You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 121 Proposal of Advanced Packaging

Chapter 121 Proposal of Advanced Packaging

Zhao Mo came in the name of Wudaokou, and had strong recommendation from his old friend Lin Zhiyao, so Dr. Zhang Rujing came to greet Zhao Mo and his party in person even when he was exhausted both physically and mentally.

After more than four years of litigation with TJD, Center International's reputation at home and abroad has plummeted, which has made him exhausted both physically and mentally. He often wonders why it is so difficult to do something.

In the final analysis, Zhang Rujing believes that it is caused by inferior skills and there is no one to blame.

When Zhao Mo arrived, Zhang Rujing thought that he would just entertain him warmly, but he didn't think he could bring anything to Central International or him. He didn't think about this either.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Mo actually told him about chip packaging, brought a brand new solution, and gave the solution a new concept name "Advanced Packaging"!
If in the previous conversation, Zhao Mo said that TJD dealt with Central International because of premeditated actions, it made him look at the problem more deeply and understand Zhao Mo more deeply; then now, his understanding of Zhao Mo can only be expressed in terms of To describe it in one word, it is "a genius"!
Zhang Rujing is an expert in the chip industry. He quickly understood the concept that Zhao Mo proposed at this time and looked at the drawn graphics.

A chip, from wafer to finished product, is not just finished by photolithography, it also needs to be packaged.

And packaging actually restricts the development of chips.

At present, Center International's support capabilities are far from encountering packaging difficulties at 90nm. The current planar packaging architecture and packaging materials fully meet the requirements of 90nm process chips.

However, Zhang Rujing can fully foresee that as the chip manufacturing process gradually advances to 65nm, 45nm, 28nm, and 14nm, packaging technology will inevitably become a problem that restricts the progress of the manufacturing process.The principle is also simple. As the chip integrates more and more functions, the chip must have more and more I/O pins.According to the current packaging technology, it has almost reached its limit, which means that it cannot be packaged, and it is naturally impossible to talk about subsequent use.

If it has to be packaged, a chip the size of a fingernail needs to be made larger than a palm or a mobile phone, which is a direct return to the ancient times.

There is no doubt that the packaging model proposed by Zhao Mo can package more I/O pins in a limited volume.

A chip is an integrated circuit, and I/O represents input and output.

Looking back, Zhang Rujing immediately realized the mystery of this "advanced packaging".

Since the process capabilities of Center International cannot match those of JTD and other manufacturers, and with the failure of the lawsuit, I am afraid that the gap will continue to widen in the future, then we might as well think of other methods.Your process capabilities are strong, and you can integrate a far greater number of transistors on one chip than ours. Our process capabilities are not good, and you cannot integrate too many transistors on one chip, so you can build multiple chips and engage in advanced packaging. This will be the same. Achieve the performance of the chip you built.

What is this called?
This is called changing lanes to overtake!
I don’t necessarily have to fight you to the death on the manufacturing process. If I try another path, it will work the same. Anyway, it will be enough to achieve the same goal.

"䱱~Why~have you studied this before?"

Zhang Rujing, who was in shock, couldn't help asking. He even lost control of his words and almost asked Zhao Mo how he knew.

Lin Zhiyao didn't speak, but his reaction was exactly the same as Zhang Rujing's, because he also understood the mystery of Zhao Mo's plan.

Unlike Zhang Rujing, Lin Zhiyao had an extra surprise, because he recommended Zhao Mo in front of Zhang Rujing, which promoted this visit.

"He is really good at creating miracles~"

Lin Zhiyao thought secretly.

Faced with the two people's questions, Zhao Mo just smiled indifferently and replied, "I just thought of it on a whim." Then he changed the subject and said, "If the plan is feasible, I suggest that we act immediately, before it's too late." The final decision was made, and Dr. Zhang found a way to stay at Center International and work together to help create the chips I need!"


As soon as these words came out, both Zhang Rujing and Lin Zhiyao had question marks on their faces: "???"

The corners of their mouths twitched, and an indescribable taste arose spontaneously.

Especially Zhang Rujing, he is an expert professor in the chip industry after all. He understands the chip manufacturing process better than Lin Zhiyao. There are so many experts, professors and engineers abroad who are studying chips. They are still exploring the way forward. You, a layman, listened to my introduction. , just over an hour and less than two hours, and now you have come up with such a clever plan?
However, the two of them had no time to think about this. Zhao Mo's subsequent words made them sober up. Indeed, the decision has not been finalized yet, and there is still room for maneuver.

Lin Zhiyao subconsciously looked at Zhang Rujing, waiting for his judgment.

Zhang Rujing didn't think about it for too long. He first finalized the plan and said, "I think this plan is feasible!"

Then he cheered up and said: "With this plan, I am very confident that I can continue to deal with them. I will convene a team meeting in the evening to confirm the plan, and arrange trial production and related patent applications as quickly as possible."

His previous fatigue was replaced by high-spirited fighting spirit.

This is the confidence brought by technological innovation!

This is the confidence given to him by a "genius" like Zhao Mo!

Thinking about Director Jiang and the government's support, he suddenly felt that those opponents and the many difficulties in the manufacturing process were no longer a problem.

Zhao Mo asked: "How long will the trial production take at the earliest?"

Zhang Rujing smiled and said: "It depends on the progress of the chip design. The faster they are, the faster we will be. If we don't consider the design time and just manufacture the manufacturing part, the tape-out can be completed within 3 months at the fastest!"

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "If you calculate it this way, the fastest time from design to tape-out to packaging and testing is about half a year."

"That's right~" Zhang Rujing replied.

Zhao Mo estimated the time progress and felt that it was not safe, but Dr. Zhang said so. After thinking about it, he said: "Try to speed up as much as possible. It is best to prevent our opponents from reacting. Wait until they react. , we have updated and iterated to the second and third generations.”

Zhang Rujing was a little surprised by his sense of urgency, but he nodded subconsciously with empathy, and then said with a smile: "Then let us become Monkey King in the field of chip manufacturing and turn him upside down! Haha~"

Zhao Mo and Lin Zhiyao were startled at first, and then laughed.

At the end of the conversation, Zhao Mo couldn't help but remind him: "Dr. Zhang, confidentiality is very important."

Zhang Rujing was startled at first, and then fell into deep thought for a short time.

This was a double entendre. It not only reminded him to pay attention to the confidentiality in the later stage, but also reminded that his previous opponent's lawsuit against Central International was probably related to someone leaking the secret or even doing something.


When the three of them came out, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Both the people from Zhao Mo and the team from Central International were hungry after waiting, and naturally they were anxious and unhappy.However, seeing the three people walking out of the conference room with smiles on their faces, the people on both sides were surprised and couldn't help but become curious, and they forgot these troublesome things for a while.

However, the three of them were tight-lipped about this, and in the end they could only suppress their curiosity in their hearts.

The guests and hosts of the dinner enjoyed themselves.

Everyone was shocked to find that both Lin Zhiyao and Zhang Rujing were more enthusiastic and polite in their attitude towards Zhao Mo than during the day, and they barely had the words "I want to ask for help" written on their faces.

"What's wrong, boss? Are you confused?"

Everyone at Central International was shocked, wondering how Zhang Rujing could treat a junior like Zhao Mo with such an attitude.

It's not necessary. You can still get through to the central government anyway.

Among the people who follow Zhao Mo, those who belong to the large model team are also more puzzling. This somewhat arrogant and respectful attitude is really puzzling.

Only Yang Chan, Zhao Bufan and other people who knew Zhao Mo well could vaguely think of a possibility.However, Zhao Mo and Zhang Rujing did not say anything. Naturally, they were too sensible to say anything more.

After the show, Dr. Zhang Rujing led the team back to Central International with a glowing face and started taking action.

Lin Zhiyao also went back with a glowing face. Before leaving, he held Zhao Mo's hand and said that when their etching machine is launched, he must come to attend the ceremony and thank him properly.

Zhao Mo didn't dare to agree and only said it would depend on the time.

As for thanking him, he didn't take it to heart at all.

After a while, everyone left.

Some people went back to the hotel, some people went out to play. Zhao Mo, who had had a little drink, did not return to the hotel to study. Instead, he took Yang Chan, who had also had a little drink and a blush on his pretty face, to take the subway. The Bund.

The brightly lit Night Demon City exudes the atmosphere of drunkenness and wealth.

After getting off the subway, he walked all the way to the beach, smelling the salty sea breeze blowing from the sea, looking at the Pearl of the Orient standing on the other side, and feeling the atmosphere of people coming and going. Zhao Mo felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation and comfort. .Especially holding Yang Chan's soft little hand, the delicate skin feels wonderful; hearing Yang Chan's clear and happy laughter, this feeling cannot be compared to the mood of a person appreciating the style.

"So comfortable~"

Walking to the edge of the stone railing, Yang Chan let go of his hand, opened her arms in the sea breeze, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then let out a long sigh, with a faint smile on her eyebrows and corners of her mouth.

Click ~ click ~
Zhao Mo took out the camera he had prepared and captured this scene, which was a picturesque scene.

"Take more pictures for me~"

Yang Chan said with a smile on her face, and it could be seen that she was not ordinary happy.


Zhao Mo agreed immediately, and then took many photos according to her request.

There is no doubt that this is a hard job. Zhao Mo never thought that taking pictures of his girlfriend would be so difficult. It was as if he had proved a mathematical conjecture.It's not that his posture is wrong, it means that his position is wrong, or the height is wrong.After these were all healed, she said that the lighting was wrong, the angle was not good, etc.After a lot of effort, everything was fine. She said, "Sorry, I didn't set up the POSS just now. Let's try it again." Then she had to start over.

After taking the photo, Zhao Mo's hands and feet were sore, and his waist was about to break. He thought to himself: "No wonder they want to develop fool-proof photos and one-click photos. It must be a male engineer~"

(End of this chapter)

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