
Chapter 44 044 [The way to break the game]

Chapter 44 044 [The way to break the game]

At night, the Gu family mansion.

Gu Junye withdrew his confidants and walked into the room alone. When he looked up, he saw Ou Zhiqiu sitting in the shadow of the backlight as usual.

After coming forward to greet him, he sat down opposite Ou Zhiqiu, and then asked with concern: "Mr. Ou, I wonder how the Lu family has reacted in recent times?"

Ou Zhiqiu yawned and said lazily: "Someone in the Lu family nursing home went to Donghai Mansion, probably to check the whereabouts of Yun'er, and there were others in Taixing Mansion who were watching your long follower. As for Guangling, By the way, Lu Chen has already withdrawn the people who followed you, and presumably he also realized that those people are not suitable for this."

Gu Junye breathed a long sigh of relief and said happily: "That's good. Fortunately, Mr. Ou is in charge of the overall situation."

"Don't be too happy too early. Those people in the Lu family are just making up the numbers. Whether they keep an eye on them or not won't have much impact."

Ou Zhiqiu sneered lightly, then sat up straight, put his arms on the table, and said slowly: "Do you think that only the Lu family in Guangling City will keep an eye on you?"

Gu Junye was slightly startled, and the words "Warp Weaving Department" popped up in his mind. He shook his head and said, "Sir, how could the Warp Weaving Department bite the Gu family for no reason? Over the years, the Gu family has been in single-line contact with you, except for Qu in the capital - —”

"To shut up."

A stern look appeared in Ou Zhiqiu's eyes, and he interrupted him mercilessly: "I remember some things that are rotten in my stomach, and I can't even talk about them in my dreams, otherwise you will not be the only one to die."

Gu Junye felt his heart tremble when he was struck by his stern gaze, and his back was covered with cold sweat. He subconsciously nodded and said, "Yes."

Ou Zhiqiu stared at him quietly for a moment, and then turned back to the previous topic: "Lu Chen often goes to the Guangling Yamen of the Warp Weaving Department these days, and he hardly hides his whereabouts. Even if our previous arrangements confuse him, if He took the initiative to inform the Warp Weaver Department of these things, and the people there quickly realized that this was a false move."

Gu Junye couldn't help but said nervously: "But why should the Warp Weaving Department believe Lu Chen's words? Moreover, the Lord said that Guangling Yamen should be rectified internally during this period. There are so many things in a mess, how can he deal with a young boy?"

Ou Zhiqiu said coldly: "Who knows? Perhaps because of what happened last time, Su Yunqing appreciated this young man very much and recruited him into the Weaving Department, and even gave him an official job."

Gu Junye felt that the other party was telling a joke, but the tone didn't sound like it, so he hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Ou Zhiqiu slowed down and said, "I say this to tell you that there is no perfect solution in this world, let alone absolute safety. The principle that the Procuratorate has believed in for many years is that you cannot place your hopes on the stupidity of your opponent. Therefore, we must prepare for the worst, that is, the Warp Weaver Department has already set its sights on your Gu family, and it will not be long before they set their sights on me."

Gu Junye had calmed down by this time, thought for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to resolve that matter as soon as possible?"

"That's right." Ou Zhiqiu nodded approvingly, and then said: "The imperial court has been preparing for this battle for a long time, and the purpose is to capture Huaizhou. As long as you can cooperate as much as possible, the Gu family will also have a place in the imperial court in the future. At that time, you were still afraid What Sutra Weaving Department? The first thing to capture Huaizhou is to seize Guangling and cut off Xiao Wangzhi’s supply of food and grass."

Of course Gu Junye understood the weight of these words. If Huaizhou could change its flag as Ou Zhiqiu said, then the Gu family would no longer have to worry day and night. With this contribution, it would not be a problem to dominate Guangling and even the Huaizhou business community.

The problem is that this is a deal to kill the Nine Clan. Even if he and his father have gritted their teeth and accepted it, how can the distant clan relative who controls nearly half of Guangling's city defense agree so easily?

Ou Zhiqiu said calmly: "If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid you won't have a chance when the warp weaving department comes to visit."

Gu Junye asked cautiously: "Mr. Ou, I have always had a question. Even if we can support it in the city, how can the army reach Guangling City?"

Panlong Pass and Lai'an Defense Line firmly shielded the entire Huaizhou, and the Jingzhou Governor's Office also cut off the possibility of Beiyan's warships going down the river. Could it be that the army came from the sea?

If the north really has such a strong strength, why should we limit our sights to Guangling? Isn't it a one-and-done solution to heading south all the way to Yongjia on the sea?
Ou Zhiqiu laughed inexplicably and said slowly: "This is not something you need to worry about. I know what you are worried about. If nothing unexpected happens, your distant relative's wife and children will be taken away from Yongjia and into Chengzhou. The territory of the Seven Divisions of Shazhou then moved northward."

Gu Junye's heart trembled, knowing that he had no room for detours, so he could only grit his teeth and said: "Please rest assured, sir, I will give it a few more days and I will definitely get it done next time."

"Young Master, I will ask someone to help you if you please." Ou Zhiqiu smiled and gave the order to expel the guest, even though he was just a guest here.

Before leaving, Gu Junye suddenly asked: "May I ask, sir, since you doubt that the Sutra Weaver will notice the Gu family, why do you insist on living here?"

Ou Zhiqiufeng said calmly: "If I don't stay here, can Young Master Gu and your father really rest assured?"

Gu Junye bowed his hands and walked away.

There was silence in the room. Ou Zhiqiu looked at the gently swaying candlelight, and a decisive smile gradually appeared on his face.


Early the next morning, Lu Chen simply drank half a bowl of porridge and hurried to the Dongcheng Villa.

Yesterday, he returned to Luzhai at night and learned that Lin Xi had sent someone to invite him. Thinking that it would be inconvenient to be late, and the woman said that everything in the other hospital was normal, he asked her to reply and go early this morning.

When he arrived at the other courtyard accompanied by Li Chengen, Lin Xi was already dressed and waiting for him. "Good morning, senior sister."

Lu Chen's opening remarks made Lin Xi feel a little fresh. She said with a gentle expression: "Good morning."

Lu Chen discovered another advantage of Lin Xi, which was his strong acceptance ability, such as the title of senior sister and junior brother that he insisted on at first.In other words, she is relatively easy-going on many things and will not deliberately argue.

"Junior brother, I have something to tell you."

Lin Xi's tone became serious the next moment, and then recounted Xi Jun's discovery yesterday without concealing Xi Jun's identity.

"Sure enough..." Lu Chen murmured.

Lin Xi walked to the table, held a pot and poured tea, then handed Lu Chen a cup: "Are you in trouble?"

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "Actually, I don't know if it's troublesome or not."

The two sat across from each other, and Lin Xi looked at him quietly without asking or urging him.Her intention was obvious. If Lu Chen wanted to say it, he would say it, but if he didn't want to, he would stop.

Lu Chen forced a smile and slowly started talking: "Senior sister may not know that when I led the caravan back from Pseudo-Yan, the Lu family was involved in a detailed crime, so it was related to the Sutra Weaving Department."

This is actually a very long story.

Even though Lu Chen was very eloquent and tried his best to delete as many details as possible, by the time he talked about the inspection at Panlong Pass to yesterday's meeting with Li Jin, more than half an hour had passed.

During this process, Lin Xi listened quietly and occasionally helped him add tea.

Lu Chen summed it up simply: "I don't know why the pseudo-Yan Xizui would kill a horseman and return to Guangling."

The thought of that day popped up in Lin Xi's mind again. She knew that this thought was very inappropriate, so she said warmly: "Is it possible that the hawks and dogs of the Procuratorate want to cause destruction in Guangling City?"

"I don't rule out this possibility, but -" Lu Chen frowned slightly and sighed: "If this is the case, the chief officials of the Puppet Yan Procuratorate can't tell the priorities. First of all, they can't have too many people to be able to mobilize. The damage caused was limited, because at the beginning of the war, Inspector Su of the Warp Weaving Department had already launched a large-scale manhunt and arrested all the previously suspected targets."

He stared into Lin Xi's eyes and continued: "In other words, the prosecutors who are still lurking in Huaizhou are basically senior personnel. Even if they are left untouched, they will be of greater use in the future. As long as When the war situation changes significantly, such as the security line being breached, these people will be able to deceive people everywhere and stir up trouble."

Lin Xi apologized: "I can't figure it out either. I'm sorry that I can't help you."

This sentence made Lu Chen feel a warm current in his heart, and he said warmly: "Sister, what are you talking about? You traveled thousands of miles to come here to teach me martial arts. I am very grateful to you."

Lin Xi did not worry about whose father's kindness was less and who was more important, and said: "Why don't you ask Uncle Shi to help you analyze it? My father once said that your father is a man of great wisdom."

Lu Chen said: "My father is not in Guangling, and I don't know when he will come back. After the border war broke out, he took the shop assistants to various places to appease people in various places and cooperate with the government to stabilize prices. He should be in Qingliu Mansion now."

"That's it." Lin Xi nodded.

Lu Chen slowly exhaled a breath and said in a deep voice: "Although I don't know what Pseudo Yan Xizuo wants to do, I decided to use the simplest way to break the situation."

Lin Xi looked at his bright eyes and suddenly felt something: "You mean... do it directly?"

"Yes." Lu Chen nodded without hesitation.

"When will we take action?" Lin Xi paused slightly, then explained: "Your current level is not high enough. I am your senior sister, and I promised my father that I will protect you."

"Thank you."

This time, Lu Chen didn't use a title, and then said: "We can't act hastily on this matter. I need a few days to plan and be as sure as possible."

Lin Xi was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "Junior brother, can I ask you why you took the initiative to get involved in this matter? Although the Sutra Weaving Department gave you an official position, you can completely stay out of it."

"Stay out of the matter?" Lu Chen looked very calm and shook his head: "If the fake Yan Xizuo has a plan in Guangling City, the Lu family cannot stay out of the matter. Even if they don't attack the Lu family, the Gu family will never miss this opportunity. I don't want to Your life is in the hands of others, so you must do something."

Lin Xi looked at him steadily, smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll help you."

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(End of this chapter)

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