
Chapter 32 032 [Su Yunqing’s gift]

Chapter 32 032 [Su Yunqing’s gift]

Lu Chen did not relax his vigilance during this period.

The investigation of the soul-locking incense yielded little results. The old miracle doctor Xue came to Lu Zhai again later, compiled the information he knew about this poison and handed it to Lu Tong. He also made a diagnosis for Lu Chen to ensure that his body was not Hidden danger.

As for the manpower sent by Lu Tong to investigate Beiyan Tieshan City, there will definitely be no response in the past ten days.

Another point is that after the secret stronghold of the Beiyan Procuratorate in Guangling City was removed, those fish that slipped through the net seemed to have disappeared.However, no one could be sure whether they would be so angry that they would vent their anger to Lu Chen, so they had to be on guard.

Lu Chen rushed to Lin Xi's residence in Dongcheng every morning and returned home in the evening. He was accompanied by Li Chengen along the way, and there were more than ten nursing staff following him in the dark. He was very careful and well prepared.

However, they had just left Lu Zhai today, and before they reached East and West Street, two people stopped in front of Lu Chen and Li Chengen.

These are two acquaintances, Li Jin and Guo Tai, who are affiliated with the inner guard of the Sutra Weaving Department.

"I haven't seen you in ten days. How are you doing, Mr. Lu?" Li Jin greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Li, Brother Guo, hello you two."

Lu Chen deliberately used a Jianghu tone, mainly because when he was staying in Guangling Yamen, in order to avoid misunderstandings, he did not inquire about the specific official positions of these two people in the Sutra Weaving Department.

Li Jin's temperament became more familiar, and after hearing this, he said more cheerfully: "It's all good, it's all good."

He came slightly closer and lowered his voice and said, "Master Su came to Guangling today and wants to see Mr. Lu."

Lu Chen was self-righteous. He was just about to ask Li Chengen to inform Lin Xi, but suddenly he was alerted - Lin Xi was a Yan person in name only, so there was no need to attract the attention of elite spies from the Weaving Department. He could just explain it to her afterwards.

The four of them came to the main street, then passed through a narrow alley on the south side, and finally stopped outside a wine shop with an ordinary appearance.

"Master Lu, please." Li Jin's attitude was quite respectful.

"Both please."

After everyone passed through the front hall, Lu Chen discovered that there was a cave inside. Although the courtyard was not big, it was better than the quiet environment.

There was a table in the shade, and Su Yunqing was sitting there. Food and wine were already prepared on the table.

Lu Chen was a little surprised that there was no shopkeeper or any other person here.

"Don't be surprised. This place is a property of the Warp Weaving Department. We don't expect it to make much money. It's just for the convenience of our brothers." Su Yunqing looked indifferent with a slight smile.

These words were both an explanation and an indication of his attitude. He obviously regarded Lu Chen as one of his own.

Lu Chen walked closer, bowed his hands and said, "I've met Mr. Su."

"Sit down." Su Yunqing nodded in greeting and said to Li Jin, "You two take this brother Li and sit outside."

After the three people left, Lu Chen looked at the light food on the table, then glanced at the soft sunshine in the morning, and said calmly: "Master Su, this junior has already had breakfast."

Su Yunqing said: "It's just some dishes to go with the wine, you can do whatever you want."

Drinking early in the morning?Are the rules of the Warp Weaving Department so loose?

Lu Chen immediately realized that Su Yunqing's calm demeanor might be hiding some trouble.

He remembered what Mr. Xue, the magic doctor, had said before. Su Yunqing went to the capital before things calmed down in Huaizhou, and only returned to Guangling today. It was probably because the trip did not go well, and maybe there was something unpleasant in the capital. experience.

When he thought of this, although he still didn't move his chopsticks, he filled the cup in front of him with wine.

The smile on Su Yunqing's face became thicker, but her words were a bit sharp: "Actually, you don't have to be so petty. I appreciate your talent, and I'm not looking for a flattery who is always trying to figure out your intentions."

Lu Chen said calmly: "My lord, it sounds like he was speaking out of emotion."

Su Yunqing was noncommittal and changed the subject: "I know you are very concerned about the situation in the north, and I originally promised to inform you in time. But because the matter was too strange, the Governor's Office sent the news directly to the capital after confirming the truth, and so did I. I learned about it from Master Tiji, so I can only tell you now."

Lu Chen said: "You're welcome, sir. Actually, this junior is just curious."

Su Yunqing briefly recounted what happened at the border, and finally sighed with a complicated expression: "Who would have thought that Li Xuan'an led more than a hundred cavalry, but ended up dead in the hands of a ruthless gangster? As soon as he died, the puppet Yan planned to seize Panlong Pass The declaration has failed, but our strategy of inviting you to the urn is useless."

When he mentioned that the person who killed Li Xuanan was the Northern Ranger Bodhisattva Man, Lu Chen's eyes couldn't help but waver slightly.

When chatting with Lin Xi about Bodhisattva Man a few days ago, Lu Chen vaguely felt that her reaction was a bit strange, and he later guessed that Bodhisattva Man was Lin Xi.Now he can almost confirm it.

It is not uncommon to find a young woman with advanced martial arts skills, but there are not many people in the world who can deliberately conceal her identity and summon nearly a hundred reckless masters to intercept and kill General Beiyan.

As the daughter of the leader of the Seven Star Gang, Lin Xi obviously meets this slightly harsh requirement.

Of course, Lu Chen would not reveal this matter in front of Su Yunqing.

He followed the other party's words and said: "This matter is indeed a pity. However, this time Puppet Yan lost his wife and lost his troops. He successively lost the deputy general manager of the army and three important spies who had been lurking for many years, as well as nearly a hundred people hidden in This meticulous work in Huaizhou is truly a great achievement, and the imperial court will definitely reward Governor Xiao and Master Su."

Su Yunqing said calmly: "Admiral Xiao will not care about this small contribution. As for me... Lord Tiju, after reporting to the emperor, plans to transfer me back to the capital and promote me to the position of Secretary of Sutra Weaving."

Lu Chen said happily: "Congratulations on your promotion, sir. I just wonder what rank you are promoted to?"

Su Yunqing smiled and then briefly told him the internal structure of the Warp Weaving Department.

The warp weaving department is set up to promote one person, who is of the third rank, and is in charge of the department with great power.

The three promotion officials, starting from the third rank, are the assistants of promotion. The responsibilities of the three people are different.

There are four inspectors and four regular officers, who are in charge of the Gyeonggi Division, the Huaizhou Division, the Jingzhou Division, and the Chengzhou Division respectively, and are responsible for the specific affairs of each region.

The status of the Huaizhou Inspectorate is second only to that of the Gyeonggi Inspectorate. It is not only in charge of all spies in Huaizhou, but also takes care of the spies hidden in Beiyan and even Jingchao.Of course, the detailed work in these two places is also under the direct jurisdiction of Tiju, the warp weaver.

For Su Yunqing, who has been promoted to Huaizhou School Inspector for five years, it is natural to take a step forward with the great achievements he has made this time.

After listening, Lu Chen asked tentatively: "When do you plan to hand over?"

Su Yunqing shook his head slightly and said, "I have declined the promotion from Master Jiju."

Lu Chen looked at the other party steadily and asked in confusion: "Why do you do this, sir?"

"Now Puppet Yan and Jing Chao are ready to make a move, and they may start fighting again at any time. If another person takes over, it will definitely be difficult to take charge of the overall situation in a short time. If you are not careful, you will drag down the frontier soldiers. I have been operating in Huaizhou for many years, and I personally Only you know the hardships, how can you tolerate all your hard work going to waste?"

Su Yunqing took a sip of wine and said: "On the fourth day after you and I parted, my informant in the capital sent a letter to someone in the Weaving Department to impeach me for being arbitrary, cultivating party members, and colluding with people." Military General. It is said that because of me, Governor Xiao was also implicated."

Lu Chen looked solemn and unknowingly clenched the cup.

"Heh... an expected development."

Su Yunqing remained calm, but there was a hint of desolation in his eyes: "Among the four major reviewers, I have the least qualifications and the weakest foundation. Now I finally have a vacant position to provide guidance. Of course, others don't want me to take the lead. As for the people who secretly spread rumors in the capital, most of them are related to the Puppet Yan Procuratorate. Master Tiju is well aware of this, so he is even more determined to promote me."

Lu Chen secretly thought that the person named Qin Zheng was considerate of his subordinates, but this could not change Su Yunqing's determination.

He mused: "My lord does not want to get involved in the power struggle in the capital. Even if you are promoted this time, those who hate you will still not give up."

Su Yunqing looked at him approvingly, nodded and said: "That's it. This time I am retreating to advance. Mr. Tiji feels very guilty for me. Those people can no longer stare at my omissions. I think I can be clean in the past two years." Some."

Lu Chen suddenly realized that the other party was not only confiding his worries to him, but also teaching him some very important principles.

Such behavior obviously cannot be entirely explained by appreciation.

Su Yunqing continued: "I have reported your deeds to Master Tiji. He appreciated your performance very much and said that regardless of whether you are willing to join the Weaving Department, we should give you something in return."

Lu Chen was stunned, then shook his head and said: "My lord, I am very grateful for your kindness. However, I have not made any contribution, so how can I dare to accept this kindness?"

Su Yunqing said sternly: "If you hadn't discovered the framed secret letter and destroyed it, how could the Puppet Yan Prosecution Office have fallen into a passive situation, and it would have made mistakes every step of the way. If you hadn't controlled Sun Yu in advance, the Puppet Yan Police Office would have fallen into a passive situation. How could Yan Xizuo be forced to step into that trap? You discovered the problems between Gu Yong and Ning Li and reminded me and Governor Xiao. These details are enough to change the direction of the whole matter. "

Lu Chen originally wanted to say, you have obviously suspected Gu Yong for a long time, and Xiao Wangzhi also discovered Ning Li's abnormality, and now you are all blaming me for the credit. What is the reason for such deep love and righteousness?

But he also understood that the people above would only believe Su Yunqing's words, and there was no point in arguing with him in private.

Now he just wants to know why Su Yunqing did this.

 900 degree rotation and rolling, please read~!

(End of this chapter)

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