People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 85 The evidence is sufficient, the reasoning begins!

Chapter 85 The evidence is sufficient, the reasoning begins!
A group of people are surrounding here by the bank of the long river that runs through the city of Suizhou.

When Lin Feng and others arrived, they saw that the scene had been controlled by the government officials.

After passing through the defense line formed by the government officials and arriving at the shore, they saw a body lying on the ground.

Lin Feng stepped forward to check and saw that the deceased appeared to be 25 or [-] years old. The skin all over his body was white and the body spots were light red. When he touched his body with his hand, he was already slightly stiff.

He looked at the deceased's hands and saw that there was some sand in the nails of the deceased. He was holding a handful of water plants in his right hand. His clothes were damp and not yet dry.

He thought for a while, then opened the deceased's mouth, and found some traces of sand in the deceased's mouth and nose.

He nodded slightly. Based on the condition of the deceased, it can be determined that the deceased was indeed drowned, and that he drowned after a violent struggle in the river. The water plants he held on his hands, the sand in his fingernails, and a small amount of water in his mouth and nose The sediment can prove this.

Lin Feng stood up and said, "Where is Wu Zuo?"

A little old man ran over quickly and said, "The villain is Gu Zuo."

Lin Feng asked: "What are the results of the autopsy?"

Wu Zuo said: "There are no additional wounds on the whole body, and there is a small amount of silt in the mouth and nose. It is determined that he drowned in the river. The time of death was probably within an hour."

Within an hour...

Lin Feng looked at Sun Fuga, who frowned. He understood what Lin Feng meant.

Within an hour, not long after they arrived here, Sun Heqin's brother-in-law died?

What a coincidence.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "He had an accident just after I arrived, which made me wonder if there was a bull-headed horse-face following behind me."

Zhou Zheng frowned and said, "It's indeed a coincidence."

As he spoke, he looked at the yamen servant and said, "What's going on?"

The yamen servant hurriedly said: "After receiving the order from Governor Zhou, we quickly went to Sun Heqin's mansion to find his brother-in-law Bao Sanwen. However, when we arrived at Sun's house, the housekeeper of Sun's house said that Bao Sanwen had gone out not long ago."

"When asked where Bao Sanwen had gone, the housekeeper of the Sun Mansion didn't know, so we had to search all over the city. We first went to the Sun family's shop, but failed to find Bao Sanwen, and then went to Bao Sanwen's usual restaurant. , and he was not found."

"Just when we didn't know where else to look for him, we suddenly heard someone screaming that there was someone in the river. We quickly ran to the river bank and saw a person floating in the river."

When the yamen officer said this, he looked at Zhou Zheng and said, "We fished this man ashore and found out that this man was Bao Sanwen. We were shocked, so we hurriedly reported it to the governor of Zhou. We don't know what happened to him." The one who fell into the river was already dead when he was found.”

Zhou Zheng nodded. He looked at Lin Feng with a solemn expression: "Lin Sicheng... Look, he is dead. Whether his death was an accident or man-made, we still need to investigate to know."

"However, there are no traces of man-made damage on his body for the time being."

Lin Feng nodded slightly. He understood what Zhou Zheng meant. The deceased had no other external injuries and no signs of struggle, so it was difficult to judge whether it was man-made.

After all, being pushed suddenly from behind and falling into the river is no different from falling into the water.

You can't check it out just by relying on your work.

Lin Feng sighed: "There is nothing we can do about it. We should inform his family in advance."

The yamen officer said, "I've already sent someone to notify you."

Lin Feng nodded and looked at Bao Sanwen again. He saw that Bao Sanwen was richly dressed, with good fabrics, and looked like a wealthy businessman.

He touched Bao Sanwen's body and took out a money bag from his arms.

Opening the purse, there were some copper coins and several fine pearls and emeralds inside.

At the same time, there is a piece of paper.

Lin Feng took the paper out and saw that the paper was soaked.

The ink stains on it turned into clumps, making it somewhat difficult to see clearly.

At this time, Sun Fujia put his head over and took a closer look, and then he could barely see the two big characters at the top - suicide note.

"A suicide note?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Dr. Sun, are you sure?"

Sun Fujia carefully identified them and said, "It should be right. They were not damaged too badly and are not completely unrecognizable."

Lin Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Sun Fujia. The number one scholar is the number one scholar and he can always help him at critical moments.

Zhou Zheng heard Sun Fuga's words and wondered: "Why did this three-note man write a suicide note? Didn't he accidentally fall into the water, or did he commit suicide on purpose?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "I can only clearly see the two words of the suicide note, but I can't see the more specific content. It's difficult to judge."

Sun Fuga also sighed and nodded: "The other words are too blurry, even I can't identify them."

At this time, a shrill cry suddenly came, and several maids were seen walking over supporting a girl in her thirties. The girl's eyes were red and she was crying miserably.

"Sanwen, Sanwen, why did you leave? How can you let your sister live alone..."

Looking at this sweet girl, Zhou Zheng introduced: "He is Sun Heqin's wife and the deceased's sister."

Lin Feng saw that Jiao Niang's eyes were swollen from crying, and it was obvious that she was really sad. He stepped forward and said, "Mrs. Sun, people cannot be resurrected after death, so please show your condolences."

When Sun heard Lin Feng's voice, she raised her head, her pretty face full of tears.

Zhou Zhengdao: "He is Lin Sicheng from Dali Temple. He came to Suizhou from Chang'an specifically to investigate the murder of Gan Qing."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Sun quickly saluted Lin Feng: "I have met Lin Si Cheng."

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "Mrs. Sun, there is no need to be polite. I can understand Mrs. Sun's heartache for losing her brother."

Mrs. Sun wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

Lin Feng looked at Sun and said, "Did your brother do anything unusual when he left home today?"

Sun looked at Lin Feng blankly and shook his head: "No, he just said that a friend was looking for him, and then left, just like usual."


Lin Feng asked: "What friend?"

Sun shook his head: "He didn't say anything."

"How did he know his friend was looking for him?"

"Someone knocked on the door and asked someone to send a message."

“What does the person knocking on the door look like?”

"I don't know... the concierge said that the man was wearing a bamboo hat and couldn't see his face clearly. He only knew he was a man, about seven feet tall."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and continued: "When did you go out?"

Sun thought for a moment and said, "More than half an hour ago."

More than half an hour ago... I probably hadn't left the prison at that time.

He was probably questioning Sun Heqin in the prison. He learned about the existence of his brother-in-law Bao Sanwen from Sun Heqin, and thought about asking Bao Sanwen for further questioning when he came out. But at that time, Bao Sanwen was called out by his so-called friend, and soon after Drowned...

To say it was a coincidence would be too much of a coincidence.

Also...the suicide note in the three-money bag is also very strange!
There were no traces of a struggle on his body, which indicates that the suicide note was not likely to be forcibly stuffed into the money bag by someone before pushing Bao Sanwen into the river.

And there is no need... Who doesn't know that the ink in this suicide note will melt when it comes into contact with water?What's the use of stuffing suicide notes inside?In the end, it will turn into a ball of darkness and nothing can be recognized!

But if someone else hadn't stuffed it, why would Bao Sanwen have left a suicide note?Are you really seeking death?
Lin Feng thought for a moment, then looked at Sun and asked, "How is Bao Sanwen different from before after your husband was arrested?"


Sun said: "It's no different... My husband is gone and my youngest son is young, so I can only rely on San Wen to support the family, so San Wen has been very hard recently."

"He works until very late every day and doesn't come back until very late. After he comes back, he continues to be busy in the study. He works so hard that even the women feel distressed."

Lin Feng asked again: "What did Bao Sanwen tell you about your husband being arrested?"

Sun's expression became even more painful: "Sanwen says that if a husband kills someone, he must pay with his life. This is the law of the Tang Dynasty, and it is a matter of course. We can only accept it."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "He is really perceptive."

Mrs. Sun kept wiping her tears with a handkerchief, and she was inconsolable: "Sanwen is smart and can see many things very clearly... It's a pity that God is jealous of Yingcai, my poor brother..."

She started crying again, and it looked like she wouldn't be able to stop for a while.

When Lin Feng saw this, he could only say softly: "My condolences."

Then he turned around and walked out of the crowd.

Sun Fuga hurriedly caught up and asked, "How?"

Lin Feng shook his head slightly: "Bao Sanwen's death should not be an accident... but I have no evidence, and the suicide note is also very strange. The clues we have now are simply a mess."

Sun Fujia also felt increasingly troubled.

The old problems are not solved, and new ones keep emerging!
Bao Sanwen's sudden death eliminated their opportunity to inquire further.

It was as if a thread leading to the truth had finally been drawn out, only to be cut off by someone in the first place, making it impossible to move forward at all.

He only felt a headache and frowned: "What should we do next?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and suddenly said: "Before we came, we sent someone to Shangzhou to take Han Chenglin. It's time for Han Chenglin to arrive, right?"

Sun Fujia made an estimate in his mind: "If there is no delay on the way, it should be about the same thing as us."

As he was speaking, a group of people suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's sight.

Lin Feng looked at the person in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face.

Seeing the change in Lin Feng's expression, Sun Fuga subconsciously raised his head and looked up. Then he was also very surprised.

"How could it be him?"

At this time, those people also saw Lin Feng, and the leader's eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran over quickly, stopped in front of Lin Feng, and then bowed very seriously: "My benefactor!"

If this person is not Zhao Minglu, who is he?

Lin Feng asked unexpectedly: "Why are you here?"

Zhao Minglu said: "I'm here to send someone to my benefactor."

As he spoke, he pointed to a man in his twenties behind him and said, "He is Han Chenglin."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized something, and said: "The uncle he wants to defect to... works in your Zhao family's shop?"

Zhao Minglu nodded: "Yes, Han Chenglin's uncle is the shopkeeper hired by my Zhao family. He manages a shop of our Zhao family. I happened to be checking the accounts in the shop at that time. Suddenly I heard my benefactor's name and learned that my benefactor wanted to He asked someone to bring Han Chenglin to Suizhou, so I followed him."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "This is really a coincidence... No, it is not a coincidence. I should have thought of it earlier. How many business people in Shangzhou have nothing to do with your Zhao family?"

Zhao Minglu smiled sheepishly.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu. Although he had not seen Zhao Minglu for a few days, Zhao Minglu's mental state was much better than before.

Zhao Minglu's back straightened up again, and his face was no longer so bloodless. His eyes were bright and he was holding a folding fan. He really had the extraordinary temperament of a scholar.

Lin Feng nodded and said: "Not bad, it seems you have come out."

When Zhao Minglu faced Lin Feng, his eyes were full of gratitude and respect: "My father hopes that I can live well, and my benefactor also told me to live well. How can I let down my father and my benefactor?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Very good. Seeing such a change in you, I know that the case has not been solved in vain... I still have cases to investigate, and I will have a good chat with you later."

Zhao Minglu said hurriedly: "My benefactor, don't worry about me. I'm just here to join in the fun. Besides, I'm also aware of Han Chenglin's affairs in Shangzhou and his behavior."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly, with surprise on his face, and he said, "Okay, are you prepared?"

Zhao Minglu smiled implicitly: "After all, I have seen my benefactor judge the case with my own eyes, so I have learned something."

Lin Feng nodded: "Then let's talk... what did he do in Shangzhou and how did he perform?"

Zhao Minglu said: "Han Chenglin had studied, but he could not continue studying because his family was poor, so he had to come to Shangzhou to seek refuge with his uncle. His uncle arranged for him to work in the accounting office. His performance was pretty good, at least he did not commit any crimes. Blunder."


Lin Feng thought for a moment and then asked, "Do you know that he was originally going to defect to his uncle with a sworn brother?"

Zhao Minglu nodded: "I asked his uncle, and his uncle said that this was indeed the case... They had written to his uncle before. It was said that Gan Qing was better at studying than Han Chenglin, but his family background was not good, and he only had one mother to support him. "

"Gan Qing's mother is just like my father. She is determined to let Gan Qing study hard. She supports Gan Qing no matter how difficult it is, and encourages Gan Qing to communicate more with other scholars, make more friends, and broaden his horizons. In order to prevent Gan Qing from being It’s shameful outside and you work your butt off.”

"Gan Qing really couldn't bear that his mother was working so hard. When he learned that Han Chenglin was going to join his uncle, he decided to go with Han Chenglin."

When Sun Fujia heard Zhao Minglu's words, he raised his head suddenly, and his eyes suddenly flashed.

He hurriedly looked at Lin Feng, but saw that the corners of Lin Feng's mouth curled up, as if he had thought of something.

Lin Feng nodded to Zhao Minglu and his eyes fell on Han Chenglin. Seeing this, Zhao Minglu asked Han Chenglin to come to Lin Feng.Lin Feng looked at Han Chenglin and saw that Han Chenglin looked nervous and lowered his head, seeming to be a little afraid of himself.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Don't be nervous. I asked you to come here just to learn more about Gan Qing. Since you have been in Shangzhou, you should have heard about me. If you don't have any questions, I will never It will be difficult for you.”

Han Chenglin nodded nervously: "Yes...yes."

Lin Feng looked at him and said, "Where did you and Gan Qing separate?"

"The foot of Snake Mountain."

"Why should we separate?"

"Gan Qing suddenly said he didn't want to go, so I had to go find my uncle by myself."

"Why did he suddenly not want to go?"

Han Chenglin said: "On the way, I told him about the hard work required to go to my uncle's place. He rarely works at home, and he backed down when he heard it was so hard, so he didn't want to go."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "Because he was afraid of the hard work, he gave up? Didn't he just go because he didn't want his mother to work hard? Did he give up so easily?"

Han Chenglin shook his head and sighed: "He is different from me. I have been working for the family since I was a child, and I can only find time to study. But although his family is also poor, his mother takes over everything and won't let him do it. He is well-fed and well-clothed, and all he needs to do is study every day... So if I can endure hardship, it is normal that he cannot."

Lin Feng nodded: "That's right. People who don't touch the spring water with their hands and people who work every day can bear different hardships."

Seeing that Lin Feng agreed with him, Han Chenglin nodded quickly.

Lin Feng said: "After you separated from him, you left directly and never saw him again?"

Han Chenglin sighed: "He didn't want to leave with me, and I felt a little uncomfortable, so I walked faster... I didn't expect that this farewell would be an eternal farewell."

He looked remorseful: "If I knew that he would be in danger, then I would take him with me no matter what, at least I would not let him leave alone."

Lin Feng looked at Han Chenglin and said slowly: "Then do you think he will be the kind of person who wants to kill after seeing wealth?"

Han Chenglin thought for a moment, hesitated, then shook his head and said, "Probably not. I don't think he would do that kind of thing..."


Lin Feng looked at him and said, "Why do I think it's possible?"

Han Chenglin quickly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said lightly: "His mother is getting older and older. No matter how hard she works, the money she can earn is limited. And if he wants to continue his previous life, he needs enough money, but his mother doesn't have it." The law could not provide him with the money, and he himself did not want to work hard... You said that at this moment, in a deserted place, he saw a stranger with a bag of money... Do you think, he Will you be tempted?"


Han Chenglin frowned, his face full of struggle, as if he didn't know whether to nod or shake his head.

Lin Feng looked at Han Chenglin's expression and nodded slowly: "I understand."

After saying that, he turned around and came to Zhou Zheng and said: "Prince Zhou, please take me to Snake Mountain. I will go and see the place where Gan and Qing died."

Zhou Zheng glanced at Han Chenglin, whose face was no longer nervous, nodded and said, "Okay."

Everyone set off quickly.

Snake Mountain is located in Chengping County and is the highest mountain in Chengping County.

There are many wild beasts and venomous snakes on the mountain, and the terrain is complex. People who are not familiar with it can easily get lost and encounter dangers. Therefore, there are not many pedestrians coming and going. No one will go to Snake Mountain unless they are in a hurry.

Fortunately, Chengping County is not far from Suizhou City, and Snake Mountain is also close to the city. Therefore, everyone rushed to Snake Mountain in just an hour.

Climb the mountain road and walk through the weeds.

While walking, Zhou Zheng said: "There are not many people walking on Snake Mountain. There is no fixed road. They are all mountain paths created by people walking too much. However, sometimes the mountain paths are not obvious. If you don't pay attention, you will be confused." It’s easy to go the wrong way, and if you don’t have someone who is familiar with this place to guide you, once you go the wrong way, it will be more difficult and more dangerous.”

As Lin Feng walked, he observed the environment of Snake Mountain and nodded: "It is indeed not easy to walk... If there is a heavy rain, it will be even more difficult."

Zhou Zhengshen felt the same, and he said: "Who says it's not the case... That's why it was so easy to confirm that Sun Heqin was suspected of Gan Qing's murder. After all, no one went up the mountain at that time."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Does Governor Zhou often take this road? I feel like Governor Zhou is very familiar with this road?"

Zhou Zhengdao: "After all, I am the governor of Suizhou. I go to various counties from time to time, so I can visit Snake Mountain several times a year."

Lin Feng nodded, and looked around. He saw many trees on Snake Mountain, with wild grasses growing thickly. The trees were mainly poplars and black willows. The poplars were tall and the black willows were relatively shorter. The two trees could provide shelter for many animals.

In addition to the poplar and black willow trees, Lin Feng also saw a plum tree sapling under a tall poplar tree, and there were also some jujube trees not far away. It must be said that Snake Mountain is really a treasure.

"It's not far ahead."

Zhou Zheng said at this time.

Lin Feng looked back and said: "Everyone, please work harder, we will be there soon."

They walked forward for another half-quarter of an hour before finally stopping.

Zhou Zheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Lin Feng, and said, "It's right in front, between the two trees."

Lin Feng followed Zhou Zheng's line of sight and saw two poplar trees in front of him. There was a space about ten feet long between the poplar trees. He walked between the two poplar trees, stepped on the ground and said, "Is this right here?"

Zhou Zheng nodded: "At that time, Gan Qing's headless corpse was at your feet, Lin Si Cheng."

Lin Feng looked down and saw nothing on the ground.

In five months, time has erased everything about the bloody murder five months ago.

The blood staining the ground was no longer visible, and the footprints Cai Wengyi mentioned were also gone.

The power of nature makes everything disappear without a trace.

Zhou Zheng said: "Look, Lin Sicheng, I just said that there is nothing here."

Sun Fujia frowned, thinking that coming here would be at least the same as the prison where Zhao Deshun died, and that he would be able to find something.

But when he came here, his heart suddenly became cold.

There was really nothing here. He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng worriedly. No matter how strong Lin Feng was in solving cases and how strong he was in observing and analyzing details, there was not even a single detail here. Lin Feng couldn't analyze anything out of thin air, right?

"Dr. Sun." At this time, Lin Feng suddenly spoke to Sun Fujia.

Sun Fujia came over quickly: "What's wrong?"

Lin Feng whispered: "Help me find out something secretly."

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked a little surprised: "Don't tell me, there is nothing here, and what have you analyzed?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Dr. Sun really regards me as a god..."

Sun Fujia was startled for a moment, frowned and said, "That is?"

Lin Feng said something in Sun Fujia's ear.

The next moment, Sun Fuga suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of surprise and confusion, as if he didn't understand the purpose of the things Lin Feng asked him to check.

Lin Feng said: "Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Sun."

Seeing Lin Feng's calm expression, Sun Fujia clearly had some ideas. He immediately said: "Don't worry, I will give you an answer before tomorrow morning."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

He turned to look at Zhou Zheng and others, and said: "It seems that this trip is really in vain, but it is worthwhile to see the beautiful scenery of Snake Mountain... Governor Zhou, let's go back."

Hearing this, Zhou Zheng nodded quickly and said, "Fortunately, the sun has not set yet, otherwise it would not be easy for us to go down the mountain once it gets dark."

People came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

When we returned to Zhoucheng, it was completely dark.

Zhou Zheng invited Lin Feng and others to live in the Governor's Mansion, and Lin Feng would not refuse.

Later, Zhou Zheng wanted to entertain Lin Feng and Sun Fujia, but Lin Feng refused because he was too tired and wanted to rest directly. In this way, Lin Feng slept through the night.

The next morning, as he yawned and opened his eyes, he heard a knock on the door.

Sun Fuga's voice sounded outside: "Zide, there is news."

When Lin Feng heard this, his eyes flashed suddenly. He quickly got down to put on his shoes and opened the door.

Looking at Sun Fuga outside the door, he said directly: "How?"

Sun Fujia nodded heavily, his face full of surprise and surprise: "Zide, you are really amazing! It's just as you expected!"

When Lin Feng heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face that was a little paralyzed because he had just woken up. He said, "It seems like the case is clear."

Before Sun Fujia could show his shocked expression, he continued: "Dr. Sun, what about the other things I asked you to ask about?"

Sun Fujia took out a piece of paper from his arms and said, "This is what our people secretly inquired about."

"But about Han Chenglin..."

Lin Feng understood what Sun Fujia meant and said with a smile: "Just ask Zhao Minglu about this."

Sun Fuga nodded: "Then there will be no problem."

"Lin Sicheng, Doctor Sun, how was your rest last night?"

At this time, the voice of the governor Zhou Zheng suddenly sounded. He strode over and said with cupped hands: "I have ordered people to prepare meals. Lin Sicheng and Dr. Sun were too tired last night and rested without dinner. They must be hungry now." It’s broken... This time you should have a taste of the meal I have carefully prepared for you."

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia looked at each other, then smiled and said: "Thank you, Governor Zhou, for your kindness... But I think we should eat this meal after solving the case, it will be more enjoyable."

"After solving the case?" Zhou Zheng was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Lin Feng meant.

I heard Lin Feng say with a smile: "Please ask Governor Zhou to bring the relevant people to the scene of Gan Qing's murder in Snake Mountain. Some of the hidden truths should be revealed."


Two hours later.

The midday sun shines on the Snake Mountain, passing through the gaps in the leaves, and the stars fall on the body, bringing a touch of warmth.

Snake Mountain, which usually doesn't have many people in a day, was very lively at this time.

The government officials guarded the perimeter to prevent wild beasts and venomous snakes from approaching.

Inside were Lin Feng, Sun Fujia, Zhao Shiwu, Zhou Zheng, Sun Heqin, Cai Wengyi and other related personnel.

At this time, Lin Feng, Sun Fujia, Zhao Minglu and Zhao Shiwu were standing together, while Zhou Zheng and others were standing opposite, looking at Lin Feng with curious expressions.

Especially the county magistrates Cai Wengyi and Sun Heqin were curious and confused. It was obvious that they did not expect that they would have a chance to get out of prison before they were exiled and beheaded, and they came to the case five months ago. Discovery scene.

Zhou Zheng looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Sicheng, everyone is here... You said this morning that you wanted to reveal the hidden truth. Dare I ask what is going on?"

"Is there still something wrong with my decision on the case?"

After hearing Zhou Zheng's words, everyone's eyes immediately fell on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng, still smiling, but what he said made everyone stunned: "Prince Zhou, you said that there were flaws in the case you decided. This is really an apology for the word "flaw". The word "flaw" can't be said. We cannot afford the truth behind Gan Qing’s murder that is full of mistakes and omissions.”


Zhou Zheng was stunned for a moment.

The others were also taken aback.

What does Lin Feng mean by this?
Did he mean that Zhou Zheng's conclusion of the case was not a minor problem, but an outrageous mistake?
Zhou Zheng's face suddenly darkened. He looked at Lin Feng, frowned and said, "Please let Lin Sicheng explain clearly... what exactly is wrong with my case."

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Governor Zhou. I have a few questions to ask Governor Zhou."

"what is the problem?"

Lin Feng asked: "What case did Governor Zhou decide?"

Zhou Zhengdao: "Of course it's the murder of Gan Qing!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and continued to ask: "Since it is the murder of Gan Qing, why should Sun Heqin be sentenced to death?"

Zhou Zheng was stunned and said: "He killed Gan Qing. If I don't sentence him to death, who should be sentenced to death?"

Sun Heqin also didn't understand what Lin Feng meant and looked at Lin Feng blankly.

Then, they heard what they thought was the most outrageous thing in their lives - Lin Feng said with a half-smile but not a smile: "It was not Gan Qing who he killed, but Governor Zhou used Gan Qing's death to sentence another murderer to death... It's really Reasonable!?"

 Forgive me for stopping here, my mind is really confused. I have to write the most exciting reasoning part in the best possible condition.

  In fact, I should have stopped at the point where the protagonist said that he wanted the truth to be revealed, but I was afraid that people would say that the break was uncomfortable, so I reluctantly wrote it here and first revealed a suspense of the case.

  Let me write out the exciting parts in the best possible way tomorrow morning. I will update at noon!

  Finally, thank you to Radish Tea, thank you for peeling off the tape, thank you to many digital book friends for their support, and thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly support!

(End of this chapter)

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