
Chapter 184 Chapter 183 [Taking power]

Chapter 184 Chapter 183 [Taking power]

The news that Jiang Houming and others colluded with foreign enemies to cause rebellion quickly spread throughout the Seven Star Gang.

The evidence of this matter was conclusive and irrefutable, and the identities of Dian Kuang and others were also confirmed. Therefore, it did not cause turmoil within the gang, but instead made the gang members wake up. There was really no good person in the government. The so-called recruitment must be from the Yan Dynasty. A malicious conspiracy.

Lin Jie's prestige was unprecedentedly high, and Lu Chen, as an outsider, was recognized by the vast majority of people for his deeds of sneaking into Heluo City to assassinate dignitaries of the Yan Dynasty and assisting Lin Jie in formulating a plan to annihilate the traitors.

Faced with the people involved in this rebellion, even though he would inevitably feel a little sentimental in his heart, Lin Jie finally showed the ruthlessness and determination of a green forest leader and a generational hero.

Needless to say, the masterminds such as Jiang Houming, Shang Benyi and Lu Yanguang were killed that night. All the confidants involved were killed, and the family members of several masterminds were also killed. Part of the Fengtang, Huotang and Leitang gangs were expelled from the Seven Star Gang. Controlled territory.

Generally speaking, this rebellion has indeed weakened the apparent strength of the Seven Star Gang, but even the most ordinary gang members know that this is not a bad thing.

If the bad blood is not removed, hidden dangers will arise.

After three consecutive days of cleaning, there was a solemn and solemn atmosphere inside and outside the main village, and there was a touch of vitality growing from the heart of everyone.

In the spacious meeting hall, there were dozens of chairs on both sides. The hall masters, village masters, stewards, and deacons of the Seven Star Gang filed in, talking and laughing while sitting in their seats.

Those who are interested noticed several unusual details.

First of all, of course, there are those seats that no one has sat down for a long time. The three hall masters of Fengtang, Huotang and Leitang are the most eye-catching.

Secondly, there is another one on the right side of the gang leader's throne. This scene reminds some old people of the past many years ago.

That was when Lin Jie had just taken over as the leader of the gang, and there were still two worshipers in the Seven Star Gang. They were nominally assisting the gang leader, but in fact they were Jiang Zhi's compromise and comfort to the others in order to pass the gang leader's throne to Lin Jie.

The two worshipers were on the left and right of the gang leader, and they held a lot of power.

After Lin Jie became No. 1 on the martial arts list, his position of worship disappeared from everyone's sight.

While a group of people were waiting expectantly, Lin Jie walked out from the inner room, and the hall immediately became quiet.

"See the helper!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and the momentum was spectacular.

Lin Jie smiled and said: "Brothers, you don't have to be polite, just sit down."

He seemed to have recovered as before, at least there was no sign of weakness on his face, and his voice was full of energy.

"We have summoned the brothers to come here today. There are a few things to announce. A few days ago, Jiang Houming and others colluded with outsiders to cause rebellion. In fact, I don't want to see the brothers killing each other. I believe you are too, but something happened We have to face it. I hope everyone can remember the blood shed in the village in the past few days and don't do stupid things like picking up the inside and outside again."

Lin Jie spoke unhurriedly, his tone was very calm, but everyone in the hall listened in awe.

Not only because of his foresight in uncovering a group of traitors, but more importantly because he faced eight top masters that night and was able to kill four of them without losing his body, making him the No. 1 on the martial arts list. More worthy of the name.

People in the world naturally fear the truly strong.

Ran Xuanzhi immediately expressed his position: "Please rest assured, leader, we will be loyal to the best."

Everyone agreed.

Lin Jie nodded slightly, and then said: "This rebellion has left many positions in the gang vacant. I will appoint three new hall leaders first, and you will decide on the following management by yourself."

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn.

"Xi Jun."

"Subordinates are here!"

"You will take over as the leader of Lei Hall and be in charge of the inner land, money and food matters."

"I accept my orders, thank you Gang Leader for your appreciation!"

Xi Jun, who is over thirty years old, is well-known for his marksmanship. He is a calm and solid person, and has always had a good reputation among the gang. Seeing him taking over the leadership of Lei Tang, everyone smiled and congratulated him.

Everyone at the table was neither humble nor arrogant, nodding in greetings, showing the demeanor of a general who could not express his emotions or anger.

Lin Jie was very satisfied with him. After a few words of encouragement, he added: "Tao Baochun."

"Subordinates are here!"

"You will take over as the leader of the Fire Hall and represent our gang in liaising with Comrade Green Lin."

"My subordinates accept the order and thank the gang leader for his support!"

Tao Baochun looked humble and bowed to the end.

At this moment, others gradually came to their senses. Tao Baochun and Xi Jun both had a distinct brand on them. They had been transferred to Lin Xi by Lin Jie many years ago. They followed the eldest lady across the north and assassinated Yan Jing many times. The powerful and powerful people let the name of Bodhisattva Man resound throughout the green forest.

Now that these two men have taken over the leadership of Lei Tang and Huo Tang respectively, whether Lin Jie does it intentionally or not, they will greatly increase Lin Xi's confidence in participating in decision-making on gang affairs.

Lin Jie did not explain his decision. In fact, after that night of fighting, he was already a man of his word within the Seven Star Gang.

He looked at the first chair on the left and said gently: "Lin Xi."

The young woman walked in from outside the door, came forward and saluted, "Dad." Lin Jie nodded slightly and said, "From today on, you will take over as the leader of the Feng Hall and be in charge of the rewards and punishments of this gang."

"Yes, Daddy."

Lin Xi had received notice from his father long ago and explained in detail the reasons for his arrangement.

Although she was worried that she was not good at these common tasks, she calmly accepted the decision after Lin Jie said, "Your junior brother will naturally help you."

Lin Jie's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked around at his subordinates and said calmly: "Brothers, do you have any different opinions?"

Dong Mian smiled and said: "Gang leader, I actually think that the eldest lady could have been in charge of a group for a long time. Over the years, she has been running around as a daughter of her own family. Not only has she accomplished many feats, but she has also earned the name Bodhisattva Man and won the praise of fellow Green Forest members. Our Seven Star Gang is able to dominate the Green Forest, and the contribution of the eldest lady is not small."

"Yes, if each of us works as hard as the eldest lady, the Seven Stars Gang will definitely become more prosperous."

Ran Xuanzhi agreed with a smile.

Lin Xi said to everyone: "Thank you all elders for your support."

She sat down with a calm expression.

The three new hall leaders have been confirmed, and everyone's eyes can't help but be attracted to the chair next to the gang leader's throne.

Lin Jie said unhurriedly: "Although the reason why that rebellion occurred was related to the selfishness of Jiang Houming and others, the exact root lies in the recruitment of peace by the Yan Dynasty. Today, the brothers in charge of the gang are gathered together, and I tell you clearly , the Seven Star Gang will not accept the Yan Dynasty’s recruitment. However, this time the Yan Dynasty has made up its mind. Once we shut out the other party’s envoys, the next step may be a large army to suppress the situation.”

At this point, his expression became a little serious and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone must be mentally prepared. This will be a difficult war. If we can force the Yan Dynasty army back, the situation in the south will inevitably change. , and then form a series of impacts, and the pressure on us will be greatly reduced. If we can't stop the first wave of Yan army's offensive, then nothing can be done."

Everyone said in unison: "Don't worry, Gang Leader, we will not be greedy for life or afraid of death!"

Lin Jie exhaled a breath, looked out the door and said, "Invite Lu Chen."

After a while, a tall young man walked into the meeting hall and immediately caught Lin Xi's attention.

He walked into the hall with steady steps and said politely, "Lu Chen has met Gang Leader Lin."

Lin Jie stood up slowly and said loudly: "Brothers, I have decided to accept Lu Chen as my disciple and pass on all my martial arts skills to him."

Although this decision was sudden, most of the people remained calm.

Lin Jiegui was No. 1 on the martial arts ranking list, and he never took his martial arts seriously. There were many people in the Seven Star Gang who had been taught by him, but they didn't recruit disciples as solemnly as they do today.

Since Lin Jie decided to reject the Yan Dynasty's recruitment, and the gang has formed a unified opinion, then deepening the relationship with the representatives of the Southern Qi frontier army is the proper meaning of the question. Although these reckless heroes in the hall have never set foot in officialdom, for this kind of The simple truth is not difficult to understand.

As for whether becoming the disciple of the leader of the Green Forest would affect Lu Chen's future in the Southern Qi officialdom, it was naturally not an issue they needed to consider.

Lu Chen had already considered this. The Qi Dynasty was no longer the heyday that once dominated the world. Not to mention the Seven Star Gang in the far north, even the Huaizhou border troops would not interfere at will.He does not intend to return to Yongjia City to participate in those endless intrigues, and he does not care too much about the opinions of the court officials.

Furthermore, if the Seven Star Gang and even the entire Northern Green Forest can be united to form an elite resistance force in the heart of the Yan Dynasty, it will be of great benefit to the Qi Dynasty. This master-disciple relationship is not a bad thing.

He faced Lin Jie and bowed respectfully as a disciple.

Lin Jie was smiling and full of relief.

Lin Xi, who was sitting next to her, had a smile on her lips and stared at the two most important men in her life with bright eyes.

After the ceremony, Lin Jie said to everyone: "Although my apprentice is young, he is the best among his peers in terms of courage and wisdom. This time, in order to help our Seven Star Gang avenge, he personally went to Heluo to assassinate Chen Jingtang, and also helped me Formulate a strategy for dealing with traitors and traitors. I believe you all already know these things, so I won’t repeat them.”

Everyone laughed and said, "Brother Lu is indeed an extraordinary person."

From Captain Lu to Brother Lu, the change in this title is enough to prove that Lu Chen has become one of the Seven Star Gang's own.

Lin Jie continued: "Today I want to introduce him to a more important identity, the Captain of the Ruishi Camp of the Huaizhou Frontier Army of the Southern Qi Dynasty, a rising star in the army who was highly praised by the Emperor of the Southern Qi Dynasty. From now on, he is our Seven Star Gang. The Chief of Military Affairs will help us train an elite army and be responsible for protecting our wives, children, and children against the Yan Dynasty army that will definitely appear in the future."

"Brothers, do you have any different opinions?"

Lin Jie asked word by word.

The whole hall was silent, no one objected.

"Very good. Next, all the brothers in charge must cooperate with Lu Chen. Lu Chen will decide how to build the stronghold and set up defense lines, how to select the helpers for training, and even all related matters. Of course, the six hall leaders can also Make reasonable suggestions. If there are any of the brothers in charge of the gang who are obstructing them, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

Lin Jie's last words contained a bit of inner energy, and everyone was awe-inspiring, and then they all stood up to respond.

"All sit down."

Lin Jie turned around and sat down, then pointed to the seat next to him and said to Lu Chen, "Sit down."

"Yes, helper."

Lu Chen bowed with a calm expression, and then sat next to Lin Jie calmly.

Lin Jie looked at the old brothers in the hall who had followed him through life and death, and finally his eyes fell on Lu Chen. Although his tone was light but extremely solemn: "Lu Chen, the lives of tens of thousands of young and old in the gang are in your hands. I hope you will I will never regret my decision today.”

Lu Chen glanced at Lin Xi and said seriously: "I will do my best to live up to my trust!"

(End of this chapter)

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