
Chapter 195 Chapter 194 [The First Army in the World]

Chapter 195 Chapter 194 [The First Army in the World]

Before Lu Chen could speak, Lin Xi stepped in and immediately motioned for everyone else to get out.

She walked to the side and sat down, looking at Lu Shen quietly.

Wen Xiguang had naturally heard of Lin Jie's daughter, and had seen her sharp skills before, especially at the last moment when he couldn't even catch her three moves, and was cut in the throat by her before taking control of the situation.

The atmosphere in the room was slightly solemn.

Lu Chen said slowly: "First question, I want to know the specific information of the Yan army, including the configuration of the troops, the strength and the relationship between the various departments. Please inform Wen Dujian in detail."

Wen Xiguang's eyes narrowed slightly. If he spoke like this, it would be a fact of betrayal, which would never be cleared away in the future.

Lu Chen looked at him indifferently, and then said: "Only the three of us know about this matter, no one else can know."

These words seemed to fool Wen Xiguang into thinking he was a child, and Wen Xiguang couldn't help but smile at himself.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wen. If you are willing to speak Chrysostom, then we will be companions standing together. I have no need to kill you. Furthermore, I guarantee that you can go back safely. There may be a time when you can rely on me in the future." , naturally it won’t harm you.”

Lu Chen is good at tempting, neither hurried nor slow.

Wen Xiguang's inner desire for life finally overcame other emotions, and he said in a low tone: "This time our army has 2 soldiers, including 4000 in the vanguard of the front army, 3000 in the left and right armies, 4000 in the rear army, and 8000 in the rear. There are [-] Chinese troops under the personal command of General Manager Xu. In terms of actual combat strength, the vanguard of the front army is naturally the first priority, followed by the [-] guard battalions around General Manager Xu, and the other subordinates are not much different."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "May I ask how the relationship between the armies is?"

Wen Xiguang hesitated for a moment and replied in a low voice: "We both belong to the General's Mansion on Dongyang Road. Except for the 8000 people led by General Manager Xu, the other departments were temporarily transferred and formed. Although we are called colleagues, we still have friendship. Not deep.”

Lin Xi studied the art of war with Lu Shen during this period, and gradually gained insights into the war. When he heard Wen Xiguang's answer, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "Does your general want to use this opportunity to train troops?"

Wen Xiguang glanced at her and sighed: "If the general had known that the Seven Star Gang was so powerful, he would definitely not have made such an arrangement."

Lin Xi couldn't help but snort, and then said proudly: "My junior brother defeated you in the border war last year. It seems that the big shots in the Yan Kingdom have not learned their lesson."

Lu Chen laughed dumbly. When he saw Lin Xi looking at him, he nodded quickly and said, "Senior sister is absolutely right."

Wen Xiguang's face became more and more embarrassed, and he thought to himself that there is no need for you to flirt in front of me.

Lu Chen stopped his smile and said to Wen Xiguang: "Are the 3000 people led by Pu San Si'en pretending to be auxiliary soldiers transporting food, grass and luggage?"

Wen Xiguang's heart froze, and he stared at the calm expression of the young man opposite him, with a hint of bitterness on his face: "It turns out that everything can't be hidden from Captain Lu."

Lu Chen said: "Actually, this matter is not difficult to guess. It's not that I underestimate the more than 3000 Yan army. If you are facing each other in formation on the plain, you are definitely not a weak force. In the past few years, you can also fight against the Huaizhou border army. Explain this. But fighting in the mountains, you are definitely not as good as the [-] soldiers of the Xiashan Army. After all, Qing Yugong once boasted that this is the best army in the world, and the Jinglian people are naturally good at moving around in complex terrain."

He paused and then said: "After the war started, Jing's army disappeared without a trace, but our sentry in the mountain found no trace of them. This can only mean that Jing's army was hiding among the Yan army. You When the army fights deep into the mountains, food, grass and baggage are the key, so the answer is self-evident. Xu Cun and Pu San Si'en want us to sneak attack on the food and grass, and then run into the trap dug by Jing's army."

Wen Xiguang took a long breath and nodded: "You guessed it right, 3000 Jingjun troops are hiding among the auxiliary troops escorting the baggage."

Lin Xi, who was sitting next to him, lit up.

Lu Chen remained calm, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Xu Cun's next strategy is to advance slowly, use the advantage of military strength to reduce the scope of our army's activities, and strive to start a decisive battle near the headquarters of the Seven Star Gang, right?"

Wen Xiguang said: "Yes."

A faint smile appeared on Lu Chen's face, and he said gently: "Thank you, Inspector Wen, for being honest. I have another proposal, do you want to accept it?"

Wen Xiguang said solemnly: "You say it."

Lu Chen said: "If there is an opportunity in the future, I would like to ask Governor Wen to become my comrade. Instead of being frustrated in the Yan army, it is better to fight side by side with our Huaizhou army. I guarantee that you can be promoted with military merit."

Wen Xiguang looked at him with confusion and said in disbelief: "Isn't Captain Lu making fun of me?"

"I disdain to do that kind of behavior that a villain can do to achieve his goals."

Lu Chen shrugged, and then said: "I know what Wen Dujian is thinking. Even if I let you go back, Xu Cun and others will not trust you, and they may even punish you. But Wen Dujian is suffering in the Yan army. After nearly 20 years, I must have some connections to protect myself. When the Huaizhou Army regains Dongyang Road in the future, I hope Governor Wen can remember today's conversation and stand up when necessary."

Wen Xiguang couldn't hide his surprise.

This young man is in the mountains, facing the encirclement and suppression of tens of thousands of troops, but his vision is not limited to this. Instead, he focuses on the distant future and the territory of the Yan Kingdom in the south. This vision alone is extraordinary.

Wait... Wen Xiguang seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind, and he said solemnly: "It turns out that Huaizhou Governor Xiao's real target is me towards Dongyang Road."

Lu Chen nodded and said: "The long-term plan is indeed like this, but it is still very early. I have to deal with the tens of thousands of people entering the mountain before I can free up my hands to plan the second step."

Wen Xiguang couldn't describe his inner feeling. He looked at the other party steadily and asked, "Captain Lu, aren't you afraid that I will tell General Manager Xu and General Li about your plan?" Lin Xi was also puzzled and blinked. The landing sank.

"Wen Dujian, is it an ulterior secret that the Huaizhou Army wants to regain Dongyang Road? Even if I don't tell you, General Li and even the Princess of Jing Dynasty may have hidden thoughts of inviting you to the urn. I would rather Huaizhou The state army launched the Northern Expedition according to their plan. Even if you tell Xu Cun or Li Shouzhen these words, how will it help the overall situation? "

Lu Chen spoke leisurely, then smiled and said, "I just said that after today we are the same person, of course there is no need to hide it from you."

Wen Xiguang sighed softly when he heard this: "Captain Lu's methods are indeed extraordinary."

Lu Chen smiled and said calmly: "Wen Dujian will rest here tonight. I will send you back early tomorrow morning, and give you a reason to explain to Xu Cun and others. Tell them on my behalf, Starting from tomorrow night, I will continue to send people to sneak attacks late at night to make Xu Cun prepared and not to be succeeded by my night attack."

Wen Xiguang looked at him doubtfully, but Lu Chen did not continue to explain. He could only think that this was Lu Chen's strategy to attack the enemy's heart, and there was no other deeper intention.

Lu Chen and Lin Xi stood up and left. The master guarding the door came in and continued to guard them closely.

Wen Xiguang didn't care about these people. He only stared at Lu Shen's back, feeling in his heart that Manager Xu might have kicked him on a hard rock this time.


At night, Shuangfeng Village.

This place has been occupied by the Yan army, but the area of ​​the mountain stronghold is limited and cannot accommodate the entire main force of the Yan army. Therefore, only Xu Cun personally led the Chinese army to the stronghold.

The 3000 men of the right army under Shang Zhirong camped more than 4000 miles northwest, and the [-] men of the rear army under Xiao Tongyuan went forward to garrison at the main road in the northeast.

After running in the mountains for most of the day and finding nothing, the vanguard army returned angrily and stationed itself more than ten miles due north of Shuangfeng Village.

Du Min, the former military superintendent, stood in the hall and said with a look of shame on his face: "The general was greedy for merit and rushed forward, causing my colleagues in the left army to fall into the enemy's ambush. This is all the responsibility of the general. Please punish me!"

The atmosphere in the hall was solemn, and everyone's expressions were gloomy.

In the battle in the valley, the left army suffered heavy losses of 3000 people. In the end, less than half of them survived, and everyone was devastated. They were obviously frightened by the ferocity of the Seven Star Army.

More than ten generals, led by the governor Wen Xiguang, were all captured, and their lives and deaths are unknown so far.

The root cause of all this was that Du Min disobeyed the general's orders and led the front army to pursue the enemy without authorization.

For the Yan army, it was good news that they easily captured Shuangfeng Village in the first battle. However, 3000 people from the left army were directly defeated by the enemy, and the good news suddenly turned into bad news.

Xu Cun looked at Du Min who was standing with cold eyes, and there seemed to be a fire boiling in his heart.

If it were not the right time to employ people, he would definitely deprive Du Min of his military power, even if it offended Li Shouzhen.

This guy was greedy for merit and rushed forward, but he was safe and sound, but the Zuo Army was destroyed in name only. More than ten generals were kidnapped by the Seven-Star Army. This was an extremely heavy blow to the morale of the Yan Army.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Cun was about to announce his treatment of Du Min, when suddenly an arrogant voice came from far and near.

"Victory and defeat are common matters in military affairs. General Manager Xu does not need to criticize Du Dujian harshly."

Everyone followed the sound and saw Pu San Si En walking in surrounded by several personal guards.

Xu Cun and other generals quickly stood up and came forward to salute.

Pu Sansi'en smiled and greeted Du Min, and then said to Du Min: "Du Dujian underestimated the enemy this time and caused heavy losses to the soldiers of the left army. It is indeed a bit sinful, but this matter is not nothing. At least we have brought the bandit army out of hiding." Forced out."

Xu Cun said solemnly: "General, the Seven Star Army disappeared from the mountain path again after ambushing the left army. We have no grasp of the enemy's whereabouts."

Pusan ​​Si'en said calmly: "I know, it doesn't matter. The enemy knows the terrain well and is proficient in sneak attacks. He obviously wants to deal with us in this mountain. Now we can infer the opponent's strength and behavior through this battle. , then you just need to wait for the other party to come to your door."

Xu Cun didn't understand what he meant, and the others also looked confused.

Pu Sansi'en's eyes were sharp and he said with great confidence: "The enemy does not dare to confront our army head-on, and they have tasted the sweetness of sneak attacks, so they will naturally harass our army frequently. Next, please ask General Manager Xu to mobilize the rear army to guard the baggage, and the rest The armies continue to divide their forces and move forward, with the Xiashan Army in the center to provide support. As long as the other side dares to attack and harass, my people will naturally bite their tail and give them no chance to breathe."

Xu Cun said with shame and gratitude: "Thank you, General."

Pusan ​​Si'en smiled and said leisurely: "Our army was defeated very cleanly in this battle, and the enemy's confidence will naturally increase. I just want to make them get carried away, and then -"

He looked around at everyone with a look of disdain in his eyes: "Let them know why Old Soldier Xia Shan is called the No. [-] Army in the World!"

(End of this chapter)
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