You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 120 I don’t know if you want to accompany me to do something big

Chapter 120 I don’t know if you want to accompany me to do something big

"It's easy to understand. Seeing that Zhang Laomou is deliberately trying to deal with you, he wants to strangle you and asks Dr. Zhang to leave Central International."

Faced with Dr. Zhang Rujing's surprise, Zhao Mo just smiled and answered casually.

Through the exchange just now, Zhao Mo learned that not only had TJD started suing Central International since 2003, and had taken aggressive and violent actions, but now it had even asked Dr. Zhang Rujing to get out of Central International, which really shocked him. I didn't expect it to be so early.

On the contrary, the fact that TJD took away 10% of Central International's equity does not seem to be very important.

Center International was founded by Dr. Zhang Rujing. He brought not only the team, but also the technology. He can be said to be the soul figure.His departure is bound to have a major impact on the development of Center International.

Sometimes, things happen because of people!

Only then did Zhao Mo understand why the gap between Central International and TJD was getting bigger and bigger, even though the gap was not obvious at the beginning.

How can we develop now that the soul figures are gone?

It has not closed down and is still making progress, which shows that the hard work of Dr. Zhang Rujing, Director Jiang and others has been very effective after Dr. Zhang Rujing left.

However, this answer is not actually the real reason.

Zhao Mo didn't say it out loud. The actual reason was that TJD really liked doing this and was exposed. At that time, a big boss from Intel publicly criticized TJD for manufacturing process fraud. It was obviously 10nm, but he wanted to say 7nm. The reason was that Intel couldn't catch up. I was familiar with the process capabilities of TJD and Samsung, so I went to dismantle and analyze it, and found that their 10nm was TJD's 7nm, but the architecture was different, and then it bypassed Intel's standards for measuring nanometer processes (Group). slot width).

TJD responded with this, and explained that when the process reaches a certain limit, it cannot be measured by the original measurement standard of a few nanometers, but should be measured by other measurement standards.

At the end of the quarrel, Intel stared blankly, but also quietly started to do the same thing. Following TJD, it started to brag about its process capabilities. It also talked about 7nm/5nm, and even produced the so-called "Emperor" at some time. "Mi" chip is really unbearable to look at.

"Is that so~"

Hearing Zhao Mo's answer, Dr. Zhang Rujing was silent for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly: "That's right! But in the final analysis, it was our failure to do a good job that led to the current problem."

Zhao Mo sneered and said nothing.

Dr. Zhang Rujing was in a bad mood, so he was a little absent-minded and naturally did not notice this detail.

Lin Zhiyao, who was accompanying him, noticed his reaction, his eyes moved involuntarily, and he secretly noted it.

After the visit, everyone had another exchange in the conference room. People from Central International mainly talked, while Zhao Mo and others listened.Of course, Zhao Mo also shared some of their opinions and experiences, most of which were words of praise.

After the meeting and before finishing the meal, Lin Zhiyao, Dr. Zhang Rujing and Zhao Mo had a closed-door meeting with only three people.

At the meeting, Lin Zhiyao asked about the incident during the afternoon visit and asked: "Sheng Zhao, I am in the capital. Is there any other news?"

Zhao Mo was startled. He didn't expect Lin Zhiyao to ask such a question. He couldn't help laughing or crying, and thought to himself: "Sure enough, it's just imagination that's the scariest thing! I only got some grades because I was a Wudaokou student in the capital. I didn't expect that even Lin Zhiyao would People of all levels think that I can go directly to the top and know more confidential things~"


Zhao Mo immediately shook his head in denial, and then said: "If you look at JTD's lawsuit against Central International according to normal business logic, there is no problem at all. However, you must also see that in such an important field as semiconductors, Central International and TJD Who is the real party? You will know that this is no longer a normal commercial dispute. JTD's action is to delay or even interrupt our progress in the semiconductor field."


As soon as he said these words, Lin Zhiyao and Zhang Rujing were shocked and looked at him with shocked expressions.

Lin Zhiyao said: " this impossible? Zhang Laomou is from Baodao after all."

Zhao Mo did not answer, but looked at Dr. Zhang Rujing.

Lin Zhiyao also followed and looked at the other party subconsciously.

Then, the two of them saw the look of surprise on Dr. Zhang Rujing's face slowly fade away, replaced by solemn silence.

After a long time, Zhang Rujing said slowly: "Now that I think about it, it is indeed true. When I founded World University and was acquired by TJD, I proposed to build a factory here. Zhang Laomou fully agreed at the time, but he never mentioned the matter afterwards. I approached him many times, but he always refused in the end, so I resigned angrily and led the team to build an independent factory here."

Lin Zhiyao was shocked and angry when he heard this. After being silent for a while, he said, "It's a very important matter. Do you need to ask the country for instructions? Dr. Zhang, it seems that the matter of being asked to resign this time will be discussed in the long run."

"The deal is done. We are no match for TJD now. All our equipment is imported from abroad. Now we can only surrender."

Zhang Rujing shook his head and rejected his statement.

Lin Zhiyao suddenly looked helpless and murmured to himself: "It's a delaying strategy~"

Zhao Mo shook his head secretly. The delaying strategy was useless. If he didn't do it ruthlessly, he would be controlled by others for the next 20 years.However, he had no good solution for the time being, so he just asked: "Now that the matter has come to this, is there any way to remedy it?"

Zhang Rujing replied with a look of helplessness and exhaustion: "I should be able to support myself here for another year or two."

"A year or two?" Zhao Mo's heart moved, and a smile immediately appeared on his face and he said: "Dr. Zhang, it's like this, a team of Weiwei and I are designing a brand new chip, and Weiwei over there gave The suggestion is to let TJD do it. Although I agree, to be honest, this is not what I want. I still hope to let it be done by Center International. However, TJD’s chip process capability must exceed Center International’s two generations. It has temporarily reached It does not meet the performance requirements of our kind of chip. If Central International will continue to make progress under your leadership, I will still have some confidence, but now~"

Zhang Rujing was surprised: "What chip requires such high performance?"

Lin Zhiyao also looked at him curiously.

Zhao Mo didn't hesitate, and probably talked about some of the capabilities of the drone he designed.

Both Zhang Rujing and Lin Zhiyao fell silent when they heard about the design of a drone that combines real-time image transmission, autonomous obstacle avoidance and other functions with incredible performance.

They didn't expect that if Zhao Mo didn't ask for anything, he would ask for it, and his request would be such an excessive request, which was simply outrageous.

"Millisecond-level real-time image transmission, this shouldn't be possible, right?"

Zhang Rujing asked slowly.

Zhao Mo smiled and had no explanation.

Zhang Rujing immediately knew that this involved a secret.

Therefore, Zhang Rujing stopped asking, and instead pondered for a while, and then said: "Zhao Sheng, I dare not say any more words. What I am sure of is that whether I am here or not, Central International will continue to move forward." It will stop.”

"I believe it!"

Zhao Mo nodded slowly, and then made a rather excessive request: "Dr. Zhang, the visit and technical exchange during the day were too general. I wonder if you can help introduce the chip manufacturing process and packaging technology in detail? I know this request is very I'm presumptuous, but I really want to know more and see if I can be of some help~"

Lin Zhiyao: "..."

Good guy, just tell me directly, are you here for technical exchange or to steal lessons from me?Don't ask for help!
Would listening to a detailed technical explanation help?

Then tens of millions of top semiconductor engineers from a lot of giant companies such as Central International, JTD, Samsung, IBM, etc. are all doing nothing?


Dr. Zhang Rujing immediately hesitated.

His thoughts were similar to Lin Zhiyao's. Although he did not doubt that Zhao Mo was here to "steal his master", Zhao Mo's request was indeed excessive, as it involved Central International's secrets.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Rujing couldn't help but look at Zhao Mo several times. Seeing that Zhao Mo always had a faint smile on his face, his eyes were bright, piercing, and full of wisdom, he couldn't help but thought: "Well, this person from Central International What does a little bit of technology mean to him? He is a mathematician, maybe he really has unique insights~"

Zhang Rujing thought of Zhao Mo's resume. He was not an ordinary talent.

So, he then agreed: "Okay~"

Then, in the conference room, he talked about the chip manufacturing process and packaging from the source to the present. He talked for a full hour. During this period, he also picked up a pen to write and draw on the whiteboard, constantly clarifying Zhao Mo's doubts.

When Dr. Zhang Rujing finished his narration, Zhao Mo finally understood some of the doubts he had had for a long time, and his face suddenly showed a happy look. He laughed and said: "I understand, so it is like this, he is really a genius. Whoever designed and came up with chip manufacturing is really a genius!”

Zhang Rujing was stunned and said: "What?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of other happy things."

Zhao Mo shook his head with a smile on his face.

He did think of other things. He thought of the main control chip that had been disassembled for a certain charger, and of the later reports on "advanced packaging." At this moment, combined with Dr. Zhang Rujing's detailed explanation, he finally lost his confusion.

He immediately stopped smiling and said with a serious look: "Dr. Zhang, if the chip manufacturing capability is not enough, then we will use advanced packaging technology to make up for it. I wonder if you would like to accompany me and a certain person to do something big?"

Zhang Rujing was wondering why he was so happy. When he heard what he said, he became even more confused. He couldn't help but ask: "What is advanced packaging technology?"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly, stood up, picked up the whiteboard pen, walked to the whiteboard, erased the original content on it, and then drew new content, which was a picture of multiple chips packaged together.

"This is the advanced packaging technology I'm talking about!"

Zhao Mo knocked on the whiteboard and looked at Zhang Rujing and Lin Zhiyao.



Lin Zhiyao and Zhang Rujing stood up in unison, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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