Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 312 Interference in North Korea and Westward Expansion into Sichuan and Shu

The only thing that makes Wang Minhao feel gratified is that he is no longer just a judge of the Joseon Dynasty.

Instead, he was the minister of the Korean government who was personally appointed by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

In other words, Wang Minhao can now be regarded as a member of the Ming Dynasty.

This point really made Wang Minhao feel dumbfounded.

I cry because North Korea has been destroyed by the Qing Dynasty, and even the resistance forces are only three or two big cats and kittens, which is really unviable.

And the reason for laughing is that he, Wang Minhao, has finally escaped from the quagmire of North Korea and become a member of the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that he has achieved a class jump.

From now on, he, Wang Minhao, and his former colleagues in Pao Ze are from two different worlds.

Just when Wang Minhao was looking at the sea, thinking about how he would complete the tasks assigned by the Ming Emperor after returning to North Korea in the future.

Lin Shuangwen, commander of the 2nd Marine Brigade of the Royal Navy of the Ming Dynasty, came to his side and asked.

"Master Wang, Master, please come over and discuss matters!"

Lin Shuangwen was an anti-Qing rebel on the Da Yuan side. Before the Ming Dynasty regained Fujian, his troops successfully seized control of Da Yuan Island and then chose to surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

Then, Yan Yan, Lin Shuangwen and other rebel generals were conferred official positions and titles.

But Lin Shuangwen is unwilling to be lonely and does not want to start caring for the elderly at a young age.

After surrendering to the Ming Dynasty, he took the initiative to apply to enter the Ming Dynasty Royal Lecture Hall Military Academy to learn new tactics of the firearms force.

After graduating from the military academy with excellent results, Lin Shuangwen was appointed as the regiment leader by the Fifth Army Governor's Office and entered the Ming Royal Navy to serve.

Next, he successively made military exploits in the Ming Dynasty's cross-sea attack on Fujian and the capture of British pirates.

Along the way, he was promoted to the brigade commander of the 2nd Marine Brigade of the Royal Navy of the Ming Dynasty and went to North Korea to perform combat missions.

The commander he mentioned was the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty's troops aiding Korea this time, Huang Changjun, commander of the Korean Fleet of the Ming Dynasty Royal Navy.

Although Huang Changjun is not very prominent among the generals of the Ming army, his qualifications are very deep.

When Ming Dynasty was still huddled in the mountains and valleys of Guangxi fighting guerrillas, he had already joined the group.

Over the years, he has been working in the navy. As the Ming Dynasty's navy continued to expand, he was steadily promoted.

Now he can definitely be regarded as one of the top leaders in the Ming army!

When Wang Minhao heard this, his expression changed and he said with a smile.

"General Laurin has come to tell me, I will go now!"

Although his rank as the North Korean envoy was higher than that of Lin Shuangwen, the brigade commander, he had no airs at all in front of Lin Shuangwen.

That’s quite polite!

The reason for this was not that Wang Minhao, a civil servant, began to learn to respect warriors, but that he did not dare to offend Lin Shuangwen.

You must know that Lin Shuangwen also has a backing. His eldest brother Yan Yan is now one of the few dukes in the Ming Dynasty.

Although he has no real power, in terms of rank, he is a real high-level military official.

He is an important person who can participate in the discussions in the Imperial Study Room.

As for Wang Minhao, a civil servant from North Korea, he had no one to support him.

Therefore, although Wang Minhao was granted the title of envoy of the Joseon Dynasty, he still could not help but be cautious in his daily actions.

When Lin Shuangwen heard this, he waved his hand very politely and said.

"Mr. Wang, you're too polite. It's just a matter of course."

The attitude is also very enthusiastic.

Lin Shuangwen knew that when he arrived in North Korea, he would have to continue working with Wang Minhao.

As long as there is no conflict of interest, it is always right to have a good relationship with Paoze.

Although Wang Minho has no background in the court, his status as a former high-ranking official of the Joseon Kingdom is his greatest talisman.

If Ming Dynasty wanted to intervene in North Korean affairs, it needed a fig leaf to act as a facade.

Since the DPRK did not want to establish another Korean king, it could only choose a high-ranking official with a reputation in Korea to be the spokesperson of the Ming Dynasty.

In this case, for the time being, Wang Minhao's position is actually irreplaceable.

Lin Shuangwen would naturally not offend him.

The two walked together towards the command cabin of the warship.

By the time they arrived at the command module, the entire fleet's top brass had gathered.

The two found their seats and took their seats.

Huang Changjun, who was sitting at the top, looked around and saw that everyone was here, and spoke.

"Today we have called everyone here to discuss matters. First of all, we are going to prepare to explain our tasks to everyone."

"According to the instructions of the Fifth Army Governor's Office, after arriving in North Korea, our army should first capture Jeju Island and build a barracks and water fortress to serve as a logistics base."

"Then, we are preparing to land in Incheon. Even if we cannot recapture Seoul, we must establish our Ming Dynasty momentum as soon as possible."

"The other is Mr. Wang, the commander of the system. Mr. Wang, you must take your own responsibilities. After our army lands in Inchon, Mr. Wang must use his identity and reputation to contact the leaders of the various rebel armies in North Korea in order to get support as soon as possible. .”

"Our army has limited strength. If we cannot get support from the rebels from all over North Korea, it will be difficult to gain a foothold."

"Brigadier Lin, your Marine Training Team must also be ready at any time to provide military guidance to various rebel armies and help various anti-Qing rebel armies conduct training..."


In general, the Ming army intervened in the Korean War this time and did not prepare to end up fighting the Manchus to death.

Instead, they are preparing to add obstacles to the Qing army by supporting anti-Qing rebels across North Korea.

As for the Ming Dynasty Army itself, it played a role in holding back the troops, providing military guidance to the anti-Qing rebels and providing them with ordnance and weapons.

Unless the situation becomes urgent and irreversible, the Ming army will not end easily.

The huge fleet continued to move towards North Korea.

Flags with clear characters fluttered in the sky.


With the end of the Battle of Fengyang, the Ming army defeated the Qing army and captured tens of thousands.

To those with discerning eyes, the situation in the world is actually clear.

Everyone understands that the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the rise of the Ming Dynasty have become a foregone conclusion.

The Ming army was unable to continue its advance because it was hampered by the bursting of the Yellow River.

The Qing army's inability to advance was truly incapable of advancing. If the Ming army had not been distracted by the Yellow River, it would have been difficult for the Qing army to maintain its current front line.

Now all the Qing court can do is trade space for time and linger on.

However, the Ming Dynasty was not prepared to give the Qing court this little time to survive.

Since the Ming army was temporarily unable to mobilize troops on the frontal battlefield, the Fifth Army Governor's Office quickly made a new decision.

They are eastward and westward respectively!

The goal of the eastward advance was North Korea. By intervening in the Korean war, it would contain the Qing court's military strength and reduce North Korea's blood transfusion to the Qing court.

Use this to attack the Qing court!

In order to collapse the rule of the Qing court as soon as possible.

The goal of the westward advance is to capture Sichuan and Shu, the land of abundance, and then, with the cooperation of local chieftain forces, capture Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and completely unify the entire south.

Under the cooperation of the envoys sent by the Ming Dynasty, the chieftains in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan have now reached a unified opinion.

Get ready to join the Ming Dynasty!

Preparations for war on all sides are in full swing!

In November of the third year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, the Ming court received news that the White Lotus Religious Army and the Qing army fought again in Chengdu.

The main force of the Ming army hoarded in Huguang seized this opportunity and began to march westward.

At the end of November, the Ming army passed Wushan, captured Kuizhou, Fengjie and other places, passed Yunyang and Wanxian, and continued to advance westward.

On December 8, the Ming army broke through Fengdu, marched to Fuling, and approached Chongqing.

At this time, the Qing army in Chongqing was transferred to the Chengdu Plain by the Qing government's governor of the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, Eleventh Brother Yongxuan, to fight the decisive battle with the White Lotus Religious Army. Chongqing’s city defense is empty!

Facing a Chongqing city with empty defenses, the Ming army used heavy artillery as the forerunner, combined with rockets, to clear the ground with explosive bombs.

It only took two days to capture Chongqing, an important town in eastern Sichuan.

After capturing Chongqing, the Ming army's offensive continued. The army continued to advance westward along the river and captured the second prefecture of Xuzhou in Luzhou.

And start heading north!

The military front is directed towards Chengdu...


Outside Chengdu, on the vast Chengdu Plain, the Qing army was fighting in formation with the White Lotus Teaching Army.

Boom! Boom!

The roar of artillery continued.

The battlefield was filled with smoke and shells were flying everywhere.

Plow gaps in the arrays on both sides.

Artillery shells poured into the array, and in the blink of an eye there was a bloody path, with dozens or hundreds of casualties.

Screams and wails continued to sound.

Although on the frontal battlefield where the Ming and Qing Dynasties fought, both sides had begun to use line infantry tactics, and played lining up to shoot.

But on the Sichuan and Sichuan side, due to the relatively closed terrain and delayed news, the Qing army and the rebel army still used traditional dense arrays of cold weapons when fighting.

And this made the shelling on both sides look quite bloody.

The projectiles passed through the array, setting off a mess of limbs and broken arms, and the smelly internal organs were scattered everywhere.

Warm blood was splashed on the ground, white steam steaming.

The scene is shocking!

Yongxuan stood at the top of Chengdu City, looking at the battle situation outside the city, with a slightly complicated expression.

The Qing army's musketeers lined up in dense formations and fired continuously.

Smoke fills the air!

But the White Lotus Sect's array continued to move forward despite huge casualties.

"Long live! Long live!"

"The birthless old mother has boundless magic power, the white lotus comes to the world, and my hometown is empty!"


Due to the lack of firearms, the White Lotus Sect was unable to shoot at the Qing army and could only continue to move forward with casualties.

Trying to defeat the Qing army through hand-to-hand combat!

It is worth mentioning that the people at the forefront of the White Lotus Sect are a group of extremely fanatical believers who have been brainwashed by the religion.

Facing the volleys of musketry from the Qing army, although some people continued to fall to the ground, they continued to move forward.

Their eyes were full of religious fanaticism, without any fear of death.

The cry of killing resounded throughout the battlefield!

As the distance between the two sides increased, the number of casualties on the White Lotus Sect's side continued to rise.

Under the musket fire of the Qing army, almost all the soldiers in the front row of the White Lotus Teaching Army fell to the ground.

The scene is shocking!

But even so, those White Lotus sect members who believed that they would definitely enter their hometown of Vacuum after death were still rushing forward layer upon layer.

The leader Song Zhiqing stood in front of a war drum, with bulging muscles and protruding veins all over his body. He waved the drumsticks desperately, making waves of roars, boosting the morale of the army.

"The birthless old mother, the empty hometown, the white lotus coming to the world, the heaven on earth!"

"The white lotus comes to the world, the kingdom of heaven on earth!"

The shouts of the White Lotus cultists became louder and louder.

Finally, the two sides entered the stage of close combat.

The knife saw blood, the spear stabbed, and the sound of the sharp blade cutting through the flesh was heard constantly.

If we say that in the recent battle, the Qing army had the upper hand by virtue of its superiority in firearms.

Then after the battle entered the stage of close combat, the Qing army began to be suppressed.

The White Lotus Sect has no other advantages after facing the Qing army, but not being afraid of death on the battlefield is a huge advantage in itself.

Not long after the battle began, the Qing army began to retreat.

After all, the green battalions of the Qing army in Sichuan and Sichuan were of some quality. It was okay to let them use muskets to shoot at the White Lotus teaching army, but it was almost meaningless to fight hand-to-hand.

When Yongxuan saw this scene, his eyes were about to burst.

Full of anger in his heart, he decisively ordered his Du Biao soldiers to attack, and then blocked the attack of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

After the Qing army increased its troops, the battle situation on the front line became a stalemate again.

Song Zhiqing put down the drumstick and observed the battlefield, his eyes full of determination, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"Attack, keep attacking!"

"We must tear apart the Qing army's defense line and capture Chengdu."

"Tell the brothers, I have received the instruction from the Inanimate Mother, and this Chengdu is where the heaven on earth is to be established."

"Capture the city of Chengdu, and everyone can enjoy peace!"

After Song Zhiqing's order was issued, the members of the White Lotus Sect seemed to be crazy and continued to attack the Qing army's front.

At this moment, the roar of horse hooves sounded from the outside of the battlefield.

I saw groups of Qing troops galloping into the battlefield, charging towards the rear formation of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

The horse's hooves flew, as if the ground was about to be trampled to pieces.

This is a fine cavalry brought down from the plateau by the Qing government. It is mainly organized into an army by Tibetans on the plateau.

After Yongxuan arrived in Chengdu, Qianlong ordered the imperial court to send someone to negotiate with the Living Buddha of the Plateau, and then mobilized an elite.

There are not many in number, about three thousand people, but they are all elites who are proficient in riding and archery.

This is the last thing he, as a father, can do for his son.

And this cavalry of three thousand men was indeed regarded by Yongxuan as his final trump card.

If it weren't for the fact that the current battle situation was really dangerous and the Qing army was a little overwhelmed, he wouldn't have let this cavalry attack.


On the battlefield, the sound of horse hooves is getting closer and closer.

Seeing that the Qing army was about to attack, the expression on Song Zhiqing's face did not change at all, but he still said expressionlessly.

"Send the order, let our cavalry attack, block the Tatar cavalry, and defend the Chinese army."

In the battle of Xiangyang that year, hundreds of thousands of White Lotus sect members were overwhelmed by thousands of Solon soldiers from the Qing army. Song Zhiqing could say that this was still fresh in his memory.

Since that battle, Song Zhiqing had been preparing for almost every battle by the Qing army to use cavalry to attack their rear flank and even the central army.

Since he had already taken precautions, how could he let the Qing army succeed easily?

The cavalry of the White Lotus Sect also jumped out of the formation, shouting loudly, and greeted the Qing army's cavalry with fanatical expressions.

The distance between the two sides began to get closer and closer, but when the distance between the two sides was only forty or fifty meters, the Qing cavalry suddenly turned their horses and faced the enemy from the side.

collapse! Bang bang! Bang bang bang!

There was a sound of bow strings trembling, and a wave of arrows was released, shooting towards the cavalry of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

The next moment, the sound of arrows piercing flesh was heard.

The cavalrymen of the White Lotus Religious Army who rushed at the front were constantly hit by arrows and fell off their horses.

For a time, there were heavy casualties. (End of chapter)

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