You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 119 Zhongwei and Central International

Chapter 119 Zhongwei and Central International

Magic City, Zhongwei Company!
Looking at Lin Zhiyao and others from Zhongwei Company who came to greet them, Yang Chan couldn't help pinching Zhao Mo's arm and asked in a low voice: "Is this what you said about visiting the Magic City?"

While speaking, she looked to the side with the corner of her eyes. She was accompanied by Li Bin, Zhao Bufan and other members of the UAV team, as well as some people from the large model research team. There were ten people in total, and the scale was considered "huge." Oh, this is completely different from what Zhao Mo told her that night about visiting the Magic City.

Zhao Mo coughed and replied in a low voice: "Business matters. After we finish talking, we can go out and play together. Here in the Magic City, the night view is the most worth watching."

Yang Chan: "..."

I have to say that Zhao Mo can always find reasons, and they all sound very reasonable.

Indeed, in a city like Shanghai, which is a steel jungle, only the night view is worth lingering on, and other scenery is not worth mentioning.

However, this would be too disgraceful.

Then, she pinched Zhao Mo's arm with her fingers a little harder.


Zhao Mo gasped in pain and did not dare to say a word, knowing that he was in the wrong.

"Welcome, welcome to Zhongwei Company for visit and guidance..."

Lin Zhiyao shook hands with each of them enthusiastically, and then walked in.

Zhao Mo walked in front, chatting with Lin Zhiyao while walking.

This time, among their group, Zhao Mo stood in the C position. He was also leading the team and came to visit and study in the name of Wudaokou.Of course, I also communicated with Lin Zhiyao beforehand.

This was the second time the two met since the last time they met, more than half a year later.

When we meet again, everyone has their own feelings.

"...It is said that people should treat each other with admiration after seeing each other for three days. When I saw Mr. Zhao again this time, Mr. Zhao was even more high-spirited than before~"

Lin Zhiyao said with emotion.

Unconsciously, his name for Zhao Mo changed.

In the past, he called Zhao Mo "Classmate Zhao Mo", but now he calls him Mr. Zhao.

For no other reason, Lin Zhiyao was embarrassed to call him "Classmate Zhao Mo" anymore. He felt that it was disrespectful to an outstanding scholar.When talking about Professor Zhao, Zhao Mo is not a professor. When talking about Dr. Zhao, Zhao Mo is not a doctor, not even a doctor.As for the title of "Zhao Shen", he really couldn't say it.

After publishing two papers, Lin Zhiyao believed that Zhao Mo's future would be promising, but he did not expect that Zhao Mo's development would be ridiculously fast.Only four months have passed this year, and Zhao Mo has published three more papers in top international journals, two materials papers and one information science paper. His rapid rise and high academic research achievements are really outrageous.

When Lin Zhiyao saw these news reports, he thought about it and couldn't think of any young scholar in recent years who had such comprehensive and outstanding achievements as Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo noticed this difference, but didn't care about it. He smiled and said, "Mr. Lin is more tired than before. It's really hard work!"

He respected the old man from the bottom of his heart.

He found that Lin Zhiyao was much older than before and had a lot more gray hair on his temples. This all showed that the research and development of etching machines was full of difficulties, which made a senior expert like Lin Zhiyao work like this.

However, Lin Zhiyao's spirit was much better than before, and the smile on his face was more relaxed.

"It's nothing~"

Lin Zhiyao waved his hand and said lightly: "The important thing is that our etching machine has made breakthrough progress and the funds are in place. It is expected that we will be able to produce our own etching machine by the middle of this year and have an independent Intellectual property rights can be used to produce 65~45nm chips, and we no longer have to be restricted by Applied Materials or Tokyo Electronics."

"That's really good!"

Zhao Mo was sincerely happy and couldn't help but applaud.

No wonder Lin Zhiyao is much happier than before. The reason is here.

"Thanks to Zhao Sheng's plan!"

Listening to his praise, Lin Zhiyao became even more happy. After waving his hand, he said: "There is a high probability that after our etching machine is launched, Applied Materials and Tokyo Electronics will come to us to buy reactive ion etching machines. patented technology."

Zhao Mo laughed and said: "This is called reverse output."

Lin Zhiyao couldn't help laughing and said: "Yes, reverse output! I can't wait to see those people's faces~"

During this time, he was really disgusted by capitalists such as Applied Materials and Tokyo Electronics. They tried every means to strangle Zhongwei in the cradle, and constantly sued Zhongwei, saying that Zhongwei had infringed their patents and demanded compensation. , being supervised by them.Although he was prepared and believed that they would win the final court dispute, in the end it was a waste of a lot of energy and cost, and he was disgusted inside.

"I'm looking forward to it too~"

Zhao Mo said with a smile, which sounded like he shared the same hatred with the enemy.

While joking, everyone entered Zhongwei Company, and then under the leadership of Lin Zhiyao and others, they visited Zhongwei Company, first to the office building, and then to the production workshop.

There is not much to visit in the office building. I just wanted to see the management system of Zhongwei. It only took half an hour to see it, and then I spent the next half day in the production workshop.Zhongwei's production workshop is a dust-free workshop. Everyone wore protective clothing and went through several cleaning processes before finally entering it. However, they still did not enter the core area, but visited the periphery.

I have to lament that the production environment in the semiconductor field is very harsh. Even the production workshops of equipment such as etching machines use high-level dust-free protection measures.

Listening to the introduction by Lin Zhiyao and others, and looking at the various equipment in the workshop, Zhao Mo and his team were eye-opening and also benefited a lot.

At noon, I took a rest after eating.

In the afternoon, Zhao Mo and others, led by Lin Zhiyao and others from Zhongwei Company, went to another place: Pudong Zhangjiang Center International.

"Center International?"

In the car, hearing their destination, Yang Chan, who was sitting next to Zhao Mo, suddenly reacted and asked him in a low voice: "Do you have any idea of ​​asking Central International to make chips?"

Zhao Mo nodded and replied in a low voice: "I have this idea, but whether it will come true or not, I will wait and see first."

Soon, everyone arrived at their destination and saw the people from Central International who came to greet them.

The leader was an old man wearing glasses with a tired face.

Most people didn't recognize him, and Zhao Mo didn't recognize him at first, but he quickly realized because he had seen news reports about this person, and it was Dr. Zhang Rujing, the founder of Center International.

Similar to Lin Zhiyao's experience, Dr. Zhang Rujing also founded Center International out of patriotism. After honorably retiring from a foreign semiconductor giant company, he resolutely returned to China to contribute to China's semiconductor industry.Of course, there is also the promotion of many insightful people in China, such as Director Jiang, the leader of the major task force of the National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Planning Leading Group. This is a great contributor who has made great contributions in the development of China's semiconductors. Played an extremely important role, and it was his invitation that finally made Lin Zhiyao and Zhang Rujing determined to return to the country.

Zhao Mo came from later generations, and his knowledge of Dr. Zhang Rujing came from news reports, so he didn't know much. What he knew was that Dr. Zhang Rujing later left Central International, but he didn't know why he left.

Seeing it now, I have a lot of feelings.

After the two parties met, Dr. Zhang Rujing's tired face showed a smile. He greeted Lin Zhiyao warmly, and then greeted Zhao Mo and others to welcome their arrival.

"...Let's go this way~"

Soon, Dr. Zhang Rujing got straight to the point and led them to visit the Center International.

Needless to say, there is another process of wearing dust-free clothes and cleaning. The difference is that compared to Zhongwei Company, Central International has higher cleanliness requirements, almost to the point of abnormality.

In addition, the decoration of the Central International production workshop is obviously more elegant than that of Zhongwei, and the equipment is obviously more numerous and more sophisticated than that of Zhongwei. Many of the equipment cannot be seen at all what they are used for, and it is not clear what they are used for. As for how the wafer production process is operated, they can only know a little about it from the introduction of the center's international staff.

"This is coating, which is oxidation. It produces an oxide film on the surface of the wafer~"

"Here is the application of photoresist, which can also be said to be photoresist or photoresist. It is applied evenly on the surface of the wafer and is illuminated by light (ultraviolet light, deep ultraviolet light) to dissolve the changed etching-resistant film material. Different levels of chip manufacturing processes require photoresists of different materials and purity~"

"Photolithography is the most important step in all production processes, and it is also the most difficult step. Ultraviolet light is passed through the lens and irradiated on the prepared integrated circuit mask, and the designed circuit diagram is photolithographed on the wafer. , the photoresist dissolves in the part illuminated by the light, forming a corresponding circuit~"

"Then clean and etch. Etching is to etch out the part of the wafer without photoresist to form a circuit on the wafer. The part with photoresist will not be corroded because the photoresist is resistant to etching. The wafer is protected~”


"Layer after layer of photolithography and deposition, the more advanced the process, the more layers the chip has. Center International's current process capability has reached 90nm, and it was successfully mass-produced last year. It is one of the few chip manufacturers in the world. One of the manufacturers..."

At the end of the day, Dr. Zhang Rujing was both happy and proud. This was the result of his hard work.

But soon, he calmed down this emotion and said calmly: "Unfortunately, our technology is still behind TJD and Samsung. Their process capabilities have advanced to 45nm, which is two generations higher than us~"

"There is a big difference between 90nm and 45nm. Is there only a two-generation gap?"

Behind Zhao Mo, Zhao Bufan suddenly asked.

Zhang Rujing glanced at him, but before he spoke, Zhao Bufan suddenly blushed and became embarrassed.

When he was about to explain, an engineer from Central International answered him with a smile: "Moore's law, after 90nm is 65nm, and then 45nm. Here, the standards of manufacturers such as Intel and TJD are different, and some also say 60nm and 40nm." [-]nm.”

Zhao Bufan quickly said: "So that's it."

Zhao Mo suddenly laughed and said, "If what I expected is correct, it should be TJD who is messing around and not following the rules."


Behind him, Yang Chan, Zhao Bufan and others all looked at him in shock, wondering why he suddenly said this.

Just when they were a little worried, they saw Dr. Zhang Rujing looking at Zhao Mo in surprise and asked, "Does Mr. Zhao know more about TJD?"

 After watching the video of Huawei M9 headlights, I can see that the imagination and execution capabilities are truly mind-boggling.Therefore, there is nothing impossible, only unimaginable.

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(End of this chapter)

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