Of course, Fukang'an was so angry.

Not just because he was deceived.

Also because of the identities of Chang Wei and others!

They were the Great Wall that the Qing Dynasty relied on, and the Eight Banners New Army that the Qing Dynasty relied on to fight against the Ming thieves.

The results of it?

That's it? !

He only lost twice and his spine was broken?

Are you starting to treat French military discipline as nothing?

Is this okay?

Also, where is this place?

This is Zhili, the capital of the Qing Dynasty.

It is only two to three hundred miles away from the Qing capital.

This group of rebels dared to plunder wantonly here, so do they still have the slightest awe in their hearts?

The anger in Fukangan's heart boiled.

Chang Wei in front of him turned pale because he couldn't bear the pressure brought by Fu Kang'an. He didn't dare to speak harshly anymore and simply knelt down with a pop.

While kowtowing, he begged for mercy.

"General, please spare your life. This slave realizes your mistake. Please forgive me, General..."

At the same time, the Qing soldiers behind Chang Wei also knelt down and begged Fukang'an for mercy.

They knew they were in the wrong, and now they were really scared.

Seeing this, Fukangan's expression improved slightly, but he still snorted coldly.

"Come here, let me capture these rebels!"

After the words fell, the soldiers and guards around Fukangan stepped forward one after another, removed the weapons from Chang Wei and his party, and then tied them up.

Chang Wei and his group were still kowtowing and begging for mercy, but Fukangan was unmoved at all.

Originally, he was still thinking about how he should organize his troops.

Now it's good, a ready-made target to kill the chicken and scare the monkeys comes to the door, and even hits the muzzle of the gun.

Fukangan suddenly had a plan in mind!


On the second day, at dawn, Fukangan and his party continued their journey towards Baoding City.

At noon, they rode to the outside of Baoding City.

Fukang'an had no intention of going into the city to rest. After arriving in Baoding, he immediately led people towards the Qing army camp outside the city.

But when Fukang'an arrived at the Qing army camp, his face turned completely dark immediately.

The scene he saw before him made him doubt whether he was entering a vegetable market or a military camp of the Qing Dynasty.

The gate of the military camp was wide open, and the defensive facilities such as trenches and horses were completely missing.

There isn’t even a guard responsible for patrolling the gate!

There was chaos everywhere in the whole camp. There were people drinking, gambling, people sleeping with Sister Yao in their arms, and even people setting up stalls to sell things. It was very lively.

But there is no one who practices.

How does this look like an army? !

It can only be said that after the Battle of Yangzhou and the Battle of Fengyang, the Qing army was really frustrated.

Fukangan's face was gloomy and scary.

However, although Fukang'an was angry, he did not bother to argue with a group of low-level soldiers. Instead, he rode directly into the camp.

Prepare to reorganize the army from top to bottom!

After arriving at the Chinese army's tent, Fukangan spoke to several soldiers around him.

"Go, beat the drum and gather the generals!"

"Those who fail to do the three tongs and drums will be severely punished!"


The next moment, the sound of war drums resounded throughout the Qing army camp.

Those Qing soldiers who were drinking, gambling, and visiting prostitutes were all excited when they heard the sound of drums.

But immediately, after they came to their senses, they continued to do their own thing.

Some people even cursed.

"Damn it, what kind of turtle grandson gave birth to a son without an asshole drank too much and had nothing to do to play drums?"

"Made, can you play this drum casually? If you bang the drum randomly in the army, you will lose your head."

"Forget it, forget it, ignore him, brothers, keep drinking..."


After a long period of relaxation and indulgence, these Qing soldiers no longer took the orders of the generals seriously.

I thought it was another Mengzi who drank too much and played drums!

Fukang'an sat in front of the Chinese army's tent for a quarter of an hour. When the three-tone drum was played, there were only three or two big cats and kittens present, and his face became increasingly ugly.

With a calm face, Fukangan spoke again with a cold face.

"As a soldier, I don't even listen to the military orders."

"Is this how you serve the Qing Dynasty and the Emperor?"

Seeing this, the generals below all lowered their heads with shame on their faces.

Although they came to the Chinese army's camp in accordance with the drum order, the current chaos in the Qing army's camp is inseparable from their indulgence and turning a blind eye.

Now that the imperial court has sent senior officials to rectify military affairs, they must be inseparable from it.

I'm afraid everyone will be implicated.

Fukang'an had a cold face and ordered people to beat the three-tone drum again.

While beating the drum, he also signaled the Qing generals in the camp to inform their acquaintances to come and gather with the generals.

In the final analysis, although Fukang'an wanted to rectify the army, he did not want to make things too ugly.

In this way, after the three-tone drum rang again, the Qing army generals finally gathered together.

Among them, many people smelled of alcohol and makeup.

Some people carefully raised their heads to observe Fukangan's face. Looking at Fukangan's gloomy expression, which seemed to be dripping with water, everyone couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Fukangan looked around and said with a cold face. "This general is General Fu Kang'an of Fuyuan. I have been specially ordered by the emperor to rush to Baoding to rectify military affairs. The emperor has granted permission to kill him first and report later."

"Everyone, please be sure to fully cooperate with this general. Otherwise, don't say that you are unforeseen!"

When the generals of the Qing army heard this, they couldn't help but look stern and bowed down.


"The general will obey the order!"

Fukang'an's words have reached this point, so naturally no one will be ignorant.

They don’t want to become the chicken that was killed in Kill the Chicken to Scare the Monkey!

Seeing this, Fukangan nodded slightly and continued.

"In order to rectify military affairs, the first priority should be to improve military law and discipline..."

After expounding the necessity of military law and discipline, Fukang'an changed his words and spoke.

"On my way to take office, I saw in front of my eyes that some rebels were killing good people and taking credit for their merits, looting places and disregarding the laws of the Qing Dynasty."

"If the general doesn't see it, forget it."

"But since it hit the muzzle of the gun, the general cannot ignore it."

"Here comes the guilty general!"

After Fukangan finished speaking, the soldiers beside him turned around and went down, and soon escorted Chang Wei and his party up.

Along with it, there were bags of property stained with blood, which were the harvest of the robbery by Chang Wei and others.

It can be described as catching a thief and getting dirty!

Chang Wei and others were led to kneel on the ground, and the bags of belongings were thrown in front of them.

Fukangan said with a cold face when he saw this scene.

"Crime will always be powerful. Now that you have committed crimes of killing good people and robbing our people in the Qing Dynasty, there are all the witnesses and material evidence. What else can you say?"

When Chang Wei heard this, his body trembled suddenly, and he continued to kowtow in apology while trembling.

His face was full of fear of death.

Looking at the current situation, he knew that he was about to become the chicken in the story of killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

How could he not be afraid?

However, facing Fukang'an, the Fuyuan general, all Chang Wei could do was kowtow to apologize.

"I know my mistake. I know my mistake. Please forgive me, General!"

"I know I was wrong. General, please give me a chance to atone for my sins!"

When Fukang'an heard this, he was not touched at all. He just asked the generals expressionlessly.

"According to our military orders of the Qing Dynasty, what is the crime for killing good people and defrauding the people and robbing the people?"

When the generals heard this, they were stunned and froze on the spot.

His expression was slightly confused.

Having said that, does our Qing Dynasty have this military law?

Almost all the Qing troops had done this by killing good people and taking credit for their merits, slaughtering cities and looting. If they were really punished severely, it would be a big deal.

There's no way this can be done!

Not to mention that Fukang'an is just an imperial envoy now. Even if he is the emperor, he can't do this.

Seeing this, Fu Kang'an's expression froze obviously, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but make up for it with some embarrassment.

"Although our Qing military law does not clearly stipulate how this crime should be dealt with, it does not mean that this evil deed is innocent."

"Come here, my general, suppress all these rebels and punish them."

"Give the victims of Zhili people an explanation!"

Fukangan has made up his mind to kill Chang Wei and others.

In addition to the fact that he wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and establish his authority, the reason was actually the idea of ​​​​pacifying the people.

Now the Qing Dynasty has lost many cities and territories.

All the southeastern provinces have been named Zhu, and provinces such as Anhui, Jiangsu, and Hubei have all fallen to the Ming army.

The Qing army and the rebel army in Sichuan, Henan and other places are frequently fighting back and forth.

In addition, Qianlong entrusted the provinces to the jurisdiction of several princes.

In other words, there are now very few provinces that the Qing government can actually control within the customs.

It is nothing more than Zhili and the two provinces of Shandong and Shanxi.

Here, Zhili is the top priority!

The rebellion of the Qing army killed people and looted in Zhili, which was a very sad thing for the people.

Moreover, under the current circumstances, the Qing government could no longer ignore the people of Zhili.

Therefore, Chang Wei and other typical examples who are caught must die.

Fukang'an knew that he had to give an explanation to the people of Zhili.


Shanghai, Yangtze River Estuary!

A fleet of boats slowly left the dock and headed towards the sea.

In the fleet, large flags with clear characters fluttered in the wind, and red flags rolled in the air.

On the side of the ship, densely packed gun windows were arranged neatly.

It brings huge psychological pressure to people!

Wang Minhao of the North Korean mission was standing on the deck of the ship, looking towards the north, his eyes full of memories and expectations.

He has been away from his hometown for more than a year since the Qing army invaded North Korea last year and he was ordered to lead a team from North Korea to seek help from the Ming Dynasty.

Although he has now solicited reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty, the situation in North Korea has already been turned upside down.

The capital of Korea was captured by the Qing army, and the king was captured and killed by the Qing army. Most of the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty fell under the iron heel of the Qing army.

Theoretically speaking, North Korea is now even subjugated.

Wang Minhao doesn’t know how he will face his elders in his hometown when he returns to North Korea... (End of Chapter)

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