla has indeed opened up a lot of advanced technologies, especially in terms of motors and systems.

But most people don't feel much about it because it doesn't have much to do with them.

Only some knowledgeable people have seen the layout behind it. The country is forcefully promoting new energy vehicles.

In an interview with the media, BYD’s boatman publicly stated that Tesla is welcome to build a factory in China.When asked if he would be worried about Tesla's competition with BYD, Mr. Boatman said he would, but he was not afraid because BYD was confident.

"Brother Boatman is still as hard as ever~"

At Wudaokou, Zhao Mo, who was immersed in research, saw the relevant news reports and couldn't help but smile and praise, but in fact, his mood was very calm.

A report on the discovery of the Higgs particle has been compiled and sent to the magazine "Nature". Regardless of the interference from the outside world, "Nature" quickly published the report and quoted Higgs' own evaluation. He thinks Zhao Mo's work is excellent, and he looks forward to the LHC confirming the authenticity and accuracy of this report.

Therefore, Zhao Mo regarded this matter as a thing of the past, and his focus was no longer on finding the Higgs particle itself, but began to conduct more in-depth research.

As for how long it will take for the LHC to be repaired, and how long it will take to find the Higgs particle through experiments and confirm the mass of the Higgs particle he calculated, that is the LHC's business, not his.

This week, in addition to mathematics and physics, his main focus was on researching rocket engine solutions.

After discussing with General Manager Wang that day, General Manager Wang gave him some technical information and materials that could be disclosed to him for him to study. He first studied it, and then combined his new ideas to write his own related report.

To speed up aerospace, the most important thing is the rocket engine.

China's aerospace development is truly independent and developed step by step. It has obvious advantages and obvious weaknesses.Because they are latecomers, they are inherently inferior to America and Da Maodu, and they are inferior by several decades.

Coupled with the Batumi Agreement, the Wassenaar Agreement and other rules, and later the Wolf Clause, America manipulated various countries to embargo and ban technology against our country, so the speed of our country's aerospace development was inherently malnourished.

Da Mao also has a share in this.

Therefore, even if my country's aerospace development develops rapidly in the future, it is still much weaker than foreign countries in some key technical fields, especially rocket engines.

America is targeting us, and they are not selling rocket engines, let alone technology, or finished products to us. They would rather sell them to America, their mortal enemy, thinking that America will accept them.

It is better to seek oneself than to seek oneself, and it is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others.

Zhao Mo believes that whether it is necessary to complete the mission or to promote the development of my country's aerospace technology, the aerospace engine must be overcome.

After studying for more than half a year, LV8's wisdom made him study incredibly efficiently. Otherwise, he would not have gone so far in physics, being able to discover the pentaquark state, understand the Higgs particle, etc.

Therefore, he thought of building rocket engines for the country and building more advanced rocket engines.There is no doubt that this will be a very arduous task, and the time span is measured in years. Whether the country will fully support him is also a big question.

"America's implementation of the Wolf Clause should not be until 2011, right? I wonder if it will be brought forward after I do this?"

Zhao Mo looked at the report he was writing and thought with interest.

Most definitely!
He was quick to judge.

This is based on the Saxons' pirate cultural genes. It has always been zero-sum. As long as we have a breakthrough, what they think of execution must be tit-for-tat.

The next day, the 10th, was Teacher’s Day.

Zhao Mo and a group of teachers and students majoring in aeronautics and astronautics came to the China Astronaut Research and Training Center to visit and study. Teachers and students from Yan University and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics also arrived.

There were many people responsible for receiving them, including the director of the training center, instructors and astronaut trainers.

"...As we all know, astronaut training generally includes physical training, space environment adaptability training, psychological training, basic theoretical training, aerospace professional and technical training, flight procedure and mission simulation training, survival and rescue training, and large-scale joint exercises These eight categories are a long process..."

"...There are many special environmental factors in aerospace, such as overweight, weightlessness, vestibular organ stimulation, noise, high and low temperatures, etc..."


The director of the training center personally introduced them to them and then took them to visit various training venues and equipment.

Chief Master Wang did not come to the scene. Zhao Mo, like everyone else, curiously looked at every scene and training equipment here, and listened carefully to the introduction.

Every time you go to a training place, the chief trainer in charge of the place will arrange and explain it.
"This is our vestibular function training. The astronauts sit on this electric seat and quickly rotate 360 ​​degrees clockwise and counterclockwise, while also swinging up and down. The test standard is also very simple, that is, after the training is completed There will be no space motion sickness, and we must immediately distinguish the southeast from the northwest..."

He Yang, the main instructor of vestibular function training, introduced them and then asked with a smile: "Does anyone want to experience it? It's okay, this is actually very simple~".
The director of the training center and the astronaut trainer standing nearby all had smiles on their faces and seemed to agree with this statement.

Everyone present: "..."

Boss, we are going to get dizzy just hearing what you say, and you still tell us that it is simple. Do you have any misunderstanding about the word "simple"?
It seems that the selected astronauts passed this test easily, which gave them the illusion that it was "just that".

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, looking at each other in confusion, but they didn't dare to answer the question.

However, not everyone in the crowd is eager to give it a try, especially the boys. After all, we are all young people. We are just excited to try it.

"Let me give it a try~"

Zhao Mo quickly raised his hand and said, he was afraid that if he raised his hand a little later, it would not be his turn to try.

"Oh? Professor Zhao, do you want to give it a try?"

He Yang's eyes lit up and he asked happily.

Zhao Mo walked over and shook hands with him, and said with a smile: "Actually, I have always wanted to be an astronaut and fly into the sky. I can't miss it if I can experience it myself this time."

"Professor, come on!"

"Haha~ Professor Zhao, please give us a sample first, we will join you later."

"That's right, Professor Zhao!"


The teachers and students at Wudaokou shouted happily, and some even started to applaud and cheer.

The teachers and students from Yan University and Jinghang University were astonished and started making noises. They all stared at Zhao Mo curiously to see how he would test it.

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with laughter and laughter.

"Professor Zhao, come here, put on this blindfold first, and then put on this vomit bag~"

He Yang invited Zhao Mo to sit on the electric rotating chair, and then gave him a black eye mask and a silver bag, which were very delicate.

After Zhao Mo sat down as required, he fastened his seat belt, took the black eye mask and put it on. He held the vomit bag in his hand and did not intend to open it. He said, "I shouldn't need this vomit bag. I don't care about myself." Have confidence."

(End of this chapter)
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