
Chapter 185 Chapter 184 [Princess’s Heart]

Chapter 185 Chapter 184 [Princess’s Heart]

Heluo City, the prime minister's residence.

Wang An's official official position was Zuopushe, Shangshu, and concurrently serving as a minister, and he was the prime minister of the Yan Dynasty.Yu Xinchen was the right servant of Shangshu and the assistant minister of Zhongshu, who was the second prime minister.

The world generally calls them "King Prime Minister" and "Yu Prime Minister".

Before the Yuanjia Revolution, the Zhai Lin Wang family had deep connections in the Qi court, but Wang An himself did not become an official.

When the Jing Dynasty's army moved south, the Wang family took the initiative to join them, and Wang An suddenly became a guest of the Jing Dynasty's dignitaries.After the founding of the Yan Dynasty, with the support of Qing Yuding and Qing Yugong's father and son, Wang An became the second prime minister. Five years later, he took over as the prime minister and took charge of the power. It has been more than six years now.

As a result, this leading sect leader was despised by the world. Although no one in Beiyan dared to openly scold him, the reputation of Wang An and even the Wang family of Zhai Lin among the people had already fallen to the bottom.

The prime minister's residence was originally a manor built by the Wang family in Heluo City. It covers an extremely large area and occupies more than half of the street.

The houses here are continuous and the courtyards are deep, just like a fairyland on earth.

Dongyuan, Lan Xuetang.

Wang An, dressed in regular clothes, sat by the window, holding a book in his hand, with a slightly troubled look on his face.

Recently, Heluo City and even the entire officialdom of Yan State were not at peace. As the prime minister, he naturally could not stay out of the matter.

The impact of Chen Qifu's death has not yet subsided. Chen Jingtang, the former deputy privy minister, died in his own home, causing an uproar in an instant.

Needless to say, there are undercurrents surging in Heluo City. The troops on Jiangbei Road, Moyang Road and Dongyang Road in the south are agitated to varying degrees. Although there are no obvious disturbances, it is not that easy to calm down these disturbances.

Jing Chao was forced to slow down the pace of the imperial conquest. After deliberation, Wang An, Yu Xinchen, Pang Shigu and others had to petition the emperor to order the execution of Guo Yijiang, and then demoted Guo Yan, the deputy privy envoy, and counted Chen Jingtang's death among them. The head of the Sutra Weaving Department of the Southern Qi Dynasty issued a reward for Lu Chen, the captain of the Southern Qi border army, offering a thousand taels of gold and ten thousand households.

Only in this way can the situation be barely stabilized, but Guo Yan's resignation means that Qing Yugong's established strategy has greatly deviated, and it will take some time to continue to adjust.

During these days, Wang An was almost too busy, negotiating with various forces in the court and the military, involving dozens of personnel adjustments and appointments, which were difficult enough for outsiders to understand. It was not easy for him to take a half-day nap today. .

"Greetings to Daddy."

A crisp voice interrupted Wang An's thoughts. He looked up and saw two girls of similar stature walking into Lan Xuetang.

The one on the left is his daughter Wang Xueru, who was 17 years old at the time and had a slim appearance.

The woman on the right is named Wang Chulong, who was 19 years old at the time. She was the concubine of his brother Wang Cheng.

Wang An's eyes lingered on Wang Chulong's face for a moment, then he smiled at Wang Xueru and said, "Go to the back house to find your mother. She has something to do for you. Let cousin Qin stay here. I have a few words. Tell her."

"Yes, Daddy."

Wang Xueru bowed obediently and then left with her maid.

Wang Chulong stood quietly, but he saw that her eyebrows were as dark as the distant mountains, her lips were as red as if they were painted with sand, her expression was calm and generous, and her temperament was imbued with poetry and calligraphy.

Wang An pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Sit down and talk."

"Yes, uncle."

Wang Chulong moved his steps lightly and responded softly.

"Have you gotten used to living in Beijing recently?" Wang An started talking slowly, and then said: "Xueru, this child, has an out-of-character temperament, and it's all because her mother and I are too arrogant. If there is anything rude, please don't do it." Be surprised."

Wang Chulong shook his head slightly and said: "Uncle, you are serious. Sister Xueru is innocent and kind, and respects me very much. There is nothing wrong with her at all."

Wang An smiled calmly, and then said meaningfully: "Do you know the whereabouts of Wang Jun's child?"

Wang Chulong lowered his eyes and said softly: "I don't know."

The Wang family in Zhai Lin has luxuriant branches and thousands of members. This generation has four houses and seven families. Wang Cheng and Wang An are brothers from the same mother, so they are relatively close.

In addition to the main sect, there are also nine families and fifteen families in the side sects. Among them, Wang Shao's branch moved to Xunyang City in the south because of an old incident more than ten years ago. Wang Jun was Wang Shao's son.

During the border war last year, the southeast of Moyang Road was captured by the Qi army, and Xunyang was among them.

Wang An said calmly: "After the fall of Xunyang, Wang Shao took the initiative to submit to the Southern Qi Dynasty and persuaded Jianghua City guard Meng Zhixiang to surrender. With this merit, he occupied a place in the newly established Jiangbei Governor's Office in the Southern Qi Dynasty, and later sent Wang Jun to Joined the Southern Qi Frontier Army. Now Wang Jun serves as a clerk in the Huaizhou Ruishi Camp, assisting the young captain named Lu Chen."

Wang Chulong secretly guessed the reason why the other party summoned him to meet.

Wang An continued: "I know that you and Wang Jun are close, and we often exchanged letters before last year."

Wang Chulong hesitated for a moment, then said frankly: "Uncle, although Brother Jun is close to me, he has had very upright ideas since he was a child and will not be swayed by the persuasion of outsiders."

She thought that Wang An was planning to use her friendship with Wang Jun to secretly plan some big events, so she laid an ambush in advance.

"You have always been smart. No wonder my brother values ​​you so much. He does not treat you favorably because of your status as a concubine. Instead, he allows you to have access to many secrets of our Wang family."

Wang An showed a hint of approval, and then said gently: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to instigate Wang Jun to be half-hearted, but I hope you can continue to maintain a close relationship with him. I will ask the clan steward to help you create a message Channel, you can continue to correspond with Wang Jun in the future, and there is no need to talk about the affairs between Yan and Qi in your letters."

Wang Chulong was startled.

Don't talk about family and country affairs, just talk about the relationship between siblings?
How could this patriarch have the time to consider such a trivial issue?
Suddenly her heart moved, and she whispered: "My uncle's intention, my niece understands." Wang An said with satisfaction: "This is the best. Although Wang Jun's father took them to Xunyang, and now they are under the rule of Nan Qi. But they are all the inheritance of the Wang family, and no matter what, this blood connection cannot be broken. If Wang Jun is in trouble in the future, you, my cousin, can also lend a helping hand, and the kinship bond formed when you were young will be in vain."


Wang Chulong's heart became brighter and clearer, and he stood up and said, "If uncle has no other instructions, my niece will leave."

"it is good."

Wang An nodded slightly and said: "By the way, the Ruishi Camp Captain Lu Chen is an upstart in the Southern Qi frontier army. You have to advise Wang Jun to help him well and not to be distracted and perfunctory. Chulong, this is not appropriate. Make it known to outsiders, and do not publicize it to anyone except your father.”

Wang Chulong responded gently.

This was probably a way for both parties to place bets and wait for the situation to change. The underlying purpose of keeping her in touch with Wang Jun was nothing more than to maintain a channel of communication with Nan Qi.

The woman felt a little curious in her heart. Although she knew many stories that had happened in the south over the past year, she never thought that the Southern Qi border army could be so powerful that it had even affected the clan leader's plan for the fate of Wang Zhai Lin.

But isn't the imperial court offering a reward for Captain Lu of Southern Qi?

Heluo Xicheng, Zhuoyuan.

"Your Highness, Lu Chen has returned to the headquarters of the Seven Star Gang. Our people have been a step late and have never caught up with him."

Xiao Jun looked ashamed and lowered his head and eyebrows.

Qingyu Huaijin glanced at the young general sitting opposite, and then said to Xiao Jun: "This is to be expected. During the next period of time, you will focus on the city, as long as any ministers who are related to Chen Jingtang during his lifetime are General, you must ensure flawless surveillance, I don’t want to see any more unexpected situations.”

Listening to her stern tone, Xiao Jun knew that His Highness had been in a very bad mood recently.The impact of Chen Jingtang's death has not subsided, and the plan within the Seven Star Gang has also failed. Not only did they not kill Lin Jie and seize the power of the Seven Star Gang, they even defeated Dian Kuang and the Shan brothers.

These three people are not ordinary masters, but weapons trained by the Qingyu clan, but now they all died in the mountains. This is an extremely serious setback for Qingyu Huaijin.

He did not dare to be careless at all, and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, don't worry, if this villain makes mistakes again, I am willing to die to atone for my sins!"

Qingyu Huaijin said indifferently: "Remember what you said today and go down."


Xiao Jun retreated respectfully.

Qingyu Huaijin raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

She thought it would be easy for her to take action in person and deal with the Northland Green Forest Gang. However, she suffered successive setbacks and lost soldiers, but the situation did not make any progress. Instead, Lin Jie was asked to integrate the entire Seven Star Gang.

Although the other gangs are currently very respectful to her, they are only verbally surrendering without any practical actions. They are obviously waiting to see the situation.

If the Seven Star Gang remains standing, they can certainly learn from their example.

While she was deep in thought, the young general next to her quietly looked at her.

This man is about 20 years old, handsome and somewhat aloof.

His name is Pu San Si'en, and he is one of Qing Yugong's trusted generals. He has been the former commander of the Xiashan Army. This time he brought three thousand old soldiers south to Heluo City to assist Qing Yugong. Huaijin solved the resistance forces in Yan State.

"Why should you worry, Your Highness?"

Pu San Si'en smiled calmly, the admiration deep in his eyes flashed, and he said firmly: "Just give the general two months, and we will definitely be able to wipe out the reckless forces like the Seven Star Gang."

Qingyu Huaijin had long been aware of a certain thought in his heart, and didn't care about it. After all, among the younger generation of powerful people in Jing Dynasty, there were many people who had such thoughts about her, and she had long been accustomed to it.

For her, it doesn't matter whether she has that idea, the key is whether it can be used by her and whether she can show her own value.

She said calmly: "If you have this attitude of underestimating the enemy, I will immediately ask my father to transfer you back, and then appoint someone else to come."

Pu San Si En was choked up and said with a slight embarrassment: "Your Highness, Mo General is not underestimating the enemy. It's just that such a reckless force only has personal bravery and knows nothing about military formations and attacks. Why should we think too highly of them? Except Mo General. In addition to the 3000 people you will bring, please Your Highness to arrange an additional army of servants. The general will definitely deal with the Seven Star Gang, otherwise we will come to see you!"

"I have asked Li Shouzhen to prepare [-] to [-] troops, and they will be handed over to you when the time comes." Qingyu Huaijin said with an indifferent expression: "But, let me warn you for the last time, although the Seven Star Gang is reckless, it is not as reckless as you think. Simple."

She briefly introduced Lu Chen's life, and then said: "Consider defeat before victory. This is the way to be a general. You should have learned this from your father's side. You are a young military commander who has high hopes for me. Of course I believe in your ability to lead troops in war, but if you are defeated at the hands of Lu Chen, no wonder I won't plead with my father for you."

Pu San Si'en frowned. He vaguely heard the princess's fear of the Southern Qi general. He immediately stood up and said, "Your Highness, the general will definitely capture Lu Chen with his own hands and tie him in front of Your Highness. Will he be killed then? Damn it, let His Highness decide!"

Qingyu Huaijin's face softened slightly and he nodded: "Okay, I hope you will keep your word and don't let me down."

When Pu San Si'en heard this, his heart suddenly became hot and he said solemnly: "The general will never let down His Highness's high expectations!"

Qingyu Huaijin smiled slightly and said: "I will have people draw the terrain map near the Seven Star Gang. You can study the combat strategy during this time. After Li Shouzhen's training is completed, you can go into the mountains and wipe out the opponent."

"The last general takes orders!"

"Remember, capture Lu Chen alive and bring him to me. I will cut him into pieces."


(End of this chapter)
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