
Chapter 33 033 [Looking north to the mountains and rivers]

Chapter 33 033 [Looking north to the mountains and rivers]

In Lu Chen's view, Su Yunqing took the initiative to share the credit for Xi's crime, which was obviously more than just recruiting him.

In fact, for most ordinary people, joining the Weaving Department is even more difficult than taking the imperial examination. This recruitment is inherently a benefit, and there is no need for Su Yunqing to resort to methods such as profit sharing and credit sharing.

Su Yunqing changed the subject again and said in a leisurely manner: "The Puppet Yan Procuratorate's plan failed this time. How do you think they will react?"

Lu Chen has enough patience, which was one of his praised qualities in his previous life.

When he was still in the field army, he had a record of lurking as a sniper for two days and one night. Although his sniper skills are useless in this world, his traits acquired through long-term training will not disappear.

Since Su Yunqing was observing him in circles, he tried to take the initiative in the conversation: "Sir, I feel that the fake Yan's attempt to seize Panlong Pass deserves more attention."

Su Yunqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded and said, "Go on."

"From the first year of Jianwu to the sixth year of Jianwu, the focus of competition between Da Qi and the Puppet Yan and the Jing Dynasty behind the Puppet Yan was Huaizhou. In these six years, both the north and the south invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the north of Huaizhou Dozens of large and small battles were launched across the border, until in the end they were exhausted and had to temporarily stop. However, this does not mean that the Puppet Yan and the Jing Dynasty will give up the idea of ​​competing for Huaizhou. "

"From the seventh year of Jianwu to the present, although the imperial court has not entered into a peace treaty with the puppet Yan, Panlong Pass has allowed caravans to enter and exit, which has formed a de facto peace. With the opening up of private trade, Huaizhou has become more prosperous and prosperous, and it has also created a The imperial court brings a lot of taxes. The younger generation dare not discuss the government affairs unreasonably, but in this case, it is difficult for Governor Xiao and Lord Su to reignite the war and promote the Northern Expedition. "

"For the Puppet Yan, it is not up to them to decide whether to fight or peace. The final decision lies with the Jing Dynasty. After seven years of recuperation, the north must have accumulated enough strength to support them in fighting a brutal war. The purpose It is to capture Huaizhou and completely isolate Da Qi's tentacles south of the Hengjiang River."

"The younger generation secretly believes that the puppet Yan Police Office's plan to seize Panlong Pass is just the beginning. Li Xuanan's accidental death cannot change the subsequent process."

Lu Chen looked at Su Yunqing calmly, indicating that he had finished speaking.

Su Yunqing's eyes sparkled, and she praised with a smile: "Being among the crowd, it's like pearls and jade among the tiles."

Lu Chen shook his head and said: "My lord, these thoughts are not surprising. I believe that your lord and Governor Xiao have already anticipated this event."

Su Yunqing did not deny it and said: "How many young people like you have such a clear understanding? It's just that I don't understand. You can use these judgments to make a decision. Governor Xiao will definitely not If you look down upon it, you might be summoned directly to the Governor's Mansion, why are you..."

"Your Majesty, what I want to say is that this junior has obviously tipped off the information to the Grand Governor before, so why did he choose to be honest with you this time?"

Seeing his hesitation, Lu Chen took the initiative to take over the conversation, and then said sincerely: "Because this junior is a little scared."

Su Yunqing asked curiously: "What are you afraid of?"

Lu Chen replied: "In the previous detailed cases, the junior may have had one or two outstanding performances, so it is reasonable for the adults to want to recruit. However, when I saw you today, I looked like a street vendor in the East Market." , the good words were spread out like no money, and the top hats were given one after another, and the credit for the careful work of eliminating the fake officials was forced on the younger generation."

He paused slightly and said as calmly as possible: "Looking at the current situation, it looks very much like the meal before going to the execution ground."


Su Yunqing couldn't help laughing loudly. Looking at Lu Chen's slightly innocent expression, he waved his hands and said, "It's absolutely not the case."

Lu Chen thought to himself, do you really think I am a three-year-old child?

People must ask for something according to courtesy, not to mention that the status of the two parties is obviously unequal. One is the powerful inspector of the warp weaving department, and the other is the son of a merchant with no fame at all.

Su Yunqing's performance can only show that he not only wants Lu Chen to join the Warp Weaving Department, but also requires Lu Chen to pay a heavy price, and he must pay it willingly.

But what is there about him that deserves the other party's twists and turns?
Is he coveting the Lu family's wealth?

Putting aside whether Su Yunqing is a greedy person, considering the relationship between Lu Tong and Xue Huaiyi, Su Yunqing does not need to touch this hard nail. After all, there are many wealthy businessmen in Huaizhou, and not every family can be related to the current right-wing prime minister.

Is it related to the storm in the capital?

This is also unreasonable. Even if Su Yunqing showed kindness and kindness to Lu Chen in every possible way, Lu Chen could not prompt his right minister Xue Nanting to support Su Yunqing.

In the current court structure of the Southern Qi Dynasty, there is a natural opposition between the civil service group and the privileged yamen such as the Weaving Department.

Since these are impossible, Su Yunqing's purpose of doing this can be limited to a very small range.

Lu Chen was very self-aware. He knew that there were not many things about him that Su Yunqing valued.

"Could it be that your Excellency wants the younger generation to follow the example of Gu Yong, Zhang Xi and others and lurk in the territory of Pseudo-Yan?" These words made the smile on Su Yunqing's face fade away instantly.

He stared into Lu Shen's eyes, feeling both surprised and approving. After a long time, he said, "I really didn't see the wrong person."

Lu Chen remained calm at this moment, shaking his head and saying, "Sir, this is not a wise decision."

Su Yunqing was not in a hurry and asked: "Why?"

Lu Chenping said calmly: "This junior was previously involved in a small crime, and this matter has long been known to the north. Even if they don't know the subsequent development, they know that it was the junior who discovered the framed secret letter, and then they will associate it with the junior and the weaver." They are inextricably linked to each other. In this case, if this junior appears in the territory of Puppet Yan, how can the spies of the Procuratorate remain indifferent? "

Su Yunqing said: "I have considered this. All the records about you in the Weaving Department have been destroyed, and all the fake Yan Xizuo who have seen you have been executed. Except for Governor Xiao, Lord Tiju and myself, no one has I know the role you played in this matter. In the future, when you go to Puppet Yan, you will naturally have to change your name to hide your identity. How will the spies from the Procuratorate know that you are Lu Chen?"

Lu Chen secretly thought that this was probably one of the benefits of this era. In his previous life, it was absolutely impossible. How could a person who showed off his appearance be a spy?

It's a pity that this is definitely not good for him.

He insisted: "The juniors are young and have little knowledge and are not qualified to take on big responsibilities."

Su Yunqing smiled and said: "I'm not asking you to go to Puppet Yan now. You still have plenty of time to improve yourself. At present, war may break out at the border at any time. Both sides are tense and vigilant. It is not appropriate for us to send new spies to the north. And even if you agree readily, you still need to learn the internal regulations of the Warp Weaving Department and the various skills required for fine work. This can take as fast as three to five months, or as slowly as one year."

He paused slightly and said with emotion: "Actually, I didn't plan to tell you the truth so early, but you took the initiative to point it out, so I couldn't keep hiding it."

Lu Chen's tone was slightly sharp: "When the adults decide to take the initiative to inform me, I'm afraid this junior will have no room to refuse."

Su Yunqing's expression became gentler, and he said slowly: "The reason why I chose you is because you are young enough, and your reputation is not obvious, and you have not attracted attention in the past. It is not that there are no talents in the Weaving Department, but you have learned from Gu Yong This incident should reveal that there are fake people within us, and a lot of information has already been known to the other party."

Lu Chen said rationally: "Having said that, it seems a bit...random for adults to place their hopes on a young boy like me."

Su Yunqing burst into laughter, and then said calmly: "I am not just focusing on you. In the past two years, I have been observing in various places and have selected some good seedlings. I will temporarily train them in the name of recruiting them into the Weaving Department, and I will tell them the truth in the future. It’s just that you are the only one who can guess it so quickly, so I have the highest expectations for you.”

Except for the fact that Lu Chen saw through his intentions, Su Yunqing thought there was nothing wrong with his arrangement.

Beiyan could send people like Gu Yong, Zhang Xi and Ning Li to spend nearly ten years lurking in Huaizhou. Of course, the Warp Weaving Department could do the same, and had already made similar arrangements.

On this basis, selecting some young people with good fortune and good adaptability and placing them in Beiyan through various means is the most routine espionage work.

It's just that... lurking in a foreign country to spy on intelligence was like walking on a knife's edge. It was a real escape from death.

The problem is that Lu Chen is not Su Yunqing. He has no intention of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country. Moreover, the Lu family committee is really not short of money. He has no reason to take such a big risk and go to the north to lurk, so naturally he is not prepared to accept this arrangement.

However, how to reject others also needs to be considered. After all, the other party is a senior executive of the Warp Weaving Department.If there was room for detours, Lu Chen certainly didn't want to establish such an enemy when he first arrived.

Su Yunqing seemed very patient today and continued to persuade: "As you said before, Puppet Yan and Jing Chao will definitely not give up this time, and Huaizhou can only take a defensive stance. But we can focus on the future, because a war will inevitably require a long period of time. Preparations. You must understand the principle of moving the troops before the food and grass are used. If you want to win the staged victory of the Northern Expedition in the future, intelligence detection in the enemy's territory is the top priority."

Lu Chen also sighed and asked sincerely: "My lord, I have worked so hard and so hard. I can understand this, but are you sure that the imperial court will support the Huaizhou Governor's Northern Expedition?"

Su Yunqing was silent for a moment and said quietly: "The Pseudo-Yan has no choice but to fire his arrow on the string. This battle will make His Majesty and all the princes in the court understand that our enemies are determined to kill us, and even if Huaizhou falls, they will not be satisfied. Back then, Heluo After the fall, nearly half of the country was lost, and the imperial court stayed in a corner and survived for thirteen years."

He raised his head slightly, with a look of sadness on his face: "Heluo is not the end, and Huaizhou is not the end. The next step will inevitably be Jingzhou, and what about after that? The Jing Dynasty army was in full swing, and the emperor, who was only forty years old, worked hard to rule. Will he give up his long-cherished wish to unify the world? We give up Jiangbei, give up Huaizhou, give up Jingzhou, until we give up Yongjia? Until Daqi is completely destroyed?"

Lu Chen looked at him quietly.

Su Yunqing exhaled a breath, calmed down his excitement, and said softly: "I understand that you can't fully understand these things yet, and you may even think that such an idea is a bit ridiculous. But you can think about it, if Huaizhou cannot be defended, Where will the Lu family go?"

Lu Chen knew that he was secretly changing the concept. Defending Huaizhou and launching an army for the Northern Expedition were two completely different concepts, but he did not refute because Su Yunqing was just trying to convince himself with reason - before he completely rejected it.

Since the other party didn't force him, he certainly didn't have to rush to show his attitude by flipping the table. Being conciliatory was the right choice.

"This matter is of great importance, you can consider it slowly."

Su Yunqing was obviously well versed in the principle of retracting and releasing, and did not force Lu Chen to give a clear answer immediately. He then slowed down and said, "I just said that your role in the detailed crime cannot be ignored, and the Weaving Department must deal with it." Reward."

(End of this chapter)

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