People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 84 Unsolved mystery, missing secret message!

Chapter 84 Unsolved mystery, missing secret message!

Lin Feng's questioning sounded throughout the narrow and damp prison.

Lin Feng's eyes were fixed on Sun Heqin, his eyes sharp and loud, which made Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu widen their eyes.

They also looked at Sun Heqin with extremely sharp eyes.

A look of panic suddenly appeared on Sun Heqin's face. He stood up suddenly and shook his head so hard that his brains were about to come out.

"I didn't! I didn't lie!"

"It's now, and I'm about to be beheaded, why should I lie?"

"I really chopped off his head, but I didn't get the clothes or the money bag!"

"I'm not short of money, how can I be interested in his little money?"

Sun Heqin pointed to the sky with one hand and said hurriedly: "Don't use torture! Don't torture me anymore, I swear! I really didn't lie!"

Seeing Sun Heqin's panicked look, Sun Heqin's frightened and trembling expression, Sun Fuga couldn't help but be startled.

Over the years, Sun Fuga has met a lot of people, and he has a good ability to recognize people, so when he saw Sun Heqin like this, he couldn't help but frown.

He felt... Sun Heqin didn't look like he was lying.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng.

But he saw Lin Feng's eyes staring closely at Sun Heqin, as if he wanted to put Sun Heqin's whole body into his eyes. Lin Feng stared at Sun Heqin for a long time, and then slowly said: "You didn't take off his clothes, you didn't take them away. His wallet...who took that?"

Sun Heqin shook his head: "I don't know either!"

"Maybe... maybe it was a beggar, or the hunter saw his body and took off all the valuable things."

"You also know that I am not short of money, but it does not mean that other people will not be jealous when they see money... That Gan Qing just saw the money in my bag, and he wanted to kill people and seize the money. Others saw a dead man, surrounded by There’s no one else around, so it’s not impossible to steal something valuable.”

Zhao Shiwu thought for a while and nodded. It was indeed possible.

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then looked at Sun Fujia and said, "Mr. Sun, after you leave in a while, you can send someone to check on the hunter who reported the case to see if he has suddenly gained more money recently."

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed and he said, "Are you suspicious?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "Sometimes, the person reporting the crime may not be completely irrelevant. Sun Heqin's words have a slight possibility. Since there is a possibility, even if it is only [-]% possible, we cannot let it go."

Sun Fujia nodded naturally: "Okay! I will ask someone to investigate."

Lin Feng turned his gaze back to Sun Heqin and said, "You cut off that man's head and then threw the head directly off the cliff?"

Sun Heqin nodded hurriedly: "I'm also afraid of meeting other people on the road, so I can only throw the head directly off the cliff. There is an abyss under the cliff, and there are many poisonous snakes. Even the hunters will not get through, so throwing it there can ensure that no one will be killed in a short time. If someone finds me, after a few months, my head will have been eaten by wild beasts. Even if the wild beasts don’t eat it, it will still rot, and I will be safe.”

Lin Feng nodded slightly, Sun Heqin had a good reason.

He pondered for a moment and said: "With the head you threw away, there were also your own clothes, right?"

Sun Heqin's eyes widened suddenly. He looked at Lin Feng in shock, his eyes full of surprise: "How did you know!?"

Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu were also busy looking at Lin Feng.

There was no mention of this matter in the file or in the conversation with Sun Heqin.

Lin Feng was looked at with surprise by everyone, but he just smiled lightly and said, "What's so difficult to guess about this?"

"Chopping off his head is different from stabbing him a few times. If you stab him a few times, there will be some blood splattered on him at most, which won't be too obvious. But if you chop off his head, there will definitely be blood splattered all over you."

"How dare you leave wearing clothes covered in blood? Are you afraid that passers-by will not discover that you killed someone?"

"So, since you already know how to throw away your head... then it's not a normal idea to throw away your bloody clothes as well?"

Zhao Shishi nodded and said, "It's a very normal thought...but why didn't I think of it?"

Sun Fujia glanced at Zhao Fifteen and thought to himself, if you had thought of this, you would no longer be Zhao Fifteen.

Lin Feng said it very simply, but we must consider the situation just now... Everyone was listening to Sun Heqin's explanation of the situation at that time, and their thoughts were following Sun Heqin. Before Sun Heqin finished speaking, they did not carefully and comprehensively analyze whether Sun Heqin's words were correct. Before the loophole, it was difficult to separate from Sun Heqin's words, and it was difficult to stand at a higher position and fully overlook Sun Heqin's entire confession.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, obviously did not follow Sun Heqin's words. He looked down at Sun Heqin simultaneously, analyzing and judging every word Sun Heqin said in his mind, so that he could quickly find out what Sun Heqin did not say, or what he said. Sun Heqin didn't even care about it.

This is Lin Feng's ability, he can always pay attention to details, see big things from small details, and find problems!
If he had given himself time, he would have thought about the issue of blood-clothes sooner or later, but he would never have been as quick as Lin Feng. Sun Heqin had just finished speaking when he discovered the problem.

This is where he considers himself inferior to Lin Feng, and he is convinced of it.

Sun Heqin looked at Lin Feng with a different look. Before, he only regarded Lin Feng as a high official from the imperial court, but now, he felt that Lin Feng was a bit powerful.

Lin Feng continued: "Later, Zhou Zheng sent people to look for the head, but they couldn't find it, not even your bloody clothes. What do you think?"

Sun Heqin frowned and said: "Obviously the head was eaten by wild beasts, or was taken away. As for the bloody clothes... Then there was a strong wind, maybe it was blown away. I don't know where the horns were blown. It's normal that I can't find it."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and did not dwell on the matter.

He continued: "Finally, let's talk about your bribery of Cai Wengyi. Cai Wengyi said that the person who accepted your bribe was his wife, and he was completely unaware of it. What do you think?"


When Sun Heqin heard this, he said angrily: "He wants to get away with it! He took so much money from me! Now he just turns around and says that he didn't know about it, he is lying to ghosts! Even ghosts will not believe him!"

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia looked at each other. He narrowed his eyes and said: "At that time, you chopped off Gan Qing's head and threw it away... and you and Gan Qing met by chance and had not known each other before. , after you killed someone and escaped, no one was found. Even if someone found the body, it was impossible to suspect you... In this case, why do you worry that the identity of the murderer will be discovered? "

"Why did you bribe Cai Wengyi? Aren't you superfluous and leaving a loophole for yourself?"

This was what Lin Feng couldn't figure out the most.

This was also the first problem he discovered when he was reading the files in Dali Temple.

So unreasonable.

All of Sun Heqin's actions were unreasonable.

Sun Fujia also looked at Sun Heqin doubtfully.

Then I heard Sun Heqin sigh: "After I returned home after killing someone, my expression was very panicked, and my shoes were still stained with blood and had not been taken care of... After all, even if I brought a baggage, I would only bring my personal clothes. It's impossible. I even brought shoes, but I can’t walk that far barefoot.”

"So when I saw there wasn't much blood on my shoes, I thought no one would pay attention to me in the heavy rain, so I went back to the house."

"But in the end, my panic and the blood on my shoes were discovered by my brother-in-law."

"My brother-in-law and I have a very good relationship. After his sister got married, he has been following me and doing a lot of things for me. It was my first time to kill someone and I was mentally unstable. I didn't know if there was something I hadn't dealt with properly, so I Told my brother-in-law.”

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. There was no mention of his brother-in-law in the file.

"Go on!" he said.

Sun Heqin continued: "My brother-in-law was as panicked as I was when he heard that I had killed someone, but fortunately he was not the one who killed the person. He calmed down soon. He asked me if anyone had seen me after the killing. I Say no."

"He said it's not a big problem. Now we just need to know if anyone saw me going up the mountain with the deceased. If not, then nothing will happen to me and no one will suspect me."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "He is a sober-minded person."

Sun Heqin nodded: "He has a quick mind and I can trust him to handle many things."

"And then?" Lin Feng asked.

Sun Heqin took a deep breath with a heavy expression: "Then he told me that he found out that I passed a tea stall when I was going up the mountain. There happened to be a few people in the tea stall who saw me going up the mountain, and those people had happened to be there before. He has bought my stuff and knows my identity.”

Lin Feng nodded. He knew about this and it was written in the file.

It was precisely because of the confessions of these people that Zhou Zheng discovered Sun Heqin, a man who had also gone up the mountain.

Sun Heqin said: "After I found out about this, I felt very uneasy because it rained heavily not long after I went up the mountain. In that case, unless they were people on the mountain, no one would go up the mountain again, but I was there the whole way. We didn’t meet anyone, which probably proves that Gan Qing and I were the only ones on the mountain at that time.”

"So once Cai Wengyi knows that only Gan Qing and I went up the mountain, he will definitely doubt me."

Lin Feng looked at him: "Then you came up with the idea of ​​​​bribing Cai Wengyi?"

Sun Heqin said: "I was panicked at the time and didn't know what to do. My brother-in-law told me that he said Cai Wengyi was very poor and couldn't even support his wife. It happened that his wife wanted to come to my cloth shop to buy cloth for some reason. , so he said he could find a way to contact Mrs. Cai Wengyi, build a bridge through Mrs. Cai Wengyi, and buy Cai Wengyi with money."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, " wasn't Cai Wengyi who you took the initiative to find, but your brother-in-law was the matchmaker?"

Sun Heqin nodded.

Lin Feng thought thoughtfully and said, "Then what?"

"Then my brother-in-law told me that he had already made an agreement with Mrs. Cai Wengyi. We only need to put the money under the box that delivers the cloth to Mrs. Cai Wengyi and send it to Cai Wengyi's mansion together."

"When Cai Wengyi receives the money, he will find a scapegoat, and I can sit back and relax."

Sun Heqin grabbed his bird's nest-like hair and said: "So when I heard that Han Chenglin had been convicted by Cai Wengyi, I thought everything was over. I was really not in any danger. Although I spent a lot of money, I felt that it was very dangerous. value……"

"But who knew, Zhou Zheng would come soon. Zhou Zheng discovered the fact that Cai Wengyi was beaten into a trap, found out about my mountain climbing that day, and also knew about my bribery to Cai Wengyi..."

"Making me final."

Sun Heqin sat slumped on the ground, sighing: "I lost my money and my life... I ended up with nothing."

The ins and outs of everything are clear.

Why did Sun Heqin send money to bribe Cai Wengyi? Why did Cai Wengyi say that his wife did it? Why did his wife say before she died that she blamed herself...

A box of money, three people taking turns.

In the end, they all ended up with their families broken up and their families destroyed.

Lin Feng said: "So, from the beginning to the end, only your brother-in-law has been in contact with Mrs. Cai Wengyi. You haven't even met Mrs. Cai Wengyi. How can you be sure that Cai Wengyi really knows about this?"

Sun Heqin said: "I am a businessman, and I am not a fool. If I were not really sure that Cai Wengyi agreed, how would I hand over nearly half of my wealth?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "So?"

Sun Heqin said: "My brother-in-law got Cai Wengyi's autographed letter from Mrs. Cai Wengyi. It said 'the money and goods are cleared, and everyone is fine'. That is Cai Wengyi's handwriting, and Cai Wengyi's signature. Because of this letter I am willing to pay only if you send a secret message.”

Lin Feng touched his chin: "The money and goods are clear, and we have nothing to do... I wrote it concisely." Sun Heqin nodded: "Of course you have to write it concisely, otherwise once others see it, wouldn't it be exposed instantly? Cai Wengyi doesn't Mistakes like this will be made.”

"What about the secret message? Where is it?" Lin Feng asked.

Sun Heqin's eyes flashed and he took note.

Lin Feng looked at him and smiled: "Want to feel the feeling of torture again?"

Sun Heqin shuddered and said hurriedly: "Cai Wengyi wrote in the letter that he should destroy it immediately after reading it, so as not to be discovered by others and become evidence of crime... But I kept it on guard, I was afraid that Cai Wengyi would turn his back on him later. , so I hid the souvenir, because if Cai Wengyi accepted the money and failed to do anything, he would not be able to live well if I died."

He is a ruthless person... Lin Feng nodded: "But I did not see the letter from the physical evidence carried in the file."

Sun Heqin also had a strange look on his face and said: "It's strange to say that after I was arrested, I knew I was going to die, but I didn't hide it... I told the location of the hidden letter, but the officials didn't find it."

"Why wasn't it found?"

"I don't know." Sun Heqin shook his head: "Did I remember it wrong?"

But he then shook his head: "I can't remember it wrong."

Lin Feng rubbed his fingertips gently and said, "In other words, you left Cai Wengyi's secret letter, but the secret letter disappeared mysteriously?"

Sun Heqin nodded: "Yes, that's it!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and some speculations began to come to his mind.

Sun Fujia also frowned at this time. If there is nothing completely clear about the case, there must be secrets that they haven't discovered yet.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, and after confirming that he knew almost everything he needed to know, he said, "Okay, just rest. I will ask you again if necessary."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out, but as soon as he took a step, he suddenly stopped and said, "By the way, what kind of clothes was Gan Qing wearing when you saw her?"

Cai Wengyi said: "The gray linen clothes are nothing special. At first glance, he looks like a pauper."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, turned and left.

Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu quickly followed.

Sun Fuga said: "Zide, how are you doing?"

Lin Feng's dark eyes were constantly flashing with light. He smiled half-heartedly and said, "It's okay if you don't understand. The more you understand...the more problems there are in this case."

"To tell you the truth, my curiosity has been completely piqued. The last case that made me so eager to know the truth was the Zhao Deshun case."

Sun Fujia was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Feng to compare this case with the Zhao Deshun case... This was enough to show how complicated the truth behind this case was.

He wanted to ask again, but Zhou Zheng had already come over to greet him, and Sun Fuga immediately fell silent and stopped talking.

"Lin Sicheng, how are you?" Zhou Zheng asked hurriedly.

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng and saw Zhou Zheng gently turning the iron ball with his right hand. His expression looked very relaxed. It seemed that he was really confident about the case he was trying.

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "It's almost the same as what was described in the file, but I learned about his brother-in-law from him."

He looked at Zhou Zheng, smiled and asked, "I wonder where his brother-in-law is now?"

When Zhou Zheng heard about Sun Heqin's brother-in-law, his face became a little ugly. He said, "To be honest with Lin Sicheng, Sun Heqin's brother-in-law is my only regret this time."


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Sun Fujia also looked at Zhou Zheng curiously.

Then Zhou Zheng sighed and said, "Sun Heqin said that his brother-in-law played a very important role in his bribery of Cai Wengyi."

"But my investigation found no evidence to prove that his brother-in-law was involved."

"If only Sun Heqin was alone, it would not be evidence at all, and Mrs. Cai Wengyi did not recruit anyone at first, saying that she did not accept bribes on Cai Wengyi's behalf. Shortly afterwards, she committed suicide, which resulted in incomplete evidence."

"So even if I think there is something wrong with Sun Heqin's brother-in-law, but there is insufficient evidence, I can't arrest him for this. I can only let him continue to roam free."

Lin Feng gently twisted the thumb and index finger of his right hand and said with a smile: "He is really a man with clean hands and feet and a brain."

Zhou Zhengdao: "Who says it's not the case! I can't do anything about him, and Sun Heqin is in prison. His son is still young and has no other relatives. His huge family fortune has all fallen to him." My brother-in-law has it in his hands."

"His brother-in-law is living a more relaxed life now than before."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and he and Sun Fujia looked at each other, their expressions twinkling.

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng and said, "Please do a favor, Governor Zhou, and help us find Sun Heqin's brother-in-law. I have something to ask."

Zhou Zheng nodded: "This is easy to handle."

With that said, he ordered a yamen servant to go and do something.

Several people walked out. As they walked, Lin Feng said: "By the way... Sun Heqin also said that he has a personal letter from Cai Wengyi."

Zhou Zheng knew what Lin Feng meant as soon as he heard it. He said: "After hearing what he said, I hurriedly sent people to look for it, thinking that it would be very important evidence... But who knows, I will tell him everything he said. I searched all over and couldn’t find it.”

Lin Feng said: "Why do you think Governor Zhou can't find it?"

Zhou Zheng guessed: "Either Sun Heqin remembered it wrong, or Sun Heqin was playing tricks on us, and there was no such so-called secret letter at all, or Cai Wengyi was cautious enough and had secretly stolen the secret letter and destroyed it, or it might have been stolen by others. Stolen..."

"Other than that, there is no other possibility."

Lin Feng nodded, there were only so many possibilities, he just didn't know which one it was.

Several people walked out of the prison and raised their heads to look at the dazzling sunshine. Lin Feng felt as if he had returned to the world from hell.

The prison is really not a place for people.

Zhou Zheng looked at Lin Feng and said, "What will Lin Si Cheng do next?"

Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu also looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "Meet Sun Heqin's brother-in-law, meet the deceased's sworn brother Han Chenglin, and then go to Snake Mountain to take a look at the scene."

Zhou Zheng frowned and said: "The first two are easy to say, but it has been five months since the Snake Mountain scene. The place has changed a lot. I'm afraid nothing can be found."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I didn't expect to find anything. I just went to understand the scene and I have an idea."

When Zhou Zheng heard this, he couldn't stop Lin Feng. He nodded: "Okay! I will take Lin Si Cheng there later."

Lin Feng raised his hand and said, "Thank you, Governor Zhou."

Just as he was talking, Zhao Shiwu's stomach suddenly growled. Zhao Shiwu blushed and hurriedly covered his stomach.

Lin Feng smiled: "I've been working hard all morning, and I'm a little hungry. Let's go eat."

Zhou Zheng said hurriedly: "I will ask someone to prepare the meal."

"No need to trouble Governor Zhou."

Lin Feng looked around the street, then pointed to a lively restaurant and said, "Just eat something."

Everyone found a random table in the restaurant and sat down.

Zhou Zheng was very enthusiastic and insisted on inviting Lin Feng and the others to this meal so that they could taste the specialties of Suizhou. When Lin Feng saw this, he would not refuse Zhou Zheng's kindness and nodded with a smile.

Zhou Zheng began to communicate with the waiter.

At this time, Sun Fujia whispered: "Zide, this case is really getting more complicated and confusing."

"Did Sun Heqin know about the bribery? Was the murderer Han Chenglin? Gan Qing was killed by Sun Heqin. Who stole his clothes? And where did Cai Wengyi's autographed letter to Sun Heqin go?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "You are missing one."


Lin Feng said: "What role does Sun Heqin's brother-in-law play here?"

"Don't forget that Sun Heqin bribed Cai Wengyi. It was his brother-in-law who did it from beginning to end. In the end, Sun Heqin was sentenced to death, but his brother-in-law did nothing. Instead, he took all of Sun Heqin's family property..."

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed: "Did his brother-in-law trick Sun Heqin on purpose?"

"After learning about Sun Heqin's murder, he wanted to seize Sun Heqin's family wealth and deliberately asked Cai Wengyi, whom Sun Heqin bribed, to leave irrefutable evidence?"

"But how did he know that Sun Heqin's story would be exposed?"

As he said this, a possibility suddenly occurred to him and he looked at Lin Feng: "Could it be that when Governor Zhou found out about Sun Heqin, it was his brother-in-law who revealed it?"

Lin Feng shook his head, tapped the table with his fingertips, and said, "You will know when you meet his brother-in-law."

Sun Fujia nodded hurriedly.

At this time, Zhou Zheng came back from ordering food, and the two of them stopped talking.

Under the warm hospitality of Zhou Zheng, the guests and hosts enjoyed the meal thoroughly.

After eating and drinking, Lin Feng said: "It's been so long, why haven't you brought brother-in-law Sun Heqin?"

Zhou Zheng also frowned and said, "I must be lazy again. I will send a few more people to look for it..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a government servant running over sweating profusely.

He came in front of everyone, panting heavily, with a panicked look on his face, and said to Zhou Zheng: "Prince Zhou, it's not good... Sun Heqin's brother-in-law, he, he drowned!"

Sun Fuga's eyes widened suddenly, and his expression changed instantly.

Zhou Zheng also shrank his pupils, his face full of surprise: "What did you say!? He drowned?"

Zhao Shiwu was stunned, would he die now?
But Lin Feng touched his chin, his eyes flickered a little, and he said with unclear meaning: "He died in time."

(End of this chapter)

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