
Chapter 193 Chapter 192 [Horizontal with a sword]

Chapter 193 Chapter 192 [Horizontal with a sword]

In the Yan army's tent.

Xu Cun held his chin with his left hand, his face uncertain.

Upon seeing this, Shang Zhirong, the supervisor of the right army capital, said: "General Manager, Du Du is both rough outside the prison and fine inside. The four thousand soldiers and horses under his command are the leading elites of our army, and they are definitely not something that this group of bandits can covet. Even if the enemy is trying to lure him. If the enemy goes deep, they won't be able to pose much of a threat to the front army, and it will be a melee at best."

Xu Cun said slowly: "Actually, since entering the mountain, I have felt that the enemy's response was too timid. Our scouts did not find any trace of the opponent. Perhaps it is because they are more familiar with the terrain in the mountain, plus they are highly skilled in martial arts. It’s okay to hide in hiding. But these days they have never harassed our army at night, which is an extremely obvious sign of abnormality.”

Xiao Tongyuan, the supervisor of the rear army, persuaded: "General Manager, even if Du Dujian is ambushed, those bandits will not be able to defeat his four thousand elites in a short time. Now that Wen Dujian has led troops to respond, they will definitely not show up." Wrong. According to General Yimo, our army should move forward now, use this first mountain stronghold as a stronghold, divide the troops to the north to compress the activity scope of the Seven Star Gang, gradually force them to the vicinity of the main stronghold, and then defeat this group of bandits in one fell swoop .”

Others also tried to persuade him.

The worries in Xu Cun's heart gradually faded away, and he nodded and said: "The terrain becomes more complicated as you go north, and the roads in the mountains are messy. Our army must camp step by step. Shang Dujian, you lead 3000 people from the right army out from the north of the mountain stronghold and advance northwest for about two seconds. Set up camp ten miles away to cover the left flank of our main force."

Shang Zhirong stood up and responded: "The last general takes orders!"

Xu Cun then said to Xiao Tongyuan: "You lead the rear army to station here to support the rear baggage team."

Xiao Tongyuan stood up and agreed, and then said: "General manager, is it possible that the enemy's real target is our army's baggage? Their previous actions may have been a deliberate show of weakness, including the fact that the defenders in the stronghold in front collapsed at the first touch today, just to paralyze us, and then A surprise attack on the food and fodder behind our army?"

Shang Zhirong also said: "It is indeed possible."

A cold look appeared on Xu Cun's face, and he said calmly: "If they really want to attack our army's food and grass, it will save us a lot of effort. Just like this, I will lead the Chinese army to the stronghold ahead, and you will each act according to the order. .”

The crowd commanded in unison.

When the main force of the Yan army marched towards the first mountain stronghold they had occupied, Du Min led the 4000 vanguards and had been chasing north for more than an hour.

If they followed the previous guide's description, they had arrived between the first and second branch villages in the south of the Seven Star Gang. If they walked thirty or forty miles further north, they would see the second branch of the village guarding the dangerous point.

Along the way, the Seven-Star Army abandoned their armor and weapons. Weapons and flags could be seen along the way, which proved that these people were like frightened birds.

Even if the enemy is lured deep, it is impossible to get rid of all the murderers.

Du Min became more and more determined. At this time, he calmed down and issued two military orders in succession.

"Instruct the entire army not to pursue too closely and give the enemy some breathing space. Slightly advance the flanks and drive the enemy towards the next mountain stronghold. Make sure they have time to enter the stronghold."

"Inform the main force of our army and send troops to follow as soon as possible. Our troops will go straight to the enemy's second stronghold and will destroy the enemy's morale in one battle!"

Several messengers immediately responded and then split up.


On the mountain more than twenty miles south, Lu Chen stood on a flat boulder and looked calmly at the road in the distance.

Several deputy commanders stood nearby, and one of them said: "Captain Lu, why don't we ambush that Yan army?"

This is actually a question shared by others.

Previously, they had watched helplessly as the brothers in the gang retreated to the north in embarrassment. The Yan army behind them was chasing after them like wolves and tigers. Almost everyone wanted to rush down and fight. However, Lu Chen never issued an order, so they could only suppress it. The anger in his heart continued to be hidden in the vegetation.

Lu Chen said calmly: "Because the enemy is very strong."

After these two months of brainwashing, everyone has not only resigned themselves to death, but at least has the courage to fight the enemy to the end, so it is inevitable that they feel a little unconvinced.

Although Lu Chen did not look back, he seemed to be able to see through their thoughts and continued: "The Yan army has about 4000 people and is the enemy's vanguard force. Among any army, those who can be entrusted with the important task of vanguard must be the elite. The main force. Maybe you can't see that these thousands of people can still maintain a fairly neat formation during the pursuit, which means that they will not be thrown into chaos because of the sudden appearance of an ambush."

Everyone gradually understood. Lou Chengyuan, the deputy commander of the Chinese army who had spoken earlier, said with admiration: "So that's it. Fortunately, the captain's vision was very accurate, so we didn't make a big mistake."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and then said calmly: "It is difficult to set up a seamless conspiracy on the battlefield. Since the enemy army entered the mountain, we have retreated step by step, including today when Liangfeng Village gave up after a little resistance. The Yan Army general is not a fool, no We won’t even be able to see such an obvious strategy to lure the enemy. If we choose to attack the Yan army’s vanguard, it is very likely that we will play into the opponent’s plan.”

Everyone looked at him with curiosity on their faces.

Lu Chen explained: "Our advantage in the mountains is that we can break it into parts and rely on our familiarity with the terrain to advance and retreat. However, the enemy cannot do this. He can only use a step-by-step approach to advance forward and gradually reduce our range of activities. . If we take the initiative and choose a hard target like the enemy’s vanguard, would you be overjoyed if you were the general of the Yan Army?”

"definitely will!"

"And if we cannot win quickly, even if we gain a slight advantage, we may be entangled by the enemy. Once the two sides fall into a melee and the main force of the Yan army arrives, then we will be in danger!"

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

During this period of time, he was training troops in the mountains, and he hoped to personally bring out a group of generals. Even if he had to go south and return to Huaizhou in the future, these people could support the structure of the Seven Star Army.

"So the captain's target is the enemy's reinforcements?" Chu Zhu, another deputy commander, asked curiously.

Lu Chen nodded and said: "With the Yan Army vanguard pursuing such a reckless pursuit, the enemy commander must be worried and will definitely send some troops north to respond. According to the information I have, the enemy commander Xu Cun is cautious and does not dare to take risks easily, so absolutely We will not allow thousands of vanguards to plunge headlong into the mountains. The combat effectiveness of this supporting force is definitely not as good as that of the vanguards, and rushing all the way will definitely consume a lot of physical energy. However, our army is waiting here comfortably. Tell me what this is called. ?”

Chu Zhu immediately replied: "Use leisure to wait for work!" Lou Chengyuan added: "Use strong to fight weak!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "That's right."

At this time, another deputy commander, Yu Dajun, asked: "Captain, if the enemy commander does not send reinforcements and only sends a few scouts with military orders to force the vanguard to return, how should we respond then?"

Lu Chen looked at him with slight surprise. He was an ordinary steward of the Seven Star Gang. After joining the Seven Star Army, he showed a very standard military temperament, and he could be described as self-taught in many military affairs. He was the one that Lu Chen focused on. .

Listening to him asking this seemingly meaningless question, Lu Chen said with approval: "Very good, you can consider the battle situation from a higher level perspective. In fact, the answer is very simple. If the enemy coach is really so sensible and cautious, Then we don’t do anything, we continue to create the illusion that we are already scared to the enemy, and wait for the next opportunity, but——”

He suddenly turned his head to look south and said calmly: "The enemy seems to be very generous and has decided to give us a chance to eat meat."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a group of Yan troops coming quickly from the south and about to enter the valley.

At this moment, everyone's breathing was uncontrollably rapid.

Lu Chen watched quietly. After a moment, he took a sword from Tan Zheng and said loudly: "Drumming!"

Above the valley, 3000 people from the left army of the Yan army marched north under the command of the governor Wen Xiguang.

Xu Cun was afraid that several heralds could not command Du Min, so he asked Wen Xiguang to lead people there. On the one hand, he wanted the vanguard army to return honestly, and on the other hand, he was worried that the vanguard would be ambushed and sent a response force.

Wen Xiguang led his troops to rush slowly and hurriedly. Along the way, he kept encountering scouts left by the vanguard of the former army. When he learned that Du Min had led the former army in pursuit for dozens of miles to the northeast, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart for a long time.

He could only urge his men to speed up, and at the same time let two lieutenants ride horses to attack north, making sure to stop the reckless man Du Min.

At this moment, a powerful drum sound suddenly exploded between heaven and earth.

The Yan army all lost their minds for a moment.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred on the mountains on both sides. Athletes and warriors suddenly flew down from the leafy trees, and elite tiger warriors with murderous looks stood up under the thick bushes of grass. A mountain hero with a gun and a knife jumped out from behind a gently sloping low hill.

As the sound of drums filled Yan Jun's ears, the vast mountains and fields changed instantly.

It was as if the trees, flowers, and grass were all illusions, just to cover up the existence of the warriors of the Seven Star Gang.

Wen Xiguang's expression changed drastically and he shouted angrily: "Line up to meet the enemy!"

It has to be said that this is the most correct response he can make at this moment. If he hesitates for a moment, the Seven Star Army ambushing on both sides will overwhelm the stunned Yan Army.

But even though he reacted quickly, he still underestimated the true strength of the Seven-Star Army!
There were more than a thousand people on the left and right sides, rushing down from all over the mountains and plains, launching a turbulent impact like a huge wave towards the Yan army!
Lu Chen held the saber in his hand, and his internal energy circulated throughout his body instantly. He strode forward and roared: "Kill!"

The sword flashed and a Yan Jun fell down immediately.

Countless roars burst out from the chest of the Seven Star Army man: "Kill!"

They had been practicing day and night in the mountains for more than two months, and Lu Chen had consciously suppressed his fighting spirit. Once it poured out at this moment, it would be like a torrent sweeping away everything in front of them.

Wen Xiguang commanded his subordinates to resist tenaciously. At this time, he still wanted to entangle the enemy's main force. Whether it was the vanguard army in the north or the main force in the rear, as long as he learned of the changes here and came quickly, there was still hope of annihilating the enemy force.

"No chaos! Hold on, general!"

Facing the crazy offensive of the Seven-Star Army on both sides, the Yan Army fell into passive defense almost from the beginning.

Even though their number is slightly larger, the people used as arrows by the Seven-Star Army are all martial arts masters, especially those warriors wearing heavy armor and big waists, who are as unstoppable as the gods of death descending on the world.

While the Yan army was struggling to hold on, a thunderous sound suddenly came from the southeast.

Wen Xiguang suddenly turned his head and looked, and this look almost made him faint.

Hundreds of cavalry came out of the mountain path, and the leader, a young female general with a heroic appearance, rushed towards them with a long sword in hand.


Lin Xi's cold voice echoed through the battlefield, and the three hundred cavalry responded with a roar, like a sharp long knife stabbing into the Yan army's ribs.

Lu Chen raised his head and glanced at the cavalry in the distance. Although he couldn't see clearly where Lin Xi was, the two of them seemed to have a clear understanding of each other and were rushing forward in the same direction.

The three torrents converged in a very short period of time, and then bloomed in all directions from the inside out, causing the Yan army's formation to become chaotic.


The Yan army was defeated!

(End of this chapter)
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