
Chapter 194 Chapter 193 [The Beginning of Attacking the Heart]

Chapter 194 Chapter 193 [The Beginning of Attacking the Heart]

The afternoon sun was a little dazzling.

Above the valley, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Lu Chen personally led more than a thousand men from the front and center troops of the Seven-Star Army, charging in from the left wing of the battlefield. He took the lead and charged forward wildly, leaving almost no enemy behind.Seeing his bravery, the soldiers behind him were worried and moved. They followed him directly into the ribs of the Yan army's formation, and moved forward with all their strength. The Yan army's formation seemed to be caught in a violent wind and rain, and it was on the verge of collapse in an instant.

Li Cheng'en brandished his spear, and with several other deputy commanders, he led more than a thousand people from the left and right armies, rushing toward the right flank of the Yan army like a flood that broke a dike.Wearing armor and carrying a gun, he performed like a fish in water on the battlefield. He was even more indomitable and instantly broke through the outermost line of the Yan army.

Wen Xiguang shouted loudly, relying on the messages from his trusted subordinates to maintain the integrity of his own formation. However, in this completely head-on encounter with no possibility of trickery, the quality of the soldiers themselves will determine the outcome of the war.

It was only at this moment that Wen Xiguang realized that all of them had made a very fatal mistake, including the always cautious Xu Zai, that is, they had wrongly assessed the strength of the Seven-Star Army.

Perhaps it was because the Seven-Star Army retreated too cowardly after entering the mountain, or perhaps because the generals had hidden contempt deep in their hearts. In short, they formed a subconscious idea, that is, there is absolutely no way to fight head-on in the green forests and grass in the mountains. Ability.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, Wen Xiguang realized how wrong he was.

Looking at the battle situation in front of us, the so-called Jianghu bandits all have high martial arts skills, and they have the blessing of advancing and retreating together in the battle formation. Especially the heavily armored man who rushes at the front, as if he can make the earth tremble when he runs, like a The frame chariot brings unstoppable impact to those who block it.

Looking down from above, the battlefield at this moment presents the ultimate scene of a blend of movement and stillness.

On one side is the Yan army forming a formation to meet the enemy, and on the other side is the Seven Star Army roaring forward.

Like the tide rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

After waves of waves, the ribs of the Yan army's two wings were rushed away by the Seven Star Army, and the two sides immediately fell into a melee.

The superior combat power of the Seven-Star Army was fully demonstrated in this kind of melee. They were grouped into a group of more than ten people, worked together bravely and courageously, and in a very short period of time, they disrupted the Yan Army's formation.

At the same time, the cavalry led by Lin Xi came like an arrow from the string and became the last straw to crush the Yan army.

The equipment of these hundreds of cavalrymen was very elite. They all rode tall horses and wielded long weapons forged from fine iron. Everyone wore armor, and some of the horses also had leather armor. They had an overwhelming advantage over the Yan army's infantry.

Especially the young female general who took the lead, wielding a machete about seven or eight feet long, killing people and killing Buddhas.

In this battle, Lu Chen undoubtedly seized the relatively weak part of the Yan army, gathered all the powerful forces in his hands, and launched the most fierce offensive in this empty valley with no village in front or back.

After struggling to hold on to the incense stick for most of the time, Wen Xiguang looked at the approaching enemy, and then at the subordinates who kept falling to the ground and died. After hesitating for a moment, his eyes were red and his voice was trembling, and he gave the order to retreat.

The so-called retreat actually means to scatter and flee for one's life.

Because there were enemy cavalry in the rear, part of the Yan army that was able to break away from the front of the Seven-Star Army fled towards the north. This was their only chance of survival.

After all, there are still four thousand elite vanguards in the north. When the Seven Star Army appeared earlier, there were already scouts sending messages to the north. As long as the vanguard army can return in time to respond, these fleeing Yan troops may still have a chance to survive.

Wen Xiguang did not choose to escape. He led some of his men to stay in place and resist desperately.

Lu Chen calmly issued an order, and Lin Xi sent half of his cavalry to pursue north.

There were about a thousand Yan troops who escaped, and there were only more than a hundred cavalrymen of the Seven Star Army who chased them. However, these Yan troops had no courage to resist and ran for their lives like bereaved dogs.

But how can they outrun the horses under the opponent's cavalry?

The cavalry of the Seven-Star Army pursued them along the road, as easily and comfortably as chopping melons and vegetables.

On the main battlefield, with the sword in Lin Xi's hand breaking through numerous obstacles and placing it on Wen Xiguang's neck, the battle finally came to an end.

There were corpses everywhere, most of them were Yan soldiers. The Yan soldiers who were still alive could only abandon their weapons and surrender.

The soldiers of the Seven-Star Army cheered happily while cleaning the battlefield.

The Yan army's weapons, armor and even any useful objects became the spoils of war for the Seven Star Army, and they happily stripped the Yan army clean.

No matter dead or alive, they all become their targets.

Not long after, apart from the seven-star army that had gained a lot, there was only a group of Yan soldiers in single clothes who were tied together pitifully.

At this time, the Seven-Star Army finally had the temperament of a bandit, which was completely different from the elite army that was previously fearless and fearless of death.

Wen Xiguang's heart was bleeding. At the moment, he didn't know the specific losses of his side, but it was no longer important.

The Zuo Army existed in name only after this war, and its organizational structure might even be cancelled, and he, the governor of the Zuo Army, obviously had no hope of surviving.

These people on the other side are murderous thieves who kill without blinking an eye!
He lowered his head and looked at the cold blade in front of his throat, looked at the expressionless young female general next to him, then turned to face the front, staring at the young man slowly walking towards him.

The identity of this person is self-evident. Although Wen Xiguang has never seen him before, he also knows that he must be Nan Qi Lu Chen, the culprit of his tragic defeat.

"Your Excellency, you are Wen Xiguang, the commander of the left army of the Yan Army?"

Lu Chen's shirt was already stained with blood at this time, but his tone was calm and indifferent.

Wen Xiguang gritted his teeth and said, "Stop being so nagging, if you want to kill me, kill me!"

Lin Xi's brows furrowed slightly, and with a little force on his right hand, the long knife was pressed against Wen Xiguang's throat.Lu Chen raised his hand to stop him and said leisurely: "Wen Dujian is a guest from afar, so naturally he wants to invite you into the mountain for a visit. This is the way to treat guests."

Wen Xiguang was stunned for a moment, then a look of ridicule appeared on his face, and he said in a cold voice: "Wen will never surrender!"

"Don't be anxious. I don't intend to ask you to surrender. I just want you to take a look at the scenery in the mountains."

Lu Chen smiled warmly, turned around and said, "Get ready to retreat!"

The soldiers of the Seven-Star Army who were still laughing and joking immediately stood up straight after hearing these four words and responded neatly: "Follow the order!"

Wen Xiguang couldn't help but change his expression when he saw this scene. Such a forbidden military appearance was difficult to see even in the Yan army, but now it happened to a group of bandits who were looked down upon by them.

He suddenly had an embarrassing feeling that going into the mountains to suppress the bandits this time might be far more difficult than expected.

The Seven-Star Army came and went like the wind. The cavalry chasing the deserters in the north quickly returned after achieving enough victories. After rejoining the main force in the valley, they brought a large amount of loot and more than ten Yan Army generals including Wen Xiguang, Shi Shi Ran drilled. Entering the mountain path to the southeast, it quickly disappeared, leaving only hundreds of Yan Army soldiers messy in the mountain wind.

About half an hour later, the dust from the north was flying, and the army hurriedly arrived.

Looking at the corpses of the Yan army strewn across the valley, as well as the hundreds of soldiers who were tied together and unable to break free, Du Min, the former military commander, with his hair and beard bulging, looked up to the sky and cursed angrily.

"Little Lu Chen, I will cut you into pieces!"


There was a gentle breeze in the mountains and fields, and more than two thousand soldiers of the Seven Star Army marched calmly, while hundreds of cavalry stayed behind to guard.

Wen Xiguang and others had their hands tied and moved forward under the close supervision of a group of experts. From time to time, the conversation of the young man and woman could be heard from behind.

"Junior brother, how could you guess that the other party would send reinforcements to meet the vanguard army?"

"Actually, I really don't know."

"So this is a coincidence?"

"Yes. We are luring the enemy deeper. The enemy must know this. This is nothing more than a tacit test by both sides. The 4000 people in the vanguard of the Yan Army seem very difficult to mess with, but this kind of army must be extremely proud and will not let it go. If our people escape, they will most likely be in hot pursuit. As for the subsequent ambush, if the enemy commander does not send troops to respond, then I have no choice but to try when the enemy vanguard is tired and returns. Fortunately, General Manager Xu Cunxu is very cooperative. Knowing that we needed a big victory to boost morale, we sent the relatively weak left army to respond."

Lin Xi couldn't help but smile and roll her eyes at him when he heard this, and there was a burst of laughter around him.

The more than ten captured Yan Army generals looked livid.

Lin Xi added: "After those hundreds of people surrendered just now, I thought you would order them to be killed."

Seeing that the deputy commanders next to him were looking at him, Lu Chen knew that they were also very interested in this matter, so he explained gently: "If our enemy only has this left army, I will definitely not let them go back alive. But you You know, there are now more than 2 Yan troops in this mountain. If I kill all the prisoners this time, what will the other Yan troops think?"

Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Chen continued: "To deal with these surrendered soldiers, it is easy for us to kill them, but this will make other Yan troops afraid to surrender again, and they will fight us to the death in the next battle. Leave them a little thought, in the future This will make it easier to destroy the enemy's morale. There is a saying in the art of war that this is the principle of surrounding three towers."

"I see."

Lin Xi looked at him softly.

Wen Xiguang, who was walking in front, felt as if his heart had sunk into an ice cave after hearing this reply that did not shy away from him at all.

The other generals of the Yan Army were also in the same state of mind. Since the other party had no intention of hiding it from him, it must have been because they regarded them as dead people. I just don't know why the other party didn't take action immediately.

After walking for more than two hours with such an uneasy feeling, when the sky was dark, everyone was taken to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and then locked into a row of wooden houses.

Wen Xiguang was alone in a room, and there were still several green forest experts who were responsible for guarding him closely.

After a while, Lu Chen walked in with a bowl of ordinary food, sat down opposite Wen Xiguang, and then began to gulp down the food.

Wen Xiguang looked at the young man coldly, making hungry sounds in his stomach from time to time.

Lu Chen remained unmoved and continued to fill his stomach. He raised his hand to wipe his mouth and said with a smile: "Wen Dujian, I will not kill you, but I will let you go back. The premise is that you are willing to answer a few questions. .”

Wen Xiguang frowned and said in a deep voice: "Wen won't say anything, so give up on this idea!"

Lu Chen looked calm and said leisurely: "Prison Wen, don't refuse in a hurry. I know you are a tough man, but you may not be able to withstand those tortures. In addition, you have to know that even if you don't tell, those of your subordinates will They will also relent, can you guarantee that they are all brave warriors who don’t care about death?”

Wen Xiguang remained silent.

Lu Chen continued: "You really don't want to go back? Do you really don't want to see your wife, children, and children again? Also, you have worked hard in the Yan army for nearly 20 years, and now you are only a prisoner. Many people who are not as capable as you are You have climbed to a high position, but you have always been unable to take a step further. Now that the power of the Yan army is controlled by the powerful people of the Jing Dynasty, you, a genuine Qi man, have no choice but to commit yourself to the thief, but you cannot get the respect of the other party. "

"If that's the case, why do you need to sacrifice your life for them?"

After Wen Xiguang was silent for a long time, he asked in a serious voice: "What exactly do you want to know?"

Lu Chen laughed gently.

(End of this chapter)
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