
Chapter 186 Chapter 185 [Put up the flag]

Chapter 186 Chapter 185 [Put up the flag]

The midsummer sun was hot and blazing, and more than three thousand people were arranged in a chaotic formation on the valley between the mountains and fields.

They are basically in the age range of 35 years old. Most of them wear single-color coarse cloth and have a variety of weapons in their hands.Some people are carrying knives, others are holding guns, and even maces, cleavers, eyebrow sticks, etc. are all dazzling and unique, and there is even a hero carrying a pair of meteor hammers.

These more than [-] people are warriors selected from the various churches and outlying branches of the Seven Star Gang.

Tao Baochun, Xi Jun and others led a group of stewards and ordered them to line up in teams of one hundred people. However, for the green forest heroes who were used to being free and loose, this kind of rules and restrictions were quite uncomfortable.

It is not difficult to get them to line up, but after standing still, they are not allowed to move around, whisper to each other, or look around. Especially in this scorching sun, it is really difficult for the green forest heroes to do it.

Less than half an hour passed, and more than thirty queues were barely formed. Tao Baochun and others were already sweating profusely and their voices were hoarse.

"Master, they don't seem to have received formal training. If they start from scratch, I'm afraid it will take a long time..."

On the temporary earthen platform, Li Chengen spoke in a low voice, with a slightly solemn look on his face. Several guards beside him nodded.

Among the six guards brought by Lu Chen this time, except Tan Zheng, who had another mission, the other five, including Li Chengen, all had military positions in the Ruishi Battalion.

In other words, these five people all have experience in training and leading troops. The purpose of Lu Chen bringing them here was to build an army for the Seven Star Gang.

They are confident in this, because the Seven Star Gang has dominated the green forests of the Northland for many years and has ample experience in fighting against the government. Moreover, many of the gang members are brave and courageous, and they are all fierce men who have their heads in their belts all year round.Such a foundation only needs a little tweaking, and it will definitely become an elite force.

However, when they saw it with their own eyes today, they realized that their ideas were too naive.

The members of the Seven Star Gang are indeed brave, and there are some experts with strong martial arts skills, but such people are inherently unruly and unruly. In addition, they have been in a disorganized environment for many years. Compared with the real army, they are very different.

Lin Xi, who was standing on the other side, lowered his head quietly, wishing he could beat up these loose guys in the valley.

It's really embarrassing.

She remembered that when she was in Guangling last year, she had mentioned the situation of the Seven Star Gang to Lu Chen, and said that her father had secretly trained some of the gang members.

Fortunately, she didn't express Lin Jie's intention to cause trouble, especially after she had experienced the entire Qi-Yan War and witnessed the military style with her own eyes. The more than [-] people in front of her were clearly a group of unruly mobs. It is undoubtedly a big joke to want to confront the Yan Dynasty army head-on.

At this moment, she felt her cheeks were slightly feverish.

Lu Chen stared at the queue below and said calmly: "This is the reason why we are here, otherwise why do they need to entrust us with their lives and wealth?"

This sentence made Li Chengen and others feel ashamed.

Lin Xi's eyes lit up, and she turned to look at Lu Chen, feeling as sweet as if she had eaten iced fruit.

Lu Chen stepped to the edge of the platform and looked over from east to west. The noisy and noisy crowd of more than [-] people gradually calmed down under the reminders and restraints of the stewards.

They looked up at the tall young man in their sight, with some curiosity and some scrutiny.

Lin Jie's decision has been informed to the whole gang, and Lu Chen's actions during this period have also been known to them. Most people recognize this Qi Ren, but seeing how young he is at this moment, it is difficult to believe that he can lead They defeated the Yan army.

"Brothers, my name is Lu Chen. I was born in Guangling, Huaizhou during the Qi Dynasty. I am currently the captain of Ruishi Camp of the Huaizhou Army."

Lu Chen's sonorous voice resounded all around, and with the blessing of Shangxuan Jing's internal skills and mental methods, everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

"Perhaps you don't quite understand why Lu, a Qi man, would go to Baotai Mountain and train you into an army."

Lu Chen's opening remarks were not impassioned, but rather plain and straightforward.

Everyone was aroused by his words and looked at him intently.

Lu Chen continued: "Before answering this question, I hope everyone can think about another question first, why are we standing here?"

The heroes looked at each other. Isn't the answer to this question obvious?
The gang leader ordered that the hall leaders, village leaders and stewards select them and then gather here to listen to the orders of you, the Qi people.

Lu Chen looked at the angular faces in the audience, got the answer from their eyes, and said with emphasis: "In my opinion, you are standing here not because of the gang leader's order, nor because of my own initiative. But you must face a grim fact - after more than ten years of stability, the Yan Dynasty government will not allow reckless forces like the Seven Star Gang to still exist in the territory."

"Tens of thousands of us gather together to do justice for heaven or to rob families and homes. No matter what we think, in the eyes of the powerful people in the Yan Dynasty, we must erase the name of the Seven Star Gang and kill most of us. Then they can sleep peacefully.”

"You can think about it, what will the Yan army do after they enter the mountains? Burn our houses, destroy our fields, and take away our money and food. All the men will be beheaded, the women will be sent into slavery, and the children will be killed." They will be thrown into the mansions of those powerful people and become slaves and maids, and they will never be able to escape."

"Don't think I'm talking nonsense. There must be many brothers among us who have heard storytellers. In those stories, among the green forest heroes who roared in the mountains and forests, who would end well after being targeted by the imperial government?"

Lu Chen's expression gradually became serious, and the place became completely quiet, with only the breeze blowing through the mountains.

"Lu Zongfeng, is this why you came to help us?"

Among the crowd, a young man in his twenties mustered up the courage to shout.Upon hearing this, Lin Xi and the management of the Seven Star Gang looked at Lu Chen, wondering how he would answer this straightforward question.

For the more than [-] people in the field, regardless of their status as so-called green forest heroes, they are essentially just a group of poor people with a set of extremely simple values. That is, there is no unreasonable dedication and dedication in this world. Have a picture.

Lu Chen looked at the young man and said without any hesitation: "No."

Everyone was surprised.

Some quick-thinking people thought that Lu Chen would take advantage of the situation to spread the word and tell lies that would inspire people.

Lin Xi's heart trembled. She recalled the night when the two of them exchanged their feelings, and at the same time she was a little nervous. She thought to herself that if he said those words in public, how would she see anyone in the future?

Of course Lu Chen would not act like that. He said sternly: "I came to the mountain for two reasons. First, my master and senior sister have helped me a lot. Now that the Seven Star Gang is facing a crisis, I naturally can't stand by and watch, otherwise wouldn't I be an ungrateful person? If I act like a coward, maybe my master and senior sister won't care about me, but my father will definitely sever the father-son relationship with me, he can't afford to lose this person."

The atmosphere instantly became much more harmonious.

Lu Chen continued: "Secondly, I serve in the Huaizhou border army, and it is my duty to deal with the Yan and Jing dynasty armies. As everyone knows, we fought several battles on the border last year, and I was lucky enough to survive. But I have many robes lying dormant on the battlefield. To put it simply, you and I have a common enemy, but anyone with a right mind would make the same decision as me at this time."

"Lu Gong is open to the public, I admire you!"

The young man yelled with a smile, and the others nodded.

Lu Chen also smiled and said: "So, it is absolutely true that I stand with everyone. Furthermore, you are all heroes of the green forest. It is normal to lick blood from the edge of a knife, and it is not a problem to fight with the Yan Dynasty army. Next, I believe you can defeat the enemy as long as you practice the battle formation. I wonder if you have the courage?"

"Of course there is!"

"Killing one is enough, killing a pair is enough to make a profit!"

"At worst, he will be a hero again in 18 years!"

"My head has a scar as big as a bowl!"

The crowd was passionate and passionate.

Lu Chen did not stop these green forest heroes from making a noise. When the noise gradually subsided, he said solemnly: "I believe that everyone has the courage to kill, but I hope you understand that the battlefield is not a competition of martial arts. If any one of you messes up, Not only will you lose your own life, but you will also kill other brothers!"

"Lu Gongfeng, give the order! We will never do anything random!"

"That's right, I've heard that Lu Gongfeng is ordering troops on the battlefield, and everyone will listen to you!"

Lu Chen was also touched in his heart, and he said loudly: "Okay, the next period of time will be hard. If any brother can't hold on, you can come to me directly and explain. I guarantee that the manager of the gang will not embarrass you."

It would have been better if he hadn't said this. As soon as he said this, the originally loose formation seemed to become strict in an instant. Everyone stood with their chests raised and their stomachs drawn, for fear of being laughed at by the people next to them.

As for quitting…

Whoever really does this can still hold his head high in the gang and be a good person from now on?
For a green forest hero, his reputation is as big as the sky.

Lin Xi looked at the obvious changes in the audience, and pursed her lips tightly to hold back her laughter. Junior Brother is really unusual. He has never been in the world, how can he see people's hearts so clearly.

She was a little worried at first, fearing that Lu Chen would not be able to control the situation. After all, these more than [-] people were unruly men and would not obey orders easily.

Lu Chen naturally didn't know what the senior sister was thinking. He looked at the people in the audience and said: "From now on, I will divide everyone into five armies: front, rear, left, right and center. They will use the five-color flag as the team flag. Each army will temporarily There will be two deputy commanders, and adjustments will be made based on everyone’s performance in training.”

Compared with the procrastination and confusion during the previous formation, the division of the army was very smooth this time. There was no need for Tao Baochun and others to shout at the top of their lungs. The more than [-] people were quickly divided into five parts.

Li Chengen and other five people served as deputy commanders of each army, and the other deputy commander was appointed by an experienced steward in the gang. This matter had been decided in advance.

The five-color flag flutters in the wind.

At this time, Ran Xuanzhi and other hall masters also came to the edge of the earth platform. Lu Chen nodded to them, then looked to the side and behind, and said to the two strong men with big shoulders and round waists: "Put up the flag!"


The strong man had a rough voice and immediately erected a large flag on the earth platform.

Everyone looked over in unison and saw the flag with red characters on a black background, and a strong aura of murder rushed towards them. Written from top to bottom on the flag were two powerful and powerful characters with iron paintings and silver hooks.

seven stars!

(End of this chapter)
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