
Chapter 42 042 [Lin Dark Grass Jingfeng]

Chapter 42 042 [Lin Dark Grass Jingfeng]

The Hengjiang River stretches for thousands of miles and the scenery is infinitely magnificent.

If you board the boat from Baishidu at the southernmost point of Guangling Prefecture and go upstream for more than [-] miles, you can enter the boundary of Jingzhou.

The place seems to still be filled with the chilling atmosphere from the war that raged more than ten years ago.

If Huaizhou is the springboard for Southern Qi to retain its hope of the Northern Expedition, then Jingzhou is the iron gate that blocks the Jing Dynasty's army from going south.

Most of Jingzhou is located on the south bank of the Hengjiang River, and about one-third of the territory hangs to the north of the river, including Pingyang Mansion, which controls the water system of the northern tributary of the Hengjiang River, and the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion is also located here.

If Pingyang is lost, the navy trained by Beiyan can enter the Hengjiang River through the tributaries, sail down unimpeded, and the vast and fertile plains of Southern Qi will be completely exposed to their sight.

From ancient times to the present, as long as the world is not unified, Pingyang Mansion will definitely be a battleground for military strategists.

Although the Southern Qi court had many and intertwined forces, it also knew the importance of Jingzhou, especially Pingyang Prefecture, so no one dared to deduct money, food and military pay here.

After ten years of continuous filling, the Southern Qi Dynasty built Pingyang as if it were a fortress and an iron wall. The food stored alone could feed the defenders for several years.

As for the Grand Governor Li Tianrun, the elite Jing Dynasty who looked down upon the world failed several times and retreated to the north in despair.

Li Tianrun is 43 years old this year. He was born as a general. He has been familiar with the art of war since he was a child and is proficient in bow and horse. Later, he followed his father to fight against foreigners on the Jinghe line of defense in the north. At the age of 26, he was promoted to the commander of the capital due to his military merits.In the same year, Yang Guangyuan was implicated in the case and was dismissed from office. He was idle at home. He was re-activated two years later. Unfortunately, he was still too young at that time and could not turn the tide and save the situation.

Since joining the army, he has experienced large-scale battles such as the Battle of Yanziling, the Battle of Heluo, and the Battle of Tongzhou. He performed particularly well in the Battle of Jingzhou, and won the Mengshan victory in the sixth year of Jianwu, annihilating the main force of Jing Dynasty's 12 infantrymen. More than [-] people were famous in the north and south and were invincible. It was logical that they were promoted to the governor of Jingzhou and commanded the [-] troops here.

He has a majestic character, a majestic appearance, a tall and tall figure, and has the appearance of a hero.

Even if he is just sitting quietly, his aura that has been tempered on the battlefield will give people a great sense of oppression. This is especially true for the subordinate officials in the Governor's Mansion.

"...Commander Father, it has been proven recently that the Puppet Yan has successively deployed additional troops in Gaotang, Liyang and Weilin. Among them, there are traces of Jingchao's elite infantry in the direction of Weilin." A young man stood in the hall, With a majestic face and a majestic face, he is Li Tianrun's eldest son Li Liangyu, who is now the Army Commander of the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion.

Li Tianrun looked at the Jiangfang map on the west wall with a deep and distant gaze.

The three place names mentioned by Li Liangyu are the three key points for Beiyan to suppress the Jingzhou Dudu Mansion. They are located in the northwest, due north and east of Pingyang respectively.Among them, Liyang and Weilin are located on Moyang Road, and Gaotang is located on the adjacent Jiangbei Road.

"What do you think?" Li Tianrun turned to look at his eldest son.

Li Liangyu mused: "Judging from the information sent by the Weaving Department, Puppet Yan and Jingchao seem to be ready to advance simultaneously on both sides. Nowadays, a fierce battle is going on in the north of Huaizhou, but there is silence here in Jingzhou. Naturally, there is some Abnormal. If the puppet Yan only wanted to attack Huaizhou, why did they hoard a large number of troops and food on Moyang Road? The general thought hard and still didn't understand why the other party did this. "

Li Tianrun reminded: "You need to understand that Jingzhou's 12 garrison will never be mobilized. If the situation in Huaizhou is dangerous, even if the imperial court uses Nanya troops, Jingzhou will not be allowed to divide its troops to support Huaizhou."

Li Liangyu thought calmly, nodded after a moment and said: "If the Puppet Yan only wants to suppress Jingzhou, there is no need to continue to send more troops to the front line. If it wants to mainly attack Jingzhou, it is impossible that there has been no movement until now, and even the scouts are not allowed to move." The number of cavalry has not increased. In this way, they are hoarding troops here, or they have other uses."

"Where is it used?" Li Tianrun continued to ask.

Li Liangyu frowned. It was difficult to analyze based on the existing intelligence. Perhaps the enemy was just waiting for his side to relax, and then sent his army south to besiege Pingyang. There had been precedents for this in the past.

But...will they still underestimate their father like this?
After all, in the Mengshan victory that year, Li Tianrun seized the opportunity of the Jingchao general to underestimate the enemy and set a trap in advance, surrounding and annihilating the Jingchao vanguard army in the Mengshan area northeast of Pingyang.

But if the other side doesn't attack Jingzhou, how can it continue to send more troops to various parts of the border to consume food and grass?
After a long time, Li Liangyu said frankly: "Please give me some advice."

There was snow in Li Tianrun's eyes, as if he was thinking of the tragic defeat outside Heluo City more than ten years ago, and he said slowly: "The Puppet Yan's military affairs cannot be determined by themselves. In name, it is handled by those in the Privy Council, but in fact it is still decided by Qing Yugong. This is When the war breaks out, Qing Yugong must have planned to capture one of Huaizhou and Jingzhou, otherwise he will not be able to explain to Emperor Jing."

Li Liangyu nodded thoughtfully.

Li Tianrun continued: "As a general, the most important thing is to avoid being led by others. You must learn to look beyond the gains and losses in one place before looking at the overall situation. Qing Yugong's visit was not a test. In comparison, he could only place the decisive battle in Huaihe River. Prefecture. On this basis, if you analyze the early battle situation, you can see that the fighting in the north of Huaizhou is fierce, and it is clearly to force Brother Xiao to transfer the reserve troops to the security line."

He stood up slowly, walked to the river defense map, and said: "They are hoarding heavy troops on Moyang Road. It seems that they want to scare your father into hiding in Pingyang City. As for the purpose of this move... you Where is my sister now?"

Li Liangyu was listening intently, and was startled when he heard the words: "She is now southeast of Weilin City, about a hundred and twenty miles away from Pingyang. After previously ascertaining the situation of the enemy forces in Weilin, she led her troops to withdraw south to avoid confrontation with the Jingchao cavalry. Head-on collision."

Li Tianrun nodded and said: "Immediately give her the order to assemble the entire Feiyu camp, and then march eastward along the Yangzhai, Changge, and Yingze lines, and inquire about the enemy's garrison along the way. Remember to avoid large groups of enemy troops, especially not Going into battle without permission. If she disobeys the order, she will go to Xinjingzhai to defend the city from now on."

Li Liangyu quickly agreed, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile.

After coming out of the festival hall, he recalled his father's arrangements and gradually came to some realizations.

Yangzhai and other places are lined up from west to east, with the Juwei Mountain extending from the Shuangfeng Mountain System to the east, the Hengjiang River to the south, and the heart of Yan State's Moyang Road to the north.

If we could figure out Beiyan's military defense situation in these places, we might be able to analyze the opponent's true intentions in arranging their troops.

Li Liangyu did not doubt his sister's ability. In addition, Feiyu Camp was the guard ranger battalion of the Governor's Mansion and was not inferior to the Jingchao cavalry. It was natural if he was just seeking information.His only worry was that if Fei Yuying accidentally disobeyed military orders under the leadership of his sister, how would he get her out of Xinjing Village in the future.

Two days later, more than a hundred miles east of Pingyang City, southeast of Yangzhai Mansion on Beiyan Moyang Road, an exciting pursuit was taking place in the mountains and forests.

The more than 20 cavalrymen running in front were Qi cavalry. The leader was a woman about [-] years old. She looked calm and unassuming. She looked back from time to time to look at the hundreds of cavalrymen who were chasing after them dozens of feet away. Northern Yan Cavalry.

The woman wears a frost-covered sun helmet, navy blue cloud-patterned light armor, a pair of yellow leather boots, a long knife hanging from her waist, a long bow on her back, and two quivers hanging from the horse's belly.

The pursuers were getting closer. The woman suddenly tightened the reins and let the horse ride horizontally. She immediately took off the dragon tongue bow with her backhand, stabilized her body, drew the bow and set the arrow.

The mountain breeze was hunting and there was rustling in the forest. Her breathing was extremely slow and almost stopped, and her cold eyes were staring at one of the pursuers in the distance.

The bow is as full as the moon, and the long arrow is sharp.


A meteor shot through the sky and appeared in front of the pursuer in a flash of lightning, making it impossible for him to dodge.

The long arrow penetrated his face, causing his body to fall backwards. Immediately afterwards, there was a cry of surprise from the side, and all the pursuers stopped.

The one who was hit by the arrow was their general.

On the other side, more than forty riders had slowed down and were ready to fight. Seeing the sudden reversal of the situation, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After the woman caught up, some people couldn't help but admired: "It is really rare for a school captain to be a god of archery."

Another person chimed in: "Isn't the captain's martial arts very good?"

The man from before suddenly blushed.

Everyone laughed.

The woman said without a smile: "Hurry up and get on your way."

The team immediately became quiet and headed south.

After about an hour, there were no more pursuers in the rear, and the group could rest for a while.

For these elite rangers from Feiyu Camp, it is common for them to collide with small groups of Beiyan and Jingchao cavalry. They can fight when they can and cannot hit and run away. They have long been accustomed to it and will not take what happened just now to heart. superior.

The woman is Li Tianrun's eldest daughter, named Li Bingxue. She has practiced martial arts with Li Tianrun since she was a child, and is completely different from her brother.

Li Liangyu pays more attention to the strategy of war as a general, but she has never been fond of red clothes and weapons. She charged into battle at a young age. Her promotion to the captain of Feiyu Camp was not Li Tianrun's preference. The military merit that comes comes is promoted.

After resting, Li Bingxue led everyone to a stopping point in the south. The messenger who had been waiting here quickly came forward to greet them.

"Li Xiaowei, military order from the Governor's Mansion." The messenger said respectfully.

Li Bingxue jumped off the horse, her tall figure almost level with the person coming.

The messenger recounted Li Tianrun's arrangements, and then said: "Please Lieutenant Li gather the entire Feiyu Camp to investigate the above-mentioned areas immediately. In addition, you are not allowed to fight with large enemy troops. If you disobey the order, the Lieutenant will be transferred to the new area." Jingzhai defends the city."

The arrogant generals beside them quietly turned their heads to avoid laughing out loud.

It was a small matter to annoy the messenger, but if he made the captain unhappy, he might not have a good life in the future.

Li Bingxue took the military order and said calmly: "Please reply to the Commander-in-Chief, I will definitely go all out."

After the messenger left, she turned to look at the vast world in the east and said calmly: "Send the order to the entire camp to gather here in two days and then set off to the east."

"Follow the order!"

The crowd responded in unison.

 I rolled backwards for a week and a half and then rolled around to read~!Please vote~!

(End of this chapter)

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