
Chapter 43 043 [Before Dawn]

Chapter 43 043 [Before Dawn]

Guangling City, Lu Family Courtyard.

Lin Xi moved a wicker chair and sat on the porch. On the small table next to it were various snacks sent by Lu Shen, a pot of special new rain tea, and a set of storybooks telling chivalrous stories.

She casually picked up a piece of mirror cake, chewed it slowly and felt the sweetness melting in her mouth, drank half a cup of warm tea, and then picked up the top storybook.

The morning sun in early summer is not too hot, and the breeze blowing through the courtyard is very cool.

She opened the storybook to the page with the bookmark, and looked at the people's stories in the book happily, and couldn't help but smile.

Knowing that she didn't like those collections of scriptures and histories, he specially selected these story books to let her pass the time. This junior brother was still quite attentive...except for his recklessness that day.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Lin Xi felt dumbfounded.

Lu Chen has already started to understand the Shangxuan Sutra, and he has to rely mainly on himself next. Lin Xi can only play a role in regulating and reminding.But this does not mean that she can be a hands-off shopkeeper, because Lu Chen still needs to learn external skills, such as body skills, boxing skills and sword skills.

On the first day when Lin Xi taught Lu Chen body movements, it was inevitable that the two would have physical contact.

I don't know whether it was out of nervousness or excitement caused by never having such an experience. When Lin Xi was taking Lu Shen to experience the water, he suddenly reached out and put his arms around Lin Xi's waist when he was three feet above the ground.

This move was naturally a bit out of line.

Seeing Lu Chen's rare embarrassment and his constant apology to herself, Lin Xi did not blame her. Even though she did feel a little embarrassed in her heart, she had to maintain her image as a senior sister.

During the following period, Lu Chen did not come here every day. On the one hand, he needed to be alone for meditation now, and on the other hand, he also said that he had something to do recently.

Lin Xi was confident that Lu Chen's progress had exceeded her expectations, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to relax a little.

The breeze blew slowly, turning the pages of the book. Lin Xi's eyes suddenly focused. The next moment, the book had returned to the small table, and she appeared near the courtyard wall.

"Miss, it's me, Xi Jun." A deep voice came from outside, as if he knew that his movements could not be hidden from Lin Xi inside.

"Come in." Lin Xi said calmly, then turned back and walked away.

A figure climbed over the wall and entered, it was Xi Jun, the sharp archer.

After the battle in the valley, Tao Baochun took most of the people back to the north, and asked Xi Jun and the strong man Ji Shan to lead more than ten masters to hide in Guangling to provide support to Lin Xi.

After he landed firmly, Lin Xi asked, "Brother Xi, what's the matter here?"

Xi Jun was over thirty years old and had a calm and serious temperament. He said calmly: "Miss, I saw a person in the city yesterday afternoon. This person should be the eagle dog of the Procuratorate."

Lin Xi said calmly: "This kind of thing is normal."

Qi Yan has been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, and it is almost an obvious fact that they are throwing nails into each other's territory.

If this matter were in Beiyan territory, Lin Xi might find an opportunity to kill this kind of eagle dog, but now she is in Guangling but does not want to cause trouble.

On the one hand, he was unfamiliar with the place where he was born, and it would be very troublesome if he attracted the attention of the Southern Qi Sutra Weaving Department.On the other hand, she was on this trip to repay her kindness on behalf of her father. How could she involve the Lu family just because she wanted to grudge her?
Xi Jun bowed his head slightly and said, "I understand what the eldest lady meant. But...at that time, out of caution, I followed this person for a while and found that he was actually following someone from the Lu family business."

Lin Xi frowned and said, "Are you sure?"

Xi Jun said: "Yes. The Lu family's business name is very easy to identify, and my subordinates have fought with that person in the Northland, so we can confirm that he is the eagle dog of the Procuratorate."

Lin Xi was silent for a moment and then said: "Leave this matter to me. Don't interfere anymore. The fighting on the border is fierce now. Even if Guangling is in the rear, it is difficult to prevent trouble. Please restrain your brothers and don't move around at will."

Xi Jun accepted the order and left, while Lin Xi stood there with his hands behind his hands, staring at the green life in the corner.

Recently, Lu Chen said that he was busy with something. Could it be related to this matter?

She walked slowly to the front hall, summoned a maid, and ordered her to invite Lu Chen to meet her here.


In that tavern not far from Lu's house, Lu Chen met Li Jin again after many days.

Both of them have been very busy recently. Li Jin is responsible for a lot of things in Guangling Yamen, and now he is also investigating the Gu family in all directions, so he can only sleep for less than two hours almost every night.

Lu Chen had to set aside a fixed time to study the Shangxuan Sutra, and also review the first part of the body skills taught to him by Lin Xi. In addition, he dived into the archives of the Sutra Weaving Department, facing the vast sea of ​​old files to find what he needed. information. "Let me talk first." Li Jin's eyes were bloodshot and he said crisply.

Lu Chen poured half a glass of wine for him, nodded and said, "Okay."

Li Jin said solemnly: "Let me talk about the most important thing first. There is indeed something weird in the Gu family. I sent the most capable people to keep an eye on the Gu house, and I have found strangers sneaking in mysteriously twice. As for the Gu family father and son, Gu Zisi and Gu Junye They are both strict-spoken and steady-tempered people, and no abnormalities have been found so far, but Gu Junhui has complained to people that not just anyone can enter his house."

Lu Chen couldn't help but secretly sigh that the people in the Weaving Department were really professional. Li Chengen and the nurse at home were both good people, but there was an obvious gap in this kind of thing. Otherwise, no one would have seen through it. He used Gu Junye's long follower to create a conspiracy. .

He suppressed the emotion in his heart and said seriously: "The subtext of Gu Junhui's words is that there has indeed been an unrelated person in the Gu family, but he doesn't know the other person's identity."

"That's right." Li Jin rubbed his eye sockets and changed the topic: "The marriage of Gu Zisi's younger sister to the Minister of Industry, Qu Shilang, was made possible by a doctor from the Ministry of Industry named Wu Xiaosheng. As for how the Gu family got into Wu Xiaosheng's path, It’s unclear at the moment, and I can’t escape the idea of ​​using gold and silver to open the way. After all, it’s easier to knock down a lieutenant with silver than it is for a lieutenant.”

Although he was very tired, the excitement in his eyes was obvious.

At first, he obeyed Lu Chenyan's advice only because of what Su Yunqing (Note: Su Jianxue changed his name) told him before leaving. He didn't expect to find any abnormalities in the Gu family.

As the top two business houses in Guangling and having business dealings with Beidi, the Gu and Lu family have always been under the radar of the Warp Weaving Department.

However, when he sent his elite men to follow the Gu family, he did make an unexpected discovery, which undoubtedly surprised him.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Brother Li, have you ever asked the former governor Shi Chenyi? Maybe Gu Zisi found Wu Xiaosheng through his relationship."

Li Jin shook his head and said, "I asked, he has never done this."

"Then we can only put this matter aside for the time being." Lu Chen made a rational judgment. After all, Wu Xiaosheng is a Beijing official, and it seems that he is a close associate of the Minister of Works. This is not someone who can be questioned at will by the Guangling Yamen of the Sutra Weaving Department. .

"Brother Lu, is there anything gained here?" Li Jin skipped the topic knowingly.

After Lu Chen thought for a moment, he briefly explained the reason why he suspected the Gu family. That is, because he suspected that his illness was related to the Gu family, he had someone secretly follow Gu Junye, but he was discovered by the other party and teased him in turn.

Of course, he hid some key aspects, such as the strange poison of Soul Locking Incense.

Li Jin was obviously very familiar with this kind of thing, and immediately praised: "Your judgment is very accurate. When you asked people to follow Gu Junye, they should have been discovered by the other party very quickly, and then they used that long follower to deliberately disturb you. Sight, let your hands waste their time on him, and gain nothing in the end.”

At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart. Mr. Su really had a sharp vision. He had already noticed that this young master of the Lu family was not a creature of the pool. He just used his own merits to get him an official position - only Su Yunqing and him knew about this. , even Lu Chen was kept in the dark.

Over there, Xiang Lu sighed: "Actually, I didn't have much confidence before. In the past two days, news came back from the nursing home at home. The chief has been wandering around the city every day since he went to Taixing Mansion. If you really think that he has Gu Junye's secret hidden in him, I’m afraid I will be manipulated by the other party.”

"But their tricks didn't fool Brother Lu." Li Jin smiled heartily and asked, "Have you found any clues in the Gu family's files these days?"

Lu Chen nodded and said: "Yes. Through an overview of the Gu family's business situation in the past 20 years, I found that their real rise was 14 years ago, which was the eve of the three northern countries frequently moving south and about to conquer Heluo. After the Yuanjia Incident , because the north and the south have been fighting, and Huaizhou is the main battlefield, most of the businesses have been seriously affected, but the Gu family has not only suffered no losses, but has moved forward very steadily. "

"If the Gu family is really connected with the fake Yan Xizuo..."

Li Jin's voice was a little excited.

Seeing this, Lu Chen had to remind him: "Brother Li, these are just our speculations now, including your people discovering something fishy in the Gu house. These cannot be regarded as evidence. If you attack directly, can Mr. Su be able to withstand Qu Shilang?" Anger?"

Li Jin immediately calmed down, shook his head and said: "Shilang Qu is easy to handle, but the problem is that the minister of this minister is the left prime minister."

Lu Chen asked curiously: "I dare to ask Brother Li, who is greater, the left prime minister or the right prime minister?"

Li Jin said: "Each dynasty has different rules, and I have more authority as the left prime minister. You are right, this matter cannot be rushed. I will have people step up the surveillance of the Gu family. In addition, I have to ask Brother Lu to continue to take the time to look for the Gu family." flaw."

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Brother Li, don't worry, I will do my best."

The two discussed secretly for half an hour, and then left the place one after another.

Lu Chen was walking in the setting sun of early summer. Thinking back on today's conversation, he vaguely felt that something was not right.

If the Gu family is only related to Beiyan Xizuo, where did these recent anomalies come from?

Logically speaking, after the heavy losses caused by the last detailed crime, the spies from the Beiyan Procuratorate should have fled Guangling long ago and would not be able to stay here and wait for the pursuit of the Sutra Weaving Department.

But now there are various signs that some spies from the Procuratorate have returned to Guangling and are connected with the Gu family. What do they want to do?
Lu Chen gradually frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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