
Chapter 34 034 [Where is the road]

Chapter 34 034 [Where is the road]

"I wonder if you remember that I said something in the Guangling Yamen that day. After the detailed crime is over, the Lu family firm may be the best in Guangling Mansion."


"Within the boundaries of Guangling, the only ones that can compete with your Lu family are the Gu family. His family has some connections in the capital. The backstage in Huaizhou is Chen Yi, the chief minister of the Governor's Office. What a coincidence that this Chen Changshi is Recently, he was accused by his colleagues of taking bribes, perverting the law, and killing people. The evidence is conclusive and irrefutable. Governor Yao has decided to remove this person and is preparing to hand him over to the Sutra Weaving Department for investigation."

Su Yunqing said calmly.

Lu Chen listened calmly.

The rank of the chief historian of the Huaizhou Governor's Office is from the fifth rank. Although he is not a high-ranking official, but because he is a confidant of the governor of the state, his actual power is not small. In some aspects, it is even more than that of the Guangling Prefect, who is from the fourth rank.

Su Yunqing glanced at him and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence. What's even more coincidental is that after interrogation, it was found that Chen Changshi had accepted bribes from the Gu family."

Lu Chen said: "Sir, you just said that Governor Yao was going to hand it over to the Sutra Weaving Department, instead of already handing it over to the Sutra Weaving Department. Before anyone came, the confession was given first?"

Su Yunqing said calmly: "Yes, he will plead guilty."

Lu Chen pinched his eyebrows and said, half jokingly and half seriously: "Mr. Su, you can easily destroy your image in my mind by openly and openly framing public affairs for personal use."

The so-called image naturally refers to Su Yunqing's painful and impassioned impassioned speech earlier, like a stubborn and loyal minister.

"I said that it doesn't matter what other people think of me." Su Yunqing's answer was simple and direct, and then said: "I don't deny using public tools for personal use, but frame-up does not necessarily mean that. If the Gu family doesn't spend a lot of money to build relationships, Chen Yi Why do you take so much care of them? Take your Lu family as an example. If your father had not been a strong supporter of the government office to help people's livelihood in these years, would Governor Zhan really have fought with me for your father?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "Sir, my father has never bribed the Lord."

Su Yunqing smiled and said: "Don't panic, your Majesty's methods are not comparable to those of the Gu family and Gu Zisi? When Zhang Xi and others framed your family, my subordinates checked your house from top to bottom, inside and out, and there was no trace of it." If a serious mistake is found, it is at most a trivial issue, and even the Warp Weaver Department would be embarrassed to use it as evidence of guilt."

Lu Chen just pretended not to hear the hint in his words.

Of course he knew that his father was not a simple man. Lu Tong had been able to hide a large amount of food from the eyes and ears of the imperial army more than ten years ago and sent a large amount of food to the Seven Star Gang in desperate situation. This was not something that ordinary people could do, let alone The friendship between him and the old miracle doctor Xue.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said calmly: "Mr. Su, the Lu family does not have insatiable desires. As long as there is a relatively fair competitive environment, that is enough."

This answer did not surprise Su Yunqing. He took advantage of the situation and said: "Even if it is only relatively fair, it is extremely difficult for a businessman. I know that the Gu family often gives your father stumbling blocks. Although it does not hurt his muscles and bones, it still hurts his bones." He is as annoying as a fly. This time, the Sutra Weaving Department will use Chen Yi's case to give Gu Zisi a brief blow and make his family more honest from now on."

"Thank you for taking care of me, sir." Lu Chen thanked him calmly.

At this moment, Su Yunqing took out a jade plaque half the size of a palm from his sleeve and threw it casually.

After Lu Chen took it, he looked at it and saw that the word "ganban" was engraved on the front, and the reverse was an extremely complex and complicated pattern.

He asked in confusion: "This is it?"

Su Yunqing said: "You should have a rough idea of ​​the structure of the Warp Weaving Department by now. The upper level of the Warp Weaving Department is composed of Master Li, three lifting points and four inspectors. The lower level is divided into two parts: light and dark. On the bright side, it looks like the territory of Huaizhou There are three yamen in Taixing, Lai'an and Guangling, and secretly the inner guards where Li Jin and Guo Tai are."

Lu Chen listened quietly.

Su Yunqing looked at the jade plaque in his hand and said slowly: "In addition to the two systems of light and dark, the Warp Weaving Department has another cadre position with a rank of seventh grade, responsible for supervision and inspection. There are not many people in this position. As far as I know, there are only about ten people in the entire Warp Weaving Department, and their ranks are not high but their status is not low. As long as it does not violate the charter of the Warp Weaving Department and the court's laws, you can use this jade plate to mobilize up to five spies at any time. He can also supervise the activities of various yamen in Huaizhou."

Although he clearly stated the constraints of his position, Lu Chen was still clearly aware of the value of this brand.

To put it simply, as long as he doesn't commit suicide or offend some big shot, the Warp Weaver Department will definitely protect him as long as he has this sign next to him.

Lu Chen put the jade sign on the table and said calmly: "Please forgive me, my lord, I cannot accept this sign."

Su Yunqing did not get angry, and said calmly: "Don't refuse in a hurry. This sign has nothing to do with me. It is to commend you for your contribution to the crime. You are 19 years old this year, and as far as I know, you have no fame. , it is foreseeable that there will be no similar plans in the future. Although merchants are rich, they will eventually need a talisman, of course——"

Before Lu Chen could refute, he slightly raised his tone and continued: "I know that your relationship with Divine Doctor Xue can reach the level of being the Right Chancellor of the DPRK, so you have no worries about self-protection. But, do you know the favors of the Right Chancellor of the DPRK? How much is it worth? Even if Xue Xiang is willing to stand up for a businessman for the sake of his uncle, what can the Lu family do to repay this favor? If your father had saved Xue Xiang himself instead of Doctor Xue, you certainly don’t have to It’s rare to see a broken brand.”

The last sentence made Lu Chen slightly startled.Lu Tong actually saved the life of Divine Doctor Xue?

Why does he hide so many secrets? It seems necessary to talk about this issue after going back.

Putting this idea aside for the time being, Lu Chen said calmly: "In fact, until now, this junior has planned to decline your kindness."

"As expected."

Su Yunqing said calmly: "Although you don't have an official status, you are a rich man who is envied by everyone in Guangling City. Even if the Lu family's business disappears overnight, you can still rely on the large tracts of fertile land that your family has saved for decades to make a living. A worry-free life. Whether or not I attack the Gu family has no real impact on you. This sign is also a reward for raising someone up, and it has nothing to do with me."

"My lord has spoken to you for this reason, so this junior will also tell you directly."

Lu Chen slowly sat up straight and looked directly into the other person's eyes: "My father is nearly fifty years old and I am the only son. He will never agree to my going to the North to spy on intelligence. He only hopes that I will be safe and that I can successfully inherit the family business in the future. , so he has always been extremely lenient to me, and would not even force me to study for meritorious services. As a son of a man, how can I let my father worry all the time? Please forgive me for this matter."

"What about yourself?" Su Yunqing suddenly asked this question.

Lu Chen said: "What do you mean by this, sir?"

Su Yunqing said: "After you discovered the weirdness of Gu Yong and Ning Li, you asked Li Chengen to rush to the Governor's Mansion to report the news. Is it really just because you didn't believe me?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "That's true."

Su Yunqing did not ask further questions and said calmly: "Many people in the Warp Weaving Department came from the military, such as Gu Yong, and some people left the Warp Weaving Department and transferred to the military. Compared with working in the army for several years, It is difficult to be promoted, and the Warp Weaving Department is a battlefield more suitable for you to display your talents. At this point, please trust my vision and judgment."

In fact, Su Yunqing's guess is not outrageous.

At that time, Lu Chen asked Li Chengen to go to Xiao Wangzhi to report the news, not only to find another way to protect himself, but also to join the army. After all, this was the field he was really familiar with and good at.

As for doing business, Lu Chen really lacked interest in this aspect.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and asked, "Why are you so insistent, sir?"

Su Yunqing slowly stood up and said with a smile: "Before we met today, you were a part of my plan, and you were essentially no different from other young people selected by me. But now, I think you can be more than just an excellent spy. In the future, after you gain a foothold in Pseudo-Yan, I hope you can unify the Northland spy network, knead it into a powerful force, and create a great cause that no one before you could even imagine."

He held the cup, drank the remaining wine in it, and said solemnly: "At that time, whether you want to continue to stay in the Weaving Department or transfer to a military position, no one can ignore it because of your The credit can help you realize your ambition faster.

Lu Chen looked calm. Although Su Yunqing's sincerity was more like painting a cake, since he was just persuading from the beginning to the end, there was certainly no need for him to be arrogant with his words. He said calmly: "Please Let this junior think about it again."

"You keep the sign, think about it slowly, and don't rush to reply to me. By the way, I have appointed Li Jin as the inspector of Guangling. He is the only one here who knows your identity. Anyway, you have a lot of free time next. He will teach you the internal regulations of the Warp Weaving Department and some things you need to pay attention to."

Su Yunqing walked closer, raised her hand and patted Lu Chen's shoulder: "Let's go."

"Sir, do you want to continue going north?"

"Yes, Governor Xiao has sent a message to me. The puppet Yan army is making frequent movements on the border. I will rush to Lai'an Mansion immediately."

"I wish you success on your trip."

"Thank you for your blessings."

Su Yunqing smiled and left casually.

So separate.

 Turn around and roll around for three and a half weeks, asking for further reading~!Please vote~!

(End of this chapter)

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