Chapter 83 Revealed!you are lying!
Five days later.

early morning.

On the official road to Suizhou City.

More than ten guards rode horses to protect a carriage. The wheels of the carriage were rolling. Zhao Shiwu kept driving the horses and moved forward quickly.

Inside the carriage.

Sun Fuga's body swayed left and right with the carriage, and he was in a daze, almost asleep.

Opposite him, Lin Feng sat with a golden sword, supporting his body with one hand and turning over the files with the other.

Even though he was in a hurry, Lin Feng did not waste time. He kept flipping through the files of former Dali Temple Prime Minister Lin Feng, trying to find more secrets about that guy.

However, the carriages and horses were swaying and the road was bumpy, so the efficiency was really not high. I didn’t see much in so many days.

After reading the file in his hand, he closed it and stretched slightly.

Seeing that Sun Fujia's eyelids were so sleepy, he also yawned.

After talking to Xiao Yu about Gan Qing's murder that day, he found a helper and immediately set off for Suizhou.

The helpers are still the same team - Zhao Shiwu, the bodyguard and the supporter, and Sun Fujia, the number one scholar in the Encyclopedia of Ancient Knowledge.

Zhao Shiwu is like a brick, he can move it if he needs it!

Sun Fuga was approved by Dai Zhou, who knew that he was investigating the affairs of the former Dali Temple Prime Minister, and this matter has now become the most urgent problem to be solved among all problems, with the highest priority.

So upon hearing Lin Feng's request, Dai Zhou let Sun Fujia and Lin Feng go without saying a word.

They left for four days and four nights.

Apart from necessary breaks, there were almost no delays.

Suizhou is still far away from Shangzhou.

Fortunately, it’s finally here.

Lin Feng lifted up the car curtain and looked ahead. Under the rising sun, the outline of a city came into view.

Zhao Shiwu said: "Father, we are arriving soon. The city of Suizhou is in front of us."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhao Shiwu chuckled and said, "It's nothing. We rested for three hours last night, which was enough for me to recover my strength."

At this time, Sun Fujia yawned and opened his eyes, sighing: "Martial arts practitioners are still strong, my bones are about to fall apart."

Lin Feng smiled: "Dr. Sun has endured hardships with me."

Sun Fujia waved his hand: "This is my duty, how dare I say suffering."

As he said that, he looked at Lin Feng with admiration on his face: "Zi De, you really put me to shame. I was yawning all the way, but you read all the files. Compared with you, I feel like Wasting your time."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I am younger and not that tired. I have nothing to do on the road anyway, so why not read more files to pass the time."

Sun Fujia naturally knew that Lin Feng was being modest. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He used to think that Lin Feng's ability to solve cases was a talent, but now it seems that he is still superficial.

Although Lin Feng has talent, the proportion of hard work and sweat is definitely high.

He stretched his muscles, looked at the city in front of him, and said, "What should we do next?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said: "Go directly to the Governor's Yamen, find Suizhou Governor Zhou Zheng, explain the situation to him, and then go to see Chengping County Magistrate Cai Wengyi and businessman Sun Heqin who are imprisoned in the prison."

Sun Fujia nodded: "That's fine... There are only a few days until they are beheaded and exiled. We have to hurry up."

As he said that, he looked at Lin Feng and said, "Thankfully you were able to discover some problems hidden in the file in time. Otherwise, in half a month, Sun Heqin will be beheaded and Cai Wengyi will be exiled...then it will be too late."

Lin Feng smiled, looked at the receding scenery outside the window, and said, "I hope everything goes smoothly in the next investigation."

Three quarters later.

The carriage stopped in front of the governor's office.

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia got off the carriage and came to the governor's office. Lin Feng took out a letter from his arms and handed it to the governor, saying: "Please give it to the governor Zhou."

When the officials saw that Lin Feng and Sun Fujia had extraordinary bearings, Zhao Shishi was so tall and intimidating, and the guards all had swords hanging from their waists, they knew that the person coming was definitely of high status.

He did not dare to delay and said quickly: "Everyone, please wait a moment."

After speaking, he walked away quickly.

Not long after, I saw some people wearing official robes walking quickly out of the yamen.

The leader was seven feet tall and strong. Although not as tall as Zhao Shiwu, he looked much stronger than Lin Feng and Sun Fujia.

He was in his forties, had a beard, and had a black mole at the corner of his eye. As he blinked his eyes, the mole moved around as if dancing.

In his left hand, he held the letter that Lin Feng had just handed over, and in his right hand, he held two iron balls... Looking at the two iron balls, Lin Feng couldn't help but think of Dai Zhou.

When Dai Zhou is upset, he likes to spin the iron ball to vent his emotions. Unexpectedly, he saw the same iron ball as Dai Zhou here.

No, it's not the same type of iron ball. This iron ball is smaller than the one wearing a collar. It's not as heavy as the one wearing a collar. Moreover, Lin Feng also saw an obvious word "zhou" on an iron ball. It seemed that it was The governor Zhou Zheng specially asked someone to make it custom-made, but there was nothing on the iron ball for Dai Zhou, and it was polished very smooth.

"I, Zhou Zheng, the governor of Suizhou, have met Lin Sicheng and Dr. Sun."

Zhou Zheng raised his hand and spoke with great enthusiasm.

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia looked at each other, then smiled in return.

Lin Feng said: "You don't need to be polite, Governor Zhou. We are new to Suizhou, and we ask Governor Zhou to cooperate with us next."

Zhou Zheng said hurriedly: "Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment are jointly investigating the case, and I should do my best to cooperate."


His voice changed and he asked doubtfully: "I don't know why the Ganqing case is suddenly being re-investigated? Hasn't the case been closed for several months?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "It's not a big deal. It's just that when our Dali Temple was sorting out the files, we found that some details of the case were not perfect, so I came here in person to complete the details so that the case could be completed. A truly flawless conclusion.”

"Not enough details?"

Zhou Zheng frowned and said, "I wonder what the details are?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Please forgive me, Governor Zhou. These are still confidential for the time being. I will inform Governor Zhou after I have completed the investigation."

Sun Fujia glanced at Lin Feng and nodded immediately: "Prefect Zhou just needs to cooperate."

Zhou Zheng nodded hurriedly: "Yes, I will fully cooperate with you."

He looked at the two of them: "Lin Sicheng and Dr. Sun are tired from traveling and traveling. Why don't you rest for a day and check again tomorrow?"


Lin Feng shook his head and showed a businesslike attitude: "It's better to investigate as soon as possible. After the investigation is completed, we can go back early."

He said directly: "Please ask Governor Zhou to take us to meet Sun Heqin and Cai Wengyi."

When Zhou Zheng heard this, he couldn't object. He hurriedly said: "They are all in prison now, please!"

Zhou Zheng walked in front, followed by Lin Feng and Sun Fujia.

As they walked, Sun Fujia whispered: "Why don't you inform him of your doubts? Do you doubt him?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "It's not that I doubt him, it's just that there are too many strange things about this case, so it's better to be cautious... We are new here, and we can't be too careful."

Sun Fujia nodded in agreement.

Several people quickly arrived in the prison. Zhou Zheng led them to a narrow cell. He looked at the person lying on the cold ground in the cell and said, "He is Cai Wengyi, the magistrate of Chengping County."

As he spoke, he knocked on the iron fence hard and shouted: "Cai Wengyi, people from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment want to question you. You must tell the truth. You must not talk nonsense or hide anything."

The man lying curled up on the ground heard the sound, and then there was movement. He slowly got up, and when he saw the people outside the cell, his dead eyes did not change at all.

He didn't seem to care about the people from the Dali Temple's Punishment Department at all.

Lin Feng took in the changes in Cai Wengyi's expression, thought about it, and said to Zhou Zheng: "Prince Zhou, we have to talk to Cai Wengyi alone next."

Zhou Zheng was alert and said hurriedly after hearing this: "I will wait outside. After Lin Si Cheng asks, you will see me when you come out. I will take Lin Si Cheng to find Sun Heqin."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "Thank you."

Zhou Zheng left quickly with the jailer.

After the outsiders were gone, Lin Feng looked at Cai Wengyi sitting on the cold ground in the cell, and said slowly: "Cai Wengyi, I am Lin Feng, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple. I came to you this time for the murder of Gan Qing."

After hearing the words "Gan Qing's murder case", Cai Wengyi's dead eyes finally changed a little, but still not much. He looked at Lin Feng and finally said: "Isn't the case closed..."

Lin Feng said: "It is indeed settled... but unfortunately, when I was looking through the files a few days ago, I found some doubts in the files. I felt that there might be other truths about Gan Qing's murder case, so I came here specifically to find out more about it. Investigate this case.”


Cai Wengyi's dead eyes finally showed some waves, and he asked: "What's the suspicion?"

Lin Feng looked at him: "You don't need to know any doubts. Next, I will ask you a few questions. I hope you can answer them truthfully. This is related to the truth of the case, and it is also related to..."

Lin Feng paused for a moment and said slowly: "Are you the one who was wrongfully convicted, or are you the one who was really wronged?"

Brush it!
Cai Wengyi's eyelids opened suddenly, he raised his head suddenly, and the expression on his face finally began to be completely different.

The dead eyes finally saw some life at this moment.

Lin Feng looked at him and asked directly without giving Cai Wengyi time to react: "Have you really succeeded in defeating Han Chenglin?"

Cai Wengyi was silent for a moment, and then said: "I tortured him, but I didn't surrender."

"Gan Qing was traveling with him that day. Based on the footprints and traces at the scene, it can be seen that... the murderer must be someone traveling with him."

"He is Gan Qing's companion. I suspect he is the real murderer, right?"

"And since the murderer chopped off Gan Qing's head and took off Gan Qing's coat, he definitely didn't want anyone to recognize Gan Qing's identity quickly. Why doesn't he want someone to recognize him? Once recognized, it would be easy. Do you suspect Han Chenglin, who is traveling with you?"

"So I think the real culprit is Han Chenglin. There can't be anyone else... It's just that Han Chenglin was stubborn and refused to confess, so I used some torture to make him suffer some pain so that he could talk. Am I wrong?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "You are right in making mistakes."

"You're right...your suspicion is very reasonable. Han Chenglin is indeed very suspicious."

"But you were wrong... The mistake was that you used torture when you didn't have enough evidence... In this case, even if Han Chenglin does it, there is a chance that he will be beaten!"

"Because of this, Governor Zhou doubts you... This is the trouble you have laid for yourself."

Cai Wengyi pursed his lips and was silent for a while, then sighed and nodded: "I know, so I was scolded by Governor Zhou, even if I was arrested in the end, I will not complain."

"But I can't help it. I really can't find any other evidence, and Han Chenglin doesn't say anything. What else can I do if I don't impose punishment?"

Lin Feng had no comment on Cai Wengyi's approach. Punishment was the most common method of investigating crimes in ancient times.

For example, Jiang Hecheng, the former governor of Shangzhou, liked to hit ten sticks indiscriminately before interrogation. The purpose was to kill the suspect with a stick, to scare the suspect's courage and prevent him from lying. .

Cai Wengyi just did something that other officials would do, but because of this, there was a possibility that he would be beaten into submission.

If Zhou Zheng hadn't personally participated in the investigation, and if Sun Heqin hadn't appeared later, Cai Wengyi would have had no consequences. But with other truths, Cai Wengyi would have been unlucky.

Lin Feng continued: "After Han Chenglin confessed, did he tell where Gan Qing's head was hidden?"

Cai Wengyi nodded: "He said it."


Lin Feng asked: "Where?"

Cai Wengyi said: "He said he buried him under a tree on the top of Snake Mountain, but we looked for it according to what he said, but we didn't find the head."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "Is he lying?"

Cai Wengyi held his head as if he had a headache. He shook his head: "I don't know... It stands to reason that he has confessed, so there is no need to lie, but I did not find the head."

Zhao Shiwu hugged his arms and said: "Then it's obvious... He was beaten into a move by you. He didn't kill anyone in the first place, but he was beaten into a move by you and you wanted a hiding place for the head. He could only make up a random story ." Cai Wengyi was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Maybe this is the truth."

Lin Feng looked at Cai Wengyi's painful look, pondered for a moment, and said, "Did you accept bribes from Sun Heqin?"

Cai Wengyi fell silent again.

Seeing that Cai Wengyi didn't speak, Lin Feng sneered and said lightly: "If you think the murderer is Han Chenglin, why did you accept bribes from Sun Heqin? Is it true that as Zhou Zheng said, you were trying to help Sun Heqin escape guilt and make Han Chenglin a scapegoat? You Everything you said to me before was a lie to cover up your sinful and despicable nature?"


Cai Wengyi was so stimulated by Lin Feng's words that his eyes widened and bulged outwards. He stared at Lin Feng with red eyes and said loudly: "I didn't! I read the book of a saint and have always constrained myself by the saint's words. How could I Do such a heinous thing?"

Lin Feng was not affected and kept his calm tone: "If that's the case, then why did you accept bribes from Sun Heqin? Isn't this contrary to what you said?"

Cai Wengyi gritted his teeth and finally said: "I didn't take it, it was my wife."

"Your wife?"

Lin Feng was surprised. He and Sun Fujia looked at each other, and Sun Fujia also shook his head.

This is not stated in the file.

Lin Feng said: "Why did your wife accept bribes?"

Cai Wengyi shook his head: "I don't know why my wife accepted bribes. How could I know why this bitch is so crazy! How dare you do such a thing behind my back!"

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia were even more surprised.

The person who accepted the bribe was Mrs. Cai Wengyi. Did Cai Wengyi know anything about this?
Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Where is your wife now?"

Cai Wengyi opened his mouth and kept trembling. He gritted his teeth and was silent for a long time before lowering his head and saying: "Dead! She will be exiled with me... She is so delicate, how can she bear such a thing?" He was miserable and committed suicide soon after being put into prison."

After saying that, Cai Wengyi lay down again. His eyes turned dead silent again, as calm as a pool of stagnant water. His whole person exuded a lifeless aura, as if he had resigned himself to his fate.

I don’t want to struggle anymore.

Lin Feng frowned. The bribe Mrs. Cai Wengyi accepted... but she committed suicide soon after being put in prison?
Is it really suicide?

But Cai Wengyi obviously didn't want to say any more.

He thought for a while, and seeing that Cai Wengyi was unwilling to speak and did not force Cai Wengyi, Lin Feng stood up and walked out: "Let's go."

Sun Fujia followed Lin Feng and left. He asked in a low voice: "Zide... what do you think about his wife accepting bribes without his knowing anything about it?"

Lin Feng asked, "What do you think, Dr. Sun?"

Sun Fujia said: "I don't quite believe it... How could he, as the head of the family, not even know about such a big thing? And how bold does his wife have to be to dare to accept so many bribes behind his back? "

"So I think... he is deliberately blaming all the reasons on his wife, so that he can at least retain the image of being innocent but he just misjudged the case."

"Anyway, his wife is dead, so why not what he said?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and looked at Zhao Shiwu, who was also thinking. He smiled and said: "Shiwu, are you thinking too? Then tell me, what do you think?"

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he quickly said: "Father, I also think he is lying... It's not that his wife can't do it, but I think that a shrewd businessman like Sun Heqin, if he knew that Cai Wengyi didn't know about this, how could he Is it possible to send so much money there?”

"Like businessman Zhao Deshun, Zhao Deshun was able to do so many things and leave us so many clues in such a dangerous situation of being imprisoned... Even if this Sun Heqin is not better than Zhao Deshun, he can still determine whether the money is sent When it is in the hands of Cai Wengyi, does Cai Wengyi know it? He should still be able to do it, right?"

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Shiwu with some surprise and said: "Okay, everyone knows that it can be argued from a third party."

Zhao Shishi was praised by Lin Feng and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Sun Fujia also nodded: "Zhao Shiwu is right. If you think about it this way, it can support my inference."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly. He recalled Cai Wengyi's reactions just now. He squinted his eyes and did not make a conclusion easily. He said, "Let's go see Sun Heqin first. Maybe he can know something."

As soon as they went out, Zhou Zheng hurriedly came over and asked, "How was it? Did you ask anything?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "It's the same as in the file."

Zhou Zhengdao: "This case was decided by me, and I am confident that I will not make any mistakes."

Lin Feng smiled: "I don't think there is anything wrong with this case, but there are some details that need to be completed. The result may not be different."

After Zhou Zheng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good...I really thought I made a mistake somewhere."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, Governor Zhou. I never said you were wrong."

Zhou Zheng nodded hurriedly.

Lin Feng said: "Take us to see Sun Heqin."

"it is good!"

Zhou Zheng quickly led the way, this time taking a different route. As he walked, he said: "Cai Wengyi is an official of the imperial court after all, and he is held in a different place from ordinary criminals."

Lin Feng nodded, he understood.

As he walked, he said casually: "I heard that Cai Wengyi's wife committed suicide?"

Although Zhou Zheng was surprised that Lin Feng suddenly mentioned Mrs. Cai Wengyi, he still nodded: "That's right."

"Are you sure it was suicide? Have you checked?"

Zhou Zhengdao: "Mrs. Cai Wengyi and other female criminals were imprisoned together. When she committed suicide by hitting the wall, many people saw it with their own eyes."

"And she was still crying at the time, saying that she was wrong and that she had harmed her husband. Then she broke down and hit the wall and committed suicide."

After listening to Zhou Zheng's words, Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised.

Looking at Mrs. Zhao like this... is what Cai Wengyi said true?It was his wife who took the bribe, did he really not know?

A flash of thought flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and he rubbed his right thumb and index finger subconsciously. As he walked, he said: "Cai Wengyi said that his wife accepted the bribe, but he didn't know about it. What does Governor Zhou think?"

Zhou Zheng sneered and said: "I don't believe it! He is not a henpecked person. How could his wife hide it from him, a dignified county magistrate, and accept bribes? Those are all his excuses! He wants to take this opportunity to escape punishment!"

Lin Feng said: "Then how did Governor Zhou understand what his wife said before she died?"

Zhou Zheng said directly without hesitation: "I have investigated and found out that Mrs. Cai Wengyi wears gold and silver every day. She wears the best clothes and the best rouge and gouache. She is very concerned about her own image and likes to compare with others. Therefore, Cai Wengyi's salary was often stretched... I think it was because of Cai Wengyi's lack of money that he accepted bribes from Sun Heqin."

Lin Feng nodded and said nothing more.

At this time, Zhou Zheng stopped and said, "That's it. Sun Heqin is being held here."

After hearing this, Lin Feng raised his head and looked up, only to see that this was also a separate cell. A fat middle-aged man was squatting in the corner. There were obvious blood stains on his body, and he was looking at him with fear and fear. people.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "Has he been tortured?"

Zhou Zheng nodded: "Sun Heqin is a businessman. He has many thoughts and is very cunning. If he is not allowed to suffer, he will not tell the truth at all. Therefore, I have no choice but to deal with special cases."

Lin Feng winked at Sun Fuga.

Sun Fujia laughed and said: "Cai Wengyi tortured Han Chenglin, but was eventually sentenced to a subjugation. The governor of Zhou also tortured him. Aren't you afraid that others would also say that the governor of Zhou was a subjugation?"

When Zhou Zheng heard this, he hurriedly said: "Although I used torture, there is actual evidence. I have witnesses to prove that he did go to Snake Mountain that day! I also found the money sent by Sun Heqin in Cai Wengyi's mansion. All the evidence and evidence are there, all it takes is for him to admit it... That's why I imposed the sentence, which is different from Cai Wengyi who didn't have enough evidence."

Seeing Zhou Zheng's nervous explanation, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Mr. Sun is joking. Governor Zhou, don't be nervous. We don't doubt you."

Zhou Zheng nodded hurriedly.

Lin Feng said: "We also want to talk to Sun Heqin alone..."

Zhou Zheng was very discerning and said hurriedly: "I will wait outside."

After speaking, he left quickly.

Lin Feng looked at Sun Fuga, who nodded: "When there are enough witnesses and physical evidence, torture is normal, and it is indeed more reasonable than Cai Wengyi."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said nothing more.

He turned to look at Sun Heqin, who was huddled in the corner, and said, "Sun Heqin, the case has been over for so long, why are you still so afraid? We will not continue to torture you."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Sun Heqin said nervously: "Really?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "What? Did Governor Zhou also punish you after the case was over?"

Sun Heqin shook his head hurriedly.

"That means he was a little too cruel when he tried you."

When Sun Heqin recalled that scene, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

Lin Feng took Sun Heqin's performance into consideration and said slowly: "Tell me, why did you kill Gan Qing?"

As soon as he heard Gan Qing's name, Sun Heqin became extremely angry. He said: "I have said it ten thousand times. It is he who wants to kill me. He is the one who wants to kill me when he sees wealth. I am just trying to protect myself. Neither am I." You want to kill him on purpose!”

Lin Feng said calmly: "Tell me in detail."

Sun Heqin took a deep breath and said, "It suddenly rained that day. We met by chance in the mountains and happened to be hiding under the same big tree."

"I am a businessman. Even if I don't know him, I can still talk to him a few words. We talk a lot. I even gave him a few green plums I just bought, thinking I could use this opportunity to If we have a chance to get to know each other, maybe he can be my guest in the future."

"But who would have known that after he took the green plum from me, he put it directly into his arms and put it away. Then very suddenly, he rushed towards me. He pinched my neck and wanted to strangle me to death!"

"It was then that I realized that when I took the green plums, he saw the money in my bag. I was shocked. In panic, I took out the dagger I used for self-defense from my waist and stabbed him hard. He stabbed me several times before he let go of me."

"I'm really trying to protect myself... If I don't take action, I will be the one who dies!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "You said... you don't know him? Didn't you know him before?"

Sun Heqin nodded quickly: "That's right."

Lin Feng and Sun Fuga looked at each other.

Sun Fuga also realized something was even more wrong.

Lin Feng said before that Sun Heqin and Gan Qing met by chance, so there was no reason to chop off the head after killing someone.

Now Sun Heqin even said that the two of them didn't even know each other, so there was no possibility that anyone would suspect Sun Heqin after they recognized the deceased as Gan Qing.

In this case, Sun Heqin had no reason to chop off the head of the deceased!

He asked Sun Heqin his question: "After you killed Gan Qing, why did you chop off his head?"

Sun Heqin stretched out his left little finger and saw that a piece of his little finger was missing. He said: "During the fight, he bit off half of my finger and swallowed it down his throat... After I killed him, I couldn’t take it out because I was afraid that the finger would become evidence to identify me.”

"So I had to chop off its head and throw it off the cliff together to ensure that no one would find it and no one would take this opportunity to suspect me."

Sun Fujia suddenly nodded, it turned out to be like this... From this point of view, the reason is sufficient.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng originally suspected Sun Heqin of lying because Sun Heqin had no motive to chop off his head, but now it seemed that Sun Heqin had a motive.

But who knows.

But at this moment, Lin Feng suddenly sneered and said: "Sun Heqin, it seems that you are really dishonest even without punishment!"


Everyone was stunned and quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Sun Heqin coldly: "You are lying!"

"You said you had to chop off Gan Qing's head because his finger was bitten off... This is indeed reasonable, but if that's really the case, you only need to chop off his head..."

"Then tell me!"

Lin Feng stared at Sun Heqin and shouted: "Why do you still need to take off his coat?"

"Why take away everything on his body that can prove his identity?"

"His money bag, his belt, even his shoes... not a single thing was left behind!"

"What? His clothes, his money bag, and his shoes also have mouths, and they bit your fingers too!?"

(End of this chapter)

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